Politics: Biden, Brexit and Beyond

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  • #49032

  • #49038

    The figure being thrown around is 2 million per week, not per month.

    Thanks, you’re right, I had misread the statement.

    I am slightly more reassured.

  • #49039

    I am slightly more reassured.

    Don’t worry. It’ll pass.

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  • #49040

    I mean, that suggests that Starmer has a position that can be undermined. From the detached position of not being a parent, I have a lot of anger towards the handling of schools in both the UK and Ireland, because over here it feels like they’re being kept open at times to provide child care so people now working from home remain as productive as possible, as opposed to decisions being made with the health of parents and children in mind. An Opposition Leader should be asking hard questions and demanding uncomfortable answers of the government

    Starmer is doing that regularly, we unfortunately don’t have a mechanism to compel them to give answers, uncomfortable or otherwise.

    Throughout last year Starmer’s performance at PMQs (for example) has actually been pretty good, he’s highlighted deficiencies in the government’s handling of the pandemic and they have tended to be the key areas where work is needed.

    Unfortunately it’s been met with the usual Johnson bluff and bluster and the exchanges aren’t very productive.

    In general, Starmer has been calling for the measures needed (stuff like greater emphasis on testing capacity, the failure to get a grip on track & trace, the November lockdown) a couple of weeks before the government ultimately decides to adopt them.

    I think criticism of him not having a definite position on something like schools opening is missing the point a little when the circumstances are constantly changing, and positions need to change with them. What was a relatively reasonable policy of calling for schools to be kept open a couple of months ago is no longer desirable because the circumstances have developed, and the pandemic has significantly worsened, even in the last couple of weeks.

    (As an aside, it’s one of the reasons why I dislike the knee-jerk calls of “U-turn” across the political spectrum when someone goes back on a previous stated position. Sometimes positions need to change to respond to circumstances and a “U-turn” is exactly the right thing to do. Of course, sometimes it’s also an indicator that the previous position was a bad one, but not always. The press just love to be able to call “U-turn” at every opportunity.)

    Anyway, what I do think you can point to with Starmer is a track record of him calling for the containment measures needed, significantly before the government finally adopts them.

    In opposition he doesn’t have the power to implement them, of course, but I still think that he is thinking ahead of the government and demonstrating that these ideas could be decided upon and implemented more quickly.

    Of course, the elephant in the room here is the continuing factionalism within the Labour party, with the more left-leaning element trying to bring Starmer down when they can. You’d think that a pandemic might focus minds a little on more important matters, but I think that’s a battle that will continue throughout his leadership, especially in the immediate wake of Corbyn.

    Also, just to be clear, I don’t universally support Starmer and his policies. I think he ballsed up his recent handling of the Labour response to the Brexit deal and I think he’s made missteps in other areas too. But on the handling of the pandemic he has a pretty decent track record of being a couple of steps ahead of Johnson, and if some of the containment measures he had called for had been implemented sooner, closing schools down completely may not have ultimately been necessary.

  • #49041

    On the issue of schools being kept open for that reason though, I agree there is definitely an element of that in the reasoning. It obviously isn’t ideal for working parents to have to have their kids at home while they are working, but I do think it’s necessary at the moment, and the provision of homeschooling support from schools looks to be a lot better this time around given the time they’ve had to prepare since last year.

    And luckily the schools are still able to provide places for the children of key worker parents or other parents who aren’t able to have them at home.

  • #49045

    One didn’t for religious reasons and the others wanted to “wait and see”.

    They should also get the anti-stupid vaccine while they’re there.

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  • #49050

    Have you seen the scenes in the US with Trump protestors at the Capitol? Crazy times.

  • #49055

  • #49056

    It’s gone fucking crazy over there.

  • #49057


  • #49058

    This is sad but not surprising. This is what Trump has encouraged. I will be so happy when that mother fucker is dead.

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  • #49059


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  • #49062

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  • #49064

    This is sad but not surprising. This is what Trump has encouraged. I will be so happy when that mother fucker is dead.

    But not before January 20, right?

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  • #49065

    It’s fucking disgraceful. Everyone who enabled this should be kicked out of office. They won’t be, of course, there will be zero consequences. What’s also disgusting is how police reacted to BLM protestors vs this shit. It’s a predictable yet shameful day for America.

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  • #49066


    ::gritted teeth emoji::

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  • #49069

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  • #49070

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  • #49075

    As bad as this looks, these guys are just idiots and they will be removed from the building. The real problem is the crooks who remain inside the building when the rioters have gone.

