Politics: dead cats and red hats

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Time for a new politics thread. Guessing it’ll be fairly quiet given the calm and measured state of world politics today.

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  • #42664

    So Trump is running a fundraiser for his lawsuits, and the small print states that half of any donation goes to his debt and retirement fund

    The art of the really shitty deal

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  • #42666

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  • #42667

    So Trump is running a fundraiser for his lawsuits, and the small print states that half of any donation goes to his debt and retirement fund

    How do you pay off $400m? Get some other suckers to do it for you.

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  • #42668

    <p style=”text-align: left;”>I woke up to great news today, we’re moving to a new house next week, no more camper living! Just to make the day sweeter..

    All I’ve wanted for the last 4 years is to see him dragged out kicking and screaming, I might get my wish! :yahoo:

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  • #42671

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  • #42672

    Two years later Fox News strikes a deal with alien overlords to end the war in Afghanistan for their sons and everyone else’s.

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  • #42673

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  • #42674

    I fuckin LOVE Mark Hamill!

  • #42675

    Well, one thing that has going for it is that it’s a less crazy conspiracy theory than QAnon itself….

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 4 months ago by Will_C.
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  • #42677

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  • #42678

    Oh so now everyone’s okay with the AP calling nevada quite early, eh?? =P

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  • #42680

    I love the rumour that the Trump camp had intended to book the Four Seasons hotel for their big defiant press conference but someone accidentally booked a hardware store with the same name that happened to be next to a dildo emporium and they just thought “fuck it, let’s go with it”.

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  • #42681

    Did Kasich check with Biden before making this comment?

    Progressives Outraged as Biden Ally John Kasich Warns Democrats on the Far Left

    After media outlets projected President Donald Trump’s defeat, Kasich—one of the Republicans reportedly being floated as a potential Cabinet choice for Biden’s administration—said “the Democrats have to make it clear to the far left that they almost cost him the election.”

    Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York tweeted: Anyone saying this after immigrant organizers delivered AZ, Black grassroots flipped Georgia, MI going blue w reality-bending 94% Detroit margin @RashidaTlaib running up the margins in her district & Trump publicly challenging @IlhanMN in MN and losing isn’t a serious person. https://t.co/2FtJzqGki8

    She makes a good point. They can’t say that the progressive side of the party won them the swing states but also cost them the election. If Biden wants a second term, he will have to fight for progressive policies — some sort of move toward democratic socialist programs are going to be the only options for Covid responses and economic recovery in any case and clearly they can’t rely on the same kind of corporatism-lite that we’ve had since Clinton.

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  • #42683

    Biden’s not the guy for that unfortunately but Harris seems more receptive (read: opportunistic) and could be President before, maybe well before, 2024. It all depends on what kind of pressure the left can bring.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 4 months ago by Will_C.
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  • #42690

    Now in Georgia, there are two run offs for Senate and should the Dems win both, it will be a 50-50 split and guess who is tie breaker? Vice President Kamala.

    That is why the race is on in Georgia until the runoff Election Day in January.

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  • #42697

  • #42698

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  • #42699

    Right. So this was an interesting four years. Hey, can we get the whole Brexit and Corona things back to normal now, too?

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  • #42707

    Right. So this was an interesting four years. Hey, can we get the whole Brexit and Corona things back to normal now, too?

    There are some positive knock-on effects for Brexit here. Biden takes his Irish heritage seriously, and will definitely hew towards the opinion of the Irish-American community, who are very much in favour of whatever deal is advantageous to us and will be up in arms if the US makes a trade deal with the UK after a no-deal Brexit. Nancy Pelosi had been saying as much for the last year or two as well.

    So just this once, I’ll let the Plastic Paddies revel in their Irish cosplay.

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  • #42708

    Don’t worry everyone, there’s still a path for QAnon!

    OK, yes, I’m making fun of them but there’s a significant percentage of Republicans who literally believe at least some of this shit, and one of them has been elected to Congress, so it is a legitimate concern.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 4 months ago by lorcan_nagle.
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  • #42710

    Right. So this was an interesting four years. Hey, can we get the whole Brexit and Corona things back to normal now, too?

