I’m not sure any of the democratic candidates really would want the job after the effects of the pandemic. The DNC can select anyone it likes, right? Maybe Elizabeth Warren will end up the surprise pick.
Home » Forums » The Loveland Arms – pub chat » Politics and in-fighting. Which I guess is just politics. Or infighting
I’m not sure any of the democratic candidates really would want the job after the effects of the pandemic. The DNC can select anyone it likes, right? Maybe Elizabeth Warren will end up the surprise pick.
Despite it being so recent it is actually hard to remember that the majority of Tory MPs were remain, the rhetoric has changed so much (and a few of the personnel). This is from the day before the referendum.
Despite it being so recent it is actually hard to remember that the majority of Tory MPs were remain, the rhetoric has changed so much (and a few of the personnel). This is from the day before the referendum.
That was part of why Johnson called for an election, wasn’t it? To replace remain-leaning MPs with handpicked candidates?
Yes, it’s not as simple a matter as party lines, of course, and I have some slight sympathy with somebody who disagreed with his own party’s stance on the matter but was effectively powerless to halt the process.
I mean, we all know how that feels
Edit: replying to Martin. I hadn’t realized more posts had come between us.
Well, “hand-picked” is going a bit far. The vetting process for the election candidates was apparently very slipshod, especially in the seats they didn’t expect to win. And then did, leading to people like this guy ending up as MPs:
That was part of why Johnson called for an election, wasn’t it? To replace remain-leaning MPs with handpicked candidates?
Yes I mean he withdrew the whip from a chunk of them who then moved to Change UK or whatever it’s called and some just retired like Ken Clarke. However that was only 30 or 40 I think. Which is why I said it was also a rhetoric change, once it was clear there’s little point in trying to stop Brexit a lot of Tory MPs who are remainers at heart have just accepted the ‘get Brexit done’ narrative.
Sharks are cool. They provide mermaids’ purses.
I can never enjoy The Little Mermaid film again…
Sharks are cool. They provide mermaids’ purses.
I can never enjoy The Little Mermaid film again…
Have you ever held a mermaid’s purse, Jerry?
I didn’t know what they were at first until a shark surveyor told me. They kind of look like a beetle if an alien drew one.
Have you ever held a mermaid’s purse, Jerry?
This feels like a question in the Voight Kampff test.
Bernadette wrote:
Have you ever held a mermaid’s purse, Jerry?This feels like a question in the Voight Kampff test.
My mother….I’ll tell you about my mother…
The premise of the joke breaks my meme immersion since a scenario where a white writer with racist tendencies is walking casually about town hand in hand with a sincere apology is just baffling.
Great, there’s now a load of anti-mask fucks doing an anti-mask march on Saturday.
I don’t recall this devotion to following the US with May, I sure as hell didn’t like her but will have to give credit on this one because it really seems linked to Johnson.
Great, there’s now a load of anti-mask fucks doing an anti-mask march on Saturday.
I don’t recall this devotion to following the US with May, I sure as hell didn’t like her but will have to give credit on this one because it really seems linked to Johnson.
It’s at least in part because they feel empowered after the “protect the statues” protest a few weeks ago. They’re flexing their muscles.
It’s the fucking weird world we live in, the one of the suppressed and victimised right wing. Much like the US the UK has the most right leaning government since WW2 yet their demands of wearing a mask are a vital suppression of their freedoms. From a Communist like Boris Johnson? I don’t know, none of it makes sense.
The nuttiest thing about it is wearing masks is of no use at all to an authoritarian regime. With facial recognition coming in it scuppers that.
I blame my confusion on 5G and chemtrails. Maybe I should wear a mask to protect against the chemtrails -arrgh no that’s a dictatorial plot from leftists that aren’t in power, what to do?
It’s the fucking weird world we live in, the one of the suppressed and victimised right wing. Much like the US the UK has the most right leaning government since WW2 yet their demands of wearing a mask are a vital suppression of their freedoms. From a Communist like Boris Johnson? I don’t know, none of it makes sense.
