The MCU! The Disney+ series! Sony! (For the time being anyway.)
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Right, so with Loki coming in June, I can cancel my Disney+ subscription for a bit after I’ve watched Falcon and Winter Soldier, yeah?
Apparently an announcement about Black Widow is imminent. Which I assume will either be a postponement or more likely another Disney+ premiere.
Small further delay… kinda weird they ended up doing this after all this wait…
Black Widow in theaters July 9 and on @DisneyPlus with Premier Access. Additional fees required.
— Marvel Studios (@MarvelStudios) March 23, 2021
Also, the newest MCU schedule… we’ll see if these stick…
Marvel Studios 2021 updated release schedule:
July 9 – Black Widow
September 3 – Shang-Chi
November 5 – Eternals
December 17 – Spider-Man 3— BD (@BrandonDavisBD) March 23, 2021
I think Spider-Man will definitely stick.
That’s how he climbs walls and stuff.
If previous patterns apply Black Widow will cease being Premier Access three months on.
Probably with disc releases at the same time unless they decide to really bank on Disney+ signups exclusively.
Chris Evans doesn’t think anyone could play Iron Man better than Robert Downey Jr.
How likely do you guys think it is they’ll introduce Patriot in the F&WS show?
Slim to none — they’re already introducing John Walker aka US Agent, so I think it’s unlikely they’ll also bring in Patriot during the same 6-hour film.
I should go to las Vegas… =P
How likely do you guys think it is they’ll introduce Patriot in the F&WS show?
Slim to none — they’re already introducing John Walker aka US Agent, so I think it’s unlikely they’ll also bring in Patriot during the same 6-hour film.
I should go to las Vegas… =P
- This reply was modified 3 years, 11 months ago by
Is this a spoiler for an episode that has only been out for a few hours? Thanks for that.
I hadn’t watched it yet and I imagine the same is true for a lot of others, so I’ll spoiler-tag your post. If we could keep spoilers to the dedicated spoiler thread that would be good. Thanks.
No worries. Not a big deal.
This isn’t as funny as they probably think it is but it’s still nice:
Alright, some new bits in the trailer. Interesting variation on the Avengers score, too.
Man, I do hope that there’ll be a chance of seeing this in the cinema.
Meh… that movie screams “a decade too late!!!” in about every single way.
Also, I really, really dislike that Taskmaster design… looks like bad cosplay.
I had little-to-no interest in a Black Widow movie, but from the time the first trailer came out (around the time the first WW84 trailer came out) my interest was piqued, whilst everyone else was like, “Ww84 LoOkS aWeSoMe!!!1!!”
History will show that I was right all along – as usual.
There’s six weeks off between the end of Falcon/Winter Soldier and the start of this; it’ll be interesting to see if many people cancel for that month.
I seem to recall Disney boasting that there would be new Marvel product every week 1n 2021, between the Disney+ shows and the big screen films. What happened to that?!
I suspect a lot is like gym membership and unless you are genuinely counting the pennies then 90% of the audience can’t be arsed and will let the subs run.
The irony of selling a ‘binge model’ is really everyone should subscribe to these platforms for a single month a year and watch all they want and come back in 12 months time. They know it doesn’t really work like that.
I have successfully flipped it on Audible – there they rely on you wanting more than one audiobook a month, but stick to that and you can really cash in.
There’s six weeks off between the end of Falcon/Winter Soldier and the start of this; it’ll be interesting to see if many people cancel for that month.
Two months for me. I’d rather wait and watch a few more episodes when I get to it.
Loki does look like great fun though; I am very much looking forward to it.
t everyone else was like, “Ww84 LoOkS aWeSoMe!!!1!!”
…why was everyone else having trouble with their shift keys?
Looks fun!
There’s six weeks off between the end of Falcon/Winter Soldier and the start of this; it’ll be interesting to see if many people cancel for that month.
That looks like a lot of fun. Based on the trailer alone, it looks like it could be the type of show that could sustain multiple seasons.
