Marvel Comics Thread

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  • #81333

    Marvel Solicitations for March 2022

    at Newsarama/GamesRadar

    at CBR

    at FCN

  • #81572

    Marvel Comics releases the first look at the Punisher’s revamped skull symbol

    Jesus that’s both incredibly ugly AND stupid… pretty impressive… :negative:

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  • #81575

    Marvel Comics releases the first look at the Punisher’s revamped skull symbol

    Jesus that’s both incredibly ugly AND stupid… pretty impressive… :negative:

    I figure it’ll only last for the duration of the miniseries. After that, it’ll go back to the classic design.

  • #81614

    I guess… but the way the article is written, it sounds like Marvel wants to get away from that whole punisher logo controversy, hence that new logo. I mean, of course they’ll go back to classic punisher logo eventually, but still, it’s ugly and stupid either way. If they’re testing the waters for a logo change, that’s a very bad way of doing so.

  • #81788

    Stan Lee would have turned 99 today.

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  • #81808

    And then claimed credit as the first person to ever do it😂.

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  • #81840

    Marvel Finally Introduces Its Most Problematic ‘Superman’ in Its Main Universe – CBR link

    Kang the Conquerors exploits in Timeless set up numerous threads for Marvel in 2022
    the last page of his book reveals the arrival of Miracleman.

    Marvel Teases an Avengers vs. X-Men vs. Eternals War Exploding in 2022

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  • #81846

    Marvel Finally Introduces Its Most Problematic ‘Superman’ in Its Main Universe

    Cue fanboys clutching their pearls and screaming their righteous indignation all the while buying multiple copies and every variant cover available.

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  • #81848

    So are they finally finishing Gaiman’s run?

  • #81849

    Avengers vs X-Men vs Eternals eh? Well, can’t be worse than AvX.

    Talking of, 2022 marks that event’s 10 year anniversary….. Crap.

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  • #81880

    Marvel Finally Introduces Its Most Problematic ‘Superman’ in Its Main Universe

    Great, now he can join Hyperion, Ikaris, the Sentry, Wonderman, Gladiator and the Blue Marvel in complete uselessness and irrelevancy :good:

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  • #81884

    Also looks to be a Miracleman Omnibus set for September 2022.

    Thinking more on it, if AvEvX is a big a mess as AvX it’ll make for a good jumping off point.

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  • #81889

    Also looks to be a Miracleman Omnibus set for September 2022.

    Oh, where has that been announced? Is it just the Moore stuff?

  • #81893

    Near Mint Condition YouTube channel – haven’t yet looked at the specific vid

    Marvel tip them off to new editions.

  • #81902

    I really don’t know who that Miracleman move is for. The few people who care about the character would surely just like to see the Gaiman run finally finished (as promised) instead?

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  • #81906

    I really don’t know who that Miracleman move is for. The few people who care about the character would surely just like to see the Gaiman run finally finished (as promised) instead?

    Hard core fanboys who have no connection to the character but suddenly care because he is being integrated into Marvel Universe and/or speculators trying to make a quick buck by buying the initial issues and rapidly flipping them?

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  • #81933

    It appears that the Omnibus is the Moore run, plus some odds & ends that were printed in the recent Annual (by Milligan and Morrison, IIRC). I have the comics already, but I’m pretty tempted. That’s some good shit.

    I roll my eyes pretty seriously about the integration into the Marvel Universe though. I remember predicting they would do that once DC did the same with Dr Manhattan. They took their time doing so, but I don’t expect it to be much better received.

    It does make Sentry even more redundant though. Did he even come back from where Bendis left him?

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  • #82467

    From the X-MEN.ELSEWHEN.30–Comments on the Byrne Robotics Forums:

    Just occurred to me—with Marvel Time, especially as seen in ELSEWHEN, Trump would have been the president who authorized Project Wideawake.

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  • #82475

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  • #82768

    Some homages from Jim Lee I never caught before:

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  • #82780

    Are they really deliberate homages? All those poses seem generic enough that they could be coincidences.

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  • #82792

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  • #82808

    Are they really deliberate homages? All those poses seem generic enough that they could be coincidences.

