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Happy Sunday!
Macro photos of eyes creep me the hell out. So share my pain!
I call fake news! When you see a close-up of eyes on a cinema screen, they don’t look anything like that.
Truly a window into the soul.
The soul of a horrible demon-monster.
Nemesis is a year after Irredeemable and 24 years after Frank Miller made him a government lackey.
That’s ok. I’ll stick with my boy Homelander
Firefly fact check – snopes.com
Miscaptioned. Still looks cool though.
You keep believing that, incels.
Wow, body shaming and sexism all in one go.
(In that Arnie pic.)
Yes, luckily the one with the kingfishers is just sexism.
Interesting choice to cosplay.
I hope they’ve patented that invention, they’ll make millions.
I think there’s more of a causal link between the first and last parts of that McBucket List sentence than she realises.
Kate Beckinsale is quite the gift on Instagram:
I think there’s more of a causal link between the first and last parts of that McBucket List sentence than she realises.
Interesting fact: All the headlines on that cover are about members of the same family!!!
That Kate Beckinsale reply is magnificent.
Looks fake, and most likely is.
You see the strangest things on Streetview…
I feel like they must’ve had that scene in Buffy.
The position Kelleher pays is known as the ‘hooker’ named as such in the 19th century as he hooks the ball into the scrum with their feet. 😂
“Hey Windsor, love the cartoon, just one small suggestion – I’m not sure Death really stands out enough. The whole skull and black robes thing is great, but I’m not sure if that’s enough to ‘get’ who he is. Maybe some kind of prop to really emphasise the whole death thing?”
“Hey Winnie, just got the revised copy – I love the big open grave but as a random hole in the ground it’s still a bit ambiguous – maybe some kind of big headstone would really set it off nicely?”
“Hey Winnie, just got the latest version – the gravestone is great but it kind of looks a little flat without writing.”
“OK Winnie you’re just taking the piss now.”
On a bench in Margate:
Love It! are clearly now employing a system where the news gets slightly jollier as you scroll down the page.
I’ve learned to avoid step 3 on that chart, then nobody ever knows I didn’t get past step 2.
Love It! are clearly now employing a system where the news gets slightly jollier as you scroll down the page.
Do you have a subscription, Dave? Or do you prefer to buy it at the newsagents?
I just sent that to my daughter’s boyfriend, he’s in her band and has no idea what my phone number is!
I know this is a parody of Doctor Manhattan, but what am I missing… what’s the symbol supposed to be?
I know this is a parody of Doctor Manhattan, but what am I missing… what’s the symbol supposed to be?
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