Hickman’s X-Men – Dawn of X

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One of the most active comics threads in old-MW! We can continue our discussion of HoXPoX here.

New issue out today!

Viewing 100 replies - 501 through 600 (of 996 total)
  • #12253

    Pretty sure Spider-man had a great movie about 6 spider men.

    1 user thanked author for this post.
  • #12256

    Spiderverse was fine but it was no Clone Saga.

    That’s where the real storytelling is

  • #12260

    Ultimateverse Clone Saga was smart.

    Meanwhile, all those new X-books and….

    No Gambit book.

  • #12262

    You know mon friend de man has feelins too

  • #12282

    Ultimateverse Clone Saga was smart.

    Meanwhile, all those new X-books and….

    No Gambit book.

    He’s too busy steal the spotlight in Excalibur.

  • #12285

    You know mon friend de man has feelins too

    It’ll be okay, sugah. There’s more to the Cajun than anyone knows.

    It’s not his fault they don’t always write him right. Gambit is still the coolest.

  • #12401

    Coming in April… ‘Children of the Atom’ #1
    Vita Ayala and Bernard Chang bring you the greatest teenage Super Hero team of all time!


  • #12403

    Ummm…That is not what I intended when I said there’s more to the Cajun.

  • #12413
    • I wonder if this will be about the mutant-obsession cults or whatever that phabw been mentioned a couple of times.

    I tend to agree there are too many books. I’d scrap Hellions immediately as I don’t even get what the premise is (is it the X-mens old screwball Sinister Foes?), Excalibur and this.  Then I’d probably relaunch Excalibur with the same cast but a better writer.

    This really feels like they’re flooding the market with ‘ongoings’ not designed to last. I hope Hickmans plan is better than this.

  • #12419

    It’s concerning that we are 4-5 issues in on some books and not seeing a coherent or focused plan for what’s happening.

    The biggest scare for me is the example of how Apocalypse is portrayed in X-men vs Excalibur.

    If X-men is the lead book then ”A’s” portrayal and character arc in Excalibur basically means nothing.

    Fallen Angels as I’ve said is a kwanon mini series and won’t add anything to the overall story.

    X-Force is close to being something but again feels aloof from the main book.

    New Mutants is being disrupted by good arc bad arc and different writers.

    Marauders adds to the world building of the line but some people are finding character representation difficult to cling to.


    My X-fandom is rooted in the 90’s and while you can say it wasn’t the strongest story telling at times you knew what each stories direction and where each book stands.

    plus the connections made sense if Cyclops was kidnapped in one book x-force was sent in to get him.

    there was a method to the madness.

    I’m yet to see it here. Hopeful mind you but I’m probably dropping all but X-men and Cable at this stage.

  • #12420

    I think it connects more but I’ve dropped Fallen Angels and Excalibur and am only reading the New Mutants arc with Robertos team. I’m interested in X-Factor but less so Wolverine & Cable.

    I think Hickman said he was doing another shakeup 12 months down the line or something (didn’t he?) – if so, it feels like some books are treating water while others are moving pieces around.

  • #12427

    It’s concerning that we are 4-5 issues in on some books and not seeing a coherent or focused plan for what’s happening.

    As with most of these big event crossover things, I think the rule of prioritising the books written by the architect of the whole thing is a good one if you want to know what the main thrust is.

    The other ancillary books might be good but they’ll be doing their own thing and riffing around the edges of what the main writer is doing.

  • #12448





    Well. Looks like someone’s paying attention.


  • #12452

    Interestingly, a few weeks ago the AV Club ran a preview of the most recent issue of Excalibur, and the comments were full of people saying how they really enjoyed it and far preferred it to X-Men, Marauders and X-Force specifically.  So I guess it’s found an audience that likes it.

  • #12454

    I would very much like to be one of those people.

    The premise is sound enough, but they all near enough sound the same.

  • #12474

    Yeah I like the idea of Excalibur and the whole thing with Apocalypse entering a mid-life crisis/next stage of existence, but ji just wish it was better. Its got lots of my favourite characters and I should be the target by virtue of Gambit and Rogue alone.

