Hickman’s X-Men – Dawn of X

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New issue out today!

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  • #16785

    I think everyone on Krakoa is sleeping around.

    It’s like a 24/7 rave where everyone is running around naked and doing MDMA, DMT, and acid.

    I’m surprised they’re not all sucking on pacifiers.



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  • #16791

    I’m really glad the last word in that post was Pacifiers.

  • #16797

    I often read X-men and think “Come on Jonathan! You’re really letting us down on the pacifier front”

  • #16801

    It’s been very interesting to see what types of books are landing with who and what the demand and desire is amongst people. We only have a small sample size here but it’s always interesting to see the choices people make with their disposable income and what they are passionate about and what’s working in the market place.
    For me, the most interesting thing about Excalibur was how it developed Rictor’s powers and his relationship with Apocalypse. in saying that the remainder of the book was very loose and didn’t capture me so we are talking 4 pages out of 120 over 6 issues. That’s a big problem and led to me dropping it.
    Marauders had more happening and more potential but as it isn’t really arc-based and more of an ongoing with no end in sight I dropped it due to lack of answers.
    I think everyone is in the same boat about Fallen Angles which is kinda Yikes and will not be remembered as contributing anything to X-Lore and Krakoa.
    New Mutants by Hickman = rollicking space-faring fun bonus points for Magik giving zero F*£%’s plus establishing The Shiar’s current political status which is always important to the X-Line
    New Mutants by Brisson = Villian of the week Human hate group and experienced young mutants falling into obvious cliche traps when they shouldn’t be. Pass
    X-Men by Hickman same single-issue setups and pattern as Fantastic Four and Avengers for the first dozen stories. Momentum building and a New World is being explored. Sticking with it,
    Wolverine. I’ve heard it’s the first issue is very good but I get plenty of Logan elsewhere so passed
    X-Force. Again tried the first 6. Not really a fan of villains who are basically Crime Syndicate U-Men. Xavier’s death/ resurrection wasn’t really a shock as I felt it was unearned and no real build up in tension. The last few issues were good but its not an X-Force team I recognised.
    Beast having to make big moral decisions seems to be against type as he was resolute and stood against Cyclops during the Schism and hated the idea that X-Force was activated. I understand that afterwards, he made the error of retrieving the original 5 from their past timeline but at the end of that run, he seemed to have learned his lesson. Beast in charge of Krakoa’s ‘CIA” doesn’t make sense. Cyclops or Bishop perhaps but not Beast.
    Also aside from Domino and Wolverine, the team isn’t really my X-Force. Forge in the background maybe but Jean, Quinton, Colossus no way. Colossus isn’t in the same place he was after the Pheonix 5 saw him join Cables X-Force. X-Force should be hardcore black ops dark dingy and morally corrupt mutants. but that’s my 2 cents.
    In thinking about what made me really love the X-men originally for me it was all about the interweaving team dynamics and relationships. The exploration and development of individuals powers. Not everyone needs to be an Omega mutant but using their abilities in new and interesting ways was always a key draw for me. We all have those favourite stories or moments when mutant x used his power to defeat villain Y in an unexpected way. That’s the sort of stuff I think I’m after.
    After initially being quite annoyed at Young Cable I’m very interested to see what Duggan and Noto have in store for him especially with the teased relationship with all 5 cuckoos.
    Son of Cyclops and the Daughters of the White Queen. Jesus that’s got melodrama written all over it and Duggan has the track record with Old Cable to pull it off.
    Plus I still need to see interactions betweenShip & Apocalypse
    Young Cable & Apocalypse
    Ship & Beast
    Young Cable and Hope
    Young Cable and Sinister

    Lastly “Bring back Caliban!”
    An obvious add to X-Factor who are supposed to be investigating mutant deaths.
    Mutant tracker with strong ties to Apocalypse. Big Check right there,I’m sure there’s more stuff and I’ll bore you all more at a later date.

    • This reply was modified 5 years ago by garjones.
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  • #16811

    Yeah I think X-Force sort of tapered off towards the end. Beast is probably tge most interesting character for me and I agree the portrayal does seem a little incongruous with his past portrayalsbut that seems to be true of a lot of mutants in positions of authority…

    The Brisson issies of New Mutants are just so easy to pass on. I would rather that title just be Hickman even if it meant a delayed release.

