Politics and in-fighting. Which I guess is just politics. Or infighting

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I’m not sure any of the democratic candidates really would want the job after the effects of the pandemic. The DNC can select anyone it likes, right? Maybe Elizabeth Warren will end up the surprise pick.

Viewing 100 replies - 601 through 700 (of 985 total)
  • #31136

    I feel as though this is a little disingenuous. Some of these things have been the subject of complaints in the past, often heated ones, and now changes are being made in line with what has been called for.

    Saying that these things are small and meaningless and intended as a distraction after people have spent years asking for them to change feels a little inconsistent.

    I think it’s fine to make the point that there are bigger fish to fry, but I’m not sure that should mean that these small changes aren’t worth something too.

    The problem is that nobody listened when people politely asked to cut out the blackface or maybe have black actors play black characters in animation, and offering this in face of giant mass protest over police brutality and murders really feels like an attempt at mild appeasement

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  • #31141

    The problem is that nobody listened when people politely asked to cut out the blackface or maybe have black actors play black characters in animation, and offering this in face of giant mass protest over police brutality and murders really feels like an attempt at mild appeasement

    In the case of the Simpsons I thought the Apu controversy had already encouraged them to move away from that before the recent protests, although I could be wrong. And certainly blackface hasn’t suddenly become unacceptable within just the past few weeks.

    But I guess that off the back of the recent protests there has been added momentum to some of the existing complaints that has led to the current wave of more sweeping action to address it all.

    I don’t know, it just feels like a dishonest argument to turn these victories into evidence that they’re being offered instead of more substantial change, rather than as a precursor to it.

    I understand the argument, but for me it comes down to: should these things have happened or not?

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  • #31142

    The problem is that nobody listened when people politely asked to cut out the blackface or maybe have black actors play black characters in animation, and offering this in face of giant mass protest over police brutality and murders really feels like an attempt at mild appeasement

    In the case of the Simpsons I thought the Apu controversy had already encouraged them to move away from that before the recent protests, although I could be wrong. And certainly blackface hasn’t suddenly become unacceptable within just the past few weeks.

    But I guess that off the back of the recent protests there has been added momentum to some of the existing complaints that has led to the current wave of more sweeping action to address it all.

    I don’t know, it just feels like a dishonest argument to turn these victories into evidence that they’re being offered instead of more substantial change, rather than as a precursor to it.

    I understand the argument, but for me it comes down to: should these things have happened or not?

    For me it’s the timing, and like, I’ve seen this before with other activist activities – the establishment will always offer the bare minimum to try and placate people and try and bleed off supporters who see this as a victory and it’s OK to stop getting out on the streets.

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  • #31144

    Some I’d agree with have been asked for in the past, some are semi-ridiculous like the Master bedroom and the Golden Girls episode where they have face masks on.

    I don’t believe there’s any great conspiracy but I do see a lot of people of colour speaking out that these are moves have taken the centre of discussions when none of it was asked for in the BLM protests. Whether intentional or not it has distracted away from the heart of their argument, which is police reform.

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  • #31145

    I guess the counter argument is that the moves that are simple and easy to make are always going to come quicker than sweeping reforms which require social and legal upheaval.

    Take something like gay marriage. The fact that media depictions of gay relationships switched to be more favourable (and old stereotypes and homophobic jokes were retired) far earlier than gay marriage was allowed didn’t mean it was a minor concession that was thrown to the gay community so that more meaningful action didn’t have to be taken, it was a step along the road to that greater legal and societal change.

    The Malcolm X argument is one that relies on the idea that the civil rights movement will never lead to any meaningful change, and that’s something I don’t believe and I don’t think is supported by history.

    (Does more need to change? Absolutely. But I don’t think we should be defeatist at the moment where it feels like there could be more potential than ever for further meaningful change.)

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  • #31146

    The Malcolm X argument is one that relies on the idea that the civil rights movement will never lead to any meaningful change, and that’s something I don’t believe and I don’t think is supported by history.

    Malcolm X’s argument isn’t that you can’t get meaningful change, it’s that you don’t accept the crumbs from the table and you keep on going

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  • #31147

    Which I agree with, but that meme seemed to position the statement as a rebuttal of those changes as being questionable and having been deployed as distractions, rather than being welcome first steps but not going nearly far enough.