And, in actor wants work news:
Fingers crossed I get some good news but I'm used to the Parker luck by now.
— 🇺🇸Josh Keaton🇵🇪 (@joshkeaton) April 7, 2021
For those who didn’t know, Josh Keaton voiced Spidey in The Spectacular Spider-Man.
The official Georgia state website ( has listed #SheHulk on their Now Filming in Georgia page, that keeps track of shows and movies currently in production or prepping in Georgia!
— She-Hulk Daily (@shehulkdaily) April 12, 2021
Here Kills The Bride – secret Kill Bill reboot?
MCU FF fancasts are apparently trending on Twitter:
Shang Chi poster, trailer coming “in a few weeks.”
Looks like someone got a Spirograph for Christmas.
Okay, maybe not “a few weeks” then….
That looks like it should be fun.
It looks like an entertaining generic martial arts action movie.
And I’m definitely in the target market for entertaining generic martial arts action movies, so I’ll enjoy it.
(I will leave the “but” unsaid.)
(I will leave the “but” unsaid.)
Come on, get your but out, David.
Yep. Looks like a proper kung fu movie, and I’m definitely there for that.
And, in actor wants work news:
Fingers crossed I get some good news but I'm used to the Parker luck by now.
— 🇺🇸Josh Keaton🇵🇪 (@joshkeaton) April 7, 2021
For those who didn’t know, Josh Keaton voiced Spidey in The Spectacular Spider-Man.
- This reply was modified 3 years, 11 months ago by
And also got screwed by Jeph Loeb, who had the lines Keaton had recorded for Spidey’s appearances in the Avengers: Earth Mightiest Heroes cartoon scrapped and redone by the VA from the Ultimate Spider-Man cartoon (even though EMH’s producers had clearly intended it to be the Spectacular version – they also had Betty’s VA from Spectacular play Betty on the show.)
Shang-chi teaser looks fun, but by the love of Bob I hope those big CGI fight moments are a flashback or something and not the grand conclusion of the movie. I’m sick to my back teeth of them after Black Panther and the last two Avengers movies.
I hope those big CGI fight moments are a flashback or something and not the grand conclusion of the movie.
My guess would be they’re part of the legend of the 10 rings, but all superhero movies tend to fall into the trap of going BIG for the finale, so…
That Shang Chi poster looks like ass… You’d think Marvel has at least one competent graphic designer who would’ve said “yeah, no that shit is ass, you don’t crop things like that”.
Also, the movie looks excessively generic, with heavy Disney twinges… I still don’t like the guy they cast as Shang Chi, they should’ve gotten someone a bit more similar to Bruce Lee. It’s kinda weird because I think Ben Kingsley looks a 1000 times better than this Mandarin… plus I’m not in love with the rings being bracelets, because d’uh…
So, hard pass unless the second trailer shows me something different.
The MODOK Hulu series will be on Disney Plus outside the US:
Annoyingly, Hulu get the full season on May 21st; Disney Plus only get the first episode, with the rest going out weekly.
And also got screwed by Jeph Loeb,
I think that is what he meant by “used to the Parker Luck”
I still don’t like the guy they cast as Shang Chi, they should’ve gotten someone a bit more similar to Bruce Lee.
You know Simu Liu used to be a stuntman, right? A charming, charismatic Asian actor that can do his own fight scenes – I’m not sure what more you want of someone playing Shang-Chi.
You know Simu Liu used to be a stuntman, right? A charming, charismatic Asian actor that can do his own fight scenes – I’m not sure what more you want of someone playing Shang-Chi.
Jon probably wants Andrew Koji, who is also used to be a stuntman and is a charming, charismatic Asian actor that can do his own fight scenes – and looks like Bruce Lee :)
I don’t see the problem, either, though; I am sure Simu Liu does a fine job at this, he doesn’t have to look like the comics character. I thought we were way past that kind of thing!
