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  • #52777

    Yeah she’s doing the main A covers on Blade Runner 2029. I’m sure I’ve had her variants on other occasional books too but can’t remember which. She seems to do a lot!

  • #53028

  • #53216

    The Fantastic Four Remake Their History in ‘Fantastic Four: Life Story’

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  • #53297

    Shooter was never charming and took a lot of valid criticism, I still think he ran Marvel better than any boss before or since.

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  • #53404

    I still think he ran Marvel better than any boss before or since.

    Whether he did or didn’t, You can’t treat staff that way anymore. Back then it really was the big 2. Now if it happened “time to talk to Image about some creator owned ideas.”

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  • #53415

    Shooter was never charming and took a lot of valid criticism, I still think he ran Marvel better than any boss before or since.

    If you look closesly (or rather from afar) at the bottom of the page, there’s an imprint of the word MADMAN there. Big one. Something else is written over that, but I can’t make it out. WELCOME?

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  • #53426

    It looks like:

    We’re working for a MADMAN!

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  • #53430

    Just recently re-read Secret Wars. Considering how he wrote the X-Men in it, one could probably assume he hated them.

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  • #53433

    Whether he did or didn’t, You can’t treat staff that way anymore. Back then it really was the big 2. Now if it happened “time to talk to Image about some creator owned ideas.”

    Well he’s addressing it to editors and most Image books don’t have editors unless a wealthy creator like Kirkman or Millar appoints one and they are usually local friends/contacts.

    Overall though I agree, Shooter wound up a lot of creators and got it in the neck after he left with with various parodies. A dictatorial approach is not great and not usually welcomed in the 21st century but the books were really good and some creators have recanted to a degree because he did that while also introducing royalty payments. Claremont and Byrne had digs at Shooter but later admitted they were rewarded pretty handsomely. In the Friedrich case Byrne had to admit under oath he’d been paid over $10 million by Marvel which is a stark contrast to the previous generation like Ditko and  Kirby. CC is a lot more amenable to Shooter now because he liked the next guys less.

    The irony is that the 21st century approach to management is a lot more touchy feely while pretty consistently reducing reward. They’ll give you a mental health helpline number while simultaneously cutting what they pay into your pension.

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  • #55160

    There’s a book about Stan Lee out next week that I’m looking forward to:


    Stan Lee and the Dot-Com Disaster

    To hear him tell it, Peter Paul was a con man by age 13 — though he’d never use that term, of course. “I started a front organization called Americans Seeking Knowledge and I represented the youth of America,” Paul tells me, far beneath the vaulted roof of his Florida living room. A half smile crawls up the side of his silver-bearded face. “But I have to say that that was a bit of a fabrication, because I was the only member of the organization.” He used this front to send letters to venerable men and women of the world and ask them for artifacts. It was in that capacity, Paul claims, that he developed a friendly correspondence with President John F. Kennedy’s secretary and — as the story goes — ended up walking into Lyndon Johnson’s office in the early 1960s during a trip to Washington, D.C. “That’s what started my involvement in politics,” he claims.

    Paul has multiple felony convictions from the ’70s and ’80s: one from cocaine possession, another from trying to bilk the Cuban government in an elaborate scheme involving the fraudulent sale of 3,000 metric tons of coffee, a third from using a dead man’s ID to cross the Canadian border. These, he claims, stemmed from secret missions he was performing on behalf of the U.S. government in the global struggle against communism. I ask him why he would do such things. Fingers tented, he laughs and says, “I had been the protégé of Salvador Dalí for a while, and it was just …” He trails off, then starts up again: “the notion of the surreal being incorporated into political action.”

    Paul’s life story comes out in an overwhelming torrent when you speak with him: Spanish surrealists, Russian mobsters, Iranian nuclear officials, Nicaraguan death squads, Cuban counterrevolutionaries, Brazilian arsonists. These are the people who populate his self-professed personal chronicles. Who knows how much of it is true? Paul is charismatic and intimidating, the sort of man who could alternatingly charm and bully you into starting a business with him. And that’s exactly what Stan Lee did, in 1998.

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  • #55320


    Anyone interested in this upcoming Heroes Reborn 2021?

  • #55322


    Anyone interested in this upcoming Heroes Reborn 2021?