    Maybe I’m overanalysing it – memes aren’t meant for this kind of nuance after all. But it’s the kind of thing that I think might on balance end up muddying that message rather than boosting it.

  • #31148

    Which I agree with, but that meme seemed to position the statement as a rebuttal of those changes as being questionable and having been deployed as distractions, rather than being welcome first steps but not going nearly far enough.

    Maybe I’m overanalysing it – memes aren’t meant for this kind of nuance after all. But it’s the kind of thing that I think might on balance end up muddying that message rather than boosting it.

    As always, it can be two things – like they are welcome changes sure, but at the same time, it’s pretty coincidental that changes that people have been campaigning for for years got ignored or implemented at a glacial pace suddenly get changed overnight right when the same people are demanding bigger change.

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  • #31150

    Well, I think it’s a moment of major cultural impact where there’s going to be added momentum for that kind of thing. I don’t disagree that it shows how much they dragged their heels in the past when they could have done it a lot sooner.

    In general I think there’s  desire on the part of corporations to be seen to be doing the right thing at the moment in the wake of the BLM demonstrations. But even if the cynical argument says they’re doing it for the wrong reasons, at least they’re still doing the right thing.

    But yeah, who knows whether bigger and more meaningful change is on the horizon without a crystal ball. Hopefully we’ll look back and see these more trivial changes as early indicators of more substantial change to come, rather than cynical attempts to appease the movement with scraps.

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  • #31156

    As always, it can be two things – like they are welcome changes sure, but at the same time, it’s pretty coincidental that changes that people have been campaigning for for years got ignored or implemented at a glacial pace suddenly get changed overnight right when the same people are demanding bigger change.

    And it can be two things in this, as well: You can keep fighting for more meaningful changes while being glad for the small victories, surely. Doesn’t mean you have to go “Oh, cool, that’s that then” and pack up your signs and go home because Apu isn’t voiced by Hank Azaria anymore.

    Random sidenote: I’ve been watching the Simpsons in German – because certain people in the household are forcing me to – so I won’t even notice any difference…

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  • #31157

    And it can be two things in this, as well: You can keep fighting for more meaningful changes while being glad for the small victories, surely. Doesn’t mean you have to go “Oh, cool, that’s that then” and pack up your signs and go home because Apu isn’t voiced by Hank Azaria anymore.

    Well yeah, that’s implicit too

    Random sidenote: I’ve been watching the Simpsons in German – because certain people in the household are forcing me to – so I won’t even notice any difference…

    How do they treat Uter?

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  • #31158

    Hopefully we’ll look back and see these more trivial changes as early indicators of more substantial change to come, rather than cynical attempts to appease the movement with scraps.


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  • #31159

    How do they treat Uter?

    I used to watch the Simpsons dubbed in France (to be fair the voices were pretty good in terms of similarity to the originals), and I remember them commendably keeping the line “I’m as dirty as a Frenchman” intact.

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  • #31160

    In general I think there’s  desire on the part of corporations to be seen to be doing the right thing at the moment in the wake of the BLM demonstrations.

    I think so too. People have been asked to do more to help and change things, how to be an active ally rather than just sit back and not be racist, and I think this is one way they think they can. I don’t believe that Hulu are in with the far right groups planning a distraction.

    However I can also see the distraction that especially the more trivial are inadvertently creating. I see people I know that aren’t far right at all asking ‘oh god what are the banning now’ at the likes of the Golden Girls. I can see that people of colour would rather Hulu put out a statement of new policies for greater representation in creative and board positions.

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  • #31161

    Yeah that’s fair. It becomes noise and it’s at such a trivial level that it potentially trivialises the entire movement by association.

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  • #31162

    I give even odds on the Golden Girls one being some well-meaning but ultimately clueless making a decision and a deliberate attempt to make the BLM movement seem silly by “demanding” the episode be removed.

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  • #31183

    I guess the way I see this stuff with Hollywood trying to (finally) eliminate blackface and (finally) becoming more inclusive with animated characters of color is that these entertainment companies aren’t the ones with the power to make meaningful change in police systems so at least they’re trying something? That’s not to say that anyone should accept this and only this as the result of the protests and the deaths of far too many black Americans at the hands of police. People need to keep fighting. This is the least Hollywood can do (and in some cases appears more knee-jerk than anything else). It certainly doesn’t mean people should stop putting pressure on the politicians to make real, systemic changes.