    There are some positive knock-on effects for Brexit here. Biden takes his Irish heritage seriously, and will definitely hew towards the opinion of the Irish-American community, who are very much in favour of whatever deal is advantageous to us and will be up in arms if the US makes a trade deal with the UK after a no-deal Brexit. Nancy Pelosi had been saying as much for the last year or two as well.

    So just this once, I’ll let the Plastic Paddies revel in their Irish cosplay.

    Plus Boris is apparently holding off on deciding to go for a no deal or not based on whether Trump ot Biden won.

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  • #42711

    Plus Boris is apparently holding off on deciding to go for a no deal or not based on whether Trump ot Biden won.

    Yup which is the most vital point. Brexit is happening but since I’m from there and so are loads of friends and family I don’t want economic collapse. If he doesn’t have a US deal lined up then it reduces the risk of no deal with the EU which is only appealing to extreme xenophobes and disaster capitalists.

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  • #42712

    Plus Boris is apparently holding off on deciding to go for a no deal or not based on whether Trump ot Biden won.

    Yeah, at the very least he’s got to commit to keeping the border in the Irish Sea now. And while I type that I realise I have no faith that he will do this.

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  • #42714

    Johnson also doesn’t have Trump to deflect attention away from him. He hated scrutiny before? He’s not going to like it in future.

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  • #42718

    I did not get much work done last week, and wife and I have spent most of Wednesday to today glued to MSNBC (occasionally CNN); up ’til 2.30 most nights waiting on new counts. We missed the actual call last night as it was at about 4.00am here. Woke up with plenty of time to catch the speeches today after digesting the bizarre Four Seasons caper. What a wild ride, and what a relief to have a leader talk about meeting with experts and having a plan.

    The indications from Schumer about an FDR-style first 100 days is comforting too.

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  • #42720

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  • #42728

    Trump has announced he’s going to be holding a press conference later, but apparently it’s going to be at a landscaping company?

    Apparently due to a venue mixup; they intended to speak from the Four Seasons hotel, but someone phoned Four Seasons Landscaping instead.


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  • #42729

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  • #42730

    I love the rumour that the Trump camp had intended to book the Four Seasons hotel for their big defiant press conference but someone accidentally booked a hardware store with the same name that happened to be next to a dildo emporium and they just thought “fuck it, let’s go with it”.

    Is there a serious explanation for this? Primarily, I just don’t see how a person could go about booking a parking lot outside a business for any event. Definitely not by accident. It’s easy to book space outside of a hotel because that is what they do.

    However, just think about this. If you wanted to book the parking lot outside your local grocery store or home depot, who would you call? Even if you got hold of the manager, they’d have no idea what to do because that’s not the business they’re in. I book spaces fairly often and there are insurance and permits required not even taking into account Secret Service inspections. Now imagine calling them and saying you want to book it today for the President of the United States.

    Just logistically, none of it makes any sense.

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  • #42733

    Is there a serious explanation for this? Primarily, I just don’t see how a person could go about booking a parking lot outside a business for any event. Definitely not by accident. It’s easy to book space outside of a hotel because that is what they do.

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  • #42736

    Kim Kardashian is apparently celebrating Biden’s victory despite Kanye’s candidacy…weird shit.

  • #42739

    Just logistically, none of it makes any sense.

    It really doesn’t.

    I had a friend suggest it was some great manipulative idea to reflect a connection to the working class by choosing some random suburban location.

    This is not entirely crazy but also has issues. Firstly it wasn’t that clever if it was the idea as everyone is taking the piss out of it, secondly Trump initially tweeted it was the actual Four Seasons and then deleted and corrected it.

    The inherent issue here is that there are very clever people behind populism, that know what buttons to press and which data to use. It also is a system that rewards cronyism, so promotes loads of people outside their level of competence or experience. So Trump’s son in law becomes the expert on the middle east, or in the UK a rather unsuccessful mobile phone operator becomes the head of Covid ‘test and trace’ because she lunches with the right people.