    • This reply was modified 4 years ago by Ben.
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  • #55355

    Has anyone been reading Al Ewing’s Guardians of the Galaxy? I just saw a promo image of combined covers from upcoming issues and it’s definitely evoking the Abnett/Lanning era. Is it living up to that in terms of quality?

  • #55363

    The one concern I have on Ewing’s GotG run is it looks very heavily linked to Empyre.

  • #55495

  • #55496

    Make way for Crystal Pepsi Man!!! 

    Is there a facepalm emoji? We need one… u_u

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  • #55564

    Anyone interested in this upcoming Heroes Reborn 2021?

    yes, always been a Squadron Supreme fan

    Has anyone been reading Al Ewing’s Guardians of the Galaxy?

    yes, I have been enjoying it. It was less involved with Empyre than you may think. Mostly one and done stories right now. I believe it is winding down in prep for the new storyline beginning with #13. currently on #11.

    Quill died and came back while fighting dark versions of Greek gods. and Hercules has joined the team while this is going on.

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  • #55595

    Quill died and came back while fighting dark versions of Greek gods.

    This kind of statement is indicative of why I no longer buy Marvel (or DC) books.

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  • #55618


    Somebody should tell Namor it’s bad form to outdo the bride.

    Anyone follow FF these days? I’m a huge FF fan, but I don’t really follow what’s happening in new comic land any more, and I’ve always found Slott’s work incredibly bland.

    I’ve heard Doom’s bride might be Silver Sable, since Latveria apparently just annexed her homeland of Symkaria. I also saw someone guess it might be Valeria Richards, which made me throw up in my mouth a little.

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  • #55623

    So given Rocket’s recommendation, I think I’ll pick up Ewing GotG but I figured I might try the preceding runs by Duggan (whose work I really liked on Deadpool) and Cates (who I’ve no preconceived notions of).

    I was just looking and they’ve each had their runs collected in OHCs. Cates’ is a standard OHC of 288 pages and has an RRP of £29.50. Duggan’s run is 408 pages in an “omnibus” OHC and an RRP of £62.50, yet his Infinity Wars event thing is in a “complete collection” OHC of 592 pages and has an RRP of only £42. So as far as I can see, you’re paying as much as twice per page for the Duggan GotG OHC simply because of the Omnibus name. Which is super shitty. I mean, I’d just go buy it in paperback, but the quality of those these days is a false economy.

  • #55624

    I’ve heard Doom’s bride might be Silver Sable, since Latveria apparently just annexed her homeland of Symkaria. I also saw someone guess it might be Valeria Richards, which made me throw up in my mouth a little.

    There’s only one person Doom would deem worthy of marriage.

    It’s clearly a Doombot.

    2 users thanked author for this post.
  • #55625

    I’ve heard Doom’s bride might be Silver Sable, since Latveria apparently just annexed her homeland of Symkaria. I also saw someone guess it might be Valeria Richards, which made me throw up in my mouth a little.

    There’s only one person Doom would deem worthy of marriage.

    It’s clearly a Doombot.

  • #55628

    Anyone want another Marvel event? No? Too bad, you’re getting a Star Wars one, running across the set May to October, Battle of the Bounty Hunters.

    So given Rocket’s recommendation, I think I’ll pick up Ewing GotG but I figured I might try the preceding runs by Duggan (whose work I really liked on Deadpool) and Cates (who I’ve no preconceived notions of).

    I was just looking and they’ve each had their runs collected in OHCs. Cates’ is a standard OHC of 288 pages and has an RRP of £29.50. Duggan’s run is 408 pages in an “omnibus” OHC and an RRP of £62.50, yet his Infinity Wars event thing is in a “complete collection” OHC of 592 pages and has an RRP of only £42. So as far as I can see, you’re paying as much as twice per page for the Duggan GotG OHC simply because of the Omnibus name. Which is super shitty. I mean, I’d just go buy it in paperback, but the quality of those these days is a false economy.

    Yep, it’s Marvel pricing!  And yeah, too often “omnibus” = “jack the price up”.

    If you can get them all cheap, the 2x Duggan + Cates volumes make for an effective trilogy.

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  • #55629

    Anyone want another Marvel event? No? Too bad, you’re getting a Star Wars one, running across the set May to October, Battle of the Bounty Hunters.