The nuttiest thing about it is wearing masks is of no use at all to an authoritarian regime. With facial recognition coming in it scuppers that.
I blame my confusion on 5G and chemtrails. Maybe I should wear a mask to protect against the chemtrails -arrgh no that’s a dictatorial plot from leftists that aren’t in power, what to do?
It’s the whole tenet of fascism that they need an enemy to rail against who is both all-powerful and weak enough that only the fascist can defeat them
If only an Italian philosopher and writer had some sort of essay about this oh wait oh shit what’s this doing here
Trump says ‘more white people’ are killed by police, while studies show Black people are more likely to be killed
This motherfucker…
Edward Colston statue replaced by sculpture of Black Lives Matter protester
Exclusive: Artist Marc Quinn leads secret mission to install resin-and-steel figure of Jen Reid at site of toppled Bristol slave trader
Not sure whether this should be seen as important victory in the War On Statues, or another bullshit diversion sideshow that distracts from the real issues being protested.
Trump says ‘more white people’ are killed by police, while studies show Black people are more likely to be killed https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2020/07/14/trump-more-white-people-killed-police-confederate-flag-free-speech/5439043002/ This motherfucker…
I for one am shocked that serial racist Donald Trump would repeat a racist talking point from the racist entertainment masquerading as news service TV stations he’s addicted to.
Exclusive: Artist Marc Quinn leads secret mission to install resin-and-steel figure of Jen Reid at site of toppled Bristol slave trader Not sure whether this should be seen as important victory in the War On Statues, or another bullshit diversion sideshow that distracts from the real issues being protested.
It seems this was done by a group of street artists without the knowledge or permission of authorities. So it’s basically a really elaborate and heavy version of using wheatpaste to stick a printed-out slogan to a wall. This is the kind of shit my art-oriented activist friends dream of getting away with.
The nuttiest thing about it is wearing masks is of no use at all to an authoritarian regime.
Yes it is, it’s a proof of concept for what they can get away with. It’s testing whether the population will follow no matter what the demands are. Next it will be spying on our neighbours and the gulags.
It seems this was done by a group of street artists without the knowledge or permission of authorities. So it’s basically a really elaborate and heavy version of using wheatpaste to stick a printed-out slogan to a wall. This is the kind of shit my art-oriented activist friends dream of getting away with.
For me there’s also a slightly comedic element of the woman herself being involved in the stunt. Getting rid of the Colston statue is something that I think a lot of people could get behind, but now there’s a slight element of “you know what would look better there instead? A nice big statue of me!”
“you know what would look better there instead? A nice big statue of me!”
I always thought you were a bit of an egomaniac.
(Also, I assume the artist contacted her so he could take studies?)
(Also, I assume the artist contacted her so he could take studies?)
I guess also just as a courtesy to make sure she was happy with the idea.
It’s a fun stunt anyway. I quite like the idea of using these now-bare display areas for public art on a regularly rotating basis, like the Fourth Plinth stuff they did in Trafalgar Square a while back.
I quite like the idea of using these now-bare display areas for public art on a regularly rotating basis, like the Fourth Plinth stuff they did in Trafalgar Square a while back
Oh sure, everybody thinks that’s a great idea until somebody nominates Thatcher
I quite like the idea of using these now-bare display areas for public art on a regularly rotating basis, like the Fourth Plinth stuff they did in Trafalgar Square a while back
Oh sure, everybody thinks that’s a great idea until somebody nominates Thatcher
I’d be down for a video instillation of Limmy saying Honk if Thatcher’d dead though.
I for one am shocked that serial racist Donald Trump would repeat a racist talking point from the racist entertainment masquerading as news service TV stations he’s addicted to.
FoX nEwS iS a lEgItiMatE nEwS cHaNnEl – It’S iN tHe NaMe YoU InBeCiLL – FaRe & bAlAnCeD!
I for one am shocked that serial racist Donald Trump would repeat a racist talking point from the racist entertainment masquerading as news service TV stations he’s addicted to.
FoX nEwS iS a lEgItiMatE nEwS cHaNnEl – It’S iN tHe NaMe YoU InBeCiLL – FaRe & bAlAnCeD!