    That was my reaction too. None of them is quite close enough to the original to feel like a deliberate homage. They’re all pretty generic superhero poses that I feel like you could find countless examples of.

  • #82822

    I can maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaybe see the Storm one… but the rest? nah… pretty far fetched I agree.

  • #82825

    This one’ll convince you:



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  • #82860

    Promo for the next Spidey-event.

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  • #82863

    Hopefully it’ll be better than the last time JR JR returned to Spidey, back in 2008, for the New Ways to Die arc. One of the low points of the Brand New Day era.

  • #82864

    Promo for the next Spidey-event.

    From that reaction I’m guessing he trod on some Lego.

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  • #82865

    Judging from the surroundings I think he left the oven on.

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  • #82972

    Spider-Man comic page sells for record $3.36M bidding

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  • #83255

  • #83321

    I’m struggling to work out what’s happening in that picture. Sometimes it looks like a man holding a baby, other times I think that’s just an optical illusion and it’s actually a woman cradling her breasts.

    Which would be a clever optical illusion, if it’s intended  :unsure:

  • #83326

    Sometimes it looks like a man holding a baby, other times I think that’s just an optical illusion and it’s actually a woman cradling her breasts.

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  • #83330

    Pretty butterflies :heart:

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  • #83331

    @davidm, because she was created after 1980, I will cut you slack. She only has 2 claws per hand which means it is Laura Wolverine not Logan Wolverine. Those am BOOBZ!

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  • #83332

    Sometimes it looks like a man holding a baby, other times I think that’s just an optical illusion and it’s actually a woman cradling her breasts.

    Don’t try to cure David, you’ll just go insane.

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  • #83335

    @davidm, because she was created after 1980, I will cut you slack. She only has 2 claws per hand which means it is Laura Wolverine not Logan Wolverine. Those am BOOBZ!

    You can see the baby though, right???

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  • #83345

    @davidm has babies on the brain. Do you have something you want to tell the rest of us, David?


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  • #83346

    @davidm, because she was created after 1980, I will cut you slack. She only has 2 claws per hand which means it is Laura Wolverine not Logan Wolverine. Those am BOOBZ!

    You can see the baby though, right???

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  • #83347

    You can see the baby though, right???

    If you gaze long enough at the baby, the baby gazes back at you.

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  • #83354

    You can see the baby though, right???

    If you gaze long enough at the baby, the baby gazes back at you.

  • #83366

    You can see the baby though, right???

    If you gaze long enough at the baby, the baby gazes back at you.

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  • #83398

  • #83467

    Marvel Solicitations for April – CBR

    Marvel Solicitations for April – Newsarama/GamesRadar

  • #83477

    Dammit, which link do I choose?

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  • #83479

    Dammit, which link do I choose?

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  • #83501

    Marvel Turns Its Heroes Against Spider-Man


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  • #83561

    some of those Spider Man variant covers are very nice. Here’s Immortal X men with Emma as Spidey

  • #83719

    That Ghost Rider cover looks sick as fuck… I’m guessing it’s not the same interior artist, but that design with that cover artist works for me… except that it should be Danny Ketch’s GR, and not Blaze… but other than that, yeah, bad ass covers at least.

  • #83843

    some of those Spider Man variant covers are very nice. Here’s Immortal X men with Emma as Spidey

    No comment

  • #84162

    The Punisher Skull

  • #84253

    Courtesy of some tweets from Gillen, the X-Men, Avengers, Eternals big event is called Judgment Day.

  • #84325

    Marvel last month started releasing a lot of Infinite digital comics, ones that scroll down like a website.

    It’s an interesting concept, one thing I see them doing is moving the word balloons to above and below panels so they don’t cover any of the art. The first X-Men story they had used the downward scroll to show an underground base Wolverine was infiltrating so it scrolled on and on to show a sense of the scale.

    Anyone know if they are planning any of these for print? It would definitely need a lot more work to do so than DC’s digital firsts which are just half pages they paste together for print.

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  • #84346


    Maybe scrolls will come back into fashion?