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  • #49079

    As bad as this looks, these guys are just idiots and they will be removed from the building. The real problem is the crooks who remain inside the building when the rioters have gone.

    If they were BLM supporters the streets of Washington would’ve been littered with bodies right now.

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  • #49080

    Biden’s speechwriters desperately trying to remember what Bill Pullman said in ID4.

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  • #49082

    Biden’s speechwriters desperately trying to remember what Bill Pullman said in ID4.

    They should’ve just deepfaked that scene.

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  • #49083

    Everybody saw this coming a mile away. Why the hell wasn’t the Capitol more secure on such an important day in the election process, coinciding with a a big Trump protest?

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  • #49084

    In case you’re wondering if Donald Trump is still a pathetic little bitch, he’s unfollowed Mike Pence on Twitter.

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  • #49085

    Everybody saw this coming a mile away. Why the hell wasn’t the Capitol more secure on such an important day in the election process, coinciding with a a big Trump protest?

    I presume there was at least partly a conscious decision to be ‘soft’ and not engage them more robustly to limit the violence. I imagine a lot of firearms in that crowd.

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  • #49087

    Trump has just tweeted a video calling for people to leave in peace. Whilst claiming he loves them and the election was a fraud.

    I hope he dies a slow, painful death.

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  • #49089

    Everybody saw this coming a mile away. Why the hell wasn’t the Capitol more secure on such an important day in the election process, coinciding with a a big Trump protest?

    I presume there was at least partly a conscious decision to be ‘soft’ and not engage them more robustly to limit the violence. I imagine a lot of firearms in that crowd.

    Agreed. They wanted to prevent bloodshed which could further inflame the situation. I am not sure if the breach could have been prevented without resorting to such a scenario.

  • #49090

    On the plus side, Ossoff is being declared the winner in Georgia so the Democrats will have control of the Senate.

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  • #49091

    Trump supporters today:

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  • #49092

    Agreed. They wanted to prevent bloodshed which could further inflame the situation. I am not sure if the breach could have been prevented without resorting to such a scenario

    You changed your tune pretty quickly. A few minutes ago they were “just idiots.”

    The police went easy on them because they’re a bunch of fascist assholes too. They didn’t even have to force their way in, there’s footage of the police just opening up the barriers for them.

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  • #49093

    The cops calmly moving aside the barriers (on the streets) for the “protestors” that weren’t even trying to breach them and taking selfies with the ones in the capitol building certainly haven’t helped anything, desire to avoid violence or not.

    And this is America, when did cops suddenly get so concerned about avoiding violence?

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  • #49094

    Agreed. They wanted to prevent bloodshed which could further inflame the situation. I am not sure if the breach could have been prevented without resorting to such a scenario

    You changed your tune pretty quickly. A few minutes ago they were “just idiots.”

    The police went easy on them because they’re a bunch of fascist assholes too. They didn’t even have to force their way in, there’s footage of the police just opening up the barriers for them.

    Maybe “just idiots” is not the right expression. They’re obviously dangerous individuals, but I meant to say the bigger evil is the politicians who encouraged this violence.

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  • #49095

    I’m sick. this is so embarrassing

    Why the hell wasn’t the Capitol more secure

    Many of the security forces in DC have been corrupted to think their duty is to follow Trump rather than to protect and serve their location and the people who work inside that location.
    Why do you think they had to reassemble Biden’s old Secret Service group from when he was VP.

    calling for people to leave in peace.

    I don’t think that what he meant. I believe he meant “go home before they catch you and put you in jail. I need you to be free for the next time I need a riot.”

    • This reply was modified 4 years ago by Rocket.
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  • #49098

    The police didn’t have to go easy on them – they have riot gear, tear gas, they have goddamned tanks! They could have dispersed this mob in 5 minutes flat if they’d wanted to. Just like they did at countless peaceful protests across the US last year.

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  • #49099

    The cops calmly moving aside the barriers (on the streets) for the “protestors” that weren’t even trying to breach them and taking selfies with the ones in the capitol building certainly haven’t helped anything, desire to avoid violence or not.

    And this is America, when did cops suddenly get so concerned about avoiding violence?

    Remember, black people weren’t involved in this.

    And those cops that moved the barriers should be punished for that level of stupidity. But then, Rick Sanchez called it:

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  • #49100


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  • #49101

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  • #49104

    CNN is now saying congress wants to return to their work tonight, I hope this happens, it would send a strong message rioting will not stop the democratic process.

