Marvel Movies & TV: Phase Two

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The MCU! The Disney+ series! Sony! (For the time being anyway.)

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  • #56329

    Great… a PG13 Blade… can’t wait u_u

    Blade was PG when I started reading comics. I don’t see a problem :unsure:

    That’s been my primary amusement with this R rated stuff. Rob Liefeld screamed Deadpool had to be R rated but his comics weren’t. It even took 5 or 6 years of Vertigo comics for them to allow the F-word so most of those are fairly PG-13.

    I do think certain properties like The Boys demands it but nothing really from the Marvel and DC universes NEEDS to be R rated. I’m not necessarily that bothered if they do go down that road – I liked Logan and several Max and Black Label comics but a PG Blade is fine, like his comics have been. Just have a good story.


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  • #56330

    Uncle Retrospective wrote:

    Some mother fuckers are always trying to ice skate up hill.

    Exactly, we need Blade’s iconic catchphrase =P

    That could be the obligatory F-bomb in a PG-13 Blade movie.

  • #56342

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  • #56347

    That looks like a lot of fun.

    I’d still love to see MODOK in the MCU though… Mike Carey wrote a great and creepy Ultimate MODOK in his Ultimate Vision mini-series. He’s basically an AIM scientist who keeps grafting bits of alien technology to his body until he undergoes a metamorphosis into a cyborg monstrosity. It’s gruesomely drawn by Brandon Peterson, and it has a really icky body-horror feel to it. I always thought it would fit quite well into the MCU as a more grounded take on one of Kirby’s weirder creations.

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  • #56348

    He was supposed to show up in the final season of Agents of SHIELD, but they wouldn’t let them use him.

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  • #56365

    A Spike Lee-Led X-Men Film Would Be Perfect For the MCU

  • #56372

    nothing really from the Marvel and DC universes NEEDS to be R rated

    A case could be made for The Punisher to warrant an R rating (or tougher), but it’s still a matter of how you interpret the character, what story is to be told and how you show that. If you’re going the Garth Ennis route and leaning heavily into the violent and morally bankrupt nature of both Castle and the criminal enterprises he faces, an R-rating could be needed.

    On the other hand, Taken tackled some similar themes to the “Slavers” arc, and it was PG-13 (I think).

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  • #56454

    It’s a little bit entertaining.

    yea, but I don’t think people want to watch your little bit for 5 minutes or longer.

    • This reply was modified 4 years ago by Rocket.
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  • #56496

    You know, I’m glad they’re moving away from the current aesthetic of the MCU, but these costumes are a bit shit… they look like power rangers and don’t have any personality to them… pretty disappointing.

    Also: Is the actress who played Sersi the first (and only) to double dip roles in the MCU? I have a feeling there’s someone else I’m forgetting…

  • #56497

    We counting Alfre Woodard being in both Captain America: Civil War and Luke Cage?

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  • #56500

    that’s got to be fan art, right?

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  • #56501

    Alfre Woodard

    Oh yeah, she might be it… Although, I guess it’ll depend on whether they fold the Netflix stuff into the MCU or not…

    But with the Sersi actress, her other role was Cpt. Marvel, so very recent too, although I guess her role was so minor and she was in full make up so no one will even notice.

  • #56502

    that’s got to be fan art, right?

    That’s what I thought, but it seems not… it’s a bad photoshop job yeah, but it seems legit. Even if it isn’t, the costumes look very much based in the teaser images they put up in the official presentation, so they’re at least accurate representations.

  • #56563

    That’s what I thought, but it seems not… it’s a bad photoshop job yeah, but it seems legit. Even if it isn’t, the costumes look very much based in the teaser images they put up in the official presentation, so they’re at least accurate representations.

    It’s real:

  • #56586

    heh… they took it down xD

  • #56703

    We counting Alfre Woodard being in both Captain America: Civil War and Luke Cage?

    Luke Cage was not MCU. if you are going by that rule, Hailee Stenfield is Gwen Stacy(the spider girl version) and Kate Bishop.

  • #56735

    T.I. Not Returning for ‘Ant-Man 3’

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  • #56739

    Meh… we only need Michael Peña…

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  • #56770

    Marvel Should Recast T’Challa in ‘Black Panther’ to Honor Chadwick Boseman (Guest Blog)

  • #56818

    ‘Blade’ Casting May Hint at the MCU Debut of His Daughter

  • #56870

    Meh… we only need Michael Peña…



    On Monday, an attorney representing 11 alleged victims accused the couple of crimes including sexual abuse, forced ingestion of illegal narcotics, kidnapping, false imprisonment, intimidation, assault and harassment.

    Like, Jesus.

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  • #56902

    Meh… we only need Michael Peña…

    not yet on the cast list but i can not believe they would live him off the final list.