    No, Battle of the Bounty Hunters was the Dark Horse comic set between ESB and RotJ about Boba Fett fighting off a load of other bounty hunters over the carbonite-frozen Han Solo as he tried to take him back to Jabba.

    (A pop-up comic! Hey, it was the ’90s.)

    This is a completely different story set between ESB and RotJ about Boba Fett fighting off a load of other bounty hunters over the carbonite-frozen Han Solo as he tries to take him back to Jabba.

    It has the completely different name of War of the Bounty Hunters.

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  • #55631

    (McNiven’s art looks nice in the preview though.)

  • #55632

    Ehhh, battle, war…. Quite neat seeing McNiven on a SW book.

  • #55633

    Ehhh, battle, war

    I don’t know how you could possibly get confused between two such dissimilar comics.

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  • #55648

    All the Duggan/Cates GotG runs were good. Started getting closer to the old DnA feel. Then Ewing came in and is knocking my socks off every month.

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  • #55650

    The Bride of Doom

    Writer Dan Slott and artist R.B. Silva’s thrilling run on FANTASTIC FOUR has been jam-packed with sweeping sci-fi storytelling, unpredictable twists, and incredible high-stakes adventure. What’s next in their masterful take on the Fantastic Four mythos? Get ready as a bold new saga joins the ranks of the Fantastic Four’s greatest stories, just in time for the title’s 60th anniversary!

    This May, you’re invited to the wedding of… Doctor Victor Von Doom! And Marvel’s chief megalomaniac won’t be the only Fantastic Four character whose love life will be changed forever! The Human Torch suddenly must choose between his soulmate and his ex-wife. And because a simple love triangle isn’t enough, has Johnny Storm’s first heartbreak, Crystal, come back to rekindle their flame?! All this plus an ominous decree by Doctor Doom and a second tale in which Reed Richards duels his arch nemesis for the strangest prize imaginable! Don’t miss part one of this epic new “BRIDE OF DOOM” saga: “Betrothal.”

    Keep an eye out for announcements about the other exciting things Marvel Comics has in store for the Fantastic Four’s milestone celebration, including the identity of Doom’s new bride!

  • #55664

    Marvel Solicitations for May 2021 – Comics Continuum link

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  • #55760

    @njerry  My brevity of text should not be used against Ewing’s story. There were a lot of moving parts that i did not get into thinking people might enjoy learning about them on their own.

    Good Luck with the trade search, Martin. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.

    • This reply was modified 4 years ago by Rocket.
  • #55761

    This May, you’re invited to the wedding of… Doctor Victor Von Doom! And Marvel’s chief megalomaniac won’t be the only Fantastic Four character whose love life will be changed forever! The Human Torch suddenly must choose between his soulmate and his ex-wife. And because a simple love triangle isn’t enough, has Johnny Storm’s first heartbreak, Crystal, come back to rekindle their flame?!

    I have been reading Slott’s FF. He has been leaning into the Family aspect of the team. A few months ago, the FF actually finished the trip they began when they got the powers and that planet believed strongly in predestination and Johnny got a soulmate that came home with him. Then Reed built a transport gate which allowed for the return of the Future Foundation and one of their guardians was Lyja who is Johnny’s ex wife. i am a idiot and I removed this part because of my idiocy.

    • This reply was modified 4 years ago by Rocket.
  • #55764

    The part about Crystal needs a Johnston’s truck full of salt because she is married to Ben and they just adopted 2 children from the Empyre story

    You mean Alicia is married to Ben.

    This is Crystal:

  • #55765

    My brevity of text should not be used against Ewing’s story. There were a lot of moving parts that i did not get into thinking people might enjoy learning about them on their own.

    I wasn’t commenting on the length of your text, Don; I was responding to the fact of Quill dying and coming back, and how Marvel and DC casually do this so frequently that major “events” in their comics no longer carry any dramatic impact, since we all know that Superman will return from the dead, Batman will put on his costume again, Steve Rogers will always be Captain America, and so on.

  • #55769

    I guess what I was trying to say was the death and return were just story aspects. the Why is more important than the What. Technically it wasn’t a death but rather a teleport but it was not revealed as such until his return so it was treated as a death for the months he was gone.

