Marvel Comics Thread

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Viewing 100 replies - 401 through 500 (of 1,168 total)
  • #45024

    Where did that come from, Gar? Shame it ends at ’91. I’d be curious to know what the current figures are.

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  • #45081

    It would be interesting to see that compared to number of titles

  • #45096

    Where did that come from, Gar? Shame it ends at ’91. I’d be curious to know what the current figures are.

    The Claremont Run is a SSHRC-funded academic initiative micro-publishing data-based analysis of Chris Claremont’s 16 year run on Uncanny X-Men #97-278.

    It’s only covering the Claremont years, hence the cut-off.

  • #45124

    Yup as Paul says it’s a Twitter account that covers the Claremont run on the X-Men. Technically they could go further as he came back to the books in 2000 but their mission statement is focused on the initial run up until 1991.

    As to the moment. Looking at December solicitations there are 9 ongoing X-Books, a Wolverine mini-series and a one-shot with new Claremont stories. There have been other minis and one-shots like X-Men: Empyre and the Giant Sized books throughout the year.

    A back of a fag packet estimate would say it’d be at least the 120 mark for the year.

  • #45535

    Marvel promises 2021 “Rebirth” after Avengers “Enter the Phoenix” arc

  • #45552

    Marvel promises 2021 “Rebirth” after Avengers “Enter the Phoenix” arc

    What a refreshingly new idea…again. :negative:

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  • #45661

    Marvel releases a new comic book about real-life superheroes: nurses

  • #45666

    Marvel Comics launching all-new ‘Alien’ stories March 2021

    Written by Phillip Kennedy Johnson (Empyre: Captain America) with art by Salvador Larroca (Doctor Doom), ALIEN #1 will be a thrilling addition to the incredible legacy that began with the groundbreaking 1979 film. Featuring both new and classic characters from Earth and beyond, this bold take on the Alien mythology will entertain both longtime fans and newcomers to the legendary horror/science-fiction saga.

    The new story will feature a Weyland-Yutani mercenary named Gabriel Cruz as he battles a deadly new breed of xenomorph with the survival of his child hanging in the balance. No stranger to infusing horror with the classic Marvel storytelling, Phillip Kennedy Johnson most recently shocked readers in the terrifying MARVEL ZOMBIES: RESURRECTION series.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 3 months ago by paul f.
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  • #46497

    Beta Ray Bill wields a new weapon and new mission in Thor spin-off by Daniel Warren Johnson

    I’m definitely up for this. DWJ has earned enough credit with me that I’ll pick up any of his projects.

  • #46503

    Hmm, wonder if he and Cates are going to link the books up?

  • #46663

    Doctor Strange 2 castmember America Chavez title coming from Marvel Comics in March 2021

  • #47130

    Marvel Solicitations for March – Continuum link

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  • #47132

    Looks like Fabian Nicieza finally gets to finish the story!



    Connecting Variant Cover by IBAN COELLO

    Action Figure Variant Cover by JOHN TYLER CHRISTOPHER


    * It’s the SUMMERS BROTHERS and STARJAMMERS vs. ERIK THE RED and the SHI’AR with the fate of the galaxy at stake, as the full truth behind ADAM-X’s lineage is revealed in a story nearly 30 years in the making!

    32 pages, $3.99.

  • #47136

    No Wolverine #11 this month? Hope it ain’t cancelled. That’s one of my favourite books (never ever thought I’d be saying that out loud).

    Non- Stop Spider-man is delayed again, I see. #1 is now coming out almost a year later than it was originally supposed to. If it wasn’t for this creative team I’d say don’t bother at this stage.

  • #47140

    Non- Stop Spider-man is delayed again,

    Kinda defeats the purpose if Non-stop doesn’t even start :-)

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  • #47146

    No Wolverine #11 this month? Hope it ain’t cancelled. That’s one of my favourite books (never ever thought I’d be saying that out loud).

    Non- Stop Spider-man is delayed again, I see. #1 is now coming out almost a year later than it was originally supposed to. If it wasn’t for this creative team I’d say don’t bother at this stage.