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  • #84358


    Maybe scrolls will come back into fashion?

    Scrolls with Skrulls.

  • #84361

    Scrolls with Skrulls.

    Droll Scrolls with Skrulls

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  • #84494

    Proles roll Droll Scrolls with Skrulls

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  • #84549

    Marvel last month started releasing a lot of Infinite digital comics, ones that scroll down like a website.

    It’s an interesting concept, one thing I see them doing is moving the word balloons to above and below panels so they don’t cover any of the art. The first X-Men story they had used the downward scroll to show an underground base Wolverine was infiltrating so it scrolled on and on to show a sense of the scale.

    Anyone know if they are planning any of these for print? It would definitely need a lot more work to do so than DC’s digital firsts which are just half pages they paste together for print.

    That Hickman Wolverine story will be out in print in March, I think. I’ve ordered it actually and am waiting to read it in that format. Haven’t heard about any others.

  • #84560

    Proles roll Droll Scrolls with Skrulls

    Proles roll Droll Scrolls with Skrulls as moles and foals

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  • #84981

    Wolverine, Spider-Man, Ghost Rider, and Hulk Return as the New Fantastic Four

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  • #85008

    Wolverine, Spider-Man, Ghost Rider, and Hulk Return as the New Fantastic Four

    From the HOUSE OF (recycled) IDEAS!!

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  • #85332

    New review of X-MEN: ELSEWHEN:

  • #85838

    Marvel Solicitations for May 2022

    at CBR

    at Newsarama/GamesRadar

    at FCN

    Comics Continuum (Downloads!)

    To download a .docx file, CLICK HERE.

    To download a .zip file of cover art, CLICK HERE.

    To download a .zip file of trade paperback cover art, CLICK HERE.

  • #86116

    Have you guys seen the preview images from Fantastic Four: Full Circle GN by Alex Ross? They’re stunning. Incomprehensibly good.

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  • #86117

    It’s out August 2nd this year.

  • #86121

    I don’t normally have much time for Alex “make it shiny” Ross, but those pages look great.

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  • #86139

    Agreed. That looks incredible, and a great update of some of the approaches Kirby used in the early days of the FF.

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  • #86141

    I’m not used to seeing layouts like that from him. He normally seems to be a very traditional panel kind of guy.


    Hold on, is he writing this as well as painting it?

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  • #86145

    Hold on, is he writing this as well as painting it?

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  • #86149

    Bendis did a Word Balloon recently and said he’s already read it and loved it.

  • #86801

    My Super Hero Is Black will tell the other history of the Marvel Universe

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  • #86954

    Hnnnng!!! Eeeeee!!! MMMMMMM!!!

    Garth Ennis Returns To The Punisher In Vietnam In 2022

    Yes! Double yes! ALL THE YES!

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  • #86975


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  • #86976

  • #86977

    Disclaimer: The article I linked is as divorced from reality and research as you would expect an article on bl**ding c**l to be, but if the news themselves are true it’s great. They even have a source for the news themselves, so that’s good.

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  • #87076


  • #87086

    Disclaimer: The article I linked is as divorced from reality and research as you would expect an article on bl**ding c**l to be, but if the news themselves are true it’s great. They even have a source for the news themselves, so that’s good.

    BC is very ethically dubious/full of shit a lot of the time but when he’s quoting a direct interview with Ennis with a link to it then I think it’s pretty safe ground to share.

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  • #87087

    Disclaimer: The article I linked is as divorced from reality and research as you would expect an article on bl**ding c**l to be, but if the news themselves are true it’s great. They even have a source for the news themselves, so that’s good.

    BC is very ethically dubious/full of shit a lot of the time but when he’s quoting a direct interview with Ennis with a link to it then I think it’s pretty safe ground to share.

    Yeah, that’s what I figured.

  • #87380

    Aaron revisits the Heroes Reborn story by bringing back Mephisto as a villian. He also creates or gathers time lost heroes to act as Avengers. A WWII soldier as a Sorcerer Supreme looks interesting as his last name is Szardos. Szardos was the last name of Nightcrawler’s adoptive mother and his first girlfriend. I look forward to this storyline and hope its mentions Amanda(Jimaine) and Margali.