Oh, Fox is yesterday’s news – they said something vaguely critical of him. He’s all about OANN now.
Went out to the shops today for the first time since the UK announcement about masks being compulsory in shops soon, and didn’t see any change. I was the only person wearing a mask of several shoppers in my local convenience store.
I think people just need to get over the self-consciousness awkwardness factor. As soon as the majority of people are wearing one (or even a large minority) it will be easy to go along with the crowd. But until then it feels like a lot of people are being held back by the feeling-a-bit-silly factor.
In fairness, it is a little awkward and definitely does put a barrier between people… but then that’s the whole point.
I think that’s a genuine part of it. Here it remains advisory rather than compulsory but the culture means people are just more used to it so it is easier to fit in. A lot of people don’t like to stand out and will go with the majority. I did a quick nip to the 7-11 a couple of weeks back for a loaf of bread and forgot my mask, I was the one feeling out of place and a self conscious for not having one on.
I don’t think in the UK it’s possible to have that voluntary acceptance and they should have made it mandatory 4 months ago.
I’m actually leaning towards starting to wear a mask on the reg – up until now I’ve just been doing it on public transport and when I’m indoors for an extended period of time. But there’s a lot more people out and about and they’re not even taking basic precautions and the number of active cases in Ireland is crawling back upwards…
I still find I kinda funny that Kane is a mayor now…and voted against mask mandates. Because this is the silly world we live in.
MP who beat Chris Grayling to intelligence chair role loses Tory whip
Julian Lewis kicked out of parliamentary party after beating Boris Johnson’s pick
Boris Johnson was humiliated tonight after Chris Grayling, his pick to lead parliament’s powerful intelligence and security committee, was unexpectedly rejected in an ambush by MPs.
The former cabinet minister was defeated by fellow Conservative Julian Lewis – prompting an embarrassed Downing Street to kick the victor, who was accused of duplicitous behaviour, out of the parliamentary party.
One source said Grayling “didn’t see it coming” as the nine members of the MPs’ committee voted five to four in favour of Lewis, with the four opposition members all voting against Grayling.
A furious Downing Street responded by stripping the whip from Lewis – a Tory MP since 1997 – “because he worked with Labour and other opposition MPs to his own advantage”.
Grayling upwards.
Also, you have to love the Tories kicking someone out for being duplicitous and playing things to their own advantage. Surely he’s a future PM in waiting?
That is petty. Also a surefire way to lose credibility and authority very quickly.
Still, 1 down, 79 to go.
Went out to the shops today for the first time since the UK announcement about masks being compulsory in shops soon, and didn’t see any change. I was the only person wearing a mask of several shoppers in my local convenience store.
I think people just need to get over the self-consciousness awkwardness factor. As soon as the majority of people are wearing one (or even a large minority) it will be easy to go along with the crowd. But until then it feels like a lot of people are being held back by the feeling-a-bit-silly factor.
In fairness, it is a little awkward and definitely does put a barrier between people… but then that’s the whole point.
It was kind of the same up here until they became mandatory last Friday. Since then I think I’ve only seen 2 people in a shop not wearing one. I think having an actual date when you have to start wearing a mask, does help people get over the initial oddness of it.
Edward Colston statue replaced by sculpture of Black Lives Matter protester
Exclusive: Artist Marc Quinn leads secret mission to install resin-and-steel figure of Jen Reid at site of toppled Bristol slave trader
Not sure whether this should be seen as important victory in the War On Statues, or another bullshit diversion sideshow that distracts from the real issues being protested.
This has now been removed.
A Bristol city council spokeswoman said: “This morning we removed the sculpture. “It will be held at our museum for the artist to collect or donate to our collection.”
I think that’s quite canny as it effectively puts the onus on the artist to let it continue to be public art – albeit in a different context – or to actively have to reclaim the piece and look a bit money-grabbing. (Although I think he’s probably already done well enough out of this in terms of self-publicity.)
Well, there might be other museums the artist may prefer to donate to.