  • #56937

    Take with a grain of salt:

  • #56995

    This, too:

  • #57170

    Hugh Jackman Asked Lee Daniels to Pitch a ‘Wolverine’ Movie to Fox. It Did Not Go Well.

    Can you picture Lee Daniels directing a Wolverine movie? If you answered yes, congratulations, you have one more thing in common with Hugh Jackman. When Collider recently sat down with Daniels to discuss The United States vs. Billie Holiday, he told us about the time Jackman, having loved Daniels’ Oscar-winning Precious, got the filmmaker a meeting at Fox to pitch an X-Men story.

    It…did not go well. Here’s what Daniels told us:

    “A lot of actors call me. I remember after I did Precious, Hugh Jackman called and wanted me to do a Wolverine. And he sent me into the studio to Fox, I guess that’s where they do them at. And I had never done a studio film before and it was a disaster and I literally pulled over … Yeah, it was at Fox because I pulled over to the Kentucky Fried Chicken afterwards and ate a whole six-pack of wings. It was the worst meeting of my life. I don’t know how he gets Wolverine from Precious, but I love him and he’s a friend to this day.”

    He continued: “I pitched. I pitched my way right out of the room.”

    Obviously, I’m now dying to know the pitch, especially considering that timeline puts the meeting just a little after X-Men Origins: Wolverine, an entire mess of a movie. Alas, it’s another of a million Hollywood details lost to backrooms and board meetings. I’d say both Daniels and Wolverine turned out fine, though. Fox brought on James Mangold to make the pretty-great duo of The Wolverine and Logan while Daniels co-created Empire, the largest show in the world for quite some time. Alls well that ends well, and all that.

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  • #57358

    ‘The Falcon & The Winter Soldier’ Unveils Four Character Posters

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  • #57396

    I’m not a fan of that wakanda-tech arm… I really like how his OG arm looks like, the more silvery one with the red star. Falcon looks like a million bucks though! :rose:

  • #57794

    ‘Shang-Chi’ Star Simu Liu: ‘Anti-Asian Racism Is Very Real’ (Guest Column)

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  • #57826

  • #57856

  • #57870

    I think I’m going to like this show. I know some people are tired with Whedon-esque snappy dialogue, but it works fine for me.

  • #57873

    Mackie’s charisma goes a long way, and his chemistry with Stan is great. I’m hoping they’ll be very watchable.

  • #57884

    Yeah I’m really over the MCU (TM) (R) quips but those two have fantastic chemestry… so I hope that helps.

    Also, I’ve been thinking, am I crazy that I think Marvel wants to phase-out Carol Danvers? You’d think they’d be hyping her up, at least a little here or there, but it’s almost like they’re doing the contrary at this point.

  • #57885

    Also, I’ve been thinking, am I crazy that I think Marvel wants to phase-out Carol Danvers?

    Not sure where this is coming from. Why would they be hyping her when Captain Marvel 2 isn’t due out until the end of next year – probably later with all the Covid delays. And it was pretty obvious Monica Rambeau was part of the plan all along since she was in the first movie.

    They’re obviously setting things up for CM2 though, what with the Skrull at the end WandaVision inviting Monica to go into space where most of CM2 will probably be set – presumably for a Kree/Skrull war.

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  • #57886

    Yeah, maybe there’s no reason to hype her up right now… still… it’s a bit weird. They’ve got Monica Rambeau now… a Ms Marvel series cooking (which from a marketing POV is a weird decision), there’s been no news AT ALL about Cpt. Marvel…  Oh and they just set up Wanda as “the most powerful hero” in the MCU (which kinda was Carol’s whole schtick).

    Plus there’s the other notable stuff like the lukewarm reception both the character and Brie Larson got (I’m not gonna include the behind-the-scenes rumours), and the fact that they basically fired the directors of the first movie, which is always notable when said movie crosses the billion mark.

    I dunno, it just seems like a lot of fishy stuff going on. Even if there are no movies in the near horizon, you’d think Marvel would want to keep her somewhat in the spot-light, specially now that Cap, IM & Black Widow are basically out of the picture. I’d say the same for BP, but you know… that’s not really possible =(

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  • #57887

    … the behind-the-scenes rumours

    What are the behind-the-scenes rumours?

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  • #57888

    Even if there are no movies in the near horizon, you’d think Marvel would want to keep her somewhat in the spot-light,

    There have only been two MCU projects since she was last seen, and both of them featured teases for her next movie.

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  • #57894

    Someone posted this on Facebook:

  • #57899

    I don’t see that they’re trying to phase out Carol Danvers. WandaVision was partially a set up for Captain Marvel 2 and Ms. Marvel will be also. Sure, they’re expanding Captain Marvel to be more than just a Carol solo movie, but giving her a strong supporting cast is ultimately a good thing for the franchise. If anything I’d say they’re building a cast of characters that can help Brie Larson and the franchise succeed.

    That said, I don’t know what Larson’s Marvel contract is like, so it’s also good for Marvel to have options to move the franchise forward without her once that contract is up.