    I get the argument that it could trivialize the movement, so hopefully people ignore the noise and keep fighting.

  • #31187

    Define “disavowed”.


    Also appeared in the Mirror when it originally happened. ( :unsure: )


    She’s since pointed out on Twitter that this excellent collection of dystopian science fiction and gothic thrillers belongs to her husband.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by Martin Smith.

    I don’t see the part that has anything to do with the books I mentioned originally. Maybe that’s in another story?

    Has she mentioned that those aren’t hers either, or are we just assuming that because the comics weren’t hers then she mustn’t own any of the books in her house? :unsure:

    It’s partly because of the thing with her husband’s books and partially because she doesn’t strike me as the kind to like sci-fi comedy, let alone read the spin-off books of it.

    The embedded tweet seems to be cutting off the one I actually got the link to and just showing what it’s a reply to.


    • This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by Martin Smith.
    • This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by Martin Smith.
    • This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by Martin Smith.
  • #31195

    I often see her out and about in our local high street, I’ll have to ask her if I see her.

    That won’t be weird at all.

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  • #31201

    In other news, the EU has banned all travel in from the US until we can figure out what’s going on.

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  • #31203

    Which is sensible when you look at this:

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  • #31204

    In other news, the EU has banned all travel in from the US until we can figure out what’s going on.

    Yeah but is that really as important as whether Jess Phillips owns these Red Dwarf novels or not? Let’s focus on the big stuff here.

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  • #31209

    Also, sorry my graph was out of date:

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  • #31210

    An interesting aspect as well coming out of Spain and the UK is we have up until now focused on survival, the death and ‘recovery’ rates. Listening to the Guardian podcast today with their health expert they are finding that people that went into ICU and came out are showing signs of permanent lung, and in some cases, brain damage. Even among younger patients some are struggling to properly recover fully after 2 or 3 months.

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  • #31211

    Yeah, the idea that covid-19 is ‘merely’ a respiratory virus has gone out the window – it goes after just about any system.

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  • #31218

    How do they treat Uter?

    They’ve given him a Swiss accent, and given him according attributes, if I recall correctly. It kind of makes sense; if he was just speaking German, you wouldn’t notice any difference between him and the other characters.

    I often see her out and about in our local high street, I’ll have to ask her if I see her.

    That won’t be weird at all.

    Just make sure to get her views on Man of Steel and Prometheus, as well.

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  • #31230

    If only it were as simple as renaming bedrooms. The word “master” is used in tens of thousands of different contexts. If there’s an English noun, there’s a good chance the word “master” has been used to qualify it. This is going to keep the Ministry of Truth clerks busy for a long, long time. Luckily, they are masters of their craft.

    I hope they keep a master copy of all their changes, for later reference.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by DavidM.
    • This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by DavidM.
  • #31249

    I am a master Tim

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  • #31264

    A quick doc on the history of blackface:

  • #31266

    This Twitter thread by a British-French writer whose British holiday-home-neighbours have just realised they won’t be able to retire in France now, given Brexit (which they voted for) is ::chef’s kiss:: I mean, tainted by the impending curtailing of our rights and whatnot, but seeing these idiots have to deal with getting what they voted for is wonderful schadenfreude.

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  • #31268

    People of that ilk do seem completely blind to these things, they all consider themselves special cases.

    I have had half a dozen conversation with (usually Australian) retirees here who rant that they left the country as it was going to the dogs with Muslim immigrants who don’t integrate. So their response is to become an immigrant in a Muslim country, telling me this over steak and chips in an Irish pub, and see nothing hypocritical abut it at all.

    They’d never ever think to describe themselves as immigrants even though that’s exactly what they are. Technically ‘expatriates’ are people paid to work in a country for a specific amount of time, they’ll call themselves expatriates when they don’t fit that description, they won’t apply it to their house cleaner from Indonesia on a  2 year contract when she fits it in every way.

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  • #31273

    They’d never ever think to describe themselves as immigrants even though that’s exactly what they are. Technically ‘expatriates’ are people paid to work in a country for a specific amount of time, they’ll call themselves expatriates when they don’t fit that description, they won’t apply it to their house cleaner from Indonesia on a  2 year contract when she fits it in every way.

    Wait… are you saying that Malaysia and Indonesia are not the same country? That’s crazy, Gar! Next you’ll be telling me that New Zealand isn’t part of Australia, or that Africa isn’t a country.