    Marauders im enjoying and looking forward to X Factor. Traditionally ive hopped in an out of Wolverine and may do the same here.

    Cant say im hugely enthusiastic about other titles, so well see.

  • #16894

    Is anyone else starting to get the feeling that Krakoa (and maybe Douglock or someone else) are fucking with the X-Men’s heads?  X-Men #7 seemed to drop a hint that something hinky is going on.

  • #16925

    It has been raised here.

    The panel with Doug and Krakoa where Cyclops thinks he sees Warlock is pretty interesting. I wonder what Krakoa says there.

  • #16944

    Yes there have been hints of hit since the original miniseries.

  • #16955

    It has been raised here.

    The panel with Doug and Krakoa where Cyclops thinks he sees Warlock is pretty interesting. I wonder what Krakoa says there.

    That’s the exact scene I was thinking about.  Also, the number of X-Men that are acting out of character makes it hard for me to tell if there’s something going on or if its just Hickman, who seems to change character’s voices to fit his story.

  • #16968

    No I think there is definitely something suss going on.

    The culty vibes are definitely intentional. Doug in particular is being really spooky.

    I doubt itll play out how we expect. His stories never do which is largely the appeal I guess!

  • #16998

    Invasion of the flower eating pod people.

    Did Tini Howard make them all sound wrong on purpose or is simply wonky dialogue?

  • #17009

    There’s certainly a tonal issue with her writing Bernadette .

    You could substitute any character in there and not be able to tell the difference as to who’s speaking.

    I’ll be honest none of her work particularly captures me. It’s all very paint by numbers.


  • #17013

    I’m not keen at all. Just wondering if some of it is deliberate but poorly executed. Hickman has had characters acting out of character but he’s, well, Hickmanly good at painting outside the lines whilst still adhering to the bigger picture.

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  • #17037

    So, decided to finally read it:

    House of X / Powers of X OHC

    OK, so from what I can tell there was a version of Xavier active 10 years earlier and that’s where it starts. 10 years on is the current era, 100 years later there’s the future arc with Nimrod and then 1,000 years the story with the Phalanx.  Is there any way to match it up with previous stories? I’m sure someone has done that but, given all the crap that has been spun under the banner of X-Men for the last decade, I can’t say I care much about it.  Equally, at some point, some way, all of this will inevitability go back in the box – but don’t care about that either.

    This is a stupidly ambitious reboot for the X-books by Hickman, who has brought his now expected graphs and text pieces to support the story he wants to spin.  Does it work? Pretty much.  Is it good? Very much so.  There’s also a neat nod to his earlier epic with the takeover of Sol’s Hammer while both Richards and Stark are inactive.  Similarly the text bit on mutant diplomacy where it is indicated Wakanda hasn’t signed on because it has no need for what it is offered.

    And this whole exchange was long, long overdue:

    The way the four storylines flow is clever, especially when read as a 12-issue block, which is the clear intent.  There is that sense at the start of where this is all going, with a temporally fractured narrative to boot, but it does all weave together.  There is perhaps one question which this very smart story doesn’t touch on but to do so is to risk the very foundation of the story: Why can’t humanity simply learn to stop hating mutants in the same way as gender or ethnicity or sexuality?  The line needs that enduring conflict as its starting point.

    As to where things go from here, if Marvel are smart enough to release OHCs, it’ll be very fun to find out.

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  • #17053

    Why can’t humanity simply learn to stop hating mutants in the same way as gender or ethnicity or sexuality? 


    Citation needed on humanity no longer hating people based on gender, ethnicity or sexuality.

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  • #17056

    Why can’t humanity simply learn to stop hating mutants in the same way as gender or ethnicity or sexuality? 


    Citation needed on humanity no longer hating people based on gender, ethnicity or sexuality.

    Make that multiple citations.

  • #17064

    There’s always a pair of nit-picking assholes online.  But being more serious:

    Why can’t humanity simply learn to stop hating mutants in the same way as gender or ethnicity or sexuality? 


    Citation needed on humanity no longer hating people based on gender, ethnicity or sexuality.

    Clearly should have dubbed that more as a work-in-progress, likely to be an infinite work-in-progress.