    More power to those that enjoy it but im disappointed and I’m certainly unlikely to buy any more books by the writer.  I don’t think its terrible, it’s just rote.

  • #12481

    It’s nice others are deriving enjoyment from it, but it’s frustrating and disappointing to see how good it could have been. Slight as opposed to epic. Excalibur should’ve been the easiest to get right. I’ve a fair idea where it’s heading with Gambit and Rogue.

  • #12975

    I did it!

    I’ve now caught up on every last post in this thread.

    I was a bit concerned Cable might cause splodey bits, but I survived intact.

    In fact, I’ve had a banging time.

  • #12989

    Well, that was certainly a cliffhanger in Marauders. Lockheed better be OK after all this.

    And Excalibur was OK, I guess? I liked Rogue and Gambit’s conversation.

  • #13054

    CABLE #2
    VARIANT COVER BY Ariel Olivetti
    When mutant babies are going missing, Cable takes it personally. Almost as personally as his love life…
    It’s not easy dating five girls, even if they are clones

    The Son of Cyclops hooking up with Emma frosts “Daughters’ thats some fun x-stuff right there.

  • #13201

    I picked up Marauders which was fine.  Everything works.   Making shaw more an actual villain is an interesting choice especially since his most recent appearance in a different book, X-men, had him very much in a different mode.

    I also checked out Excalibur, partly because of Lorcan’s post about other people enjoying it.  It’s definitely built something here and it was better than the first 3 issues but I still don’t like it.  The design for Jamie was terrible and I just can’t shake the feeling that Tini Howard feels like introducing this bombastic cartoonish stuff is what a comic-book is “meant to be”. But, I agree, that it was nice to see Gambit and Rogue having an adult conversation and ostensibly making a choice that will affect the characters moving forward.

    I still strongly dislike Shogo-dragon – “reality melting fires” … no thankyou.

  • #13207

    I just can’t shake the feeling that Tini Howard feels like introducing this bombastic cartoonish stuff is what a comic-book is “meant to be”.

    That’s a really good point.

  • #13311

    I am in a similar position to others.  X Men I am loving, especially issue 4.  Marauders is the second best title so stays.  X Force is interesting so gets to stay for now.  Excalibur I should love, but still don’t care.  Fallen Angels I can’t be bothered with.  New Mutants – guess I’m only buying the Hickman issues.  Looking forward to X-4 and that’s it of the new books.


  • #13963

    Today sees Savage Avengers 0 with Gerry Duggan writing Kid Cable chatting with Dr Strange and I’m sold. The art by Greg Smallwood is particularly solid. He’s drawn Kid Cable perfectly. Not as a whiney skinny teen but as a solid early 20’s solider.

    love it.



  • #14088

    Hickman still seems to be fleshing out his Xmen universe. Xmen(the comic) seems to jump from story to story.  #5 has nothing to #4 which has little to do with #3. I loved #5. the return of this group was intriguing and the facility interiors art was very impressive. Hickman’s portrayal of Cyclops tends to support my view of Scott. I was not a fan of how the issue ended but still on board for Hickman’s vision.

  • #14097

    I do feel as though the lack of follow-up is starting to become a drag though. HoXPoX set up lots of interesting ideas that aren’t really being taken forward yet, and now each issue of X-Men is introducing new ideas that are then being pushed aside in the next for more new stuff.

  • #14101

    Yeah it’s all set up but this was the same with New Avengers and Avengers, to be honest.  If I recall correctly there really isn’t much middle ground either – for example in New Avengers they set up the Squadron Supreme world and then like 10 issues later they destroy it.

    There was a clearer threat gluing it all together though, which we don’t have here because it wasnt really set up in HOX POX but glimpsed at.

    I’m enjoying it so far and trust Hickman but I think the complaints are valid.

  • #14979

    I just read #6 and I thought it was a pretty good continuation of the HOX/POX story.

    This seems to be the main plot, but as have been said before there are 3 or 4 other mainish plots, and some subplots

    By my count you’ve got:

    Orchis and the creation of Nimrod

    Arrako and the children of Apocalypse

    The Children of the Vault

    The old lady villains who’s names I forget.