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  • #31275

    Geographical ignorance isn’t really the problem in this one.

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  • #31282

    A quick doc on the history of blackface:

    Still amazes me sometimes that “Soul Man” was actually green lit.

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  • #31283

    Trump calls the Black Lives Matter mural to be painted outside Trump Tower a ‘symbol of hate’

    Same asshole who said there were very fine people on both sides of the Charlottesville incident.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by JRCarter.
    • This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by JRCarter.
    • This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by JRCarter.
    • This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by JRCarter.
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  • #31292

    Trump calls the Black Lives Matter mural to be painted outside Trump Tower a ‘symbol of hate’

    Same asshole who said there were very fine people on both sides of the Charlottesville incident.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by JRCarter.
    • This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by JRCarter.
    • This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by JRCarter.
    • This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by JRCarter.

    Did he ever retract his claims about the Central Park Five?

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  • #31298

    Did he ever retract his claims about the Central Park Five?

    That would mean he’d have to admit he was wrong and he’s too much of a narcissist to do that.

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  • #31322

    Apparently, there was a meeting in California recently to discuss reopening schools.

    40 school principals are currently in quarantine after contracting COVID at the meeting.

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  • #31323

    You know that feeling when you realise the extent to which you’ve just accepted the infantilisation of public discourse? That hit me with this opening paragraph.

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  • #31324

    Apparently, there was a meeting in California recently to discuss reopening schools.

    40 school principals are currently in quarantine after contracting COVID at the meeting.

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  • #31325

    The Lone Ranger’s mask, which famously covers his mouth.


    Oh, wait, I’m being handed something…

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by lorcan_nagle.
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  • #31326

    I mean if Trump has been wearing a facemask over his eyes for the last three months, that explains a lot.

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  • #31327

    (He can’t even get being stupid right.)

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  • #31358

    Others are experts at stupid:

    At midnight the option expired to extend the Brexit transition period.

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  • #31469

    Aw hell no:

    Tucker Carlson 2024? The GOP is buzzing

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  • #31470

    Gross. Also, I can’t imagine why he’d want to do it when he can spout his bullshit for loads of cash and no consequences.

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  • #31484

    Gross. Also, I can’t imagine why he’d want to do it when he can spout his bullshit for loads of cash and no consequences.

    We said that about Trump though.

  • #31488

    Gross. Also, I can’t imagine why he’d want to do it when he can spout his bullshit for loads of cash and no consequences.

    We said that about Trump though.

  • #31509

    Gross. Also, I can’t imagine why he’d want to do it when he can spout his bullshit for loads of cash and no consequences.

    We said that about Trump though.

    Yeah, I know. I’m just not sure that Carlson’s ego is as big and fragile as Trump’s, since the prevailing story is that Trump was so upset about a joke made about him that it made him run for president. I’m not sure Carlson has the same vindictive streak and is as obsessed with winning as Trump is.

    At least that’s my hope. Because dear lord is Tucker Carlson a disgusting person. So here’s hoping he only cares about money.

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  • #31514

    So much relies on November Chris. If Trump gets a pasting in the election then maybe the idea of ‘celeb’ candidates will be seen as a failed experiment. If he wins then god help us in so many ways.

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  • #31622

    People see Trump but I can see Putin too…

    Not that one is taking his cues from the other but in theory,
    Putin took the social divisions and issues that were already there
    in the US and rooted for someone he knew would make things worse and
    further weigh down and destabilize the country.

    Some may dismiss all this, but in a manner of speaking, it does fit….

  • #31653

    So, hear the one about the elderly Brit, who took a trip to Greece, to render his villa covid-safe?

    His son’s the Prime Minister, you know!

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  • #31654

    Haven’t heard that one but how about this one.

    Nigel Farage walks into a bar.

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  • #31656

    While he was supposed to be quarantining, the fuckwit.

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  • #31738

    Sunak considers £500 vouchers for all UK adults to spend in Covid-hit firms

    Chancellor urged to introduce a scheme that has jump-started other countries’ blighted hospitality and retail sectors

    Radical plans to give all adults £500 and children £250 in vouchers to spend in sectors of the economy worst hit by the Covid-19 crisis are being considered by the Treasury.


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  • #31739

    Kanye West says he’s running for president. There is no evidence of that yet.