Burn the museum.
Fuck – you’re absolutely right! I’ll change my position!
Burn the museum while laughing! Show these thieves our contempt for property!
…. what kind of museum was this again?
It was the Lego Museum!
You’ve doomed us all!
Ah, so it was a Danish museum!
One source said Grayling “didn’t see it coming”
Well that’s a quality you want from a prospective head of an intelligence committee.
I laughed out loud at this.
Prince Andrew’s website has apparently been taken down. My suspicion is he’s going to be replaced by Chris Grayling in the ultimate act of ‘failing upwards’ .
Since then I think I’ve only seen 2 people in a shop not wearing one
Were you aware of them getting any negative treatment because of this?
Someone I know can’t wear a mask because of breathing problems — asthma, plus childhood lung damage — and is worried that she’s going to be singled out if she goes shopping without one. There are a lot of examples of the public thinking it’s their job to be aggressive to people with “hidden disabilities” who park in disabled spaces, for example, and I can see the same thing happening when masks become compulsory.
Prince Andrew’s website has apparently been taken down. My suspicion is he’s going to be replaced by Chris Grayling in the ultimate act of ‘failing upwards’ .
I wonder if he’s learning how to sweat yet.
I wonder if he’s learning how to sweat yet.
Boris Johnson has just said almost word-for-word “it’ll all be over by Christmas”.
For a supposed student of history he doesn’t half seem ignorant of it sometimes.
He’s issuing extra local authority powers to set lockdowns. This is canny move to avoid responsibility if they either go too hard or not strict enough, despite the fact that a local council will have nowhere near the level of expert advice they’ll have in either Westminster or the devolved parliaments.
This is canny move to avoid responsibility if they either go too hard or not strict enough, despite the fact that a local council will have nowhere near the level of expert advice they’ll have in either Westminster or the devolved parliaments.
This is essentially how he’s treated the entire population so far, setting unclear boundaries and relying on people’s personal judgement and common sense to make the decisions on the detail. It’s transparent arse-covering for later and it’s shameful in a context of a massive health crisis.
He’s issuing extra local authority powers to set lockdowns. This is canny move to avoid responsibility
Almost exactly what Trump did with state governors; but then he goes on television and on social media and berates those local leaders whose decisions are not in sync with his ideas regarding reopening schools and businesses and travel.
Quite right too but as bad as Britain’s record is it is declining. I’m reading on Twitter a lot of Irish complaining about an influx of US tourists when they just hit a record 70,000+ cases yesterday, in a day.
Is this true? If so it seems a case of politics over science.
Quite right too but as bad as Britain’s record is it is declining. I’m reading on Twitter a lot of Irish complaining about an influx of US tourists when they just hit a record 70,000+ cases yesterday, in a day.
Is this true? If so it seems a case of politics over science.
- This reply was modified 4 years, 6 months ago by garjones.
People flying in from the US are meant to self-isolate for 14 days after they arrive, but apparently this wasn’t enforced so a bunch of people flew in and just headed down the country for pints.
Personally, I’d deport anyone who was found to do that and ban them from ever returning.
People flying in from the US are meant to self-isolate for 14 days after they arrive, but apparently this wasn’t enforced so a bunch of people flew in and just headed down the country for pints.
This is happening in Britain too and I think it’s pretty inevitable. Short of a travel ban or some kind of holding facility it’s fairly impractical to enforce that 14-day isolation period, so you have to assume the worst and plan for them to come into contact with the local population immediately.
A lot of places are imposing a holding facility (as nasty as that sounds it’s usually in rather swanky hotels). It’s actually putting off some Aussies I know here returning for a visit, as nationals they are perfectly entitled to but it currently costs $3000.
Malaysia’s is a lot cheaper at RM150 a night (which is roughly 30 quid) but you have to sit out the 14 days and can’t leave your room – food is provided.
I’d just like to add here for some context the Covid-19 death toll in Australia is 116, in Malaysia it is 121. In Ireland it’s 1752 (and Ireland is significantly smaller than both – AU is 25 million, Malaysia is 32 million) and let’s not even talk about the UK.