    Guiliani himself, the face of the press conference, was recently duped into the Borat masturbation thing.

    So we get this equal combo of genius and incompetence, using targeted internet intelligence and just dumb assed mistakes,  and it can be a toss up which it is.

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  • #42740

    Yeah, if it’s a choice between cock-up or conspiracy then I know which way I’d assume the Trump camp leans.

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  • #42741

    I think it’s simply the case that they made a huge cock-up but they’d never admit it because that would be a sign of weakness, so no matter how stupid they look, they just kind of ignore it and let the Trump cultists rationalise it themselves. It’s all part of Trump’s systemic narcissism.

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  • #42744

    Plus Boris is apparently holding off on deciding to go for a no deal or not based on whether Trump ot Biden won.

    Yup which is the most vital point. Brexit is happening but since I’m from there and so are loads of friends and family I don’t want economic collapse. If he doesn’t have a US deal lined up then it reduces the risk of no deal with the EU which is only appealing to extreme xenophobes and disaster capitalists.

    The daughter of my friend got married at the end of the last year and is living in London with her husband in the house they bought, it is still not clear at all what is going to happen to her with brexit. (She is Dutch, obviously. Her husband is English.) And then covid happened and they couldn’t travel over here anymore. It must be hard for her, luckily she is incredibly strong and smart.


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  • #42746

    It’s worth noting that movements like Trump’s are almost always really badly organised and full of incompetents but do a great job of selling an image of competency and cunning. Mussolini literally didn’t make the trains run on time, most of the image of the Nazi war machine as a proficient, well-oiled machine comes from literal Nazi propaganda like Triumph of the Will, and the Blitzkrieg only succeeded because the German soldiers were hyped to the gills on speed. If the French could have held out for a week or two longer the entire front would have collapsed when everyone crashed.

    Trump’s success came from short-circuiting American politics in a couple of ways that it’s incredibly vulnerable to – between mechanical issues like the less-democratic nature of FPTP voting and the Electoral College, to cultural issues like the US tending to sweep ugly elements of their history under the rug and letting them fester instead of dealing with them. He enabled the agenda of enough people with power that he was able to get cover from the Republican establishment, but if he hadn’t been useful cover for them he would have been toast. And as soon as they decided to cut him loose you can see how he’s floundering.

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  • #42750

    Mussolini literally didn’t make the trains run on time, most of the image of the Nazi war machine as a proficient, well-oiled machine comes from literal Nazi propaganda like Triumph of the Will, and the Blitzkrieg only succeeded because the German soldiers were hyped to the gills on speed. If the French could have held out for a week or two longer the entire front would have collapsed when everyone crashed.

    That reliance on Pervitin is something I’ve only started hearing more about recently. Also, as historians have access to more of the Soviet archives, it is becoming increasingly clear that it wasn’t the Russian winter that defeated the Germans on the Eastern Front, but by the second year of combat, the Soviet army had pulled together and was simply a better fighting force than the Germans, much larger and increasingly better equipped by their allies. Honestly, the Soviets simply got their asses in line and outfought the Germans. A lot of what we were taught about the war seems to be mostly a combination of Nazi propaganda and an intent on the part of the Western allies to undermine the Soviets.

    I also think we really need to question the reliability of our own armed forces today. I think we really overestimate the ability of the US military to actually fight a war and underestimate the willingness of China and Russia to engage in combat as well. It’s the primary concern I have over a Biden presidency in that previous Democratic administrations have proven just as willing to use military power as Republicans have.

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  • #42753

    I think it’s simply the case that they made a huge cock-up but they’d never admit it because that would be a sign of weakness, so no matter how stupid they look, they just kind of ignore it and let the Trump cultists rationalise it themselves. It’s all part of Trump’s systemic narcissism.

    Don’t worry, the rationalisation is in!

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  • #42757

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  • #42758

    George W. Bush Congratulates President-Elect Joe Biden, Says He Is “A Good Man”

    Before Trump, W was considered one of the worst Presidents ever elected, but he got something Trump didn’t: a second term.