    EDIT 2: Let’s try that again.  The idea is that, though the last few years have blown a hole in it due to the return of the Arsehole Brigade, it’s reckoned if you teach and encourage people to not to hate on on the grounds of gender, ethnicity, sexuality and disability, some of them, not all, but some will become better people as a result.

    In contrast, X-Men basically posits that the hatred for mutants that humanity has frequently demonstrated, up to and including killing 16m mutants, is a fixed, unchangeable state.  Even if the X-Men win over some humans, there will always be the hardcore bastards that refuse any talk of co-existence.  To a degree it’s a story necessity, but there could be a fair bit of story mileage in humans changing the attitude to mutants themselves, working on the basis that other forms of hatred have set the precedent for being deemed unacceptable, so why is hating mutants deemed an acceptable exception?

    • This reply was modified 5 years ago by Ben.
    • This reply was modified 5 years ago by Ben.
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  • #17079

    That was always the most interesting element of Uncanny Avengers’ “Unity team”. I think there’s a lot of rich storytelling potential there. A different angle than the isolation and persecution element that always plays a big part in the Mutant storyline. I agree that it’s an element that can be updated and modernised without ruining the allegory.

  • #17099

    X-Men basically posits that the hatred for mutants that humanity has frequently demonstrated, up to and including killing 16m mutants, is a fixed, unchangeable state.

    Moira shows that this is the case. Humanity/Post Humanity do wipe out mutants in several of her timelines.  Xavier, Moira, and Magneto are basing their current status on what has eventually happened in the futures Moira has seen.

  • #17110

    In-story yes, what I’m getting at is the necessity of that structural decision can be questioned without any adverse impact.

  • #17111

    I think that means there’s also a very high chance it’ll be addressed at the end of Hickman’s story.

    It posits a position of essentially unavoidable conflict, it then shows the X-Men’s current isolationist (ish) solution, it does that with some big bits of foreshadowing that it isn’t going to work. It’s unlikely things like the resurrection protocols will be permanent changes for basic storytelling reasons so I think we’ll come out the other side of this plan with a much changed status quo. One I’d suspect where the conflict doesn’t remain inevitable.

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  • #17128

    True, there’s precedent with how the ‘everything dies’ concept played out in his earlier run.

  • #17227

    So, located by Amazon fishing, OHC due November 2020, RRP $60

    Swords of X

    A 15-part crossover tying into your favorite X-Titles and led by Head of X Jonathan Hickman starts here!. In this sprawling saga, the new mutant nation of Krakoa faces their biggest challenge yet. Threatened by powerful forces from the unknown, ten mutants will rise up to defend their home. Arming themselves with legendary blades – both new and familiar ones from Marvel history – mutantkind will finally meet its mystical destiny! Impacting the entire X-Men franchise and setting the stage for the future of mutantkind, X OF SWORDS will be a modern X-Men epic that both longtime and new X-Men fans dare not miss!

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  • #17229

    I really hope this crossover turns out to be good but my expectations are lowwwwwwwwwwww

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  • #17232

    i realize it was mentioned before, but, 15 parts? Hickman is very confident in his hold on X men readers to think they are going to follow all those books, especially since, imo, the worst writer of an x-title is playing a prominent part in the crossover.

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  • #17245

    It just feels like a detour from the main narrative.

    I’m sure I’m wrong.  Hickman usually has a gameplan.

    If this is about Arrako and Apocalypse’s children it could be interesting.

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  • #17253

    Add me to the list of people unsure about X of Swords. It seems so at odds with Hickman’s tone. Honestly it sounds more like a video game. Even if the story’s good, I don’t think there’s a compelling or reassuring way to market “All the X-Men get magic swords in this 15-part line-wide crossover!”

  • #17254

    the worst writer of an x-title is playing a prominent part in the crossover.

    Howard, yes?

    Add me to the list of people unsure about X of Swords. It seems so at odds with Hickman’s tone. Honestly it sounds more like a video game. Even if the story’s good, I don’t think there’s a compelling or reassuring way to market “All the X-Men get magic swords in this 15-part line-wide crossover!”

    Have to admit I had previously classified that quip as a wind-up, didn’t sound plausible then….