Oh yeah absolutely, it’s possible. I just mean that if you decide not to have that kind of unequivocal enforcement measure, and trust people to just go somewhere and isolate indoors, then I think it’s very unlikely that everyone will follow that without problems.
People flying in from the US are meant to self-isolate for 14 days after they arrive, but apparently this wasn’t enforced so a bunch of people flew in and just headed down the country for pints.
This is happening in Britain too and I think it’s pretty inevitable. Short of a travel ban or some kind of holding facility it’s fairly impractical to enforce that 14-day isolation period, so you have to assume the worst and plan for them to come into contact with the local population immediately.
I mean, they arrested one Chilean girl and put her in prison for two weeks to enforce her quarantine, I’d far prefer to do that to some Americans.
This is canny move to avoid responsibility if they either go too hard or not strict enough, despite the fact that a local council will have nowhere near the level of expert advice they’ll have in either Westminster or the devolved parliaments.
This is essentially how he’s treated the entire population so far, setting unclear boundaries and relying on people’s personal judgement and common sense to make the decisions on the detail. It’s transparent arse-covering for later and it’s shameful in a context of a massive health crisis.
Yep, plus by pointing only to the ONS dataset, they’re also concealing the actual numbers.
Just caught up on Johnson’s plan and it’s nothing short of terrifying, while being a total abdicating of his responsibilities.
Nowhere in the world is more openly racist than the immigration desk of any country.
I’ll be honest, I now get to jump an expat queue due to my visa (and by god that’s a loaded term in itself) but before that and faced with 20 possible lines to join at the back going into Malaysia I would avoid any with a black guy in it. Preferably no brown ones from south Asia too. That’s not my prejudice, it’s a reflection of theirs, because I know they’ll be asked a thousand questions.
This will continue, no matter how shitty the Covid stats are in the US, they’ll find it easier to get in than someone from Vietnam who have zero deaths.
John Lewis passed away.
“Do not get lost in a sea of despair. Never be afraid to get in good trouble, necessary trouble.”
Just a day after C.T. Vivian too.
John Lewis was rightly called the conscience of the U.S. Congress. Such a sad loss to all Americans.
I think that’s quite canny as it effectively puts the onus on the artist to let it continue to be public art – albeit in a different context – or to actively have to reclaim the piece and look a bit money-grabbing. (Although I think he’s probably already done well enough out of this in terms of self-publicity.)
I think it’s also a shame, really. It’s a really neat statue, and it was an opportunity for the city council to get on board with the right side of history in a really easy way.
Can we have some kind of referendum on this?
I think that’s a genuine part of it. Here it remains advisory rather than compulsory but the culture means people are just more used to it so it is easier to fit in. A lot of people don’t like to stand out and will go with the majority. I did a quick nip to the 7-11 a couple of weeks back for a loaf of bread and forgot my mask, I was the one feeling out of place and a self conscious for not having one on.
I don’t think in the UK it’s possible to have that voluntary acceptance and they should have made it mandatory 4 months ago.
Thing is, once it’s mandatory, popular acceptance comes pretty easily. Once you see everybody doing it, you quickly get used to it and just do it even in situations where maybe you wouldn’t have to. At least that seems to be how it works here in Germany.
Trump says ‘more white people’ are killed by police, while studies show Black people are more likely to be killed
This motherfucker…
Well, do we suddenly expect Trump to understand the difference between absolute numbers and per capita now? Hasn’t he demonstrated often enough that he doesn’t?
I think it’s also a shame, really. It’s a really neat statue, and it was an opportunity for the city council to get on board with the right side of history in a really easy way.
Nah, it was clearly deliberately designed to be taken away in the full knowledge that they would have to do this. In a sense the art wouldn’t have been as meaningful without that fully intended and planned notoriety.
There is a reason why Putin wanted Trump to win.
Nah, it was clearly deliberately designed to be taken away in the full knowledge that they would have to do this. In a sense the art wouldn’t have been as meaningful without that fully intended and planned notoriety.