  • #57901

    … the behind-the-scenes rumours

    What are the behind-the-scenes rumours?

    They’re just like normal rumours but they’re from behind the scenes.

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  • #57913

    What are the behind-the-scenes rumours?

    The usual anti-Larson stuff… like how her coworkers don’t like her and such… but again, those are rumours at best.

    The thing is, after the HUGE reception Wandavision had, and specially Elizbeth Olsen/SW, I’m sure some people at Marvel are already discussing her future at Marvel. As far as I can see she just got the reception they were probably hoping CM would get, so I wouldn’t be surprised if she gets bumped up to a more prominent role in the future… to the point that I’m sure Doc Strange will cross the billion now no problem because people WILL want to see more of her.

    And again, I was expecting a bigger push for CM overall. But yeah, maybe they’re just laying the ground for expanding her entourage… I dunno… :unsure:

  • #57949

    I think they did get the reception they were hoping for with Captain Marvel. It’s called “over a billion dollars”. I am pretty sure that in the face of that, Disney doesn’t care that the incel part of the comcis fanbase hates Larson, and that rumours of her being phased out is just wishful thinking.

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  • #57957

    It’s called “over a billion dollars”

    And yet they got rid of the directors (and writers too I think)… meanwhile Peyton Reed is still doing Ant-man movies… I dunno, something went wrong there. Anyways, I don’t know if it’s a theory or not, might be, but I thought of this after Wandavision and seeing the reaction to Olsen… I’m pretty sure they’re gonna want to bump her up to MCU top billing status, I don’t see the same being true for Capt. Marvel…

  • #57959

    they’re gonna want to bump her up to MCU top billing status

    That’s a completely meaningless phrase. Wanda doesn’t have her own movie franchise like Captain Marvel, so explain to me how she’d have “top billing” exactly.

    Actually don’t bother – this is a bullshit conversation based entirely on silly conspiracy theories from misogyny mongers.

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  • #57962

    they’re gonna want to bump her up to MCU top billing status

    That’s a completely meaningless phrase. Wanda doesn’t have her own movie franchise like Captain Marvel, so explain to me how she’d have “top billing” exactly.

    Actually don’t bother – this is a bullshit conversation based entirely on silly conspiracy theories from misogyny mongers.

    You guys are funny… did you miss the part where I said I thought of this? Does everything have to be a fucking conspiracy theory to you? xD

    How does she not have a franchise? Did you miss that whole Wandavision show that just happened and that people went batshit crazy over?

    “Top billing” just means she’d have a more prominent role in the MCU’s future (they do have to fill the Evans & Downey Jr sized holes in the MCU)… maybe even her own movie, or a second TV series or whatever it might end up being. I can guarantee you that a lot more people are gonna check out Doc Strange 2 after Wandavision, because they’ll want to see more of that character.

    So just answer me this honestly, if you can: Can you really, really see Brie Larson’s Cpt. Marvel being able to fill in Cap’s or Tony’s shoes? Because just going by the overall reaction to the character and the actor, right now to me it seems that Elizabeth Olsen’s Scarlet Witch is a more viable candidate.

  • #57963

    That’s a completely unknowable factor, as nobody knows how many people watched WandaVision.

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  • #57964

    That’s a completely unknowable factor, as nobody knows how many people watched WandaVision.

    True, but there are about a billion youtube videos on Wandavision as proof of interest… I know that’s not hard numbers, but if people weren’t interested there wouldn’t be so much content trying to cash-in into the hype. And I mean, sure it’s the first MCU thing in a while, and the whole pandemic, and all of that, which could be the reason, but still, the reaction was quite something, and well deserved if I might add.

    It feels silly having to argue that the show was a complete success and that people loved, at the very least, Wanda’s character. Shit, it even took me by surprise…

  • #57981

    Disney know how many people watched Wandavision, so it will be interesting to see how much they push Wanda after Dr Strange 2.

    There’s not much point trying to draw comparisons between Wanda and Captain Marvel, though. One is heading up the cosmic side of the MCU, the other the mystical side of it (or at least coheadlining with Strange). It isn’t like they’re vying for the same screen time.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 12 months ago by saga.
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  • #57986

    True. It’s great that lots of people watched WandaVision and enjoyed it. But if there’s room for Iron Man, Captain America, Thor, Dr. Strange, and even Ant-Man franchises then there’s certainly enough room for Captain Marvel and Scarlett Witch franchises to co-exist and be successful. They’re pretty different characters with different journeys. No reason it has to be one or the other in Disney’s eyes.

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  • #57987

    Is there some rule that says Marvel can’t have two different franchises led by women? Like, if they want to build up Wanda they therefore have to drop Carol because there’s a rule?

    It wouldn’t surprise me. I mean, it’s stupid, but it wouldn’t surprise me.