  • #17266

    i realize it was mentioned before, but, 15 parts? Hickman is very confident in his hold on X men readers to think they are going to follow all those books, especially since, imo, the worst writer of an x-title is playing a prominent part in the crossover.

    How many X-books are there though?  That could only be 2 or 3 months worth of books as it runs through all of them.

  • #17285

    I literally just realised that the crossover title is a tarot reference.  Hickman is using X as a Roman numeral so it’s Ten of Swords…

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  • #17287

    Fits with the tarot stuff from HoXPoX.

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  • #17301

    By June, the ongoings will be:





    New Mutants




    Children of the Atom



    That’s 10 titles.  My guess is that Children of the Atom,  Helllions, X-Factor and Cable will still be in their initial arcs.  Wolverine as a title historically side-steps crossovers.

    At a guess I’d say:

    3 Issues of X-Men

    3 Issues of Excalibur

    3 Issues of X-force

    2 Issues of New Mutants

    2 Issues of Mauraders

    with one lead in and lead out “X of Swords” issue.

    At any rate I’m sure it will be the usual 3 month crossover, with one prologue and Act 1, a huge Act 2, and an act 3 with a denoument.

    You could even run it with 2 or 3 issues in June, every one gets an issue in July, and 2 or 3 tidy-up issues in August.

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  • #17316

    That could only be 2 or 3 months worth of books as it runs through all of them.

    yes but are you going to pick up the books you aren’t reading normally during the crossover?. General agreement around here seems to be Xmen, Marauders, and X Force seem to the best of the X books.  are you going to pick up the crossover if Marauders and X Force aren’t involved? these are your remaining choices

    Brisson’s New Mutants

    Howard’s Excalibur

    Wells’ Hellions

    Ayala’s Children of the Atom

    Williams’ X Factor

  • #17317

    I literally just realised that the crossover title is a tarot reference.

    From Polygon.com article on X of swords
    We reached out to Emily Heller, Polygon’s resident tarot expert, and she had this to say:</p>

    A screenshot of a slack conversation in which Susana says “hey emily what can you tell me about the Ten of Swords” and emily replies “oh boy that’s like “you have thought this thought to death, its put you in a fear spiral”

    So that bodes well.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 12 months ago by Rocket.
  • #20098

    So I read Hellions #1 today and to my surprise it was pretty good.

    Pantomime Mister Sinister and his shoulder epaulets are by far the best iteration of the character ever.

    I give it at least 7 out of 10 fabulous mister sinister.

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  • #20141

    I liked Hellions a lot, maybe because of my longtime attachment to Havok. This book is targeted right at me, though: all wrapped around the Mutant Massacre/Inferno era. Looking forward to more whenever.

    I feel like we need some of those good Krakoan pharmaceuticals right now.

  • #20598

    Hellions was pretty good I think. There’s something up there with why Havoc lost his shit at the start.

  • #20601

    Yeah, I enjoyed Hellions, need to give it a reread though.  Giant-size Nightcrawler was meh though.  I won’t complain about the Alan Davis art… it was just a very routine story.

  • #20605

    I am probably Davis’ biggest fan (along with Robert B) but I felt it wasn’t quite his best, looked  a lot less polished than usual. I noticed he inked himself rather than Mark Farmer doing it.

  • #20645

    I figure Axis Havok is back as a dual personality. Maybe something to do with Xavier’s last “copy” of Alex pre-resurrection? He did die at the end of Rosenberg’s run.

  • #20697

    Yeah I figured it’s axis Havok too.

    Although, he has been brain washed a couple of times. By Maddy Pryor and Dark Beast, so it could be alluding to any of those times or just make it vague.

    There’s a couple of other possibilities as well given the characters involved in the story.

    I also thought Nightcrawler wasn’t that great and Im not particularly feeling xmen/FF either.  There’s about a 50/50 strike rate with tge books across the board for me.

  • #20706

    I’m liking X-Men/FF more, but I really enjoyed the original crossover back in the day and I like that this is very much a sequel and playing on the relationship Kate and Franklin forged in it.

  • #20797

    I do get that.  I haven’t read the original mini but I appreciate that they’re drawing on continuity here.