Well I’m just pissed they’re 0 for 2 in their aisan castings… Granted, they went for a “comedic sidekick” Agent Wu (what a waste), so whatever… but in the case of Shang Chi, since he’s a Bruce Lee rip off, it would’ve been nice… but even if they want to avoid that Lee comparaison, Liu looks “soft” and “baby faced”… I would’ve gone with someone with a sharper face and body…
And yes, Koji would’ve been perfect, but hey he’s gotta do Warrior S3 =P
Oh, Joe Taslim would’ve been great too… But he seems to be doing MK now, so…
Emilia Clarke Joins Cast of Marvel’s ‘Secret Invasion’ Series
Secret Invasion: Olivia Colman Eyed to Join Samuel L. Jackson’s Marvel Series
I don’t care if Simu Liu looks or doesn’t look like someone else – he looks fucking badass, and that’s all that matters to me.
You know Simu Liu used to be a stuntman, right?
Now that the Snydercut has come and gone, accept that Jon is going back to hating everything.
- This reply was modified 3 years, 10 months ago by
Or maybe it doesn’t matter if he used to be a stunt man… there are A LOT of great asian martial artists who fit the part better and who can also act very well, again see: Warrior. It’s a bit weird, because to read some of you it’d seem that you’re saying it’s okay because he’s asian and he can do kung fu, which is a bit iffy… but I’m sure that’s not the intent… plus I know most of you are probably okay with Captain Marvel’s casting choice, but that kinda proves my point.
In the end, Simu Liu looks like a safe Disney prince, not like a fiercesome warrior… but I think that’s what they’re going for, this probably being a very safe china-friendly movie and all.
Or maybe it doesn’t matter if he used to be a stunt man… there are A LOT of great asian martial artists who fit the part better and who can also act very well, again see: Warrior. It’s a bit weird, because to read some of you it’d seem that you’re saying it’s okay because he’s asian and he can do kung fu, which is a bit iffy… but I’m sure that’s not the intent… plus I know most of you are probably okay with Captain Marvel’s casting choice, but that kinda proves my point.
Or maybe you’re wrong, Jon. Maybe you don’t know what you’re talking about but feel this overwhelming need to shout over everyone else who offers an opinion that does not agree with your (wrong) opinion. Maybe instead of stubbornly sticking to your original (wrong) opinion, which is in fact JUST an opinion, maybe you could consider listening to what other people’s opinions with an open mind and maybe you could consider whether or not it is possible that those other opinions have as much, or possibly more, validity than your (wrong) opinion.
Maybe. Just maybe.
Or maybe you’re wrong, Jon. Maybe you don’t know what you’re talking about but feel this overwhelming need to shout over everyone else who offers an opinion that does not agree with your (wrong) opinion. Maybe instead of stubbornly sticking to your original (wrong) opinion, which is in fact JUST an opinion, maybe you could consider listening to what other people’s opinions with an open mind and maybe you could consider whether or not it is possible that those other opinions have as much, or possibly more, validity than your (wrong) opinion. Maybe. Just maybe.
Wow that’s rich… Why don’t you get all high and mighty with Rocket who’s having a good old laugh at “Jon hating everything”.
No, no, sure go ahead, get pissy at me for defending my opinions, while ignoring the, quite honestly, ridiculous amount of personal shit I get every fucking day… do you see how it’s aggravating?
Also, I’m sorry but that whole “this overwhelming need to shout over everyone else who offers an opinion” thing is bullshit… I participate only in a handful of threads and I don’t see posts of me replying to everyone about how much I disagree all the time… and I certainly don’t see posts of me making personal attacks all the time, or dismissing people’s opinions as “hate”, or “conspiracy theories” and whatnot… which is something that can’t be said for many other posters here, who you don’t seem to have an issue with… funny, huh?
So maybe, just maybe have a wider look next time around… how about that?
It’s a bit weird, because to read some of you it’d seem that you’re saying it’s okay because he’s asian and he can do kung fu, which is a bit iffy… but I’m sure that’s not the intent…
Don’t try and spin it as though the rest of us are the ones being narrow-minded. Your main complaint is that he doesn’t look like one other Asian guy you like, which even the comics character has only occasionally resembled. It’s pretty damn shallow.