    I hope not.

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  • #31746

    If true, let me be the first to say Fuck Kanye. As an enthusiastic Trump supporter his motivations here would be quite clear. And if for some reason he does run and siphons enough votes in swing states to give Trump a 2nd term I would sincerely hope it would be the end of his career as well as the end of all things Kardashian. I don’t have the patience for this kind of delusional nonsense when millions of people are suffering. Go away Kanye.

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  • #31747

    Now it is obvious that Trump is being exposed, and even GOPers in office who are honest with themselves know it.
    Why is he still there?
    Apparently, because they have the Presidency and Senate on their side which is overmatching Congress.
    Also, the constituency supports him and they sold their soul to the current social division and they all decided to fall in line.
    What else?

  • #31752

    If true, let me be the first to say Fuck Kanye. As an enthusiastic Trump supporter his motivations here would be quite clear. And if for some reason he does run and siphons enough votes in swing states to give Trump a 2nd term I would sincerely hope it would be the end of his career as well as the end of all things Kardashian.

    I might be misunderstanding, but is this based on the idea that he’d siphon more Trump votes than Biden ones?

    If so, is that likely?

  • #31756

    Is it likely? That’s unclear. I’d hope not, but I’d think Kayne, if he got any votes, would tend towards the younger Bernie type crowd. I don’t think the Trump base is touchable, so if it would hurt anyone I’d expect it to be Biden

    Again, maybe not super likely, but this election is too serious for another entitled clown like Kanye to be mucking around in it.

  • #31761

    I thought Kanye had walked back his support for Trump.  Not that it matters really.

  • #31773

    It’s one thing to say you’re running for President but it’s a completely different matter to actually get your name on the ballot in all 50 states. There are qualifications, applications, and deadlines. It’s four months till Election Day. The best he can hope for is a write-in campaign and that won’t amount to anything.

    Every aspect of his life will come under scrutiny. Every dirty little secret. And he has plenty. It will also expose the Kardashians and they won’t be able to control the narrative like they do now. That’s problematic for Family K.

    And most importantly, it takes money. Huge amounts of money. Huge amounts of money he doesn’t have and won’t be able to get. The big donors will laugh him out of the room when he comes with his hand out. The Democrats and Republicans won’t have him which means he won’t have an infrastructure from a party to support him. He is so far behind right now that he can’t catch up.

    This whole thing is a non-starter and really just a publicity grab. He wants attention and this will give it to him for a bit. It will fade away and disappear soon enough.

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  • #31775

    I think the deadline has past for a handful of states already, with a few more coming up in the next week or so. His tweet kind of gave me the impression of someone drunk on beer and patriotism on the 4th. Still, I’ve got no patience for his brand of shenanigans.

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  • #31776

    Nothing screams patriotism quite as much as running for the highest available office while being gloriously underqualified.

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  • #31788

    I agree with all Todd has said but there’s still that fear it was circa 70k votes out of however many tens of millions that tipped it for Trump last time.

    He does have a new album coming out so hopefully this is just some bullshit promotion for that.

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  • #31789

    I agree with all Todd has said but there’s still that fear it was circa 70k votes out of however many tens of millions that tipped it for Trump last time.

    Could that work the other way though? If people associate him far more with Trump’s politics than anything else, it feels as though he could draw support from Trump as much as from Biden.

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  • #31796

    My feeling is he may draw some of the black vote which Biden has sewn up. I’m not so sure which part of Trump’s constituency shifts to West.

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  • #31803

    I’m not so sure which part of Trump’s constituency shifts to West.

    My thought was that it could be the people who could never bring themselves to vote Democrat, but who have trouble holding their nose and voting for Trump.

    I mean who knows, I’m still not clear whether West is really serious on this or whether it’s just a cry for attention.

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  • #31846

    Radical plans to give all adults £500 and children £250 in vouchers to spend in sectors of the economy worst hit by the Covid-19 crisis are being considered by the Treasury.

    That is awesome. I could go to 20 concerts!

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  • #31883

    Kanye has issues, but I heard the WH spokeswoman Mcenanay and other GOPers say things so ridiculous, it is as if they were hypnotized or brainwashed… What gives?

  • #31959

    What gives?

    I don’t know, what did they say?