    It’s just that the core conflict doesn’t make either side look particularly good – the X-men really do come across as militaristic cult psychos with their own nationstate and the Fantastic Four come across as a blind and zealously overprotective family.  There isn’t that much nuance in the portrayals, excepting for Kitty/Franklin and Val and there’s actually not much of that in the book.

    It just feels a little like a missed opportunity to me.  Like the concept was good but the execution faltered a bit.

  • #20921

    I also read a couple of other x-books.

    X-force is fine for what it is.  I wish the art was cleaner because sometimes its hard to follow the action.  The story is okay – I could take or leave Black Tom as a character, but Beast and Jean and Logan and Quentin are good.  Domino/Forge/Collossus less exciting, notwithstanding the constant focus on domino.

    The full page spread at the bar was like an x-men where’s wally. It was great.

    Cable 1 was also okay.  Pretty cool seeing the Space Knights again but sometimes Kid Cable feels like generic happy-go-luck teen character.  There’s obviously plans afoot to oppose this to the characters usual gruff-demeanour as per the last page. It’s fine, but not a standout.

    I’ve still got the new Wolverine to read and I may have missed a Marauders.  I may even go back to Excalibur with an open mind if I get desperate.

    Semi-related – Deadpool is still a mutant isn’t he?  Has this just been conveniently ignored or is there anything Krakoa-related going on in his book?

  • #20938

    It’s just that the core conflict doesn’t make either side look particularly good – the X-men really do come across as militaristic cult psychos with their own nationstate and the Fantastic Four come across as a blind and zealously overprotective family.


    That seems pretty true to the characters to me.  And while the X-Men didn’t have a nation-state at the time it’s quite similar to their clash in the original X-Men/FF story.  In it, Reed refuses to help Kitty when she’s trapped in her phased state and is slowly fading away.  Wolverine overreacts – saying he thinks Reed won’t help rather than can’t, and kicks off a fight which ends when Johnny accidentally hits storm with a full-power flame that gives her severe burns. DOOM offers to help where the accursed Richards cannot, so the X-Men decamp to Latveria.  The FF go through a crisis of faith and Reed figures that he can help after all, the FF then also go to Latveria, get into another fight with the X-Men which nearly kills Kitty and it’s only through co-operation that DOOM and the vile Richards can save her.

  • #20943

    That sounds interesting.

    I did say it doesnt leave much room for nuance un those portratals, which is an important distiction.

    It’s fine. It’s just not really impressing me all that much.

  • #20945

    I haven’t read the original X-Men/FF in a long time, but it definitely stands out in my mind as a hell of a lot better than the X-Men/Avengers crossover from a year or two later.

  • #20946

    That I have read.

    Perhaps I’ll seek it out.  I think, as a general rule, I tend to view crossovers of that era as fairly craven cash grabs where plot comes second.

    Well, thats probably true of most crossovers truthfully…

  • #20949

    X-Men/FF had at least some consequences for X-Men, it put a cap on the Kitty slowly dying arc, and set up her status quo for Excalibur where he natural state was to be phased and she needed to concentrate to solidify.  (To be honest, I don’t know if they ever actually reversed that, or if it’s just been forgotten about)

  • #20952

    It’s still an aspect of the character. I think, like a lot of the characters excepting maybe Bobby and Rogue, they’ve all virtually mastered their powers by this stage.

    It does echo quite a bit the movement from students to teachers.

  • #27156

    I was rather un-interested in X-of-swords and then Hickman does what Hickman does and pulls a rabbit out of the hat and, without spoilng, could well be linking in threads back from Uncanny X-men 180s into the mix…

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  • #29336

    Marvel’s ‘X of Swords’ X-Men crossover has almost doubled in size to 24-part event

    Yeah, fuck that. It sounded bloated and padded in the first place.

    Feels like Marvel have really shat the bed with Hickman’s run, after an incredibly promising start.


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  • #29341

    If the editor of the line says its 15 parts in March (3 months out from the initial release) then it’s bound to be just that Marvel’s marketing department thinks adding the branding to 9 additional  books  will help their Q3 earnings after a dismal Q2.  I mean, it’s too late for the actual scripts of the crossover to be expanded like that.