    • This reply was modified 4 years ago by Rocket.
  • #55773

    My brevity of text should not be used against Ewing’s story. There were a lot of moving parts that i did not get into thinking people might enjoy learning about them on their own.

    I wasn’t commenting on the length of your text, Don; I was responding to the fact of Quill dying and coming back, and how Marvel and DC casually do this so frequently that major “events” in their comics no longer carry any dramatic impact, since we all know that Superman will return from the dead, Batman will put on his costume again, Steve Rogers will always be Captain America, and so on.

    I haven’t read the story (yet) but I think there’s a reasonable difference between a emotional story-driven death (like Phoenix/Jean Grey’s or Bucky’s or Elektra’s) that’s undone, a stunt death done for cynical marketing reasons (like Johnny Storm’s a few years ago) and then an apparent death done in a story that is always intended to have an undo or resolution. And if you can’t throw in a death and resurrection plot element into a story with the Greek gods, when can you?

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  • #55888

    How Marvel’s Black Panther Had a ‘Perfect’ Comic Book Launch — Except for One Major Flaw (EXCLUSIVE VIDEO)

  • #57459

    A nonfiction narrative podcast focusing on the rich, dynamic, and unknown history of Marvel Comics as told through a contemporary lens. Subscribe to get notified when the first episode goes live on March 16, 2021!

    Hosted by Lorraine Cink and Evan Narcisse.

    I’d be interested in this if Marvel weren’t producing it themselves.

  • #57844

    Fantastic Four: The Greatest Wedding Ceremony in the History of the Marvel Universe

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  • #57900

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  • #58440

    Marvel Solicitations for June 2021 – Comics Continuum link

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  • #58518

    Gay Captain America to Debut in Upcoming Marvel Comics Series

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  • #58527

    Kev Walker drawing Predator is a pretty awesome choice, guys!

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  • #59302

    Marvel picks Penguin Random House as new distributor

    Diamond loses another big one…

  • #59330

    Marvel picks Penguin Random House as new distributor

    Diamond loses another big one…

    “What does this mean for Marvel’s longstanding Direct Market distributor Diamond, which it had been exclusive with since 1997? Direct Market retailers can still order their Marvel comics through Diamond, although Diamond would be acting as a wholesaler to the Direct Market, ordering Marvel products through PRHPS.“

    I don’t think this will be received well by the retailers.

  • #59331

    I think the Diamond guy really fucked up last March/April.

  • #59337

    I don’t think this will be received well by the retailers.

    Won’t they just switch who they order from and save on shipping?

    (and order some nice books at the same time – i hear that’s the way the market’s going)

  • #59339

    Well, Penguin probably can’t do worse than Diamond on the hit-and-miss supply of omnibuses to the UK.

    Omar recently announced Excalibur Omnibus 2 and pre-empted the inevitable comments that it’d be nice if people could buy volume 1!  Hopefully Marvel will re-print 1, as they have done to accompany other, later volume releases.

  • #59348

    I don’t think this will be received well by the retailers.

    Won’t they just switch who they order from and save on shipping?

    (and order some nice books at the same time – i hear that’s the way the market’s going)

    The discounts may be worse with PRH.

  • #59349

    Well, Penguin probably can’t do worse than Diamond on the hit-and-miss supply of omnibuses to the UK.

    Diamond haven’t been responsible for that in over a decade; Marvel moved their bookstore supplier to Hachette back in 2010.

    Marvel Pulls Out of Diamond Books, Moves To Hachette

  • #59351

    Oh? So what’s Hachette’s excuse for the mess of the last year?

    I can buy Covid as a factor, but if that were so the effect ought to be a bit more consistent.  From the chatter on this, looks to be an issue for the US too.

    DC haven’t been that much better but their items seem to stay in print longer, so better odds of acquisition.

  • #59378

    I suspect that’s down to Perlmutter’s penny-pinching influence.

  • #59380

    I don’t think this will be received well by the retailers.

    They can stay with Diamond if they like – PRH will just be a competitor. A competitor that will suit some shops nicely since they’re offering free shipping.

    At least they have 6 months to get their ducks in a row, unlike when DC switched with no notice whatsoever.

  • #59398

    I don’t think this will be received well by the retailers.

    They can stay with Diamond if they like – PRH will just be a competitor. A competitor that will suit some shops nicely since they’re offering free shipping.