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  • #87837

    Marvel’s Solicitations for June can be found in the Solicitation thread

  • #87897

    I’m pretty sceptical about the upcoming AXE event Judgment Day but Gillen certainly sells it well:

  • #88093

    A Rare Copy of Marvel Comics No. 1 Just Sold for a Record $2.4 Million

  • #88382

    Tulsan was co-creator of Marvel Comic’s Luke Cage, who is turning 50

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  • #88764

    Luke Cage Celebrates His 50th Anniversary of Being a Hero for Hire

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  • #90018

    I listened to the first episode of the new Unbeatable Squirrel Girl podcast, written by Ryan North:

    Really fun follow-up to the comic.

    Squirrel Girl is played by Milana Vayntrub, who was cast as the character in the never-made New Warriors TV series back in 2017. She’s very good as her!

  • #90241

    Marvel Solicitations for July

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 10 months ago by Sean Robinson.
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  • #90243

    Oh wow, I completely missed that PAD was doing a Genis-Vell miniseries. Here for that.

    Has his resurrection happened somewhere already that I missed?

    Very happy to see that Gwenpool omnibus too.

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  • #90244


    go on…

    doing a Genis-Vell miniseries

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  • #90245

    The Marvel wiki doesn’t mention anything about Genis coming back to life, so I’m guessing this is something new for the miniseries.

    Wild that he’s stayed dead for over fifteen years, when it’s a fairly easy-to-reverse death that nobody seemed happy with.

  • #90301

    Genis Vell was in Captain Marvel for a couple of months. A Villain tried to capture and enslave everyone that used the Captain Marvel name and he was one of them. I don’t remember if they said where he came from but he was with all the other Captain Marvels in the big end fight.

  • #90890

    Near Mint Condition just announced a Millar-Hitch Fantastic Four Omnibus for Feb 2023!

    It also includes Marvel 1985, so getting the entire unofficial trilogy Millar did into oversized format.

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  • #90891

    Near Mint Condition just announced a Millar-Hitch Fantastic Four Omnibus for Feb 2023!

    It also includes Marvel 1985, so getting the entire unofficial trilogy Millar did into oversized format.

    A Millar/Hitch F4 Omnibus was announced back in 2009, but IIRC it never came out due to lack of demand.

  • #90892

    It turned up on Amazon but never got an official solicit.

    Omar talks about the history in his vid.

    It also includes the Fantastic Force mini.


  • #91594

    That’s quite a collection of people.

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  • #91603

    Is it wrong that the most exciting name on that list for me is Armando Iannucci?

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  • #91619

    Is it wrong that the most exciting name on that list for me is Armando Iannucci?

    No, as I thought the same thing.

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  • #91621

    He’d better call his story The Thwip Of It.

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  • #91622

    Is it wrong that the most exciting name on that list for me is Armando Iannucci?

    Malcolm Tucker takes over the Daily Bugle.

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  • #92214

    Marvel: We’re relaunching Savage Avengers this month! Come check out the continuing adventures of Conan in the present day!

    Also Marvel: We’ve lost the Conan license and won’t be able to publish any more comics with him after this summer!


    Admittedly relaunching Savage Avengers to explicitly write out Conan kind of makes some sense, assuming the book existed for any other reason than to be a vehicle for Conan, which, erm, I’m not sure it did.

    Regardless, I can’t believe it’s 2022 and Marvel have ROMmed themselves again.

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  • #92221

    Conan strikes me as one of those characters that has a very limited audience and is never going to be a huge seller. He is doomed to bounce from publisher to publisher, with his most loyal fans following him regardless of creative team or quality. Even toward the end of his original time at Marvel, I think he was struggling to maintain an audience. I do wonder if he would benefit from disappearing from publication for a few years to build up some anticipation and interest. And as loathe I am to suggest this, I wonder if the character could benefit more by being purchased by Disney, WB Discovery, or some other big name media conglomerate. Let someone with the resources to fully exploit the IP and increase his brand awareness. I think Conan does still have some recognition from which to build off.

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