    Doubt it, I think Marvel are using a system of skip months due to Covid so they’ve latitude to move stuff around if they need to.

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  • #47147

    So, Spider-Man’s getting another new costume.

  • #47150

    So, Spider-Man’s getting another new costume.

    Got any source or article or something? Or is this from todays issues?

  • #47151

    So, Spider-Man’s getting another new costume.

    Got any source or article or something? Or is this from todays issues?

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  • #47162

    Thanks bro! I bet its like the black suit but with more webbing


  • #47357

    New “top-secret” Spider-Man costume to be revealed next week – GamesRadar

    Want an early look? Click on the article and get an offer to sign up for GamesRadar’s newsletter, and accept their cookies, and some other thing about cookies (that must be okay to click Yes, because you’ve already clicked Yes to that other thing) and view an ad after every paragraph, and then the delayed pop-up about their newsletter (straight to my Inbox, you say?), and then some recommendations at the end, …
    well, finally you realize you’ll still have to wait for next week.

    Ha! No need to take time out of your busy day to be one of the first to find out!
    Sign up for their newsletter and you’re treated like one of the privileged few!
    It really is that easy…

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  • #47402

    Gamesradar is a disingenuous ad-filled shit show

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  • #47408

    I use the Brave browser to look at ad-heavy websites. It blocks 99.9% of the ads.

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  • #47412

    Gamesradar is a disingenuous ad-filled shit show

    You say it’s filled with ads, but I guarantee that by this time next week they have found a space for an extra one.

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  • #47415

    I use the Brave browser to look at ad-heavy websites. It blocks 99.9% of the ads.

    At gamesradar, the “articles” are also just ads.

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  • #47417

    Wow, our ripping the hell out of Gamesradar just keeps on running.

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  • #47419

    Good… Good… - Palpatine | Meme Generator

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  • #47420

    Wow, our ripping the hell out of Gamesradar just keeps on running.

    I saw an ad for that on Gamesradar.

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  • #47422

    Wow, our ripping the hell out of Gamesradar just keeps on running.

    I saw an ad for that on Gamesradar.

    I tried to look at that, but an ad popped up and got in the way.

    3 users thanked author for this post.
  • #47425

    Wow, our ripping the hell out of Gamesradar just keeps on running.

    I saw an ad for that on Gamesradar.

    I tried to look at that, but an ad popped up and got in the way.

    That happens to me sometime, you need to make sure you have sound on to be able to hear some of the ads.

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  • #47426


    Let the ads flow through you.

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  • #48003

    New “top-secret” Spider-Man costume to be revealed next week – GamesRadar

    Well that’s anti-climatic… xD

    Soooooooooooo… another costume that’ll last a couple of months tops?

    Jesus that’s ugly. Also, it looks a lot like some other spider-man costume we’ve already seen, I just can’t place which one it is though…

    Edit: Nevermind, fount it… reversed colors, but very similar… that’s why it looked familiar =P

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  • #48006

    Yikes :negative:

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  • #48007

    Confusingly, the Spider-Man video game just released a similar-but-better alt costume, designed by Jamie McKelvie:

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  • #48008

    I don’t like that one either (well at least for a CB, it’s fine within the context of a VG), but it IS a much better design for sure.

    I’m guessing they’re really gonna stick with the whole Stark jr. thing huh? That’s just weird… =/

  • #48873

    Confusingly, the Spider-Man video game just released a similar-but-better alt costume, designed by Jamie McKelvie:

    Oh I think I was away from twitter when the suit I designed for the Spider-Man game got released on PS4, so here’s my design sheet

    — Jamie McKelvie (@McKelvie) December 28, 2020

    Anyone know why Jamie McKelvie has suspended his Twitter account?

  • #50389

    Spider-Woman Goes Back to Basics This April

  • #50426

    The Champions Go Undercover to Change the World

    If Luciano Vecchio’s gonna be working on Champions, then I guess the New Warriors revival is off.