    At least they have 6 months to get their ducks in a row, unlike when DC switched with no notice whatsoever.

    Yeah, it will ultimately come down to which is more profitable for the shop based on discounts and shipping.

  • #59426

    I suspect that’s down to Perlmutter’s penny-pinching influence.

    If it was, the effect should have shown up long before 2020.

    I placed an Amazon order for the Excalibur omnibus in July, it has yet to be fulfilled by Amazon over six months later.   Some places briefly offered copies of David Hulk 2 and War of the Realms but it was blink and you miss it, at full price.

    Used to be on omnibuses, pre-ordering in advance would get you a copy.

    Of the recent trio of Jim Lee X-Men 2, Uncanny 4, Aphra – I’ve got copies of two of them, but Uncanny 4 vanished fast – I missed an opportunity to nab it from Amazon because I mistakenly thought things were getting more stable.  Turns out I may have gotten lucky on Aphra now.

    This is very, very random in which omnibus it does and doesn’t affect, but I don’t recall this happening in pre-covid days.

  • #59428

    I miss the days of the pre-orders for this stuff. They were very reliable.

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  • #59430

    Their prices were pretty good too, especially when they did those time-limited 40% off deals.

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  • #59438

    I wonder if reed comics is reliable?

    some not quite speedy hen, but still good prices:

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  • #59439

    I’ve ordered from Reed once or twice and they were fine.

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  • #59448

    I miss the days of the pre-orders for this stuff. They were very reliable.

    On the rare occasion I buy omnibuses, I get them from I got the Moon Knight one from them recently for about £70 I think. Otherwise, they’re usually available on eBay (brand new, sealed) at reasonable prices. It’s only when they go out of print that the prices start to rise.

  • #59456

    I wonder if reed comics is reliable?

    some not quite speedy hen, but still good prices:

    You know that’s worth a punt!

    Thanks for the flag.  Looks like the Inferno Prologue Omnibus will be RRP $100, at least currently.

  • #59460

    Imagine what Previews will be like with neither of the big Two. Good thing we have @sean_robinson to straighten it all out for us. :mail:

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  • #59462

    I’ve ordered from Reed once or twice and they were fine.

    Do they take payment at point of order or despatch of item?

  • #59480

    I’ve never actually used them for pre-orders so not sure.

  • #59482

    Thanks. Will drop them a line.

  • #59568

    I spoke to the manager of my LCS about Marvel moving to Penguin for distribution.

    She said their store will probably lose 5% in discounts. On the upside, she said they have excellent customer service and with the October 1 start date, they will have to prepare for the transition. She said there will probably still have some hiccups but is confident it will be fairly smooth.

    She said DC is still a clusterfuck. They STILL are having issues with damages and returns. They absolutely hate dealing with DC’s distributor. She said it’s a bargain basement operation.

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  • #59746

    Today I learned Werner Roth’s depiction of Banshee was influenced by the “Irish Ape,” a method used by cartoonists of the past to dehumanise the Irish. 


    Roth was one of a number of artists who didn’t last long at Marvel, probably because they were more than a little stuck in the past.

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  • #59751

    I wondered why Banshee always looked so weird in that issue.

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  • #59779

    JR jr is back at Marvel.

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  • #59780

    I read about the ‘Simian Shelf’ thing and Banshee from The Claremont Run Twitter account sometime last year.

    Interestingly it adds that a less exaggerated version appears in Giant Sized X-Men#1 but it was most probably Cockrum following Roth’s template and it disappears the next issue.

    You may have to be an X-Men nerd to fully appreciate but it’s a great account analysing all kinds of trivia from the mutant books.

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  • #59781

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  • #59787

    I’ve never been a big fan of his artwork, but looking at that picture it just looks right somehow. Seeing him draw Superman or Batman never quite worked.

  • #59793

    I used to love JRJR (his X-Men and DD are still favourites) but it honestly feels like he doesn’t give a damn nowadays. For instance, what the hell is going on with Cap in that pic? Did he lose the super-soldier serum from just his right leg??

  • #59797

    He’s an artist that has gone increasingly ‘cartoony’ from when he started basically aping his old man on Spider-Man.

    I still like his stuff as it has its own character but peak JRjr for me is his Daredevil run with Al Williamson inking, that stuff is gold.