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  • #42759

    Facebook continues to deliver

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  • #42762


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  • #42766

    And then covid happened and they couldn’t travel over here anymore. It must be hard for her, luckily she is incredibly strong and smart.

    She should be ok although the process is likely to be a pain.

    They have been offering ‘settled status’ to EU citizens already there and if she falls outside that would get permanent residency as a spouse of a British citizen. The requirements are you pass an English and a ‘living in the UK’ test (the latter can be memorised from a book) and the husband must earn over £20k a year, which he almost certainly does if they can afford a house in London.

    People trapped by Covid is a thing I think the press haven’t covered much. There are thousands of Europeans over here who are on 90 day tourist visas that the government keep extending as long as there are movement restrictions, currently that up until at least the end of this year. I had an Italian friend who went to Vietnam for a weekend and was there for 4 months.

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  • #42767

    John Oliver is on fucking point this week

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  • #42773

    She should be ok although the process is likely to be a pain. They have been offering ‘settled status’ to EU citizens already there and if she falls outside that would get permanent residency as a spouse of a British citizen.

    Cool that is great to know.

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  • #42774

    John Oliver is on fucking point this week

    Such a shame it was filmed before the Four Seasons Total Landscaping fiasco. There’s a full half-hour of material in just that.

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  • #42779

    I’ve just had someone who I previously would have said was extremely intelligent and well educated tell me that if Biden dies Harris can’t become President because she was born outside America, and it must be true because lots of people on Facebook were saying it.

    It took me about six seconds to verify that Harris was born in California.

    Honestly, fake news has won. We might as well all give up now :wacko:


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  • #42783

    It took me about six seconds to verify that Harris was born in California.

    I think we need to see her birth certificate.

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  • #42789

    This is apparently how it’s gonna be every time someone with black or brown skin comes close to the Presidency.

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  • #42791

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  • #42803


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  • #42814

    I heard a speech by Biden that seemed to hit the right note. I am moderately optimistic about where things are going.


    The one thing I am a bit worried about with Biden is his foreign policy, vis a vis the Middle East. I hope he won’t fall into the old regime change routine. Syria is an awful mess and Assad is a bastard but I don’t think his removal by military force will lead to good results. It will be another Iraq.

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  • #42815

    Vladimír Furdík is the actor and stunt performer who portrayed the Night King on Game of Thrones.

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  • #42832

    The one thing I am a bit worried about with Biden is his foreign policy, vis a vis the Middle East. I hope he won’t fall into the old regime change routine. Syria is an awful mess and Assad is a bastard but I don’t think his removal by military force will lead to good results. It will be another Iraq.

    That seems remarkably impossible since Russia and China both support Assad and the US involvement there has already put it on the edge of chaos like it did with Libya. No one can remove a dictator by force without leaving a lot of little wanna-be dictators fighting over the ruins. Only internal political opposition can overthrow Assad.

    The most pressing test of US military policy under Biden will be the strategy toward relations with Saudi Arabia, Iran and Israel. Yemen needs immediate attention. Also, the Ukraine is going to be a headache for Biden primarily because of all the stupid rumors over his son, and now in the literal middle of all these is the Armenia and Azerbaijan conflict which will have an impact on Syria, Iraq, Turkey and the Kurds as well as Crimea just across the Black Sea with Russian forces even more directly and heavily involved in the region.

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  • #42838

    The one thing I am a bit worried about with Biden is his foreign policy, vis a vis the Middle East. I hope he won’t fall into the old regime change routine. Syria is an awful mess and Assad is a bastard but I don’t think his removal by military force will lead to good results. It will be another Iraq.

    I don’t think there’s any value to America in going back into the Middle East now.

    If I were Biden, Venezuela would be top of my list.


  • #42840

    If I were Biden, Venezuela would be top of my list.