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  • #49105

    If events like these do anything, one of those is triggering a very strong “fuck you” response.

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  • #49106

    The woman that got shot in the chest died.

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  • #49108

    The woman that got shot in the chest died.

    It seemed like the media was underemphasizing that in the reports with “only one person was shot” type of statements. I think most people listening to the reports aren’t thinking “well, I’m glad only one person got shot.” For me, it is more like “Holy shit! Someone got shot?!”

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  • #49111

    And this is America, when did cops suddenly get so concerned about avoiding violence?

    When the protesters weren’t black.

    EDIT: which is the same thing Todd said about 10 posts above this one.

    • This reply was modified 4 years ago by njerry.
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  • #49115

    If events like these do anything, one of those is triggering a very strong “fuck you” response.



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  • #49116

    The woman that got shot in the chest died.

    It seemed like the media was underemphasizing that in the reports with “only one person was shot” type of statements. I think most people listening to the reports aren’t thinking “well, I’m glad only one person got shot.” For me, it is more like “Holy shit! Someone got shot?!”

    If it was Sweden, I would’ve been with you. But it was in America, I would’ve been far more surprised if no-one was shot.

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  • #49117

    Capitol Secured After Mob’s Breach, Paving Way to Resume Debate (msn.com)

    Well, so far, looks like there will not be an Orange-man Revolution in the Capitol. Though, I’m sure we’ll soon see Qanon like conspiracy theories claiming the actual instigators were plants from the Democratic Party to incite violence and make the peaceful and innocent if naïve Trump supporters and their cause look bad.

    We will be in the realm of dark satire if Congress reconvenes and those dozen or so pinhead Senators and Representatives still raise their objections forcing another 2+ hours of debate before confirming the electoral ballots.

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  • #49120

    Some people claim that Mike Pence approved deployment of the national guard today. Other people claim that the Vice President has no such authority, only the president does.


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  • #49121

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  • #49122

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  • #49123

    Some people claim that Mike Pence approved deployment of the national guard today. Other people claim that the Vice President has no such authority, only the president does.

    Yeah, it is completely confusing. Normally, only a governor or the President would have the authority. However, DC doesn’t operate the same as any other state, so it could be any civilian authority in the executive branch chain like the Secretary of Defense. However, his appointment wasn’t confirmed by the Senate so that leaves his authority limited as far as civilian oversight of the military.

    Seems like this is one of those, “I’ll make the order and then send it to the White House for a signature after everything is done.”


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  • #49124

    We need to make January 6th the international doomscrolling day.

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  • #49125

    There is just no way Covid doesn’t spike like crazy in the Capitol after this.

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  • #49126

    I’m sure we’ll soon see Qanon like conspiracy theories claiming the actual instigators were plants from the Democratic Party to incite violence and make the peaceful and innocent if naïve Trump supporters and their cause look bad.

    I saw these kind of reports on twitter while the whole thing was underway, well before you wrote this.

    That’s not to say you were wrong, au contraire: You were more right than you knew!

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  • #49128


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  • #49129

    Jeeeesus… you couldn’t even make it one fuckin’ full week into the new year could you?? xD

    Well great start to 2021… but hey, who were we kidding, 2021 is gonna suck ass too… :unsure:

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  • #49130

    Well great start to 2021…

    What the fuck are you talking about, today is the 37th of December 2020.

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  • #49131

    I’m not even gonna comment on the bullshit in the capitol today, all the points I’d have made have been made a dozen times already. It’s truly disgusting stuff though.

    But I wish I could be happier about the Dems taking the senate. The problem is I just know Biden, Schumer, Pelosi, etc aren’t gonna wield their power for anything useful. It’ll just be austerity, austerity, austerity. Except for keeping the forever wars going. And prisons.

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  • #49132

    The thing which annoys me the most is that Twitter suspending Trump’s account, and Republicans like Pence and Romney distancing themselves from Trump is that it only happens now that he’s finally more of a liability than an asset to them – and it’s only now that it’s reached that point. All these fuckers should be up on charges.

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  • #49133

    All these fuckers should be up on charges.

    Charges, eh? Are you thinking “semtex” or like “electricity”?

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  • #49134

    Though, I’m sure we’ll soon see Qanon like conspiracy theories claiming the actual instigators were plants from the Democratic Party to incite violence and make the peaceful and innocent if naïve Trump supporters and their cause look bad.

