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Aw, I haven’t thought of My Filing Technique is Unstoppable/Get Your War On in so long.
Bye Henry
This is like when me and Christian combined the tune of Jingle Bells with the lyrics of Welcome To The Jungle.
And throw in Star Wars for good measure
Poor Alaska.
That would be an ecumenical matter.
I feel like this is the answer to the “I wish people came with a 30-seconds-trailer” above.
He can’t be bargained with, he can’t be reasoned with, and he absolutely will not stop until you have presents
The only kid who should know who the T-1000 is at age 6 is John Connor.
Re: map of countries that’ve eaten their prime ministers
Okay, I have to admit I didn’t know about Johan de Witt and this has cheered me up no end. Kudos to the Dutch for introducing a measure that’d really make politicians think twice about their actions while in public office. I think this would be a great model for the British, given the way things’ve been going there prime-minister-wise.
I’ve a plan involving a wicker man to keep English prime ministers honest.
plus it has a traditional and old fashioned value to it that the tories claim to love.
But we won’t be burning any animals.
We’re not monsters.
Will bees be involved at some point?
We’re not monsters.
Stares in the rest of the World at Britain
Re: map of countries that’ve eaten their prime ministers
Okay, I have to admit I didn’t know about Johan de Witt and this has cheered me up no end. Kudos to the Dutch for introducing a measure that’d really make politicians think twice about their actions while in public office. I think this would be a great model for the British, given the way things’ve been going there prime-minister-wise.
It’s muddled…the De Witt brothers were actually great politicians but they fucked up militarily and got us in a war with France, England, Cologne and Munster when we didn’t have the means to defend ourselves, causing lots of suffering. Two towns close to where I live, Zwammerdam and Bodegraven were massacred. The brothers were enemies of the Stadtholder William III (King Billy) and it is suggested William riled up the crowd to lynch them. Anyway afterwards William gained much more power as a stadtholder, getting rid of democratic controls.
So I thought the graph was funny but it’s not really something to be proud of…
Lukashenko’s son is a hottie:
The latter featuring Majel Barret as Troi’s mother, I’m starting to learn as I watch through TNG.
I quite like some Lwaxana episodes
I stopped watching them after s2.
So I thought the graph was funny but it’s not really something to be proud of…
Okay, so it’s not something to be proud of where DeWitt is concerned. But I still say there’s a certain je-ne-sais-quoi to the general principle of eating your prime ministers.
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