    I mean, the US just failed to coup Bolivia, you’d think South America would be even more of a sore spot for imperialism

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  • #42841

    So, the fact that William Barr has given the go-ahead for investigations into “voting irregularities” has me a little nervous now. I know that the Trump administration’s lawsuits so far have all been dismissed due to lack of evidence, and I know they need to perpetuate this grift for as long as possible in order to persuade their gullible loyal followers to help pay down their debts, and I know that they’ve proven their ineptitude a thousand times over, BUT… they’ve also broken every norm in US politics for the last four years. They’re already refusing to start the transition process to the President-elect – which has never happened before either – so it’s still by no means certain what will happen on January 20th.

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  • #42846

    It’s definitely concerning. I still don’t see any realistic path for Trump to block Biden from becoming president in January, but it seems clear that he isn’t going to quietly sit out his remaining days as president either, and will happily try to fuck things up as much as possible in the meantime.

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  • #42852

    Also, the Ukraine is going to be a headache for Biden primarily because of all the stupid rumors over his son, and now in the literal middle of all these is the Armenia and Azerbaijan conflict which will have an impact on Syria, Iraq, Turkey and the Kurds as well as Crimea just across the Black Sea with Russian forces even more directly and heavily involved in the region.

    Yeah the Russia issue is the biggest one, maybe…other than what relation the US wants to have with China. I don’t think Russia is a threat for Western Europe but they are trying to rebuild the old sphere of influence in the ex-Soviet republics. Russians aren’t crazy enough to invade the Baltic countries seeing as how they’re in NATO and there are American forces stationed there, but they are certainly messing with Ukraine.

  • #42862

    So I’m reading about how China has not yet congratulated Biden on his win, but I thought Biden was a Communist and now I’m really confused :unsure:

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  • #42863

    China is not communist, they’re fascist.

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  • #42867

    It is interesting the comparison between modern China and the 20th century fascist regimes except that normally fascists have a single deified ruler with dominance in the nation – sorta like North Korea’s dynasty – but with China, the Party is more dominant. The Soviet leaders, for example, were true communists – behind closed doors they spoke in the same communist terms as they did in public. However, they had Stalin just as China had Mao, but both leaders were eventually disavowed by subsequent communist leaders.

    At heart, I suspect that the Communist Party in China is still communist in ideology, but it does seem like there is a much stronger nationalist element now in their socialism. Mussolini started his political career as a Marxist, so it may be that there is always a risk of these movements tending toward fascism once they have a monopoly on political power.

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  • #42871


    The message, posted on Twitter as an image a few hours after the US TV networks called the election for Biden, congratulates the president-elect on his election, and Harris “on her historic achievement”.

    But the image, a simple white-on-black block of text, is more than it seems. A simple colour adjustment reveals a second message hidden in the background.

    Above and behind the words “Joe Biden on his election”, the shadow of the words “Trump on” become faintly visible. Where the main message reads “the US is our most important ally and I look forward to working closely together”, the words “second term” appear. And below the words “shared priorities” is the phrase “on the future of this”.

    Why would you not just have two different messages? Why would you write one on top of the other?

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  • #42875

    It’s almost as though this is a government that cobbles things together in a half-arsed way.

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  • #42882

    At heart, I suspect that the Communist Party in China is still communist in ideology

    I mean that’s open to a lot of what communism actually means, which is usually a lot of different things to different people. If you go back to Marx it’s almost entirely economic and they’ve pretty much jettisoned every part of that. They have though pretty much retained the same political structures they had during the years of ‘full Comunism’.

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  • #42888

    It is worrying that in some measurements the largest economic force in the world is now China. They are buying up a lot of infrastructure in Europe. I think they own quite a bit of stuff in the Rotterdam harbour.

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  • #42890

    This might be a dumb question but how the hell is it possible that so many states are still counting votes? I understand there are a lot of mail ballots but a week after the election shouldn’t those be counted? Nevada is at 95 % of the votes according to google. Are they just trying to get people upset?

  • #42891

    This might be a dumb question but how the hell is it possible that so many states are still counting votes? I understand there are a lot of mail ballots but a week after the election shouldn’t those be counted? Nevada is at 95 % of the votes according to google. Are they just trying to get people upset?