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  • #59798

    I thought his work was great in Dark Knight Returns: Last Crusade and also in Superman: Year One. I think a good inker and colourist can really bring out the best in his work, and when he’s good he’s still very good.

    I think DC should have put him on something like New Gods, something really big and bold like that. I’ve always thought of him as a bit of an heir to Kirby in some ways. That same sense of power and weight, even if some people find his work a bit ugly.

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  • #59799

    I still like his stuff as it has its own character but peak JRjr for me is his Daredevil run with Al Williamson inking, that stuff is gold.

    Yeah that’s probably his high water mark.

    Also his later Spidey run with JMS is pretty great I think.

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  • #59804

    I think he does Kirby-esque stuff well – his figures often have a solid squareness to them that suits Kirby designs (as he proved on Neil Gaiman’s Eternals) but his faces have got weirder and weirder over the years and when he was doing Bendis’ Avengers book some years ago, he just didn’t even make an attempt at composition – just a bunch of people randomly dotted around his panels.

    And yeah, inkers can help his work but he seems to like Klaus Jansen, who takes even more shortcuts than JRJR does himself. What was once an acceptable combo in the 90’s (for more “edgy” stuff that suits Jansen’s scratchy inks, like Punisher) is now just not nice to look at.

  • #59808

    suits Kirby designs (as he proved on Neil Gaiman’s Eternals)

    Yes, that’s one of the things that made me think New Gods would be a good fit. That slight squareness or boxiness that can sometimes look a little odd on Batman or Superman.

  • #59912

    I used to love JRJR (his X-Men and DD are still favourites) but it honestly feels like he doesn’t give a damn nowadays.

    Happens with a lot of artists unfortunately… they get super comfy with a style and they start taking shortcuts and whatnot… you could say the same about say Bagley or Larsen or plenty of others, and their art starts looking like a rushed copy of their own style.

  • #60053

    That’s a fascinating bit of trivia on Banshee.


    I remember flipping through an issue of X-Men #28 back in the late 80s and wondered why Banshee looked so weird. I thought it was just a shitty artist rushing to meet a deadline, and didn’t realize it was a racist caricature.

    And, to be honest, I had never heard of the “Irish Ape” until now. Being an American, a lot of the English-Irish relations went over my head for a long time. I probably first picked up on them with Johnny Rotten’s No Blacks, No Irish, No Dogs autobiography, and The Commitments (Hey! Chief O’Brien is in this movie!).



  • #60055

    I used to love JRJR (his X-Men and DD are still favourites) but it honestly feels like he doesn’t give a damn nowadays. For instance, what the hell is going on with Cap in that pic? Did he lose the super-soldier serum from just his right leg??

    It’s Storm and Wolverine’s faces that are the real killers.

  • #60059

    And, to be honest, I had never heard of the “Irish Ape” until now. Being an American, a lot of the English-Irish relations went over my head for a long time.

    To be honest as a Brit I only heard of it when I read that thread last year. It seems from the little I’ve read it was mainly a thing in Victorian times, an article I found about it in the Irish Times only showed examples from the 19th century.

    Why Roth was reviving it in the US in the mid 60s I have no idea, he died pretty young and not long after those comics came out so I doubt we’ll ever know.


  • #60102

    And, to be honest, I had never heard of the “Irish Ape” until now. Being an American, a lot of the English-Irish relations went over my head for a long time. I probably first picked up on them with Johnny Rotten’s No Blacks, No Irish, No Dogs autobiography, and The Commitments (Hey! Chief O’Brien is in this movie!).

    It was pretty common in the US as well in the 19th century, back when Irish and Italian people weren’t considered white the same way we are today.

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  • #60123

    And, to be honest, I had never heard of the “Irish Ape” until now. Being an American, a lot of the English-Irish relations went over my head for a long time. I probably first picked up on them with Johnny Rotten’s No Blacks, No Irish, No Dogs autobiography, and The Commitments (Hey! Chief O’Brien is in this movie!).

    It was pretty common in the US as well in the 19th century, back when Irish and Italian people weren’t considered white the same way we are today.

    I think that probably had more to do with anti-Catholic sentiment than actual race/ethnicity, but America, for all of its pride at being a “nation of immigrants” certainly had a xenophobic side in its first century. (Not that we’re that much better now…)

    I remember watching Deadwood and had to look up the meaning of “squarehead.”

