Marvel Movies & TV: The MCU and beyond

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  • #95410

    Okay, but what if we ditch the Echo character and rename the show “Daredevil”? Does that work?

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  • #95412

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  • #95418

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  • #95422

    Can that guy ever get cast as anything other than a villain?

    Watch him get cast at Uncle Ben, who tries to inject Peter Parker with a lethal drug in his sleep.

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  • #95423

    Can that guy ever get cast as anything other than a villain?

    He’s a good guy in The Usual Suspects, I guess.

  • #95452

    ‘Captain America 4’ Finds Its Director in Filmmaker Julius Onah (Exclusive)

  • #95504

    Can that guy ever get cast as anything other than a villain?

  • #95601

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  • #95606

  • #95607

    Reed? Don’t know if Krasinski is confirmed as of his appearance in The Multiverse Of Madness. I’m guessing that’s not a bait-and-switch…

    Jonny Storm? I’m hoping they make Jonny the same age as Tom Holland for some extra buddy-feel between those two, and if they do Gosling is too old.

    Wolverine? He IS canadian.

    Doctor Doom? I’m just naming names now, aren’t I?

  • #95608

    All I’m saying is that if you have a movie poster with the words “Ryan Gosling” and “Giant Sized Man Thing” on it, you’re selling some tickets.

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  • #95613

    All I’m saying is that if you have a movie poster with the words “Ryan Gosling” and “Giant Sized Man Thing” on it, you’re selling some tickets.

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  • #95615

    I like the interpretation of that wording that they’re not telling Gosling what the role is. Sign up, get what you’re given.

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  • #95629

    Okay, hear me out: Arno Stark, Iron Man 2020… =P

    (and no, I don’t know why he popped in my mind)

  • #95641

    Isn’t he already Deadpool? :unsure:


  • #95642

    I googled Gosling and got the following:


    What is Ryan Gosling up to now?
    Gosling’s film schedule is currently filled with production on the Margo Robbie-led Barbie and the Wolfman reboot yet to begin. The Barbie star recently wrapped up production on the Netflix action flick The Gray Man. As soon as those projects wrap up, the couple will be ready for their reported big move

    Barbie and the Wolfman? OMG YES! Bring it on :yahoo:

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  • #95651

    I googled Gosling and got the following:


    What is Ryan Gosling up to now?
    Gosling’s film schedule is currently filled with production on the Margo Robbie-led Barbie and the Wolfman reboot yet to begin. The Barbie star recently wrapped up production on the Netflix action flick The Gray Man. As soon as those projects wrap up, the couple will be ready for their reported big move

    Barbie and the Wolfman? OMG YES! Bring it on :yahoo:

    That sounds like a knoockoff version of Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

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  • #95772

  • #95776

    Let’s hope this MCU Wolverine never meets MCU Skurge.

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  • #95929

    New casting rumors:

    Giancarlo Esposito will be playing Charles Xavier
    Glenn Powell will be playing Cyclops
    Anthony Starr will be playing Dracula

  • #96062

    Take with a grain of salt:

    Tales From The Mod Queue: Eternals 2, Quake, The Marvels, and Many More! from MarvelStudiosSpoilers

  • #96084

    And in “actor doesn’t want his old job back” news:

  • #96089

    And I don’t want him, or any of them, to return… so win/win?

  • #96090

    Well, considering Chloe Bennet (Quake) is rumored to have signed with Marvel Studios…

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  • #96095

    And I don’t want him, or any of them, to return… so win/win?

    Personally I would like to see Adrienne Palicki return to the MCU as Bobbi Morse.

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  • #96096

    I don’t think Jerry really needed the last seven words of that sentence.

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  • #96120

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  • #96121

    WEREWOLF BY NIGHT could be interesting if they made it like THE MOST DANGEROUS GAME or HARD TARGET.

    Hunting a man that turns into a werewolf at night is an interesting twist on the idea. In fact, I’d be surprised if no movie or show (like a WEREWOLF or SUPERNATURAL episode) hasn’t done something like it.

    I mean, you have a fugitive that is abducted or lured in by a shady group of rich guys out to spice up their lives, Squid Game style, by hunting a group of poor nomadic migrants with no human connections to leave a trace. Naturally, by the afternoon, they’ve whittled down the herd and are now only hunting ex-military or criminals who are themselves trying to protect the weaker members of the group (or use them to survive themselves). Then, sun sets, full moon comes out and one of the abducted transients turns out to be a werewolf.

    Hell, if no one has done that, I’m going to!

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  • #96137

    I’ll buy a ticket to see that!

    Unless you give the lead role to Shia LeBoeuf or Miles Teller…

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  • #96155

    Taron Egerton Sets the Record Straight on Rumors He’ll Play Wolverine

  • #96156

    Tom Holland Will Reportedly Not Play Peter Parker in Marvel’s Spider-Man Disney+ Series

  • #96163

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  • #96272

  • #96282

    That has got to be the least thrilling set / behind the scenes scoop ever.