True. But it’d still be cool they’d let it stand.
In other news, the EU summit doesn’t seem to be going great.
During Sunday night’s dinner, several leaders made emotional interventions. The Italian prime minister Giuseppe Conte warned Rutte that hero status at home would “last a few days” but that he risked being blamed for letting Europe down.
The summit had been markedly bad-tempered from the first day on Friday, and Michel was forced to table a new set of proposals on Saturday morning in an attempt to reboot the talks.
Fucking Mark Rutte (sorry, Arjan!). Fucking Stefan Löfven (sorry, Anders!).
The pandemic has exposed the uncomfortable fact that European solidarity only goes so far, and that when it comes down to it, national self-interest is always as important as – if not more important than – EU-level co-operation, especially when lives and economic survival are at stake.
I don’t know if anyone’s been following what’s happening in Portland. I know people there.
Seems like this could prove a turning point.
And now I see Trump is threatening the same in other cities.
Portland is scary, not least as they are drawing on John Yoo’s legal interpretations:
Meanwhile, at the Grenfell inquiry, Rydon has admitted to pocketing £126,000 on the sly:
Some good news from the EU summit.
EU leaders seal deal on spending and €750bn Covid-19 recovery plans
Yeah, thank God. I need to at some point get into the details of this… This sentence pisses me right off:
Michel also watered down his initial proposal for holding up the disbursement of funds both where there are concerns over either a lack of promised economic reform or the state of the rule of law in a country.
Not that Michel watered things down – that’s a bad thing where rule of law is concerned, but that this is once again apparently tied to economic reform, which usually means forcing countries to do away with regulations and deconstruct their public sector.
And this is in there again even though the current troubles have nothing to do with the countries economic systems!
Delyn MP Rob Roberts invited intern to ‘fool around’ with him
Delyn MP Rob Roberts is facing allegations of inappropriate behaviour towards two junior members of parliamentary staff.
Messages seen by BBC Wales show the MP inviting a 21-year-old female intern to “fool around” with him.
He has also admitted asking out another House of Commons employee, which led them to move position.
Mr Roberts propositioned the now former intern, who was working in Parliament at the time, in a series of messages in April this year. In the messages, Mr Roberts referred to the intern’s “picture on Twitter earlier. Lovely legs”.
“Don’t ignore me when I’m making you feel better,” he told her.
The MP then went on to say that in future she might want to “fool around with no strings, you might come and visit me in London”. Later in the exchange the MP, who has recently split from his wife and come out as gay, told the female intern that he “might be gay but I enjoy… fun times”.
The woman, who did not respond to the request, explained to the MP that she was in an “awful state” and was struggling with her mental health, to which Mr Roberts responded: “I was just thinking about fun times… Maybe if you thought of them too it might help you.”
Speaking to BBC Wales, the former intern said the exchange made her feel “incredibly sick”. “I had had one of the worst days ever, and then I messaged him saying I’m crying, I’m not okay – and his solution to that was to proposition me,” she said.
What a guy! If he makes it to the next election, his opponents should just put out posters with his face on and “Don’t ignore me when I’m making you feel better”.
Unrelated, and probably more significant:
MPs have voted against New Clause 17, with 340 votes to 251.
The New Clause intended to protect the NHS and publicly funded health and care services in other parts of the UK from any form of control from outside the UK. pic.twitter.com/KIrFe5Slyc
— UK House of Commons (@HouseofCommons) July 20, 2020
What a guy! If he makes it to the next election, his opponents should just put out posters with his face on and “Don’t ignore me when I’m making you feel better”.
Follow that up with “I might be gay but I enjoy fun times”.
I don’t know if anyone’s been following what’s happening in Portland. I know people there.
Seems like this could prove a turning point.
And now I see Trump is threatening the same in other cities.
Trump is entering scary territory now, using (reportedly) Federal and/or military troops to violently quell the protests in Portland. Not that the protests are violent; but the response by these stormtroopers is unwarranted violence. Against American citizens who are exercising their Constitutional right to peacefully protest. I guess the Constitution only matters when it comes to the right to own an AK-47.