  • #60131

    I think that probably had more to do with anti-Catholic sentiment than actual race/ethnicity, but America, for all of its pride at being a “nation of immigrants” certainly had a xenophobic side in its first century. (Not that we’re that much better now…)

    Oh yeah, absolutely, it’s more that the concept of whiteness that’s used as an ingroup/outgroup vector is far more recent and ethnic groups that are considered white and therefore acceptable now used to be discriminated against for other reasons. The anti-Catholic stuff went on well into the 20th century, it dogged JFK during his presidential run, there were attack ads claiming he’d be a puppet of the Vatican – the same rhetoric that was used against calls for Home Rule in Ireland in the 18th and 19th centuries.

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  • #60137

    H.P. Lovecraft’s racism was directed not just at people of color but also at the Irish, who he considered to be ethnically inferior to the British and therefore deserving of subservience to British rule.

    And then there’s that classic line from the movie “Blazing Saddles” voiced by Slim Pickens during the hiring of men to work on laying railroad tracks…

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  • #60158

    The equality between whites thing runs very deep. In the 19th century an academic report into the Welsh portrayed them as violent and sexually rampant and constantly aroused  (which was an insult in the days of piano legs being covered but would be accepted as a compliment now, I won’t reveal if I am erect while typing this). It follows the same narrative of animalistic traits being applied to anyone outside the ruling classes.

    David Baddiel has recently looked at this aspect with Jews, they are white when people want them to be to serve their arguments. They are an oppressed minority when that suits too.

    In the UK in the 21st century this kind of sentiment has very clearly been delivered to white and Christian Poles and Romanians. In Ireland itself I have seen political debate in the last week about traditional travellers.


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  • #60227

    So, in the latest issue of Captain America by Ta-Nehisi Coates, the Red Skull is shown recruiting vulnerable young men on the internet using methods similar to right-wing shithead Jordan Peterson, including his “12 Rules For Life.”


    Somebody forwarded it to Peterson, and he’s not very happy about it.


    It all seems familiar somehow…


    11 users thanked author for this post.
  • #60901

  • #60933

    Discover a Brilliant New Vision of the Marvel Universe in Kaare Andrews’ ‘Amazing Fantasy’ #1

    3 users thanked author for this post.
  • #61538

    Marvel Solicitations for July – Continuum link

    1 user thanked author for this post.
  • #61540




    * Mutants have taken hostages, and X-Factor is taking the blame! But before judgment is rendered for POLARIS, HAVOK, WOLFSBANE, STRONG GUY, QUICKSILVER and MADROX the MULTIPLE MAN, VAL COOPER and X-Factor will take the stand! But who’s telling the truth, and what really went down at the LATVERIAN EMBASSY? It all makes senseˇfrom a certain point of view.

    Return to the fan-favorite era of Peter David’s X-FACTOR run with an all-new adventure set between X-FACTOR #75 and #76!

    32 pages, $3.99.

    Yeah, I’ll read that.

  • #61543

    Ah, explains why my copies of 71-75 are not selling for 99p on ebay. I don’t have 76!

  • #62502

    Non-Stop Spider-man #3 has been delayed until early June. WTAF? This series was originally supposed to go on sale a year ago, and was postponed until Feb due to the virus. I love the creative team (Steampunk rocked!) but this is getting a bit ridiculous. They really shouldn’t have re-scheduled this book until they had a good few issues in the bag. It’s supposed to be a fast moving, high octane series. These delays are going to kill it.

    2 users thanked author for this post.
  • #62509

    Especially  with that title.

    5 users thanked author for this post.
  • #62524

    It was asking for trouble 😆

    2 users thanked author for this post.
  • #62746

    Steve Rogers Teams Up with an All-New Shield-Bearer in ‘The United States of Captain America’ #3

  • #62750

    Reminds me of Rojhaz from 1602.

    1 user thanked author for this post.
  • #62761

    A loin cloth AND pants? Just pick one, Steve.

    2 users thanked author for this post.
  • #62809

    Steve Rogers Teams Up with an All-New Shield-Bearer in ‘The United States of Captain America’ #3

    This looks like someone American Eagle would beat the shit out of.

    1 user thanked author for this post.
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