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  • #96290

    Can’t believe the Nostalgia Critic still exists… holy fucking cringe Batman… well, at least the guy is persistent I guess… :unsure:

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  • #96293

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  • #96294

    I see they have no-touch girl in there and man-with-stick is always fun (I love his german accent). There’s also triple-belt man and blue munchkin. Good team. Angry hobbit is a fan favourite, no surprises there. Asianb lady and The Africaness fill up the woke agenda nicely. Did I miss someone? Oh yeah, sexy redhead who has incredible mind-powers that are incredibly useless too.

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  • #96297

    But wait! There’s more!

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  • #96303

    But wait! There’s more!

    Is this supposed to be Mutant Helmet-Man? Then WHERE is the helmet, HMMMM?

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  • #96304

    From left to right:

    1. Suzie, she works in HR

    2. Chef_Fart, powermoderator on reddit. Lives in his moms basement, reads a lot of Jordan Peterson. Doesn’t normally wear clothes.

    3. Mister BDSM

    4. Amorphous local whiteout in the shape of a lady

    5. An extra from The Warriors (1979)

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  • #96305

    If the guys behind Archer, Frisky Dingo or the Venture Bros were behind this those would be the characters actual names.

    this is supposed to be a comedy, right? Like the Harley Quinn cartoon?

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  • #96307

    Nice… classic 90’s lineup… but I wish they’ll have Psylocke, Colossus, Bishop and Archangel as well in there… but I guess the blue team was always a bit more popular.

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  • #96370

    From left to right:

    1. Suzie, she works in HR

    2. Chef_Fart, powermoderator on reddit. Lives in his moms basement, reads a lot of Jordan Peterson. Doesn’t normally wear clothes.

    3. Mister BDSM

    4. Amorphous local whiteout in the shape of a lady

    5. An extra from The Warriors (1979)

    Slight correction: the first one is actually Karen White and she demands to speak to the mutant in charge.

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  • #96384

    Daredevil: Born Again – Charlie Cox – 18 episode first season – Spring 2024


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  • #96388

    sexy redhead who has incredible mind-powers that are incredibly useless

    Most accurate description of X-Men:TAS Jean that’s ever been written.

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  • #96391

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  • #96398

    Daredevil: Born Again – Charlie Cox – 18 episode first season – Spring 2024

    Oh boy… I’m scared =/

    Also, and speaking of:

    CGI still looks terrible… this should’ve probably been a movie with a movie budget.

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  • #96400

    Oh, and watched the BP2 trailer… yeah no, sorry, mexican Namor is fuckin’ stupid.

    Plus, I’m not a fan of Disney co-opting SA culture for this kind of lame bullshit, but eh, they do it to everyone, so I guess fair is fair. But still… nope.

  • #96401

    Daredevil: Born Again — Great news, but didn’t they use most of the story beats from Born Again i season 3? I assume they just like the name, like Age of Ultron.

    Wakanda Forever — Totally uninterested.

    She Hulk — This looks like fun. I have no problem at all with the CGI. I could enjoy action and adventure movies from the 80’s and they mostly look like total crap compared to the cheapest CGI available today.

  • #96404

    Yeah, I’m pretty sure the “Born Again” thing is just the title… I mean, it’s a great title when considering the context of the series, but yeah, not only they already used a lot of it, but also, and again: it’s Disney… I doubt they’d go too Frank Miller-y, even on their “adult” section… shit, I’m not even sure they’re gonna touch too much the whole catholicism thing… =P

  • #96405

    I hope “Born Again” is borrowing the title and ideas from the comic and isn’t just a reference to DD coming back from The Snap as I’m well and truly done with references to it.

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 7 months ago by Bruce.
  • #96409

    Daredevil: Born Again – Charlie Cox – 18 episode first season – Spring 2024

    Excellent, if there’s one thing the Marvel Disney+ series need it’s to be three times as long.

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  • #96410

    Excited for him to put the Daredevil costume on again for the first time at the end of episode 17.

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  • #96411

    Daredevil: Born Again – Charlie Cox – 18 episode first season – Spring 2024

    Excellent, if there’s one thing the Marvel Disney+ series need it’s to be three times as long.

    You’re joking, but it was absolutely my main problem with Ms. Marvel.

    The showrunners come from the world of episodic TV (they did the Piper Perabo USA show Covert Affairs), so I have hopes it won’t be one long story stretched out. We might even see Matt be a lawyer, something I’m not sure ever happened on the Netflix show.

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  • #96413

    We might even see Matt be a lawyer, something I’m not sure ever happened on the Netflix show.