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  • #57988

    My point is not that there isn’t room for two female franchises or more, clearly there is always room for more… Again, we’re getting a 3rd Antman… that shows how much room there is.

    So… They introduced CM as the MCU’s response to Wonder Woman because they were utterly incompetent with Black Widow for some reason… CM was supposed to be both the big “female push” the MCU desperatly needed, but also the next “big thing” (along with Black Panther) to lay the path forward after the inevitable departure of the first wave of MCU characters. So far so good? Can we agree about this? Cool…

    Alright… so here’s my point: If you have two characters, one of which got a lukewarm reception and the other one got a muuuuch better reception, why would you waste time and money pushing forward the one that people ain’t too keen on? I mean, sure, they can, and they most likely will, continue to try and make Carol Danvers happen, no reason not to… but wouldn’t it make more sense to go with what works?

    And hey, if CM2 comes out and it’s an undeniable success, great, they’ll have two amazing successes, but it’d be smarter to capitalize on Wanda and push her into a more prominent role NOW, because again, I don’t think CM will achieve what they’re going for (having a WW equivalent, and I mean in terms of a “big female SH icon”) because they made a big mistake with CM1 in the way they introduced her and depicted her, it could potentially still be fixed, yes… but imo it makes more sense to focus on what seems to be working a lot better.

  • #57992

    True. It’s great that lots of people watched WandaVision and enjoyed it. But if there’s room for Iron Man, Captain America, Thor, Dr. Strange, and even Ant-Man franchises then there’s certainly enough room for Captain Marvel and Scarlett Witch franchises to co-exist and be successful. They’re pretty different characters with different journeys. No reason it has to be one or the other in Disney’s eyes.

    But if I create the idea of a conflict between these two female characters then I can get idiots to click on my YouTube channel and repeat my ideas as if they’re a legitimate analysis. There’s only so many times I can make a video claiming Kathleen Kennedy and Alex Kurtzman are on the verge of being fired, after all.

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  • #57993

    My point is not that there isn’t room for two female franchises or more, clearly there is always room for more

    My point was serious. I would not be at all surprised if execs at Marvel had exactly that mind set. “Why do we need a female-led franchise, we have one already.”

    I’ve heard female bands say (and I have no reason to doubt them) that they have been told they won’t be considered for a festival bill because “We already have the female spot filled”. So it does happen.

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  • #57994

    True. It’s great that lots of people watched WandaVision and enjoyed it. But if there’s room for Iron Man, Captain America, Thor, Dr. Strange, and even Ant-Man franchises then there’s certainly enough room for Captain Marvel and Scarlett Witch franchises to co-exist and be successful. They’re pretty different characters with different journeys. No reason it has to be one or the other in Disney’s eyes.

    But if I create the idea of a conflict between these two female characters then I can get idiots to click on my YouTube channel and repeat my ideas as if they’re a legitimate analysis. There’s only so many times I can make a video claiming Kathleen Kennedy and Alex Kurtzman are on the verge of being fired, after all.

    Yes my gigantic non-existent youtube channel… actually that’s a lie, I do have a youtube channel by virtue of having a youtube account I guess… but yeah man, I’m all about the clicks on my youtube channel xD

    Ahhh… at least you make me chuckle.

    I’d ask you what Kennedy or Kurtzman have to do with this, but I suppose you won’t answer, so whatevs… I’m sure you thought you had a point :unsure:

  • #57995

    My point is not that there isn’t room for two female franchises or more, clearly there is always room for more

    My point was serious. I would not be at all surprised if execs at Marvel had exactly that mind set. “Why do we need a female-led franchise, we have one already.”

    I’ve heard female bands say (and I have no reason to doubt them) that they have been told they won’t be considered for a festival bill because “We already have the female spot filled”. So it does happen.

    Well, it’s Disney so I wouldn’t put it past them… they sure as shit didn’t buy Marvel and Lucas for the female audiences.

  • #58000

    My point is not that there isn’t room for two female franchises or more, clearly there is always room for more

    My point was serious. I would not be at all surprised if execs at Marvel had exactly that mind set. “Why do we need a female-led franchise, we have one already.”

    I’ve heard female bands say (and I have no reason to doubt them) that they have been told they won’t be considered for a festival bill because “We already have the female spot filled”. So it does happen.

    Oh I’m sure it’s happened a ton in the past and probably still happens too much today. But I also think that Disney has come to see that representation matters. Insomuch that they can make money off of it. I think properties like Black Panther, Wonder Woman and Captain Marvel helped show them that. Crazy Rich Asians probably helped in some respects get a movie like Shang-Chi greenlit. While the success of Wonder Woman and Captain Marvel finally got a Black Widow movie off the ground.

    As long as audiences show up to watch these movies, that’s all that the studio execs will care about. And it seems that they’ve finally started to realize that white men will go see action movies regardless of the race and gender of the cast as long as it entertains them. So if they have a rich catalogue of characters to choose from then why not try to also pull in women, black people, Asian people, etc.