    Krakoa and Geopolitics generally.

    Mystique and Destiny.

    Naturally you’ve also got Moira and the characters from her past lives/futures, and the phalanx dominion which have yet to rear their heads…

  • #14983

    Yes, #6 picks up on the ‘main’ plot of HoXPoX nicely and pushes things forwards. Some good scenes in there. It looks like Mystique is going to be a very important player in all of this.

  • #15003

    I liked #6 a lot too. Charles and Erik are acting like bastards but Mysitque’s a snake so it’s hard to blame them.

    Is this the first time Destiny has been referred to as Mystique’s wife? I know they were lovers but didn’t know if they’ve been described as married before.

    And I don’t remember whether this was covered in HoX but do we know why Charles, Erik, and Moira don’t want precogs on Krakoa?

    • This reply was modified 5 years ago by Will_C.
  • #15007

    And I don’t remember whether this was covered in HoX but do we know why Charles, Erik, and Moira don’t want precogs on Krakoa?

    I’m not sure if it was outright stated or implied but I got the impression it was because it threatens to mess with Moira’s plans and reveal her secret (we saw her come up against Destiny specifically in one of her past lives in HoXPoX).

  • #15023

    I can’t recall Mystique ever referring to Destiny as her wife before although I haven’t read every X-Men comic in recent years.

    For those that don’t know they were always intended to be a couple, even the first panel introducing them hints at it. When Mystique is introduced in Days of Future Past it’s commented on how she looks like Nightcrawler. Claremont intended that Destiny and Mystique were his parents. Her shape changing power meaning she could actually biologically change sex, not just her appearance, and father a child.

    This was an idea way too out there for editorial in the 1980s so like a lot of stuff from Claremont and Byrne in that era there’s a lot hinted at but never said around characters’ sexuality.

  • #15025

    I can’t recall Mystique ever referring to Destiny as her wife before although I haven’t read every X-Men comic in recent years.

    It’s new, but they also were only shown kissing for the first time in that History of the Marvel Universe series from last year.

    The closest they’ve come is that in the gay marriage issue years ago, Rogue says they would have gotten married if they’d been allowed.

  • #15026

    Has Destiny ever been brought back to life, or has she been dead since 1991 or whenever it was?

  • #15028

    Has Destiny ever been brought back to life, or has she been dead since 1991 or whenever it was?

    She came back briefly during Necrosha, but died again. During Chaos War, Moira (or a clone?) was resurrected, but it turned out she was possessed by Destiny. I don’t think it was ever mentioned again.

  • #15057

    I can’t recall Mystique ever referring to Destiny as her wife before although I haven’t read every X-Men comic in recent years.

    For those that don’t know they were always intended to be a couple, even the first panel introducing them hints at it. When Mystique is introduced in Days of Future Past it’s commented on how she looks like Nightcrawler. Claremont intended that Destiny and Mystique were his parents. Her shape changing power meaning she could actually biologically change sex, not just her appearance, and father a child.

    This was an idea way too out there for editorial in the 1980s so like a lot of stuff from Claremont and Byrne in that era there’s a lot hinted at but never said around characters’ sexuality.

    I thought it was always heavily implied that Azazel was Nightcrawler’s dad or is that a much later addition?

  • #15059

    Much later.  In the much maligned Chuck Austen run from the early 2000s.


    My theory on Destiny is that when she is saying remember the words “Bring Me Back” then she’s talking about Moira not herself.  There could be some narrative switcheroo where Moira says this to Mystique with her dying breath.

    That aligns, to me, with a possible 11th life – it’s the life after her ressurection. Naturally, Mystique thinks Destiny is referring to herself.

    I sense a schism between Xavier/Magneto and Moira and foresee a bigger conflict in Krakoa proper where Moira dies and there is debate about whether she should be resurrected or not.

    I’d also bet thats what the other two cerebro silos are for.  One for the mutant minds, two back ups, and then one for just destiny and moiras minds (as they know all the futures) and a backup.