  • #50467

    Spider-Woman Goes Back to Basics This April

    So they finally gave up on their really shitty SJW-inspired redesigns?? Who could’ve guessed…

    Funny how a couple of years ago they weren’t touting “legendary comics pioneer Marie Severin’s classic, timeless & iconic Spider-Woman costume”… instead they were all like “eeww tight spandex and big boobs baaaaad”. :unsure:

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  • #50578

    Spider-Woman Goes Back to Basics This April


    I guess no one has read Hallum(Hopeless)’s SW book where he talks about Jessica dealing with the trauma of the internet reaction to her original uniform.

    p.s. i did not even read the article so I don’t care about any justification about going back to that costume.

    edit: they were not SJW designs, they were practical. Biker jacket because she was using a bike to get around.

    They are just name dropping Marie Severin’s name because they think it will blunt outrage. It is an ugly costume that only appeals to men because of the tight fit and suggestive decorations.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 1 month ago by Rocket.
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  • #50616

    edit: they were not SJW designs, they were practical. Biker jacket because she was using a bike to get around.

    There’s nothing “practical” about that skin-tight leather suit either… it literally just hides the melon-y boobs.

    I forgot, but they actually went back to a more sexualized look after that… but it was also bad, and kinda pointless if they were going back to the boobs-prominent one.

    But hey, here’s a good exemple of how to unsexualize the costumes a littler bit, and thus no point to any of these new costumes which are either crap, or derivative like in the above example:

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  • #50619

    I don’t see what was wrong with Jessica’s original costume which was as tight-fitting as Spider-Man’s…? Seems to me the problem isn’t the costume, which is a great design, but how some artists over-sexualized her.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 1 month ago by Will_C.
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  • #50622

    Exactly… I could just as easily draw an overly sexualized picture of spiderwoman in that “practical” costume and we’d be back to square one… that costume re-design was just a reactionary answer to the whole Milo Manara debacle a couple of years back.

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  • #50669

    Seems to me the problem isn’t the costume, which is a great design, but how some artists over-sexualized her.

    Absolutely. It was around that New Avengers Bendis launch time that they started drawing it super sexualised and then even hired Milo Manara to do a cover.

    I don’t think there was any comment on it before then because it is basically the same spandex bodysuit most super characters wear.


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  • #50672

    IIRC Frank Cho leaned pretty heavily into the sexualization to.

  • #50673

    Yeah I think that’s it exactly.

    I remember buying this issue and bringing it home at a time when I was living with two women and both of them raised eyebrows.

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  • #50756

    Yup which is significantly different to this in the same design:

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  • #51381

    Marvel Solicitations for April – Continuum Link

  • #51393

    Interesting that Marvel are back to the old-fashioned 12-issue (oversized?) hardcovers for their X-Men line.

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  • #51395

    Oh dear.

  • #51412

    Well, that’s a stupid idea.

    Meanwhile it looks like Aaron’s Avengers is Bendis Avengers 2.0 – has to link into every big event, has no identity of its own.

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  • #51422

    From the covers of the latest arc it looks like a bunch of Avengers are now Phoenix hosts…. B-)

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  • #51460

    From the covers of the latest arc it looks like a bunch of Avengers are now Phoenix hosts…. B-)

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  • #51463

    King In Black is a lot better than a Marvel Event Book About Symbiotes™ should be. Anyone else on this?

  • #51467

    Sounds encouraging for the inevitable omnibus.  From the solicits looks to be the finale of Cates’ Venom run?

  • #51514

    essica’s original costume which was as tight-fitting as Spider-Man’s

    I’m sorry I don’t remember the giant arrow pointing at Spidey’s crotch, but to each their own.


    edit: The Phoenix is holding a tournament to select the best host. That is why they all appear to be hosts.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 1 month ago by Rocket.
  • #51516

    I’m sorry I don’t remember the giant arrow pointing at Spidey’s crotch

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  • #51522

    I could respond to that blatant manipulation but im fine with my opinion and ok with others too so I consider the disagreement overwith.

  • #51535

    That is an unaltered photo of someone in a Spider-Man costume.

    But I wasn’t trying to make any serious point other than that Spidey literally does have a costume in the shape of a giant arrow pointing at his crotch.

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  • #51598

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  • #51602

    So did Marvel forget again they have a What If series for that kind of crap?