    I suppose they could have picked a bunch of filler titles and had filler scripts and art written in that time too, but if it’s just about money I’d bet it’s just a branding thing.  It’s not like either company has been historically adverse to slapping a crossover branding on the cover when the contents doesn’t even tough the crossover story.

  • #29343

    Yes totally fuck that noise.

    I got the first 6 of each series.
    im down to single issues of X-Men and Cable and that’s it.

    Proper trade waiting or even omnibus waiting for swords of X

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  • #29344


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  • #29346

    Yes totally fuck that noise.

    I got the first 6 of each series.
    im down to single issues of X-Men and Cable and that’s it.

    Proper trade waiting or even omnibus waiting for swords of X

    I’m down to only following the Giant Size issues and the main X-Men book, but given that it’s all been one-shot stories that don’t really push things on enough from HoXPoX and now an unwanted New Mutants crossover I was on the edge of dropping it. I think X Of Swords will probably be the impetus I need.

  • #29363

    Marvel’s ‘X of Swords’ X-Men crossover appears to have expanded in scope from what X-line editor Jordan D. White described to Newsarama as a “15-part story”, with a new checklist for the crossover showing 24 parts – with more potentially in the wings.

    So it could have even MORE issues?!?!

  • #29372

    When is the crossover even happening?

  • #29387



  • #29399
    1. Cable
    2. Excalibur
    3. x-men
    4. hellions
    5. X-factor
    6. Marauders
    7. Wolverine
    8. x-force
    9. New mutants

    plus the one-shots book + X-of swords

    What are they thinking? That is too many x-books. Are people buying these?

    If it gets confusing, Hickman or not, I’ll drop the few I’m buying and read them all on Unlimited.

  • #29400

    If it gets confusing

    An optimist right here.

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  • #29403

    To defend a little it does depend. A lot of crossovers in recent times don’t particularly need you to read every episode. Although I find DC are generally better at that than Marvel. I read only the main Batman book since 2011 and was perfectly fine even though it ran through several events.

    With Hickman’s Infinity crossover I just checked and there were 32 books I didn’t read. I only read the main mini and the 2 Avengers books and missed nothing as far as I can tell.

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  • #29406

    Yeah, I did the same with Grant Morrison’s DC events and was fine.

    This isn’t structured like that though. It’s not a core mini and a bunch of spinoffs. It’s a single story where the sequential chapters are threaded through all of the titles.

    So again: fuck that.

  • #29410

    Maybe Hickman just got tired of the so-called continuity of the X-books and decided to get himself fired?

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  • #29415

    Cheers. That’s the timeline I attempted to post earlier.

    You won’t have to read all the chapters to get the story. Like Tim said earlier, it’s also a branding and marketing gimmick to persuade you to dip into other titles.

  • #29417

    It’s not working. :rose:

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  • #29418

    Maybe Hickman just got tired of the so-called continuity of the X-books and decided to get himself fired?

    This doesn’t feel like something driven by Hickman to me, although I could be wrong. It feels like typical Marvel marketing behaviour of getting a hit and then trying to milk it for all it’s worth, even if that then undermines the book that was a hit in the first place.

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  • #29419

    Maybe Hickman just got tired of the so-called continuity of the X-books and decided to get himself fired?

    This doesn’t feel like something driven by Hickman to me, although I could be wrong. It feels like typical Marvel marketing behaviour of getting a hit and then trying to milk it for all it’s worth, even if that then undermines the book that was a hit in the first place.

    Jokes aside, I agree. If this didn’t work for Marvel and for their revenue, I guess they wouldn’t be doing it.

    I find it somewhat worrying that I’ve not heard a peep about what this story is about and I read most, if not all, threads around here. Then again, I’m both rather forgetful and prone to skim articles. Might’ve just missed it.

  • #29421

    The X-Men get swords.

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  • #29422

    I also don’t really know what Empyre is, and apparently that’s the crossover that’s going to be part of the main X-Men title for the next couple of issues, after the New Mutants crossover but before X Of Swords starts.

  • #29423

    The story is about more islands banging with added swords and Gambit flinging tarot cards whilst banging marauders and hellions galore. Also Cable shows up with a very big gun.