    There was the Punisher on trial bit in series 2, but that’s the big thing.

  • #96415

    Daredevil: Born Again – Charlie Cox – 18 episode first season – Spring 2024

    Excellent, if there’s one thing the Marvel Disney+ series need it’s to be three times as long.

    You’re joking, but it was absolutely my main problem with Ms. Marvel.

    The showrunners come from the world of episodic TV (they did the Piper Perabo USA show Covert Affairs), so I have hopes it won’t be one long story stretched out. We might even see Matt be a lawyer, something I’m not sure ever happened on the Netflix show.

    My main problem with the Netflix show was that Matt and Foggy were total failures as lawyers. They should at least be good enough to pay the rent and their secretary.

  • #96417

    I imagine we’ll get a bit of Matt lawyering in the She-Hulk show first.

  • #96419

    She-Hulk looks fun. The cgi does look better than the previous teaser, but the main issue that they’re just not going to be able to get past is that she looks more human that Hulk or The Abomination, so there will always be that weird disconnect. I’m not going to bitch about it anymore, as long as the show is fun and interesting it should make up for the occasional dodgy CG face.

    Wakanda Forever Was a great trailer. But I’m more interested in the Namor side of things rather than the black Pantherless Wakanda.

    Dating the Avengers films is surprising to see. It good to see an actual goal for these “phases”, but i guess they’ve got three years now to create some characters that have the charm that Tony and Steve did to actually lead that team.

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  • #96420

    Yeah, I think the Avengers right now is just Dr Strange sitting around by himself, wondering why everyone else seems to think that he’s the rude one.

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  • #96422

    Really the Avengers was the friends we made along the way.

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  • #96431

    Even if I wasn’t a proponent of #RecastTChalla, it’s gonna be too raw for me to see BP2.

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  • #96432

    The Groot and She-Hulk trailers look fun.

    Wakanda Forever plays the only card it could, with a whole lot of stuff having happened off-screen and before the film starts.

  • #96470

    Wow, this movie really looks like it’s going to be awesome.

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  • #96473

    What in the f…

  • #96481

    At least it wasn’t that Rick Astley video…

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  • #96486

    For those not in on the joke in that Ant-Man trailer, that video is a clip that Paul Rudd ALWAYS shows as a “clip from his upcoming movie” when he’s on talk shows.

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  • #96498

    Alternative title: from all the available X-Men, pick the worst team you can think of.

  • #96501

    For those not in on the joke in that Ant-Man trailer, that video is a clip that Paul Rudd ALWAYS shows as a “clip from his upcoming movie” when he’s on talk shows.

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  • #96556

  • #96564

    Daredevil: Born Again – Charlie Cox – 18 episode first season – Spring 2024


    They’ve managed to misspell Kevin Feiges last name three times in one article. Nice one.

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  • #96567

    Alternative title: from all the available X-Men, pick the worst team you can think of.

    Alternative post: tell me you have no taste without telling me… =P

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  • #96568

    So… SDCC came and went

    What in the MCU are you looking forward to?

    Personally, the Antman movie with the Kang Variant, Wakanda,
    She Hulk because it will have Daredevil, then Daredevil.
    The streaming stuff of LoKi, Secret Invasion.
    Maybe Echo, Agatha… all next year.

    Looks to mostly be that the next phase will have all the good
    stuff with the FF being introduced to the MCU.

    I heard remarks that the MCU has mostly been in a lull since
    Endgame and they’re right. Aside from the Spiderman movie, there
    hasn’t been that much either streaming or the big screen that
    amazes. Now it is just MCU keeps churning out stuff just for the
    sake of churning out stuff.

  • #96570

    Yeah, that is the impression but… it could be a clever tactic.

    or more to the point, it is really easy to take a lot of random stuff and then turn it into a big over arching story that no one saw coming. It’s practically the basic Marvel Comics writing manual. Joss Whedon learned it from Claremont’s X-Men and used it on Buffy, Angel, Firefly, etc and eventually The Avengers (and actually on his X-men run too).

    churning stuff out is what they need to do until they get someone who can bring it together, And the only way they’ll find that person or those people is to keep giving people work.

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  • #96571

    Looking forward to eventually getting to see Thor 4 and then GOTG 3 down the line.

    Curious about the Wakanda movie with Namor and whatever they’ve got planned for F4.

    Up for the return of Daredevil and some of the other street-level shows, especially if they do a show with the new Hawkeye/Black Widow team-up.

    Always time for more Spider-Man but no clue what may be next for him.

    Rudd is a treasure so more Ant-Man sounds like a treat.

    Not fussed about the rest and the whole multiverse/Kang thing bores me, honestly.

    Would love them to just get on with the X-Men already but it sounds like that won’t be until 2026 at the earliest. Absence makes the heart grow fonder and all that.