    In a lot of states the count continues for over a week, it’s just that the margins are usually so wide early on that the number of uncounted votes won’t change the outcome. But in some states Biden and Trump are only leading by a few thousand votes, so the counts are important. This year these issues are exacerbated by increased volumes of early and postal voting, especially where the postal votes that are marked as being sent on the 3rd or before are still trickling in thanks to the Republicans attempts to cripple the USPS in the run-up to the election. It’s worth noting that many of the states still counting are ones where they’re barred from opening the early and postal votes until after the votes on the day are tallied, so there’s no way to even begin counting beforehand. Many other states allow for early votes to be counted before the polls close.

    However, part of the process is also that the members of the Republican and Democrat party can contest a vote for basically any reason, and apparently Republican ones are doing this for any Biden vote they spot. This slows the count down as it’s discussed with officials from the counting team and the observers before the counter can move on. The Trump campaign is claiming that they were not allowed to do this, but every case that’s been before a judge with this claim has been thrown out because the lawyers have been unwilling to perjure themselves. There’s a scene in Veep where Dan successfully argues that a vote with FUCK SELINA MEYER written on it is a vote for her, it’s basically that a thousand times over.

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  • #42892

    That elections work at all seems almost miraculous if you think about it. You have to place a lot of trust in the people counting the votes, or in the case of electronic voting, in the process and the software and cyber-security. I think some Baltic countries have an online voting system which seems pretty ballsy considering the hacking that happens in the world today.

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  • #42893

    A lot of the US voting machines are pretty lo-fi. They don’t exactly have an internet connection. They were showing votes being uploaded by memory stick.

    The thing in the US is by design everything is done at state level so you have 51 different processes. Personally I think voting machines are a waste of time and money but someone gets money out of this thing that sits there unused for 2-4 years at a time when pencil and paper actually returns a faster count in pretty much every other place with no controversy.

    It’s like when I was young you’d get an ‘Innovations’ catalogue through the door and it was great, full of all these labour savings devices and clever ideas for various situations. You’d in the end get nothing because while a hat with a battery powered lightbulb is useful in a power cut I hadn’t had a power cut for seven years and if I did the hat would probably be at the back of a cupboard somewhere, which I couldn’t find because it was dark and if I did the batteries would have calcified after sitting there doing fuck all for the length of time it takes you to qualify to be a doctor or actuary.

    So just buy a couple of candles.

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  • #42901

    Cue the NASA space pen story while the Russians bought pencils.

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  • #42905

    Cue the NASA space pen story while the Russians bought pencils.

    Which is fine until you need to sharpen the pencil.

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  • #42906

    Nevada is at 95 % of the votes according to google. Are they just trying to get people upset?

    Nevada finished counting last Thursday. They’re just wondering how to tell the American public that Kanye was the clear winner there.

    (Not my joke, but worth sharing…)

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  • #42933

    Cue the NASA space pen story while the Russians bought pencils.

    Pencils are high tech, we use them to vote.

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  • #42936

    The Australian state of Qld had its election on 31 October – population 5 million. They only finished counting today.

    From what I saw the postal ballots in the US are double enveloped, and in many cases the envelopes weren’t allowed to be opened until polling day; that would massively slow down the process.

  • #42949


    Made this four days into the election. Drugs… may have been involved.

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  • #42951

    In the UK Sunderland and Newcastle have a race to see who can count the fastest. They could probably send this on to the guys in Nevada.

    In 2015 Sunderland set the record for counting 42,000 ballots to declare final results in 48 minutes from polls closing.

    Before anyone says it I appreciate the difference in geography for many places and complexity of questions on the ballot means it can’t be done like that for everywhere but still… quick eh?

  • #42955

    Not only does he not want to concede the election, he won’t release the money for transition to Biden’s team or invite Biden to the White House.

    He won’t do the traditional things every President does because he is not a career politician and he is imploding.

  • #42959

    invite Biden to the White House.

    Given the reports of Trump sitting around eating fast food and stinking up the place so bad staffers are lighting scented candles that part might be a blessing.

    Also, everyone who steps foot in there is catching COVID, so double blessing

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  • #42960

    If I were Biden I’d go nowhere near there for the sake of my own health.

