The series premiere on March 30, 2022.
I am definitely looking forward to it.
Home » Forums » Movies, TV and other media » Moon Knight Thread (SPOILERS INSIDE!!!)
I think in these dual scenes Isaac’s choice of the accent pays off very well, I know we have different coloured shirts but you are under no doubt from the voice and demeanour which is Steven and which is Marc.
The pacing does seem an issue with only one episode left but something I saw on Twitter may suggest an ending similar to Loki’s cliffhanger one. The Moon Knight account posted about the ‘series finale’, the post was deleted and replaced with the same message but ‘season finale’.
I wonder if the finale will have some more of a tie-in to the MCU. Aside from the afterlife stuff in the previous episode being Black Panther-y, there has been very little.
Apparently Echo was originally supposed to debut here rather than in Hawkeye; I’m glad they didn’t do that.
Much more than the other MCU shows, this definitely felt like a movie idea padded out to six episodes.
I definitely feel I would have liked it more if it had been half as long. Even in this drawn-out format, it failed to make Ethan Hawke’s character interesting, which was a real waste. Hawke’s good in the role, and I wish he had more to do than give the same speeches over and over.
The finale had some really cool moments; I just didn’t need five episodes of setup for it.
The post-credits scene didn’t work for me either, especially in the way they said “Jake Lockley” as if it should mean anything to anyone.
Better than Falcon and the Winter Soldier, not as good as WandaVision, Loki, or Hawkeye.
I’d watch a second season, I guess, but there are much better uses of Oscar Isaac’s time.
Well, I thought this episode was thoroughly bad… the only positive it had for me was the design of Layla’s suit, not gonna lie, it was pretty neat… but that whole thing itself was lame and pandering.
Wow, this show was incredibly disapointing. They just turned Moon Knight into yet another cookie cutter MCU superhero. Out of the many more interesting things the could’ve done, they went with magical Iron Man… oh for fuck’s sake.
Also, I’m gonna be real, as a TV show, this was a total mess… the first episode was pretty good, true… except for the pretty shitty CGI… but after that it just gets worse and worse and worse… A lot of things happen sure, but I just didn’t give a shit about any of it because there was no coherent narrative, it feels like random scenes after random scenes all glued together into a mediocre TV show.
Man, I’m sad for Oscar Isaac… He should probably stay away from Marvel and Disney altogether, that’s 3 for 3 they’ve done him dirty =/
Random thoughts: Are you trying to tell me that they took out mother fuckin Horus, one of the most powerful gods, in 1 second? Also, fuck you Disney show, everyone knows Anubis is the god who carries the souls to the underworld and does the whole weighing of the souls/heart bit, but I guess they wanted a female cutesy god…
At least I enjoyed (somewhat) that the show has some scenes in Cairo… it made me nostalgic… to bad it had to be such a piss poor show.
Oh and btw, ONCE AGAIN it all came down to hero vs evil version of hero… can’t roll my eyes far enough into my skull at this point.
Better than Falcon and the Winter Soldier, not as good as WandaVision, Loki, or Hawkeye.
I agree.
There are some great elements in this – I love how they visualised the Egyptians gods and Laila becoming “an Egyptian super-hero” was a nice surprise – but the series as a whole is a bit of a mess. Poorly paced, under-developed in the wrong areas (in retrospect, it feels like they spent too much time with the museum staff) and it just doesn’t really hang together all that well. And they *really* heavily sign-posted the third personality in this last episode, which feels like it was possibly a mistake. I’m sure most comics readers were expecting Jake at some point, but if it was done as a complete surprise at the end (and shot a bit better than Isaac looking through the divider of a limo) it might have had more impact. Maybe have Isaac clearly hold Harrow at gunpoint. Harrow says “which one of you did Khonshu convince? Marc? Steven?” “Non, je suis Jake.” Bam. End season.
Hopefully, if they come back for a second bite of the apple, they can do better with the decent fundamentals that are in this.
This really feels similar to Eternals to me. Overbaked, simultaneously too much and not enough going on, and telling me to care about the stakes instead of making them feel real. Really, everything after episode 2 of this show should have been a second or even third series of a show that built up the Egyptian mythology, possibly keeping the creepy/weird vibes of the first two episodes instead of going into big CG theatrics so quickly.
Well… It’s over
As Jon said above which I will borrow… Cookie cutter MCU: choreographed martial arts, CGI, fancy light shows. Not to say that Scorcese and the rest are totally right but…
Two huge gods fighting like Kaiju monsters (Godzilla vs. King Kong) near the Pyramids for the city to see… All this magic and incantations…. Where is Dr. Strange or Wong to notice and look into it?