    I already saw something to the effect that it was antifa infiltrators among the protestors that caused the riot.

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  • #49135

    Well great start to 2021…

    What the fuck are you talking about, today is the 37th of December 2020.

    Ha! December’s gonna be a long ass month, ain’t it? =P

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  • #49137

    All these fuckers should be up on charges.

    Charges, eh? Are you thinking “semtex” or like “electricity”?

    My damned principles mean I have to oppose the carceral system.

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  • #49138

    My damned principles mean I have to oppose the carceral system.

    But does your heritage suggest adherence to the carbombean doctrine as an alternative?

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  • #49139

    But I wish I could be happier about the Dems taking the senate. The problem is I just know Biden, Schumer, Pelosi, etc aren’t gonna wield their power for anything useful. It’ll just be austerity, austerity, austerity. Except for keeping the forever wars going. And prisons.

    Yes, the environment has changed but the rules are the same that Machiavelli wrote down around 500 years ago to the embarrassment of politicians since. The trick is grabbing power, and more importantly, keeping it. Never try to solve anything if it means you can’t use it.

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  • #49140

    All these fuckers should be up on charges.

    Charges, eh? Are you thinking “semtex” or like “electricity”?

    My damned principles mean I have to oppose the carceral system.

  • #49141

    I already saw something to the effect that it was antifa infiltrators among the protestors that caused the riot.

    Some of the protestors are being interviewed and saying that it was a peaceful protest but a few people got out of hand. They’re taking selfies at the speaker’s podium and saying that other people got out of hand.

    At the same time, you do wonder what were they thinking when they planned the security that day. They had already known what the protestors had been doing all week leading up to it. They had seen rallies and knew these were the same sort of people who would take over Federal buildings. Is it just that there is a big division and lack of communication between Federal, Capitol and DC police? Because that’s the sort of thing you’d expect them to figure out after 9/11 when they started putting concrete barriers around everything.

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  • #49142

    There are videos of police officers removing barriers to give entry to protestors. Planned or not, the police were complicit.

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  • #49144

    People need to be fired for this shitshow. There also needs to be a very thorough and public investigation. This should never have happened.

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  • #49145

    A friend just sent me this:

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  • #49154

    The thing which annoys me the most is that Twitter suspending Trump’s account, and Republicans like Pence and Romney distancing themselves from Trump is that it only happens now that he’s finally more of a liability than an asset to them

    Wasn’t Romney one of the few Republicans who has been speaking out consistently against Trump?

    As for this whole debacle: One thing I think is positive about this is that it must’ve scared the shit out of the Republicans in the house. This was a much-needed lesson about playing with fucking fire for them. Here’s to hoping that the internal fight that will have to ensue over the next few years will rip the fucking GOP apart.

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  • #49155

    Didn’t scare 2 senate and 138 house reps out of objecting to the election result.

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  • #49159

    Great to see Congress finish the job so quickly after all the chaos yesterday. Hopefully it represents a final moment of madness and the end of an era.

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  • #49161

    Really great sentence in the Guardian coverage – “We don’t know what Trump makes of this because he’s suspended on Twitter.”

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  • #49162

    Ahh they’ve finally stopped pussyfooting around it and started calling it terrorism in the media… let’s hope that continues and that they treat those people like terrorists for a change.

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  • #49164

    They had seen rallies and knew these were the same sort of people who would take over Federal buildings. Is it just that there is a big division and lack of communication between Federal, Capitol and DC police?

    If I was more of a paranoid conspiracy theorist, I’d suggest that Pence told them to let the insurgents in so that he could use it as an opportunity to distance himself from Trump and look statesman-like. But that would be crazy…

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  • #49165

    My damned principles mean I have to oppose the carceral system.

    But does your heritage suggest adherence to the carbombean doctrine as an alternative?

    To be fair, my heritage stands more on the open uprising, shooting and throwing grenades than the carbomb.

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  • #49166

    Wasn’t Romney one of the few Republicans who has been speaking out consistently against Trump?

    To some degree, yeah. But it’s moving to more pointed and express outrage. Like the media starting to call the rioters terrorists. they could have done that at the Unite the Right rally where much the same behaviour was happening, or any of the other political/terrorist violence perpetrated by right-wing extremists. They’ve been critical of Trump but are now turning on him in a far more express way.