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  • #58001

    Alright… so here’s my point: If you have two characters, one of which got a lukewarm reception and the other one got a muuuuch better reception, why would you waste time and money pushing forward the one that people ain’t too keen on? I mean, sure, they can, and they most likely will, continue to try and make Carol Danvers happen, no reason not to… but wouldn’t it make more sense to go with what works? And hey, if CM2 comes out and it’s an undeniable success, great, they’ll have two amazing successes, but it’d be smarter to capitalize on Wanda and push her into a more prominent role NOW, because again, I don’t think CM will achieve what they’re going for

    Captain Marvel was very successful. It made over a billion dollars. I’m sure they were very happy with it. The character has shown up prominently in other movies and recent teases are geared around the storyline set up by her movie.

    Given all this, the claims that she received a lukewarm reception and that Disney is trying to play down the character don’t make much sense.

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  • #58003

    meh, I guess we’ll see… If they’re smart, they’ll use Wanda as their premiere female SH going forward, and start using her more… it’ll be kind of hard to give her a movie when their slate is so full already, but that doesn’t mean they can’t write her into movies they weren’t planning to (like say Homecoming 3 or Antman 3).

    The character has shown up prominently in other movies

    I wouldn’t caracterize her rather small appearance in one other movie as “showing up prominently”, but then again I have no way of proving my claims that she’s got a lukewarm response beyond what I’ve seen… so… :unsure:

  • #58019

    They don’t need to “make Carol happen”… she’s already happened. Just because there’s a section of “fandom” that doesn’t like her, doesn’t detract from the fact that as people keep pointing out, her movie made a billion dollars!

    As for Marvel parting ways with the directors, so far that happened after Captain America, Thor (twice), Thor 2, Iron Man 2 – before the first Ant-man movie… Jesus, do I need to go on? There’s no big conspiracy, Marvel aren’t trying to hide anything… they’re just employing a different director.

    It’s perfectly fine to not like the movie – I didn’t really care for it myself, and probably won’t bother seeing the second one in the theatre – same as I didn’t with the second Ant-man movie. But stop trying to make out they’re panicking and trying to course-correct because of some kind of non-existent failure. This is Marvel, not DC.

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  • #58023

    But stop trying to make out they’re panicking and trying to course-correct because of some kind of non-existent failure. This is Marvel, not DC.

    Well I’m glad I didn’t say that. Why do you keep bringing up a “section of a fandom”? Am I the multiple man or something?

    Know what? Never mind… this is all in very bad faith, you bozos keep insisting on the idea that I’m somehow parroting something I heard somewhere else, and there’s only so many times I can say “I’m the one who had the thought”…

    I’m sorry you guys keep seeing alt-right conspiracy theories everywhere, but your paranoia ain’t my problem and it’s gotten waaaay too old at this point (plus it’s quite disrespectful too, like I can’t generate a thought by myself or something)….

    So yeah, bowing out. Toots!

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  • #58024

    If you have a billion dollar movie and you don’t make a sequel then you’re doing movies wrong.

    Wandavision just came out and they’ve already scheduled the next main appearance of her for the Dr Strange movie next spring. They do map their phases out in advance and Phase 4 wraps in 2023, so any Scarlet Witch movie wouldn’t be until 2024 at the earliest.

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  • #58027

    If you have a billion dollar movie and you don’t make a sequel then you’re doing movies wrong.

    Wandavision just came out and they’ve already scheduled the next main appearance of her for the Dr Strange movie next spring. They do map their phases out in advance and Phase 4 wraps in 2023, so any Scarlet Witch movie wouldn’t be until 2024 at the earliest.

    There’s also the possibility they may want to bring her back to TV to headline another series. Now that film and television are working together, that opens up more possibilities. Disney needs regular content for its streaming service and it looks like they are trying to have a new episode about every week. While they will have new properties, I can see them wanting to have characters from the movies in TV series. They can use supporting characters that may not be strong enough for a movie but would work for a TV series. As WandaVision has shown, TV also allows Marvel to be experimental with characters and storytelling.

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  • #58028

    you bozos

    plus it’s quite disrespectful

    So yeah, bowing out


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  • #58039

    True, Disney+ is a huge part of the business model now and they will always be looking for popular content to add to it. They seem to be trying out a lot of MCU properties for it this year and will no doubt bring back the most successful in some form or fashion (they couldn’t exactly do Wandavision again).

    I suspect that the Young Avengers stuff is going to wind up as the main Marvel property for Disney+ but we shall see.

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  • #58055

    They have maybe 3 or 4 years to get whatever Young Avengers thing they’re going to get in production before their Avengers are no longer that Young. I wouldn’t be at all surprised if Hulkling appears in Captain Marvel 2.