  • #31972

    Well, the WH spokeswoman went on record and said that covid 19 would never get to the US because of Trump.
    A GOP Senator said that Trump is handling the pandemic better than Obama handled Ebola (only 2 died)…
    Other GOP leaders are saying things against wearing facemasks, that doctors and other med professionals aren’t really authorities.
    Even the Trump supporters have been on video making scenes in store about wearing facemasks saying it is political not medical etc…
    Interesting… Has there been a report on the education level of Trump supporters…

    So, what gives? How did Trump get such an emotional hold on some people?

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  • #31978

    So, what gives? How did Trump get such an emotional hold on some people?

    When your ideology is based on opposing the other guy, you will literally say and do anything to defend your side and attack the other one.

    If only some communist in the 1940s had come up with a way of describing this concept oh wait oh shit what’s this doing here?

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  • #31979

    Well, the WH spokeswoman went on record and said that covid 19 would never get to the US because of Trump.
    A GOP Senator said that Trump is handling the pandemic better than Obama handled Ebola (only 2 died)…
    Other GOP leaders are saying things against wearing facemasks, that doctors and other med professionals aren’t really authorities.
    Even the Trump supporters have been on video making scenes in store about wearing facemasks saying it is political not medical etc…
    Interesting… Has there been a report on the education level of Trump supporters…

    So, what gives? How did Trump get such an emotional hold on some people?

    One of Trump’s biggest voting blocks are white, non-college educated people. They made up 44% of the electorate in 2016. Trump won that demo by 36 points. I think the math there says that about 60% of all Trump’s votes came from that specific group.

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  • #31987

    If your doctor tells you that you have an inoperable cancer and are going to die, the first thing you do is get a second opinion; and a third, and possibly a fourth. When none of the experts tell you what you want to hear, you go on-line and start researching cures. Then you find that “doctor” operating in Tijuana, Mexico, who purports to have a guaranteed cure for exactly your brand of cancer, so you take your life savings out of the bank, pack your car, and drive over the border to be cured.

    To a lot of white Americans who feel that their privileged spot at the top of the mountain is being threatened by people of color, and women, and the LBGTQ community who are suddenly being given equal rights that are leveling the playing field at the expense of those white privileges, Donald Trump is that Tijuana “doctor” with the cure for the disease that is ailing White America. Why listen to the experts when this guy is telling you exactly what you want to hear?

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  • #31995

    If your doctor tells you that you have an inoperable cancer and are going to die, the first thing you do is get a second opinion; and a third, and possibly a fourth. When none of the experts tell you what you want to hear, you go on-line and start researching cures. Then you find that “doctor” operating in Tijuana, Mexico, who purports to have a guaranteed cure for exactly your brand of cancer, so you take your life savings out of the bank, pack your car, and drive over the border to be cured.

    We call that pulling a Steve Jobs these days.

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  • #32056

    Read some of Forbes interview with Kanye…dude is not mentally well and everyone needs to stop enabling him and his delusions of grandeur. This includes the media interviewing him. There’s no good reason they should be indulging his mental illness. It’s not a joke. The whole thing is dangerous and he needs help. And we, as a country, don’t need another celebrity with a god complex mucking with the already gross political climate.

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  • #32063

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  • #32067

    To be fair, they’ve been claiming that for a good decade now.

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  • #32087

    I’m Christian and I took a flu shot last year.

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  • #32090

    I’m Christian and I took a flu shot last year.

    You’re just lucky they can’t excommunicate you for that sort of talk.

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  • #32094

    I do think Kanye’s policy proposals, as nuts as they are, can serve a purpose for those that are very politically literate and view things as very left or right, because a lot of people don’t.

    He’s proposed anti-vaxx and abortion stuff but also the end of the death penalty and prison reform. I like half of those 4 and you’ll guess which ones.

    I see this on Facebook more than anything (my Facebook is people I know only, my location  means I get zero political advertising, it’s not really a cesspit of arguing and division some people see).

    One old classmate on there is a policeman, he’s critical about political correctness making his job hard (normally considered right) but he’s pro a cautious approach to Covid over opening up the economy early, everyone wear masks (normally considered left). He loves the NHS and wants rail privatised (socialist!) but tough on law and order (Thatcher!).

    I do think there can be a bubble in political discourse that the public is aligned to a set menu of policies, left or right, but I think in reality it’s a lot more complex than that. I agree with Rand Paul on drug policy (decriminalisation) more than Jeremy Corbyn (status quo).