This conversation wouldn’t even be happening if they had cast John Cena instead.
I’d have gone with Micky Rooney personally.
This conversation wouldn’t even be happening if they had cast John Cena instead.
I’d have gone with Micky Rooney personally.
occasionally resembled
ehhhhh… “occasionally” is not the word I’d use, but ok.
My complaint is he doesn’t look the part… it’s like… I dunno, take someone like a young Jackie Chan… one of the greatest martial artist, specially in his prime, he didn’t look the part either and I would’ve had the same exact complaint.
Either way, it’s too late, so we’ll see what they’re going for… from what you can see in the trailers it seems they’re going for a more high-fantasy type of story instead of a Marvel Knights, gritty, street level type of story, so maybe a Disney prince-type of actor is more fitting for that… I mean, shit, even the villain looks all pretty and non-threatening with his nice glowy bracelets…
This conversation wouldn’t even be happening if they had cast John Cena instead.
I’d have gone with Micky Rooney personally.
Why don’t you get all high and mighty with Rocket who’s having a good old laugh at “Jon hating everything”.
Rocket’s comment is funny because it’s true.
I’m not attacking you for your opinion, Jon; I’m pointing out that yours may not be the ONLY valid opinion, and suggesting that your need to defend your opinion against any other opinions on a constant basis is due to stubbornness and a need to prove that your opinion is the only correct opinion.
Everyone is entitled to an opinion. It doesn’t mean everyone’s opinion is right. I think SAVAGE DRAGON is one of the best superhero books on the shelves, and I know I’m in a very small minority with that opinion; but I don’t constantly tell others that they are wrong to think that SAVAGE DRAGON is not their cup of tea. If you think Marvel’s choice of actor to portray Shang Chi is a bad choice, that’s fine; leave it at that and stop trying to convince everyone else how and why it is a bad choice. You’ve already made your point; move on.
Or keep doing what you do. And I’ll keep doing what I do. Is that fair enough?
Good article on (the lack of) romance in the MCU:
At some point during Disney Plus’ miniseries WandaVision, which is expressly focused on a romantic relationship, I started to wonder: How often do characters actually kiss each other in the MCU? PDA isn’t entirely lacking in the franchise; Tony and Pepper kiss plenty, and Thor kisses Jane Foster — but looking back on so many hours of action movies without so much as the faintest hints of romance, it began to feel like the MCU avoids even the tamest signs of affection. These are action movies built around big exciting fights, not characters racing dramatically to airports to confess their feelings to each other. (Perhaps the MCU should have a few of those scenes. Just an idea.)
So I set out to learn not merely how many kisses are in the MCU, but why people kiss in the franchise. The answers are surprising — when you ignore everything else in these movies and shows, and only pay attention to the kissing, you start to discover how conservative MCU romances are, and wonder whether the people kissing even like each other all that much. (Very few good kissers in these movies. Thor might be the best at it.)
One fairly major reason why Jessica Jones is not in the MCU proper…
Spoilers; Sam and Bucky get it on in the season finale.
Seriously though, by far the worst aspect of the MCU was the romance between Natasha and Bruce in Age of Ultron. If that’s as good as romance gets in the MCU, I’m fine without it.
It kind of lends a lot from the comics in a way though. I think the big romantic plots in Marvel comics tend to come in Spider-Man (which is reflected in the films, even the new MCU/Sony collabs with Peter going to the prom, crushing on MJ) and FF and the X-Men.
The main Avengers have bits of it but there’s no great romantic plots really in the pantheon of Iron Man and Cap comics, they have girlfriends but there’s no Ben/Alicia, Scott/Jean/Logan level relationships there that stick out.
Natasha and Bruce kind of came out of nowhere so didn’t work. I’d argue the Steve & Peggy romance in the films is stronger than any in the comics.
If that’s as good as romance gets in the MCU, I’m fine without it.