    Its a pretty flimsy theory and theres loads of holes, but Ill never forget that Destiny was the one that new Moiras futures first, and said that if she doesn’t protect mutantkind she will come for her.  If the central conflict is between Moira and Destiny then it could be interpreted that Moira wants to keep Destiny dead because Moiras actually working against Mutantdom but I don’t think thats the case.   I think this will be a story about Xavier and Magnetos pride and hubris.

  • #15065

    I thought it was always heavily implied that Azazel was Nightcrawler’s dad or is that a much later addition?

    Much later. Claremont’s plans were revealed back in the early 80s (and as I say there are hints spread back as far as D0fP in 1981).

    Chuck Austen created Azazel and used that as Kurt’s origin over 20 years later in Chuck Austen’s infamous Draco storyline because CC had never been able to actually do the story he wanted.

    It was told by Scott Lobdell later that Claremont tried again to use that origin story for Rogue, that she was actually the daughter of Mystique and Destiny and not adopted by them but it never came to pass in print. Jim Shooter even had a specific policy of no openly gay characters in the books.

    Northstar, Destiny and Mystique being gay was always intended by their creators right from the outset, there’s no retconning for a change but rather they had to wait until the powers that be decided it was acceptable to put in the books.

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  • #15168

    I just read Xmen #6. Another building block issue.  Yes orchis is still working on Nimrod but I believe the X-Office is starting to build a “snakes in the grass” plot. Shaw in Marauaders, Mystique in X Men, Sinister and Omega Red. Krakoa could be in trouble. Spiting Human heroes(F4, Avengers) in support of Mutant villains is dangerous.

    I wonder how it will be before this denial of future knowledge kicks them in the ass. Could it be that Moira is just getting revenge on Destiny for one of her deaths? Also where is Moira? i have a thought that Erik and Charles have her in Stasis to prevent any changes in the future


    • This reply was modified 5 years ago by Rocket.
  • #15171

    I have to say, New Mutants this week was hilarious

  • #15182

    Is New Mutants #7 Hickman’s last issue? Anyone know?

    Couple of books I really just picked up for art.

    X-Men/ Fantastic Four #1 by Chip Zdarsky and the Dodsons was a fairly bland tale, full of teenage angst and melodrama (is this compulsory in an FF comic?). The art wasn’t the best either, feeling a little looser and less polished than is normal for the art team. It wasn’t bad, really, but it wasn’t great either. Not sure I can be bothered with any more.

    The new Wolverine #1 on the other hand impressed me a lot. Ben Percy is writing this; I haven’t read any of his work beforehand, but he’s got a noir pulpish vibe going here that hits the sweet spot for me. It also had 60 pages of story – 2 full length stories, one by the legendary Adam Kubert and the other by Viktor Bogdanovic, who held his own superbly well. This issue was a bit of a gamble for me – in a busier week I would probably have skipped it, ‘cos I don’t really like Logan and it’s an expensive book – but, damn, it was a great read, and I’m on board as long as this creative team remains in place.


  • #15534

    Gotta agree with Vik about Wolverine. Here’s my review from the ongoing comics thread:

    Wolverine #1 is so freaking good. I’ve got to keep an eye out for this Benjamin Percy guy going forward. The art by Adam Kubert and Viktor Bogdanovic is great, a well thought out pairing there. Kubert’s pencils haven’t looked this good in ages, imo. Frank Martin’s colors match him really well, it reminds a bit of the pairing of Steve McNiven & Morry Hollowell. Bogdanovic is new to me but he’s a lot like Greg Capullo. The art in this book is very 90s but in a good way, Capullo’s a good guy to emulate.

    Percy has Wolverine’s voice down, which is harder than you might think. I’ve read plenty of stories where Logan comes off like a parody of himself, some stories by the otherwise brilliant Jason Aaron included. Each of the two stories in this issue (a covert ops style yarn reminiscent of Greg Rucka’s mid-2000s run and a horror story) are immediately compelling and executed to perfection. I can’t wait to see where this book goes.


  • #15573

    It was told by Scott Lobdell later that Claremont tried again to use that origin story for Rogue, that she was actually the daughter of Mystique and Destiny and not adopted by them but it never came to pass in print.