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  • #32387

    Ann Coulter endorses Amy McGrath

    While Ann Coulter is without a doubt awful, it’s still kind of fun to watch conservatives turning against each other. Especially considering the Right has been trying to push the idea that the Dems are at war with each other even though they seems to have all very quickly come to support Biden months ago.

    If only there was even the slightest chance McConnell could lose in November…

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  • #32390

    Wondering if, when McGrath learned Coulter endorsed her, she was like, “Nah, I’m good.”

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  • #32430


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  • #32484

    So, Trump’s throwing another bitch fit. This time, at the GOP senators who criticized him for commuting Stone’s sentence.

    I shouldn’t be saying this about someone old enough to be my parent. Trump needs to grow the fuck up.

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  • #32506

    On the bright side of things, at least some Republicans are actually pushing back against him

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  • #32522

    But too little, and too late do undo the damage the GOP has enabled over the past 3+ years.

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  • #32524

    But too little, and too late do undo the damage the GOP has enabled over the past 3+ years.

    Well hopefully their self-destructive actions will lead to a schwacking at the polls in November, but I have my doubts.

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  • #32569

    The Brexit clusterfuck continues with the latest parliamentary briefings on how the government expects things to actually function from 2021 onwards.

    My only hope is that the plans are so transparently damaging and divisive that there’s no other option for the government but to accept the loss of face and kick the can down the road by extending the transition agreement for another year or more.

    (In normal times that would be the sensible option, but these days who can say.)

  • #32571

    Too late. The government ignored the deadline.

    Others are experts at stupid:

    At midnight the option expired to extend the Brexit transition period.

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  • #32574

    That was at the beginning of July. But apparently they have non-existent technology to avoid any disruption or border checks.

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  • #32578

    We have guts.  They’re magic.

  • #32579

    That was at the beginning of July. But apparently they have non-existent technology to avoid any disruption or border checks.

    Does it involve frickin’ lasers on sharks?

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  • #32592

    Sharks are cool. They provide mermaids’ purses. Instead the political sharks appear to have gone old-school: paper + concrete.

    So far it seems to involve endless paperwork and copious amounts of concrete/tarmac for holding centres for lorries. According to the FT, British companies trading with Europe will have to fill in an extra 215 million forms costing a fucktonne of Boris buses.

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  • #32604

    Too late. The government ignored the deadline.

    Others are experts at stupid:

    At midnight the option expired to extend the Brexit transition period.

    I’m not so certain. When it comes to Brexit we’ve seen lots of supposed final deadlines come and go and be kicked back by months and even years.

    Don’t underestimate the ability of the EU to find a solution to get around these deadlines with inventive solutions. Anything is possible if there’s the political will on both sides to do so. (And that’s the big ‘if’.)

    One possible solution would be to strike a bare-bones deal by the end of this year that provides for a future relationship based on a long implementation period, where elements of EU law and regulation essentially carry over into a new period from the start of 2021 that isn’t the transition period on paper but essentially functions in the same way.

    This might be wishful thinking but I feel as though the pandemic provides the perfect cover for the UK government to agree to something like this without losing face, citing extraordinary circumstances.

    However, at the same time it’s also true that it provides the perfect cover for the economic damage that’s coming if we do end up with no deal by the end of the year.

    We’ll see.

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  • #32606

    This might be wishful thinking but I feel as though the pandemic provides the perfect cover for the UK government to agree to something like this without losing face, citing extraordinary circumstances.

    The problem is that enough of the Tories want a chaotic, messy Brexit so they can profit.

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  • #32611

    I’d like to think you’re right Dave but consider masks:

    Inside no. 10 a few hours ago:

    What ho boys, shall we make masks mandatory?

    Yes. No. Maybe. Sometimes. Will I make money out of it?

    Ok then, masks are mandatory but only from 24 July.

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  • #32628

    Tory MP Damian Green, who represents an overwhelming leave-voting constituency in Kent, has been complaining that they are turning his town into a giant lorry park. My favourite commentary on this piece of schadenfreude:

    “I never thought trucks would pile up at my border, weeps MP from the Trucks Piling Up At Borders party.”

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  • #32632

    Thing is, Damian Green campaigned to remain and was still (moderately) vocal about it while in Theresa May’s government.

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