You’re obviously forgetting about the relationship between Happy Hogan and May Parker.
I’d argue the Steve & Peggy romance in the films is stronger than any in the comics.
Rocket’s comment is funny because it’s true.
No it’s actually not, it’s provably not true, in fact… but that shows your bias in this conversation, so I’m not even gonna bother explaining the mechanics of a discussion in a forum, seems kinda pointless… you wanna keep giving me shit for doing what you’re supposed to do in a forum? Knock yourself out.
Thank you for proving my point, Jon. Bless your heart and have a nice day.
Russell Crowe has let slip that he plays Zeus in Thor: Love and Thunder. Wonder if that means Hercules will also be joining the MCU…
God of Pies.
Russell Crowe has let slip that he plays Zeus in Thor: Love and Thunder. Wonder if that means Hercules will also be joining the MCU…
Well they had to find someone for John Cena to play.
Dammit, that would have been funnier if I had said Meryl Streep
Russell Crowe has let slip that he plays Zeus in Thor: Love and Thunder. Wonder if that means Hercules will also be joining the MCU…
I’m still holding out hope for Herc to be played by Liam Hemsworth and for him and Thor to get a buddy comedy movie.
Regardless, Crowe as Zeus is pretty good casting, isn’t it?
Dammit, that would have been funnier if I had said Meryl Streep
“Would it though?”
Regardless, Crowe as Zeus is pretty good casting, isn’t it?
I’m certainly on board for it. I wonder if Gorr will lay waste to the Greek gods before he gets to New Asgard.
Casting the Fantastic Four thread on the Byrne Robotics forums:
Casting the Fantastic Four thread on the Byrne Robotics forums:
That’s a risky click…
Seriously though, by far the worst aspect of the MCU was the romance between Natasha and Bruce in Age of Ultron.
Your face is the worst aspect of the MCU.
Regardless, Crowe as Zeus is pretty good casting, isn’t it?
I’m certainly on board for it. I wonder if Gorr will lay waste to the Greek gods before he gets to New Asgard.
Hmm, possibly, but I hope not. It’d be a bit of waste if they get offed just to sell the power of Gor. Thor luring/catching Gor there for their final battle would be cool.
Hmm, possibly, but I hope not. It’d be a bit of waste if they get offed just to sell the power of Gor.
Well the God Butcher has to butcher some gods, and there are too few Asgardians left to butcher. Herc will survive of course…
Depending on what they’re planning for Hercules (if anything) I would’ve kinda liked to see Crowe as Hercules, actually… but he’s probably a bit old, so Hercules’ dad is okay too, I guess…
Depending on what they’re planning for Hercules (if anything) I would’ve kinda liked to see Crowe as Hercules, actually… but he’s probably a bit old, so Hercules’ dad is okay too, I guess…
This is Crowe on the right at a game with his Australian rugby league team today.
Yeah, I think it’s Zeus time and Hercules long passed.
I think it’s Zeus time
I hope this is his catchphrase.
I hope this is his catchphrase.
It’s another Taika Waititi film so that’s not outside the realm of possibility.
There’s Zeus loose aboot this hoose
Good article on (the lack of) romance in the MCU:
At some point during Disney Plus’ miniseries WandaVision, which is expressly focused on a romantic relationship, I started to wonder: How often do characters actually kiss each other in the MCU? PDA isn’t entirely lacking in the franchise; Tony and Pepper kiss plenty, and Thor kisses Jane Foster — but looking back on so many hours of action movies without so much as the faintest hints of romance, it began to feel like the MCU avoids even the tamest signs of affection. These are action movies built around big exciting fights, not characters racing dramatically to airports to confess their feelings to each other. (Perhaps the MCU should have a few of those scenes. Just an idea.)
So I set out to learn not merely how many kisses are in the MCU, but why people kiss in the franchise. The answers are surprising — when you ignore everything else in these movies and shows, and only pay attention to the kissing, you start to discover how conservative MCU romances are, and wonder whether the people kissing even like each other all that much. (Very few good kissers in these movies. Thor might be the best at it.)