    Pass… another re-hashed concept.

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  • #51613

    Is that first one Doctor Bong Doom..?

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  • #51615

    It’s Juggerdoom isn’t it?

  • #51625

    It’s actually Juggerdoomstroyer… Or Juggerdoomtron? I dunno I see a bit of those, but maybe it’s just Juggerdoom, which now sounds boring.

    So it’s basically amalgam without DC…

  • #51945

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  • #51953

    Oh shit, then it’s just a Squadron Supreme re-launch?? great… u_u

    Man, they should just throw some money bags at JMS and Gary Frank to finish Supreme Power…

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  • #51954

    That looks pretty sweet in terms of both creative team and art. I’m on it!

  • #51970

    if you are looking for background on this story , look up issue #18 of Aaron’s Avengers. it is a War of the Realms tie in. The squadron also appear in Avengers #10.





    Spoiler Alert: Being an AoS fan, i was not thrilled about one of the story points.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 1 month ago by Rocket.
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  • #52135

    An excellent oral history of 2015’s Secret Wars:

    Solve Everything: An Oral History of 2015’s Secret Wars and How It Came to Be

    It’s mostly behind a paywall, but they have a sale on:

  • #52139

    Blade isn’t English now?

  • #52180

    King In Black is a lot better than a Marvel Event Book About Symbiotes™ should be. Anyone else on this?


  • #52336

    I’ve been doing Venom on Marvel Unlimited. Looking forward to King in Black.

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  • #52612

    Deadpool 30th Anniversary variant covers by Rob Liefeld:

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  • #52613

    That Rocket Raccoon is bad even by Liefeld standards.

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  • #52614

    Well, at least his feet are better.

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  • #52645

    The colorist is doing 80% of the work there.

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  • #52651

    I know it’s become fashionable to shit on Liefeld but I think those covers are fine, and certainly better than some of the phoned-in work you see from creators of his pedigree for stuff like this.

    In terms of artists of that era I was always more of a McFarlane fan, but I’d be thrilled if he did a few new Spidey cover pieces (or whatever), so hopefully the Liefeld fans get a similar buzz from this.

    Deadpool has been one of the creations of that era that has really stuck and Liefeld deserves some credit for that.

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  • #52654

    Deadpool has been one of the creations of that era that has really stuck and Liefeld deserves some credit for that.

    Does he though? He was just another generic dude-with guns under Liefield. It’s Joe Kelly and others who turned him into the fourth-wall-breaking Merc with a Mouth who’s so beloved (by some) these days.

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  • #52657

    I said some, not all.

    The look of Deadpool is definitely part of his success. But undeniably that characterisation is a big part of it too.

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  • #52716

    Black Knight is about to get a Marvel revamp

  • #52725

    This Liefeld bashing got boring years ago.

    I’m not a big fan of his work and I never read his books when they came out, never mind now, but there’s absolutely nothing wrong with the art in those covers.

    Liefeld created Deadpool, Domino and Cable. 3 characters who have remained popular to this day. Others have added to the foundations that he laid, but that is the case for every popular superhero character ever created.

    A large part of why these characters have endured is because of the design of the character, the core of which still remains to this day.

    Liefeld is a force of nature and whether we were fans or not, he was partially responsible for an era of comics which sold books in numbers we have never seen since and will never see again. Not my cup of tea, but hard to argue with the number of kids who were buying and loving the stuff, the buzz back then was incredible. It was the last big moment in comics before the internet became more popular and hipsters and cynics came in to shit on everyone’s parade.

    Comics used to be for kids and Liefeld was a kid himself when he was doing a lot of this work. His enthusiasm is infectious and he’s done well to retain his personality for this length of time with the amount shit he’s taken.

    A positive contribution to the industry that will be well remembered long after he is gone.

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  • #52726

    but there’s absolutely nothing wrong with the art in those covers

    There is a lot of really bad anatomy, perspective, proportion and composition in all of those images.

  • #52727

    but there’s absolutely nothing wrong with the art in those covers

    There is a lot of really bad anatomy, perspective, proportion and composition in all of those images.