  • #58064

    It definitely seems like they’re building towards the Young Avengers. They have several of the characters already debuted or in the pipeline. They’re missing people like Hulkling, Patriot and Iron Lad if they want to go with the original team and give some more legacy brand recognition. I would think they’d also likely add Ms. Marvel to the mix. But yeah, they’d want to get it off the ground as quickly as possible. Both Hailee Steinfeld and Kathryn Newton are already 24. In a few years they’ll be as old as Hemsworth was when he debuted as Thor.

  • #58065

    Iron Lad was only in the Young Avengers for the first five issues or so, right? He’s hardly crucial.

    Some of the casting is definitely going younger, the actress for America Chavez is only 14, and the twins were still pre-teens at the end of WandaVision.

    Kid Loki’s probably not going to happen, ditto Prodigy because of the mutant thing. Noh-Varr could show up anytime. Patriot could come out of Falcon/Winter Soldier, but it’s unlikely they’ll bring in the Isaiah Bradley retcon.

  • #58073

    Some other concepts that I think would work for a Disney+ series are Avengers: The Initiative and Avengers Academy.

    Essentially the same basic concept, the Avengers open up a school to train new superhumans that are beginning to pop up. As part of the Sokovia Accords, they are trained to use their powers responsibly and first responder basics. Some may go on to be the new generation of Avengers or become members of newly created teams. It allows more characters to appear in movies or new spinoffs.

  • #58074

    Kid Loki’s probably not going to happen

    I’d be willing to bet Kid Loki (and female Loki) will appear in the Loki TV show, possibly in a Quantum Leap kind of way.

    I think they’ll more than likely stick to the original YA roster though (although quite possibly without Iron Lad, whose genesis is a little too convoluted – didn’t he become Vision or something..??)

  • #58075

    I think they’ll more than likely stick to the original YA roster though (although quite possibly without Iron Lad, whose genesis is a little too convoluted – didn’t he become Vision or something..??)

    IIRC, Teen Vision had Iron Lad’s brainwaves in the same way Old Vision had Wonder Man’s.

    Kid Loki was mostly only in YA because Kieron Gillen was writing it, and brought him over from his own book. There’s not much reason to bring him in if they’re not going to do the full arc with him, which seems unlikely.

  • #58078

    In the comics, he is a young Kang and tied to the Fantastic Four.

    Iron Lad

    Sixteen-year-old Nathaniel “Nate” Richards is rescued by his time-traveling adult self, the villainous Kang the Conqueror, moments before bullies would cause him to be hospitalized for years of his life from a knife attack, an event that originally shaped his development into a villain. Kang takes his teenage self through time to witness the future battles and glory that would result in his transformation into Kang the Conqueror, hoping to inspire his younger self. However, it backfires and Nate is horrified at the life of evil his future self shows him. Kang presses Nate to accept his future by killing the bully who would have hospitalized him. Instead, Nate takes the time travel technology given to him by Kang and transports himself to the past, hoping to avoid his sinister destiny.[1]

    He seeks the Avengers for assistance, but finds the Avengers disbanded. Seeking answers, he downloads the remnants of the destroyed Vision’s operating system into his armor. This reveals a fail-safe plan created by the android to reform the Avengers should they disband or fall in action by locating the next generation of Avengers, all of whom have some tie to the original team. Using this plan, Nate assembles his new team, the Young Avengers, with the sole purpose of defeating his future self and reshaping his own future. He models his armor after the Avenger Iron Man, calling himself Iron Lad. He forms a brief romantic relationship with fellow Young Avenger teammate Stature.[2]

    Eventually, Kang comes to the past looking for Nate, wanting to return his younger self to his proper place in the timestream. Nate refuses to return, unwilling to become the infamous future villain. The team battle the Growing Man, a robot created by Kang, and are able to defeat him. Kang battles the remaining Avengers and the teen heroes, seemingly gaining the upper hand until Iron Lad runs Hawkeye’s sword through Kang’s chest. This kills Kang, but the ramifications cause several changes to the timeline, including all the Avengers being dead and Young Avengers Wiccan and Hulkling disappearing as well as Jessica Jones losing her baby. Iron Lad realizes that the only way to restore everything is to go back to his time and assume his role as Kang the Conqueror. In doing so he will also lose his memories of his time in the past as a Young Avenger. Before he goes back in time, he asks his teammates to forgive him for the actions he will commit in the future and kisses Stature goodbye. He leaves behind his armor, which has activated the Vision’s operating software, effectively recreating the armor into a sentient being—an inexperienced “young” Vision. The new Vision carries Nate’s brain patterns, similar to the original Vision and Wonder Man.[volume & issue needed]