And there’s more scariness to come:
Trump Looks To Use Executive Order…
So it seems that the long-awaited report on Russian interference in UK politics confirms that the government found no evidence of Russian meddling in the Brexit referendum.
Unfortunately, that’s because they didn’t even bother investigating it.
(I mean, why would they? It doesn’t serve their purpose in any way to do so.)
Sending federal officers and/or troops to Chicago is going to be a bloodbath. Chicago’s violence problems aren’t people protesting armed with spray paint, it’s well armed gang warfare.
I watched V for Vendetta a couple weeks ago and was shocked at how much of that movie is playing out in society right now.
Trump is entering scary territory now, using (reportedly) Federal and/or military troops to violently quell the protests in Portland. Not that the protests are violent; but the response by these stormtroopers is unwarranted violence. Against American citizens who are exercising their Constitutional right to peacefully protest. I guess the Constitution only matters when it comes to the right to own an AK-47.
It really does seem like he’s trying to escalate this into a civil war. I guess this is a scenario in which he thinks his chances for re-election are better?
It’s also interesting that Trump can send in these troops which basically, nobody knows who this is. I mean, it’s DHS troops, apparently, but these are not guys anybody is familiar with suddenly having in the streets; the FBI is really the only kind of federal cop people know.
The White House trying to wage war on America’s people because they are protesting. In a way, I am glad that the scenario is as clear as it ever could be now, before the election.
Well, at least the hostage situation in Ukraine has been resolved after the President agreed to recommend everyone watch Joaquin Phoenix’s Earthlings.
It’s also interesting that Trump can send in these troops which basically, nobody knows who this is. I mean, it’s DHS troops, apparently, but these are not guys anybody is familiar with suddenly having in the streets; the FBI is really the only kind of federal cop people know.
DHS and some border patrol agency, I think. Because if you’re arrested by them you legally have fewer rights than if you’re picked up by the cops.
Biden says Trump is first racist U.S. president
And a rebuttal:
No, Uncle Joe, Trump Is Hardly Our First Racist President
DHS and some border patrol agency, I think. Because if you’re arrested by them you legally have fewer rights than if you’re picked up by the cops.
Yeah, U.S. Customs and Border Protection are part of DHS. So’s the Coast Guard, so maybe they’re in there, as well… hell, apparently the Postal Service has their own federal police, so maybe they’re sending those out, too. There seems to be a crazy number of federal armed uniforms once you start looking into this.
The rights thing is insane. It’s so funny that the insane right’s poster child Trump is right now doing everything the preppers and their ilk have been warning everybody the government would do, but it’s them doing it, ideologically speaking. Well, I say funny.
But either way, it really does feel like Trump is digging his own grave with everything he’s got these days. Except his turnaround on Covid, which is kind of a good thing, but even that feels like the wrong move for him when it comes to re-election. Digging in is what got him through everything else, and his followers will be sorely disappointed by him caving in, while it’s definitely too late for him to appear reasonable or competent in that crisis to anybody else.
No, Uncle Joe, Trump Is Hardly Our First Racist President
Yeah, U.S. Customs and Border Protection are part of DHS. So’s the Coast Guard, so maybe they’re in there, as well… hell, apparently the Postal Service has their own federal police, so maybe they’re sending those out, too. There seems to be a crazy number of federal armed uniforms once you start looking into this.
Now that I think of it, a lot of these services got folded into DHS to make them seem more important and necessary, didn’t they?
The rights thing is insane. It’s so funny that the insane right’s poster child Trump is right now doing everything the preppers and their ilk have been warning everybody the government would do, but it’s them doing it, ideologically speaking. Well, I say funny.
Turns out an awful lot of Americans are fine with terrible things happening if they don’t like the victoms.
But either way, it really does feel like Trump is digging his own grave with everything he’s got these days. Except his turnaround on Covid, which is kind of a good thing, but even that feels like the wrong move for him when it comes to re-election. Digging in is what got him through everything else, and his followers will be sorely disappointed by him caving in, while it’s definitely too late for him to appear reasonable or competent in that crisis to anybody else.