  • #96579

    What in the MCU are you looking forward to?

    All of it.

    Yes, I am an MCU whore.

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  • #96605

    ‘Avengers: The Kang Dynasty’ to Be Directed by ‘Shang-Chi’ Filmmaker’ Destin Daniel Cretton (Exclusive)

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  • #96607

    What in the MCU are you looking forward to?

    All of it.

    Yes, I am an MCU whore.

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  • #96612

    Well, looks like MCU Namor isn’t from Atlantis:

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  • #96627

    An interesting choice to have him come from Grimsby. I can go with it though.

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  • #96656

    Well, looks like MCU Namor isn’t from Atlantis:

    Apparently, he comes from an amusement park ride in Germany: Talocan

    Tlaloc – Aztec Rain God

    Interesting way to set him apart from Aquaman.


  • #96664

    Chadwick Boseman Causes Fans To Boycott Black Panther 2

  • #96665

    To put the blame on Chadwick Boseman, who is dead and therefor unable to reply to this controversy or do literally anything, for whatever shitfuckery is going on with fans is fucking low. I’ll boycott that article for that headline alone.

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  • #96667

    While it’s secondary to the obvious tragedy of Boseman’s death, Marvel Studios were left in a difficult position when he died. They had a few options – recast the role entirely, use CGI to recreate Boseman to some extent in the sequel, or write out/kill off the character altogether and not recast him.

    They seem to have chosen the latter route, which to me seems like the classiest way to handle it – and let’s not forget is in line with a lot of the calls from fans immediately after Boseman’s death, who said it was the most respectful way of moving forward.

    But let’s be frank, whichever option they chose they would be getting a load of shit from some sector of fandom about it right now.

    Who knows how the movie will turn out, but all this arguing about it in the wake of Boseman’s death seems somewhat unseemly to me. The specific handling of a superhero franchise is hardly the most important thing, even if it was his most high-profile role.

    If you want to honour Boseman’s legacy then watch his movies (beyond just the MCU!) and celebrate his talents, don’t drag him posthumously into this endless argument about what was the best way to handle it.

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  • #96681

    Here is the latest chart/rundown of MCU projects:

  • #96683

    Take with a grain of salt:

    Wakanda Forever plot leak reveals Marvel’s new Black Panther

    New Black Panther Identity Debate Sparked By Early LEGO Sets

  • #96684

    Can we please not post plot leak stuff here? I really don’t want to know this stuff before the movie comes out. If you want to start a spoiler/speculation thread, post it there.

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  • #96686

    Can we please not post plot leak stuff here? I really don’t want to know this stuff before the movie comes out. If you want to start a spoiler/speculation thread, post it there.

    I don’t mind spoilers, but I concur – it’s good to try and keep that in mind for future projects too.


  • #96695

    “Shang Chi: Untitled Sequel” is the best possible name for that film; I hope they don’t change it!!

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  • #96703

    Same with “Untitled Wakanda Series.”

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  • #96717

    There’s a chunk of speculation towards the end of Al’s graphic there, we may not see it all.

    The Okoye series is a rumour and some stories say it and ‘Untitled Wakanda Series’ are the same thing – she’ll be the focus of that show. Nova similarly is just a rumour about discussions at Disney.

  • #96719

    Exclusive: The Marvels In Trouble After Poor Test Screening

  • #96723

    Exclusive: The Marvels In Trouble After Poor Test Screening

    Total speculation based on no verifiable facts, just “someone said” combined with comments on the performance of recent releases. Why are fansites like this allowed to exist?

    And “Exclusive”? When the story is wholly fabricated in your small mind, of course it’s exclusive.

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  • #96762

    It’s a bullshit article but JR posts at least one of those a day.

    I’d rather he applied more quality control but I’m not his dad and he does it anyway so I guess we can just choose to ignore the clickbait and address the better ones.

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  • #96782

    It’s a bullshit article but JR posts at least one of those a day.

    I wouldn’t say a day.

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  • #96784

    I wouldn’t say a day.

    Are you… are you nocturnal?

  • #96786

    I wouldn’t say a day.

    Are you… are you nocturnal?

    Are you referring to his emissions?

  • #96788

    I wouldn’t say a day.

    Are you… are you nocturnal?

    Are you referring to his emissions?

    I just want to know if we have a daywalker in our midst.

  • #96789


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  • #96799

    It’s a bullshit article but JR posts at least one of those a day.

    Just to be clear, I’m not attacking @JRCarter; I was just venting my spleen at these clickbait sites that knowingly and purposely generate these false stories on a daily basis just to generate hits. As bad as Bleeding Cool was back in the day, you at least got a sense that Rich Johnson was getting real gossip from industry insiders. Today these sites actually pull shit out of thin air and post it as truth. They must be Trumpers…

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