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  • #42965

    He is not even willing to do a virtual invitation monitor to monitor.

    The guy is clearly off his rocker and 70M voted for him.

    The more I see it the more the physicist Dyson’s words come to mind about how the education system failed a lot of people or vice versa. I mean how many people out there are into ridiculous conspiracy theories, deny climate change, deny the Holocaust, deny mask wearing, and hang on every word this guy says.

    This phenomenon needs to be analyzed imho…

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  • #42967

    If I were Biden I’d go nowhere near there for the sake of my own health.

    I’d probably leave the building vacant and work out of some office block for at least a month while the CDC or USAMRIID thoroughly sterilises everything.

    4 users thanked author for this post.
  • #42968

    Nah, just kick him out earlier. Like before the holidays so Melania does not have to do any of that fucking Christmas stuff.

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  • #42976

    Just to clarify, I don’t mean to say that all 70M who voted for the guy are gullible and ignorant or that education will ultimately enlighten you. Still it is 70M voting his way for one reason or another who apparently bypassed a lot of his racist comments, his pettiness, his ignorance on some issues, the way he treats women, … I can go on but you get the point. I insist that this situation needs to be studied by sociologists, psychologists, political analysts and so on.

    1 user thanked author for this post.
  • #42978

    apparently bypassed a lot of his racist comments, his pettiness, his ignorance on some issues, the way he treats women,

    How do you know they bypassed those ideas rather than embraced them?

    4 users thanked author for this post.
  • #42984

    apparently bypassed a lot of his racist comments, his pettiness, his ignorance on some issues, the way he treats women,

    How do you know they bypassed those ideas rather than embraced them?

    Intrinsically, there’s no difference between supporting Trump because he’s a racist, or supporting Trump despite him being a racist. You’re still supporting a racist and giving implicit support to other racist causes.

    5 users thanked author for this post.
  • #42986

    How do you know they bypassed those ideas rather than embraced them?

    I can’t say for a certainty that all 70M are racist but as Lorcan followed up there is really no difference. Voting for him is still supporting him and his views.

  • #42987

    My feeling is that many of Trump’s supporters are one-issue voters who are only concerned about that issue, and disregard all of a candidate’s faults and foibles as long as he/she is one their side regarding that issue. Whether it’s “right to life” or “white supremacy” or “illegal immigrants coming here to rape our daughters”, Trump’s position on one of these issues aligns with the cares and concerns of a large number of those 70M who voted for him.

    The Republicans in general have been more successful in getting their core to focus on one specific issue at election time, while the Democrats are always splintered into a half-dozen or more groups that think their cause is the most important one, whether it be the environment, LGBTQ rights, Black Lives Matter, college tuition, health care, etc. Ironically the Dems did well this year by focusing on the single most important issue of 2020 — get Trump out of the White House. Let’s see if they fall back to their old habits in 2024.

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  • #42993

    I’ve heard Bannon say some pretty horrible things about the election results. I hope cooler heads will prevail…I think they will. I don’t think Trump will have any other choice but to leave the WH in January when the recounts are done and the fraud allegations have been looked into.

  • #42998

    It’s important that the politically engaged don’t just look at things as ‘left’ or ‘right’.

    I think the rise of populism has fed into this very strongly and manipulated it better. In truth things like tighter gun control, legalisation of cannabis or a higher minimum wage actually have overwhelming poll support in the US but maybe not other liberal policies.

    I always look at Harold Wilson in the UK in the late 1960s with his ‘technocratic’ approach. He passed legalisation of homosexuality, abortion and the end of the death penalty but never ran on any of them. While under risk at times they remain in place 50 years later. It’s more pragmatic than many would like but stand on the popular issues and let the others take their course on the back of the lead you’ve won.

    If the Democrats had had the balls to run on a platform of legalising pot and $15 an hour nationwide as the headlines they’d have won this even more easily and on the back of that passed progressive policies elsewhere.