Making Layla a superhero was … eh.. The actress (May Calamawy) is cute though and had some nice scenes interacting with both Steve and Marc throughout the series.
So the Ethan Hawke guy held up the figurine and the mercenaries bowed down like the indigenous bowed down in Raiders… And Moon Knight was revived like the Puma Man was revived in the end. 😂
Fiege and company need to be careful… I mean the Marvel universe has a LOT of characters and stories as we read in the comics. To put more and more into the MCU… well… the MCU viewer isn’t exactly the comic reader. True , there is an overlap, but how much?
As was said before, they saved all the action for the last episode.
Never did open up that last coffin in the mental ward before they ran into the hippo… Oh well. I guess they really wanted to save Jake Lockley for very last.
Yeah that was a poor final episode. Pretty incoherent, and I didn’t feel invested in any of it at all. A shame as after last week I at least thought the show was coming back around for the finale.
What a waste of a decent initial setup.
Also, I’m gonna be real, as a TV show, this was a total mess… the first episode was pretty good, true… except for the pretty shitty CGI… but after that it just gets worse and worse and worse… A lot of things happen sure, but I just didn’t give a shit about any of it because there was no coherent narrative, it feels like random scenes after random scenes all glued together into a mediocre TV show.
Completely agree.
Never did open up that last coffin in the mental ward before they ran into the hippo… Oh well.
That was just one of the (many, obvious) clues that pointed towards there being a third personality.
Baffling though that they held it back for the post-credit scene of the final episode as though it was some huge unexpected twist.
Overall I like more of the series than I disliked, including the finale. It may be very basic of me, but i want to see superheros beating up villains and doing cool shit. And it finally delivered on that for me.
But i don’t think the series ever really made the case for itself being a series rather than a movie.
I am a bit confused with the ending and how Moon Knight can pop up in other series/films though. It seems to point to if Moon Knight did show up, it would be the much more violent Jake, rather than the two characters we’ve spent 6 bloody episodes getting to know. Unless there is a season 2, I dont see how they resolve that one.
I guess I liked it more than most. It was flawed but I think there’s some contradictory criticism that it’s both cookie cutter superhero and also tried too hard with the splintered realities. I enjoyed it despite the flaws and really liked Isaac in it.
Um, what happened? It was going along nicely, big fight sequence, then it did a black out bit, instant win, sealed up Ammit and then a weird ending.
Still liked Isaacs in this, he is very adept at making any material work for him – Apocalypse, Poe Dameron, Moon Knight. He’s always fun to watch.
I guess I liked it more than most. It was flawed but I think there’s some contradictory criticism that it’s both cookie cutter superhero and also tried too hard with the splintered realities. I enjoyed it despite the flaws and really liked Isaac in it.
I haven’t heard much criticism of Moon Knight for being a cookie cutter superhero show, it’s certainly got a fairly original premise. Similarly most people seem to agree that Isaac is good in it.
The problem seems to be more that the story was overly padded out in the middle episodes and generally pretty incoherent in the way it was put together.
I haven’t heard much criticism of Moon Knight for being a cookie cutter superhero show
They just turned Moon Knight into yet another cookie cutter MCU superhero.
I finished it last night.
Overall, I thought it was okay. I appreciate that they were doing something different but overall, it just didn’t come together completely for me. It probably would have worked better as a movie or if it had been dropped all at once to binge.
This almost fell like a trilogy crammed into one series. I think they should have started off more “street level” with hints of something more until the end of the finale. Next series, begin exploring the supernatural aspects then in the third series, have the full-on war of the gods. This season felt like Marvel was trying to rush through to get to a specific end point.
As I have said before, Oscar Isaac saved this series. His performance was fantastic. In lesser hands, it would have a complete disaster. I look forward to seeing more of him in the MCU.
It wasn’t horrible but it was entertaining.
Some thoughts that they had but decided against. What might have been:
Moon Knight Fell Prey to a Common MCU Trope
Okay, now I am finally also caught up.
I actually liked the second-to-last episode a lot. Thought the setting worked really nicely, and it made me care for Marc and Stephen for the first time. But then, I am always a sucker for stuff taking place inside a character’s head…
The last episode was alright. Some nice visuals, and it’s not like there was going to be a lot of interesting surprises coming. Some very shoddy CGI and just general direction and editing though… a lot of it felt like they had to do stuff differently than they wanted to because of some forms of constraints.
I am always a sucker for stuff taking place inside a character’s head…
Everyone loves blowjobs, Christian. Keep it to the relationship thread, k?