    As for this whole debacle: One thing I think is positive about this is that it must’ve scared the shit out of the Republicans in the house. This was a much-needed lesson about playing with fucking fire for them. Here’s to hoping that the internal fight that will have to ensue over the next few years will rip the fucking GOP apart.

    I dunno, my fear is that they see exactly the gains playing with fire can get you and the lesson they take is to make sure the next ideologue is under control from the start.

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  • #49169

    My damned principles mean I have to oppose the carceral system.

    But does your heritage suggest adherence to the carbombean doctrine as an alternative?

    To be fair, my heritage stands more on the open uprising, shooting and throwing grenades than the carbomb.

    It can be… checks post…. four things!

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  • #49172

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  • #49176

    This is starting to sound like a Bashir and Garak conversation, “Things have to improve from here”, “my dear Doctor, you have so much to learn”.

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  • #49177

    Well, so far, looks like there will not be an Orange-man Revolution in the Capitol. Though, I’m sure we’ll soon see Qanon like conspiracy theories claiming the actual instigators were plants from the Democratic Party to incite violence and make the peaceful and innocent if naïve Trump supporters and their cause look bad.

    I’ve see people claiming that antifa agitators are behind it. Here’s an example:


    The proof is that this man has a tattoo which looks a bit, in low-resolution, if you squint, like the hammer and sickle symbol of international Communism.


    Oh, wait…


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  • #49188

    I’ve got a feeling we’ve pulled back from the brink a little bit.

  • #49191


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  • #49192

    Well, so far, looks like there will not be an Orange-man Revolution in the Capitol. Though, I’m sure we’ll soon see Qanon like conspiracy theories claiming the actual instigators were plants from the Democratic Party to incite violence and make the peaceful and innocent if naïve Trump supporters and their cause look bad.

    I’ve see people claiming that antifa agitators are behind it. Here’s an example:


    The proof is that this man has a tattoo which looks a bit, in low-resolution, if you squint, like the hammer and sickle symbol of international Communism.


    Oh, wait…


    But David, gamers are notoriously a leftist bunch!

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  • #49202

    The ironic thing is that Pence actually comes out of this looking better than he had at any time in the past four years. I think he will surely consider running for the nomination in four years.

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  • #49203

    Great to see Congress finish the job so quickly after all the chaos yesterday. Hopefully it represents a final moment of madness and the end of an era.

    I wonder what has been the average time for all past electoral vote confirmations. Maybe around 30 minutes?

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  • #49208

    Great to see Congress finish the job so quickly after all the chaos yesterday. Hopefully it represents a final moment of madness and the end of an era.

    I wonder what has been the average time for all past electoral vote confirmations. Maybe around 30 minutes?

    I really meant in the sense of “so soon after”, rather than the speed of proceedings once they got going – I didn’t know how long official use of the building would be delayed.

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  • #49210

    I read an interview with the guy pictured lounging in Pelosi’s office yesterday. It was full of irony and bullshit. Trump supporters have really upped their delusions. Just like Trump they are constantly the victims and nothing is ever their fault. They’ve leaned a lot from their dear leader.

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  • #49212

    One thing about the message from Trump to the protestors – what was the point of that? I mean, the people who saw it were basically the people watching television. How were the protestors going to get that message? I mean, when people were calling for Trump to send a message, I was wondering “How? By carrier pigeon?” The message the protestors needed should be delivered by a police force not video.

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  • #49223

    On thing:

    The police really do know how to restrain themselves after all…. when they want to.

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  • #49225

    On thing:

    The police really do know how to restrain themselves after all…. when they want to.

    Well said, Katy Perry.

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  • #49228

    Siri, what does “too little, too late” mean?

    Donald Trump suspended from Facebook indefinitely, says Mark Zuckerberg

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  • #49231

    One thing about the message from Trump to the protestors – what was the point of that? I mean, the people who saw it were basically the people watching television. How were the protestors going to get that message? I mean, when people were calling for Trump to send a message, I was wondering “How? By carrier pigeon?” The message the protestors needed should be delivered by a police force not video.

    He tweeted out his video. I imagine that many/most people in the crowd had smartphones and would have been able to access it, and are probably the kind of people who pay attention to his twitter feed.

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  • #49232

    On thing:

    The police really do know how to restrain themselves after all…. when they want to.

    Remember, Al, these protestors were white. That makes a difference.

  • #49234

    He tweeted out his video. I imagine that many/most people in the crowd had smartphones and would have been able to access it, and are probably the kind of people who pay attention to his twitter feed.