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  • #43002

    Just to clarify, I don’t mean to say that all 70M who voted for the guy are gullible and ignorant or that education will ultimately enlighten you. Still it is 70M voting his way for one reason or another who apparently bypassed a lot of his racist comments, his pettiness, his ignorance on some issues, the way he treats women, … I can go on but you get the point. I insist that this situation needs to be studied by sociologists, psychologists, political analysts and so on.

    I think a significant amount of voters just don’t put a lot of thought in who they vote for. They just vote Republican or Democrat. This is one of the downsides of the two party systems, for most people who see themselves as right wing or conservative there is not a real alternative to voting for Trump. If you’re born into a traditional family in, I dunno, Utah, chances are good you are going to vote for the Republican candidate regardless of wether the candidate is Trump or Kasich. If you’re born into a progressive family in New York city you will likely vote Democrat, wether the candidate is Hilary Clinton or Bernie Sanders. (Some will change during their lifetime, but I think for the majority, once you made up your mind you are not going to radically change from being a Republican to being a Democrat)

    The fight therefore is just for the swing voters.

  • #43006

    the Democrats are always splintered into a half-dozen or more groups that think their cause is the most important one

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  • #43007

    There is also a significant minority of Trump voters who just love that he is crazy. They love that he is unpresidential, and the more unconventional, the more they love it. They hate conventional politicians, because they’re part of the establishment.






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  • #43008

    In the UK Sunderland and Newcastle have a race to see who can count the fastest. They could probably send this on to the guys in Nevada.

    In 2015 Sunderland set the record for counting 42,000 ballots to declare final results in 48 minutes from polls closing.

    Before anyone says it I appreciate the difference in geography for many places and complexity of questions on the ballot means it can’t be done like that for everywhere but still… quick eh?

    Well, they *say* they counted them all.

    1 user thanked author for this post.
  • #43018

    There is also a significant minority of Trump voters who just love that he is crazy. They love that he is unpresidential, and the more unconventional, the more they love it. They hate conventional politicians, because they’re part of the establishment

    “Some men just want to watch the world burn.”

    2 users thanked author for this post.
  • #43022

    Maybe this is as close as we’ll get to a concession.


    President Trump has already told advisers he’s thinking about running for president again in 2024, two sources familiar with the conversations tell Axios.

    Why it matters: This is the clearest indication yet that Trump understands he has lost the 2020 election to Joe Biden — even as the president continues to falsely insist that he is the true winner, that there has been election fraud and that his team will fight to the end in the courts.

    2 users thanked author for this post.
  • #43023

    Oh for fuck’s sake.

    I had just come to the conclusion that he should be pardoned (or criminal proceedings halted) to let the country heal.

    Something needs to happen as there is a huge underlying problem (too much to go into here)

    But now there’s a possibility that this shitshow will just go on and on and on?

    No. He goes away quietly.
    And when he’s gone, he stays gone, or he be gone.
    He lost any and all privileges.

    2 users thanked author for this post.
  • #43024

  • #43035

    Intrinsically, there’s no difference between supporting Trump because he’s a racist, or supporting Trump despite him being a racist. You’re still supporting a racist and giving implicit support to other racist causes.

    As a thought experiment, are there any cases where supporting that might be justified, even necessary?

    Speaking purely hypothetically, what if a candidate is an absolute joke, an idiot, a lazy narcissist, with no clue about the economy, world affairs, or science, laughed at by other world leaders, but he’s not a racist. While his opponent is sharp, on the ball, economically progressive, big on the green agenda, women’s rights, and social issues, basically the perfect candidate you would want to vote for, but he’s a huge racist.

    Which do you choose?

    1 user thanked author for this post.
  • #43037

    Maybe this is as close as we’ll get to a concession.


    President Trump has already told advisers he’s thinking about running for president again in 2024, two sources familiar with the conversations tell Axios.

    Why it matters: This is the clearest indication yet that Trump understands he has lost the 2020 election to Joe Biden — even as the president continues to falsely insist that he is the true winner, that there has been election fraud and that his team will fight to the end in the courts.

    The more likely explanation is that he’s saying he’ll be standing for his third term in 2024.

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