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  • #29425

    Also Cable shows up with a very big gun

    Presumably it shoots swords

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  • #29426

    The story is about more islands banging with added swords and Gambit flinging tarot cards whilst banging marauders and hellions galore. Also Cable shows up with a very big gun.

    and maybe Rom (will it tie back to x-men 180s?)

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by Dan.
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  • #29431

    And just like that I’m back in.

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  • #29434

    Wolverine #2, now that I’ve finally had the chance to read it, continues to be a great read with gorgeous Adam Kubert artwork. I’m not a fan of the character, but this is an extremely promising start to the series.

    I’m not looking forward to the crossover, to be honest, but I’ll be on board for Hickman’s issues and the Wolverine issues too (assuming Percy & Kubert/ Bogdanovic remain the creative team).

  • #29452

    islands banging

    This form of porn intrigues me. I have been to many islands, most notably the green one, but I have yet see them bang.

    Speaking of the green isle, maybe X of Swords just takes place in a scummy pub in Swords, Dublin? I’d read that, I used to work in Swords…

  • #29454

    The X-Men get swords.

    I’m old and my mind is not as sharp as it used to be.

    Would you simplify it for me?

    1 user thanked author for this post.
  • #29456

    And just like that I’m back in.


    1 user thanked author for this post.
  • #29457

    islands banging

    This form of porn intrigues me. I have been to many islands, most notably the green one, but I have yet see them bang.

    Speaking of the green isle, maybe X of Swords just takes place in a scummy pub in Swords, Dublin? I’d read that, I used to work in Swords…

    Islands banging is porn for adolescent boys.

    Planets, on the other hand…

  • #29458

    Planets, on the other hand…

    I regret nothing.

    1 user thanked author for this post.
  • #29468

    I’ve been to Swords.

  • #29470

    This isn’t structured like that though. It’s not a core mini and a bunch of spinoffs. It’s a single story where the sequential chapters are threaded through all of the titles. So again: fuck that.

    This means one thing: Buy the OHC.

    Amazon has it as being out Jan 2021.  Current price £42.

    But Marvel charged $60 / £53.99 for the 12 issues of Powers of / House of X – it is guaranteed the cost of this will skyrocket for a much larger 22-issue collection.

    So, get your pre-order in now.

    As to other collections, I’d eventually expect a 2-3 Dawn of X Omnibus plus an Empyre Omnibus then that gets us to X of Swords.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by Ben.
  • #29477

    I’ve been to Swords.

    Were you on your way to Dublin, or to Tayto Park?

    I have been to many islands…but I have yet see them bang.

    The “Big Island” of Hawaii has been banging for a few years now. More specifically, the Kilauea volcano on that island has been banging with some regularity.

    1 user thanked author for this post.
  • #29484

    Ah yes.

    The X-men thread is once again about horny island banging.

    This must mean we’re returning to normality and covid-19 is over.

    3 users thanked author for this post.
  • #29485

    The “Big Island” of Hawaii has been banging for a few years now. More specifically, the Kilauea volcano on that island has been banging with some regularity.

    Sure, it’s hot but the tempo, the amount of destruction as compared to what it could be… it’s just a bit to softcore for my tastes. Vanillava.

    1 user thanked author for this post.
  • #29488

    I’ve been to Swords.

    Were you on your way to Dublin, or to Tayto Park?

    I have been to many islands…but I have yet see them bang.

    The “Big Island” of Hawaii has been banging for a few years now. More specifically, the Kilauea volcano on that island has been banging with some regularity.

    Jerry, the island is just masturbating.

    1 user thanked author for this post.
  • #29726

    I find it somewhat worrying that I’ve not heard a peep about what this story is about and I read most, if not all, threads around here. Then again, I’m both rather forgetful and prone to skim articles. Might’ve just missed it.

    From what I have gleaned, the main character is Apocalypse and he is either rallying heroes with swords to defend against an unseen enemy or he is trying to manipulate them into gathering more power for himself so he can grab control for himself.

  • #29731

    So it’s not about Moira and Xavier falling out.

    “She’s an ex, of sorts… “

    1 user thanked author for this post.
  • #29732

    I find it somewhat worrying that I’ve not heard a peep about what this story is about and I read most, if not all, threads around here. Then again, I’m both rather forgetful and prone to skim articles. Might’ve just missed it.