    Obviously, though, most of those phones were occupied with people taking selfies in the rotunda.

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  • #49236

    So brave of social media companies to silence Donald Trump 2 weeks before he becomes a nobody again.

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  • #49240

    So brave of social media companies to silence Donald Trump 2 weeks before he becomes a nobody again.

    Their “courage” will be remembered.

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  • #49244

    The police really do know how to restrain themselves after all…. when they want to.

    Except for the woman they shot and killed of course.

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  • #49245

    Well said, Katy Perry.

    Thanks… Wolverine :-)

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  • #49247

    D.C. mayor calls for congressional inquiry into security failures that enabled insurrection

    The mayor of Washington, D.C., called on Congress to establish a panel to investigate the security lapses that enabled a mob to penetrate the U.S. Capitol Complex and threaten lawmakers.

    The call came Thursday, as the U.S. Capitol Police faces scrutiny for allowing supporters of President Donald Trump to swarm the Capitol while hundreds of elected leaders — including the first, second and third in line of presidential succession — were inside.

    “Congress must create a nonpartisan commission to understand the catastrophic security failures that happened at the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, both to hold people accountable and to ensure that it never happens again,” Bowser, a Democrat, said in an address billed as a situational update.

    “We must also understand why the federal law enforcement response was much stronger at the protests over the summer than during yesterday’s attack on Congress,” Bowser said, referring to the overwhelming response to those protesting police violence in the wake of the killing of George Floyd.

    The U.S. Capitol Police defended its actions on Wednesday as criticism mounted. Steven Sund, chief of police, said in a statement that his officers “responded valiantly.”

    “These individuals actively attacked United States Capitol Police Officers and other uniformed law enforcement officers with metal pipes, discharged chemical irritants, and took up other weapons against our officers,” Sund said in a statement. “They were determined to enter into the Capitol Building by causing great damage.”

    At least 50 officers were injured in the attack, including several who have been hospitalized with serious injuries, Sund said on Thursday. Four people died in the riots, including one woman who was shot by a Capitol Police officer and three who died of unspecified “medical emergencies.”

    The Capitol Police has a sworn force of about 2,000 officers and an additional 350 civilian personnel, according to its website. Its mission is to “Protect the Congress — its Members, employees, visitors, and facilities — so it can fulfill its constitutional and legislative responsibilities in a safe, secure and open environment.”

    The Capitol Police have arrested 14 people in connection with the riots, according to a press release posted online. At the situational update, Metropolitan Police Department Chief Robert Contee said that officers had arrested 68 individuals, 41 of whom were arrested on U.S. Capitol grounds.

    “When U.S. Capitol Police called for assistance, MPD answered the call,” Contee said.

    The protests had long been expected, prompting criticism from some lawmakers, including Sen. Amy Klobuchar, D-Minn.

    “This was out on social media. President Trump was literally inciting them. They were communicating about what they were going to do, and we needed major presence,” Klobuchar said on ABC’s “The View” on Thursday. “There was not adequate planning for this, and it must be, every detail of this, investigated.”

    Bowser also called for Congress to transfer control of the D.C. National Guard from the president to her office.

    About 1,100 troops from the D.C. National Guard were mobilized on Wednesday in response to the riots after House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., and Bowser requested their assistance, but Trump had to be persuaded to send them, NBC News reported.

    Bowser, who has had a hostile relationship with the president for years, to varying degrees, also called for Trump to be “held accountable for this unprecedented attack on our democracy.”

    “What happened yesterday was what he wanted to happen and we must not underestimate the damage he can do to our nation and our democracy over the next two weeks,” Bowser said.

    “And it’s not just the president who must be held accountable. So too must the domestic terrorists who stormed the Capitol and threatened members of Congress,” she added.

    Acting Attorney General Jeffrey Rosen said that federal charges for those responsible for the attack are forthcoming.

    “Our criminal prosecutors have been working throughout the evening with special agents and investigators from the U.S. Capitol Police, FBI, ATF, Metropolitan Police Department and the public to gather the evidence, identify perpetrators, and charge federal crimes where warranted,” Rosen said in a statement.

    “Some participants in yesterday’s violence will be charged today, and we will continue to methodically assess evidence, charge crimes and make arrests in the coming days and weeks to ensure that those responsible are held accountable under the law,” he said.

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  • #49248

    Except for the woman they shot and killed of course.

    Have you seen her video and her tweets on Twitter?

    You might be surprised.

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