    This stuff is always going to be subjective, but the compositions all seem fine to me, there’s virtually no perspective to speak of as it’s pretty much all flat character pinup pieces with no backgrounds, and the proportions all look pretty much in line with what we’re used to in superhero comics.

    Honestly I think if they were done by anyone but Liefeld, no-one would bat an eyelid.

    I’m not a fan of Liefeld but I also feel like the criticism of his art can often be a bit knee-jerk: it’s Liefeld so it must be awful. I can recognise the attraction of his style without loving it myself.

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  • #52728

    but there’s absolutely nothing wrong with the art in those covers

    There is a lot of really bad anatomy, perspective, proportion and composition in all of those images.

    Yeah ive heard the same shit aimed at Jack Kirby as well.


    They’re comic books.

    And those tired old cliches that have been aimed at Liefeld’s work since the 90s are barely applicable in those images.

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  • #52729

    I’m not saying they’re all bad, and compared to his older work this is pretty good. But not without fault.

    Honestly I think if they were done by anyone but Liefeld, no-one would bat an eyelid.

    I was thinking something along these lines before I replied to Chris: If this was done by anyone but Liefeld, no-one would print this.

    But, as you say, it’s all subjective and I am definitely biased against Liefeld.

    Yeah ive heard the same shit aimed at Jack Kirby as well.

    I’ve heard shit like the stuff you peddled above said about a lot of people. That doesn’t invalidate my opinion.

    Donald Trump is a force of nature and whether we were fans or not, he was partially responsible for an era of politics which got people out to vote in numbers we have never seen since and will never see again. Not my cup of tea, but hard to argue with the number of people who were buying and loving his bullshit, the buzz back then was incredible.

    As we all know, truth is a majority decision.

    They’re comic books.

    Pesky no-good comic books. It’s not literature! It’s not real art! No need to get all opinionated about it! Close the forum down!

  • #52730

    If this was done by anyone but Liefeld, no-one would print this.

    I think you might be overestimating the average standard of art at Big Two comics at the moment.

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  • #52732


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  • #52739

    Ahhh Rob Liefeld… I really admire the fact that he clearly never bothered to learn how to draw properly… but still made it big. =P

    And no, that’s actually not a dig…

    Anyways, I think those are fine, for Liefleld that is… at least his art didn’t go to shit as badly as other artists… so there’s that.

  • #52742

    This Liefeld bashing got boring years ago.

    So did the Liefeld-defending.

    Maybe there’s a reason for the bashing – that he’s bad at his job. If you enjoy his work, good for you. That doesn’t mean it’s good. He’s still an objectively bad artist.

    Likening Liefeld to Kirby is just plain ignorant – Kirby’s distortions were abstractions, stylisations. Liefeld just can’t draw.

    He also seems to be kind of an asshole – so unprofessional he caused Louise Simonson to quit the book he was writing because he was too much of a prima-donna to draw what he was paid to draw, and so bad at his job, even his best friends fired him from their company.

    You seem incredibly dismissive of other people’s opinions. You did something similar in the movie forum a while ago regarding Geoff Johns, and frankly at this point you just seem kind of pompous.


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  • #52745

    I agree that it’s in danger of becoming a tedious argument all round. Let’s move on.

    I clocked this in the latest solicits and I’m still keen to see how this series goes:

    I’ve been fairly light in my Marvel reading in recent years but getting talents like DWJ on board is a good way to catch my interest.

    What are the other top books at Marvel at the moment? Any particular highlights to look out for? The more continuity-light and accessible the better.

    (I love a lot of Marvel characters but wish there were some more standalone accessible series out there – something like DC’s Black Label.)

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  • #52756

    From the last Marvel Previews there was actually a few Marvel comics in the solicits that interested me, after being out the loop the last couple of years other than on Immortal Hulk and the Ennis stuff.

    Beta Ray Bill was one, because of DWJ. But the King in Black link put me off. I figure this will come out in hardcover, so I’m going wait and see what you have to say about it before I pick it up.

    Alien # 1 I have pre-ordered.