Yeah, and the problem from my perspective is that there are enough people who will back him regardless of all this that he still stands a chance of winning
Now that I think of it, a lot of these services got folded into DHS to make them seem more important and necessary, didn’t they?
Presumably also so that coordination is easier in case of another 9/11 or, you know, a national security emergency like people protesting in the streets.
Yeah, and the problem from my perspective is that there are enough people who will back him regardless of all this that he still stands a chance of winning
I could’ve seen him winning before covid, and before the current BLM protests. When the economy was doing well and a lot of people could just go, Well, okay, he says weird shit, but it’s all about the economy, stupid!
Right now though, voting for him is only an option for people who are completely aligned with him. Well, or with the Republican credo to such an extent that they regard everything else as irrelevant, but it’s hard to believe that that’s enough for him to stand any kind of chance.
After all this, I really can’t imagine what another Trump term what look like. The US would go really, really crazy, I think. In a way we’ve never seen before.
I’d like to be as confident about the election, but the simple fact that polls rarely show support for Trump dip below 40% is infuriating and terrifying. For all of Trump’s faults, I will say he’s done a great job of exposing the true America. The problem is that the truth is ugly and it’s hard to see a way to fix it. Too much of America only seems to care about their team winning, all else be damned.
My main solace is that Trump won in 2016 by thin margins in a few key states and Biden is far less polarizing than Clinton or Trump. The fear is that COVID will mean too many states won’t be election ready. Combined with the GOPs endless campaign of gerrymandering and voter suppression and things could be really bad.
No, Uncle Joe, Trump Is Hardly Our First Racist President
I mean yeah, obviously Jackson and Johnson. And they were both Democrats (excepting Jackson was clearly a Jacksonian)
So, they were both a tiny bit Johnson.
I would argue the majority of US Presidents were racist, Joe needs to slow down and think before he starts talking.
I laugh out loud every time I see the word Jacksonian, our fan films were all funded by the J.I.T.C (Jacksonian Institute of Critical Thinking). I also have a brother named Ian so a lot of his paperwork and driver’s license looks JacksonIan!
Combined with the GOPs endless campaign of gerrymandering and voter suppression and things could be really bad.
The GOP have really amped up their tactics of voter suppression, it seems, and that they’ve been getting away with this is pretty insane. Given how obvious it is what they’re doing, and that everybody knows, and that it goes against the essence of democracy… it’s crazy.
I really do think there’s a wave about to break over the heads of the GOP. They’ve been getting away with all this for quite a while now, but their base is shrinking; diversity is far more of a matter of course to the generation coming up and it isn’t having this anymore, as the current protests show.
I really do think there’s a wave about to break over the heads of the GOP. They’ve been getting away with all this for quite a while now, but their base is shrinking; diversity is far more of a matter of course to the generation coming up and it isn’t having this anymore
I’m having flashbacks to 2016.
Everyone was sure Trump would never get the nomination. Then after he got the nomination, everyone was sure he would never win the presidency. Then after he won the presidency, everyone was sure he’d be out of office within a year.
Now, in 2020, everyone is sure he can’t win again in November.
Now, in 2020, everyone is sure he can’t win in November.
I think he’s got a better shot of being re-elected than Biden does of beating him.
Me too, sadly.
Sadly, I agree.
Theres still along time until November.
It is very rare for the encumbent to lose. America favours two term presidents.
Trumps major talking point, the economy, has no traction right now but that could change in 3 months.
Immigration could still be a big play given covid naturally leans toward isolationist thinking and there appears there is a popular inclination toward anti-Chinese rhetoric.
In any event, I think its too early to call.
Sidebar: I love the thankfulness at play in this thread. Should we be grateful to be discussing these things or assume it is a product of a free thinking community? (Of course, this is intended to be an ironic comment given this is the politics thread)
I think we’ll be better placed to make a call in 6 weeks when (I think) the early voting starts.
You can probably draw some reasonable conclusions on how some of the electoral colleges may fall at that stage.
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