    From what I have gleaned, the main character is Apocalypse and he is either rallying heroes with swords to defend against an unseen enemy or he is trying to manipulate them into gathering more power for himself so he can grab control for himself.

    Isn’t that nominally the plot of Excalibur?

    In as much as Excalibur has a comprehensible plot.

  • #29975

    Isn’t that nominally the plot of Excalibur?

    I guess, don’t forget the writer of Excalibur(Tini Howard) is co creator of this event.  if I was you i would not forget that part especially since Hickman’s star has dimmed somewhat since the HOX/POX. He may not be able to pull this event out of the crapfest she may start it in.

  • #33201

    I’ve just read the FCBD X-Men. I love the craft that’s gone into setting up some tantalising hints of what’s in store. I’m not particularly keen on the name of the new character introduced, but the design of some new faces riffs off of all kinds of mythology. There’s some gorgeous artwork especially with the tarot cards depicted which I’m now having fun with deciphering.

    The other story included is a dark setup. I read the two together at first and got very confused.

    1 user thanked author for this post.
  • #33217

    I just read current issues of X Force and Marauders as well as the the FCBD issue and believe Hickman is setting up Beast for a huge fall. Beast is doing things without conscience and based on his arrogance and now he has Beast included in the mess Apocalypse is starting that leads to X of Swords. Shit is going to fly. What I can’t understand is wasn’t Beast just humbled by that whole O5 mess?. my favorite Beast was the Avengers Beast who would bounce around, use big words and get into harmless fun with Wonder Man. I miss him.

    1 user thanked author for this post.
  • #33221

    I’ve just read the FCBD X-Men. I love the craft that’s gone into setting up some tantalising hints of what’s in store. I’m not particularly keen on the name of the new character introduced, but the design of some new faces riffs off of all kinds of mythology. There’s some gorgeous artwork especially with the tarot cards depicted which I’m now having fun with deciphering.

    The other story included is a dark setup. I read the two together at first and got very confused.

    Didn’t even know that was coming out so thanks for mentioning it. Keeping track of the Hickman X-Men stuff is becoming an increasing hassle.

  • #33249

    Ha. You’re the one who reminded me to look for it it by asking what he’d written out of the upcoming stuff.

    Dark Ages was only revealed a few days ago. Not Hickman. It’s Tom Taylor and Iban Coello.

  • #33379

    I just read current issues of X Force and Marauders as well as the the FCBD issue and believe Hickman is setting up Beast for a huge fall. Beast is doing things without conscience and based on his arrogance and now he has Beast included in the mess Apocalypse is starting that leads to X of Swords. Shit is going to fly. What I can’t understand is wasn’t Beast just humbled by that whole O5 mess?. my favorite Beast was the Avengers Beast who would bounce around, use big words and get into harmless fun with Wonder Man. I miss him.

    That’s a par for the course rotation for the O5.  I think theres a need for writers to humble them because of the legacy, plus it has the added narrative of deepening Xavier’s flaw through choosing them as his “first” class.

    Cyclops, Beast and Angel have got it the most, but Iceman and Jean too.

    I think there was some big story about Jean at some point.

  • #33417

    Giant Size X-Men: Magneto was kind of interesting, in an “I hope this is all going somewhere” sort of way.

  • #33432

    “I hope this is all going somewhere”

    that review should be above the title on every comic coming out these days.

    2 users thanked author for this post.
  • #33471

    Giant Size X-Men: Magneto was kind of interesting, in an “I hope this is all going somewhere” sort of way.

    “I hope this is all going somewhere”

    that review should be above the title on every comic coming out these days.

    It won’t because superhero comics, and the X-Men in particular, are soap operas.

    Strip away all of the genre tropes — time travel, high technology, magic, parallel universes, cloning — and you’re left with The Young and the Restless.

    2 users thanked author for this post.
  • #33475

    You. Take. That. Back!

  • #33482

    It won’t because superhero comics, and the X-Men in particular, are soap operas.

    I mean in terms of Hickman’s overall plotting. After the great setup of HoXPoX it feels like there’s a lot of fiddling around the edges at the moment – but some issues, like this one, do threaten to have a bigger impact on the overall story.

    So far though, all of these big developments have been left hanging and not really followed up on.

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