    Stature and the Vision eventually feel attracted to one another, due initially to Nate’s mental imprint. They later begin a relationship. While fighting the cosmic cube-altered Absorbing Man, during the “Dark Reign” storyline, the new Vision (now a joint member of the Young Avengers and the Mighty Avengers) is affected by the cube’s cosmic radiation and splits into both Iron Lad and the original Vision. Iron Lad appears to maintain the memories of the events prior to going back in time. After the Absorbing Man is defeated, the original Vision and Iron Lad merge back together as the new Vision once again.[3]

    Iron Lad appears in the 2010-12 miniseries, Avengers: The Children’s Crusade, in which he prevents Wolverine from killing an amnesiac and de-powered Wanda Maximoff (whom Wolverine feels presents too great a threat). Iron Lad states that he does this because the future depends on their survival.[4] Soon thereafter, Stature’s deceased father Ant-Man (Scott Lang) is plucked from the past and saved, but Stature is killed. Iron Lad insists upon travelling back to the past to save her, and he kills the new Vision when he protests. When the Young Avengers tell Iron Lad that this is most likely the event that will lead him down the path to becoming Kang the Conqueror, he states that “I will be better than Kang the Conqueror”, and disappears into the timestream.[5]

    Nate, now going by the name Kid Immortus, later provides information to Doctor Doom regarding the Future Foundation. He is also seen in the company of a young Ravonna.[6]

    After Doom’s plan fails, Iron Lad returns and rescues Captain America from the timestream. He and two of his future counterparts, Kang the Conqueror and Immortus, attempt to hold Captain America prisoner so that he cannot interfere with the Illuminati’s plan to save Earth by destroying numerous alternate worlds during the “Time Runs Out” storyline, but Captain America manages to escape.[7]

    Richards returns once again as Iron Lad in the Exiles series alongside original member Blink and new members including Wolvie, Sharon Carter and Valkyrie.

    Depending on how the identity and origin the MCU Kang plays out, there could be significant changes to the background of the character. The comic book character’s history is a total clusterfuck so I’m guessing they are going to simplify the hell out of it for the MCU.

  • #58081

    Depending on how the identity and origin the MCU Kang plays out, there could be significant changes to the background of the character. The comic book character’s history is a total clusterfuck so I’m guessing they are going to simplify the hell out of it for the MCU.

    They’ll have to change Teddy’s background too, since IIRC Mar-Vell is his father, and in the MCU, Mar-Vell is female.

  • #58083

    They’ll have to change Teddy’s background too, since IIRC Mar-Vell is his father, and in the MCU, Mar-Vell is female.

    She’s also been dead for almost thirty-five years, so they’d need to get into some convoluted reason for her having a teenage son. Maybe he can be Ronan’s kid or something like that.

  • #58084

    Depending on how the identity and origin the MCU Kang plays out, there could be significant changes to the background of the character. The comic book character’s history is a total clusterfuck so I’m guessing they are going to simplify the hell out of it for the MCU.

    They’ll have to change Teddy’s background too, since IIRC Mar-Vell is his father, and in the MCU, Mar-Vell is female.

    If they really wanted to keep that connection, they could say there was some her genetic material preserved somewhere and was used to create a Skrull/Kree hybrid some years later.

    1 user thanked author for this post.
  • #58085

    Depending on how the identity and origin the MCU Kang plays out, there could be significant changes to the background of the character. The comic book character’s history is a total clusterfuck so I’m guessing they are going to simplify the hell out of it for the MCU.

    They’ll have to change Teddy’s background too, since IIRC Mar-Vell is his father, and in the MCU, Mar-Vell is female.

    If they really wanted to keep that connection, they could say there was some her genetic material preserved somewhere and was used to create a Skrull/Kree hybrid some years later.

    In the comics that’s the origin of Genis and Phyla, with Titan instead of Skrull.

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  • #58086

    Kingsley Ben-Adir To Star In Marvel’s ‘Secret Invasion’ Series For Disney+

  • #58103

    Tl/dr about the whole Captain Marvel thing. All I remember is how fanatical Jon got when the Captain Marvel movie came out.


    stop trying to make X happen |  STOP TRYING TO MAKE "DUMP CAPTAIN MARVEL" HAPPEN; IT'S NOT GOING TO HAPPEN | image tagged in stop trying to make x happen | made w/ Imgflip meme maker<img src="<img src="; title="made at" />

    ” alt=”” />

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  • #58118

    There’s plenty of things they can do with the YA cast of characters. They could age up Tony’s daughter a bit and make her Iron Lass if they want. But there’s plenty of characters for them to choose from. But they can also make Kate Bishop and/or Cassie Lang the leaders since they’ll likely be the oldest members. Or as Todd mentioned, go with Avengers Initiative, Avengers Academy or even New Avengers as the branding if they want to avoid Young due to actors aging and whatnot.

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  • #58120

    They could age up Tony’s daughter a bit and make her Iron Lass if they want.

    They already have an Ironheart.

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  • #58121

    Kingsley Ben-adir is not Ben Kingsley, bummer.. I was looking forward to the Mandarin being in Secret Invasion.