    I was a bit miffed that marvel got the rights to the Fox properties after Dark Horse doing a good job for so long, but tbh maybe the IP needs freshened up. I’m not 100% sold on the team of Phillip Kennedy Johnston and Salvador Larroca, particularly the latter, but I’ll give this a try.


    Black Knight: Curse of the Ebony Blade is another 5 issue mini I have my eyes on, because Simon Spurrier is the writer and he has been on a great run recently. Again though the connection to the King in Black puts me off.


    Demon Days X-Men is a 4 issue mini by Peaches Momoko, whose art is terrific and she has been a rising star in the industry because of her cover art. It will be really interesting to see what she does here. The return of the talented writer artist with DWJ on BRB plus this is something I’m really excited about.

    Lastly i like he look of Avengers: Curse of the Man Thing which comes out for Man Things 50th (?) anniversary. I can’t remember who the artist is but the preview pages looked really nice. I like the character and it’s written by Steve Orlando who did some good work with DC’s lower tier/obscure characters/titles recently; bother Electric Warriors and Martian Manhunter were really good – I wonder if he can do the same here.

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  • #52759

    Alien # 1 I have pre-ordered. I was a bit miffed that marvel got the rights to the Fox properties after Dark Horse doing a good job for so long, but tbh maybe the IP needs freshened up. I’m not 100% sold on the team of Phillip Kennedy Johnston and Salvador Larroca, particularly the latter, but I’ll give this a try.

    I keep forgetting about this. I’ll be interested to know how it is. Last time I read Larroca’s stuff was on Iron Man with Fraction years ago, and it was fine but a bit stiff and felt a bit overly photo-referenced.

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  • #52760

    Demon Days X-Men is a 4 issue mini by Peaches Momoko, whose art is terrific and she has been a rising star in the industry because of her cover art. It will be really interesting to see what she does here. The return of the talented writer artist with DWJ on BRB plus this is something I’m really excited about.

    Has she really done interiors before? I think I’ve only seen her cover art. It’s a nice style but it’ll be interesting to see how the sequentials are.

  • #52762

    With Disney getting the 20C Fox licences – does it mean that Marvel now hold Flash Gordon?

  • #52763

    Non- Stop Spider-man (if it ever starts!) looks like just the sort of thing you’re looking for – a continuity lite ongoing by a great creative team, Joe Kelly and Chris Bachalo. Really excited for this one, despite the dumb name.

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  • #52766

    Ah, I might give that a look, thanks. I remember Bachalo doing some great stuff on Spidey during the early Brand New Day era.

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  • #52767

    Immortal Hulk has also been pretty much standalone in the 30 or so issues I’ve read.

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  • #52768

    Thanks. Immortal Hulk is on my radar and I’ve been picking up the issues cheap on Comixology but I’m way behind on my reading of it – I think I’ve only read the first two collections so far.

    Same with Venom.

  • #52769

    Demon Days X-Men is a 4 issue mini by Peaches Momoko, whose art is terrific and she has been a rising star in the industry because of her cover art. It will be really interesting to see what she does here. The return of the talented writer artist with DWJ on BRB plus this is something I’m really excited about.

    Has she really done interiors before? I think I’ve only seen her cover art. It’s a nice style but it’ll be interesting to see how the sequentials are.

    I’m not actually sure. I only really know her for her covers, which always catch my eye in Previews.

    There was about 4 preview pages of the sequentials for demon days in marvel previews and it was really nice.

    i also ordered her variants from the same month on a couple of books I buy regularly, I can’t remember what, but it may have been on the new blade runner (I get the Sid Mead covers on the first series of BR) and something else

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  • #52776

    Alien # 1 I have pre-ordered. I was a bit miffed that marvel got the rights to the Fox properties after Dark Horse doing a good job for so long, but tbh maybe the IP needs freshened up. I’m not 100% sold on the team of Phillip Kennedy Johnston and Salvador Larroca, particularly the latter, but I’ll give this a try.

    Marvel has done some pretty good work with the Star Wars titles they’ve been putting out, but it’s dubious if that’s any indication of what they can do to other titles that were previously published by Dark Horse… Larocca did some pretty good work with those too, if a bit uneven.

    Looking forward to Alien.

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