I think the downplaying of romance is downplayed in the MCU because of Disney. They bought Marvel Comics because they wanted a “Princess Line” for boys. They’re afraid of making the Marvel franchise too “kissy” because they fear it will turn off the ten-and-under boys they’re playing to.
Even when they feature a romantic couple like Starlord and Gamorra, or Peter Parker and Michelle, it’s usually sort of downplayed, coded, and injected with humor. Even Tony and Pepper were sort of portrayed as a “mom and dad” from the first Iron Man film on, before they even became parents.
I agree with the intentions of buying Marvel for the boys market but I don’t really buy that they are that controlling on an editorial basis. That there’s a dictate of no more than 10% romance. Wandavision kind of challenges that.
I’d suggest it’s just pretty typical for the genre. Is there particularly any difference in the romance ratio to the modern Star Trek movies or the Star Wars sequels? There could be more in DC movies, I’m not sure there really is though.
Is there particularly any difference in the romance ratio to the modern Star Trek movies or the Star Wars sequels?
There was a bunch of romance in the Star Wars sequels, with Finn/Rose, Finn/Rey, Rey/Ben, Poe/That woman with the helmet and, of course, Chewie/Maz Kanata. Not well done romances, but they were constantly trying.
NuTrek had the Spock/Uhura relationship, and Kirk had a bunch of love interests, none of whom ever made it past a single movie. There was also the whole thing where they cut a kiss between Sulu and his husband.
I can list a ton of romantic pairings in the MCU too: Tony/Pepper, Thor/Jane, Steve/Peggy, Peter Quill/Gamora, Pete/MJ, Scott Lang/Hope, Happy/May… and so on.
But just having them included in the story isn’t what we’re talking about, it’s the amount of time and effort spent developing those relationships. And I think the Marvel movies are very similar to the Star Wars films in terms of how much attention they pay to the romantic elements. It’s the first comparison I thought of.
Can you honestly say that any of those Star Wars relationships mentioned were any better developed than the ones in the MCU? I don’t think so.
I agree with the intentions of buying Marvel for the boys market
I’m not sure I do. The MCU has a huge female following, much more so than the po-faced DCEU. And this, despite the apparent lack of romance – which frankly, I also don’t buy. Just because the characters aren’t pairing up and shagging every five minutes, doesn’t mean it isn’t present.
Surprisingly, romance isn’t the main focus of superhero fiction.
I think this may be why I liked the Bruce/Natasha thing. It introduced a romance when I didn’t expect it, and with an unexpected pairing, too.
And yeah, I mean, in action movies I think this is par for the course – romance is there as motivation for the heroes, or as a background for their character, but it seems typical to me that almost no screentime is devoted to it. Just big last kisses before a character heads into battle, that kind of thing.
garjones wrote: I agree with the intentions of buying Marvel for the boys market
I’m not sure I do. The MCU has a huge female following, much more so than the po-faced DCEU
I don’t think the Marvel/DC comparison means a huge amount when we’re talking about male and female audiences – DC movies have a smaller fanbase in general but I haven’t seen any evidence for them appealing less to women than the Marvel movies. Certainly anecdotally a huge amount of interest in Aquaman seemed to come from female viewers who were interested in Momoa as the lead. It’s why we watched it in our house!
Regardless of the Marvel/DC thing, in general when we’re talking about the male v female split in audiences for these big superhero movies I think it depends what age you’re talking about.
Among adults I don’t think there’s a particular split, I know plenty of women who enjoy the MCU movies just as much as men.
But among younger kids, especially pre-teens, there’s a notable difference (which I perceive every day as I have school-age kids). Look around any playground and the vast majority of the Marvel merch (clothes, coats, backpacks, toys) is on the boys, and when you talk to kids about it it’s usually the boys who have an in-depth knowledge of the Marvel stuff, and girls are typically into other things.
That might change as they get older, but (as with Star Wars) I think Disney have definitely used it to get predominantly male kids on board at an early age.
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