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  • #58122

    Young Avengers is the obvious next move but I think they should go the other way. Old Avengers. Featuring Anthony Hopkins, Michael Douglas, Glenn Close, Sylvester Stallone and Michelle Pfeiffer.

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  • #58123

    Well personally I only say Young Avengers as a shortcut so people know which characters I mean, but I don’t think they’ll go with that name, for the afforementioned age issue, true, but also ’cause let’s be honest: it’s a dumb name. My guess is they’ll go with something like New Avengers (which ain’t that much better) or hopefully the New Warriors… but they’ll probably just call them “Avengers” and be done with it…

  • #58135

    My guess is they’ll go with something like New Avengers (which ain’t that much better) or hopefully the New Warriors

    Actually, the original New Warriors would be a great franchise. I know Marvel filmed a New Warriors comedy pilot 5 years ago that featured Squirrel Girl, but they should just go with Speedball, Namorita, Nova, Firestar, Vance Astro/Marvel Boy and yes, even the skateboarding Night Thrasher!!

  • #58137

    I was never a huge fan of the new warriors, so not particularly intesrested in those characters except Nova, tbh. I’d rather they launched Alpha Flight, now that they can… Not a huge fan of them either, but it’s the coolest team name, plus it’d work as a backdoor for Wolverine =P

  • #58150

    Iron Lass… Iron Heart…

    If you’re putting a girl/woman in the armor, it really needs to be IRON MAIDEN, doesn’t it?

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  • #58153

    If you’re putting a girl/woman in the armor, it really needs to be IRON MAIDEN, doesn’t it?

    Wasn’t that Ultimate Black Widow’s codename when she had a suit of Stark armour?

  • #58156

    If you’re putting a girl/woman in the armor, it really needs to be IRON MAIDEN, doesn’t it?

    Wasn’t that Ultimate Black Widow’s codename when she had a suit of Stark armour?

    Did it have spikes on the inside because Mark Millar is so EDGY!

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  • #58163

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  • #58211

    Kingsley Ben-Adir To Star In Marvel’s ‘Secret Invasion’ Series For Disney+

    Secret Invasion is going to be TV and not movies? Shit, I am so not up to date with all of this.

    In Secret Invasion, Jackson and Mendelsohn reprise their MCU characters Nick Fury and the Skrull Talos, respectively, who first met in Captain Marvel. The crossover comic event series showcases a faction of shape-shifting Skrulls who have been infiltrating Earth for years.

    So it’s going to be good Skrulls and bad Skrulls? And it’s going to be a crossover thing with characters from the different TV shows and stuff?

  • #58214

    So it’s going to be good Skrulls and bad Skrulls? And it’s going to be a crossover thing with characters from the different TV shows and stuff?

    No-one knows. They pretty much just announced the title and that Jackson and Mendelsohn would be in it. Everything else is just people theorizing based on the comic.

    1 user thanked author for this post.
  • #58215

    So it’s going to be good Skrulls and bad Skrulls? And it’s going to be a crossover thing with characters from the different TV shows and stuff?

    No-one knows. They pretty much just announced the title and that Jackson and Mendelsohn would be in it. Everything else is just people theorizing based on the comic.

    Mephisto confirmed!

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  • #58218

    Ed Norton was a Skrull all along!

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  • #58228

    Marvel’s Ironheart Star Dominique Thorne On Being Cast As Riri Williams With ‘No Audition At All’ – Exclusive

  • #58263

    They already have an Ironheart.

    Yup and this is why my guess is that an MCU Young Avengers won’t be that loyal to the original cast in the comic. It’ll take a few of them and mix in the teen characters they are already working on, like Ironheart and Ms Marvel.

    I mean it’s just an inkling but it is how they tend to roll. They cut and paste ideas from the books and fit them in the way they like, they like to lead in to it teaming up characters you already know with some new ones.

  • #58353

    How likely do you guys think it is they’ll introduce Patriot in the F&WS show? ‘Cause we pretty much got a full YA roster at this point, if we replace Ironlad with Riri Williams… and considering that they’ll probably introduce Hulkling in the Secret Invasion show…

  • #58360

    How likely do you guys think it is they’ll introduce Patriot in the F&WS show?

    Slim to none — they’re already introducing John Walker aka US Agent, so I think it’s unlikely they’ll also bring in Patriot during the same 6-hour film.

  • #58366

    Yeah but I don’t think Walker is gonna have a big role, or even a futre in the MCU (as much as Id’ like to)… I’d actually argue against the notion more because they seem to be going for that Falcon-cap lame thing than because of USAgent…

    But anyways, I mean more of a quick cameo kind of thing, not really exploring him… literally just “introducing” him.

  • #58454

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  • #58972

    ‘Hawkeye’ Spinoff Series About Echo in Early Development for Disney Plus (EXCLUSIVE)

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  • #59022

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