    Destiny was, like, one hundred years old. I’m not sure how she could have a daughter Rogue’s age unless her ovaries are mutant, too.

    I can dig Mystique impregnating a woman when she’s shifted into a male form (she was, early on, supposed to be Nightcrawler’s father), but Destiny would have been way past menopause when Rogue and Kurt were born.

  • #15576

    Was her age specified at that time though? She was always drawn wrinkly but if she was meant to be say 65, either Rogue or Kurt in their early 20s and that’s perfectly feasible. Bear in mind that Claremont intended this idea right from the outset of the character being introduced. I think Destiny being super old came in 20 years later with the Destiny’s diaries storyline long after that idea had been nixed.

  • #15598

    I thought Wolverine was pretty good too, Will.

    I’ve been an X-men fan for 20 years (like a devoted fan – not just someone who ducks in and out) and I definitely think Destiny is one of the franchises more underdeveloped characters.  I think she’s more or less always been a plot device rather than a character.  That might have been different in a few earlier Claremont stories, but she hasn’t really had anything since then, excepting for the aforementioned Destiny Diaries in X-treme X-men which was Claremont anyway (and even then, she was clearly a major plot device).

  • #15839

    Was her age specified at that time though? She was always drawn wrinkly but if she was meant to be say 65, either Rogue or Kurt in their early 20s and that’s perfectly feasible. Bear in mind that Claremont intended this idea right from the outset of the character being introduced. I think Destiny being super old came in 20 years later with the Destiny’s diaries storyline long after that idea had been nixed.

    I had to go back and check Destiny’s first appearance in Days of Future Past. There aren’t any close-ups of her unmasked face, but Byrne didn’t draw her as looking terribly old. Her hair was sort of dark gray, which made her look to be middle-aged. Her costume displays cleavage and she has rather shapely legs, so she’s probably not supposed to be too old and could easily have an adult child.

    I’m not sure when they started drawing her to look like Aunt May.


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  • #15845

    I think she looked quite old in From the Ashes?

  • #15868

    Yeah, this is from #170:

  • #15874

    Her hair is grey, half my friends at my age at 46 have grey hair. At this point if she’s meant to be Rogue’s mother then take 20 years off.

  • #15875

    Mystique first met Destiny around the end of the 19th century.

    Mystique is an old woman with shapely legs and cleavage.

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  • #15878

    Mystique is an old woman with shapely legs and cleavage.

    Mystique is Elizabeth Hurley?!

    3 users thanked author for this post.
  • #15879

    Mystique can appear as whoever you choose.

    Have they actually ever determined Mystique’s age? – could be even older than Destiny.

  • #15880

    Mystique is an old woman with shapely legs and cleavage.

    Mystique is Elizabeth Hurley?!

    Clearly they’re following the lead of Aunt May in the Spidey movies.

    The MCU version of Destiny will be played by Olivia Wilde.

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  • #15885

    Mystique is an old woman with shapely legs and cleavage.

    Mystique is Elizabeth Hurley?!

    Clearly they’re following the lead of Aunt May in the Spidey movies.

    The MCU version of Destiny will be played by Olivia Wilde.

    Olivia Wilde is almost 36. She may be too old for the part.

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  • #15942

    X-men 7 was very interesting.

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  • #15944

    This week’s entries were all pretty good IMO.  I quite like that X-Men/Fantastic Four is both retreading elements of the 80s miniseries but very deliberately and making sure that the reader is aware of it.  DOOM! is written very well here, as you can’t tell if he’s got a tru;y nefarious plan of if he just wants to show up the accursed Richards.

    Jean Grey and Emma Frost was enjoyable, it’s not the most original thing to basically redo the ‘Nuff Said issue of New X Men 16 years later, but like, how many times has it been done in the interim?  It was fun, the art was great, and another nice callback.

  • #16020

    Wolverine and Cyclops seemed to be flirting in X-Men 7. I don’t mind either character being bi, in fact I’ve always thought Wolverine might be given his extended age and the lure of experimentation, but I don’t like the pairing of Cyke and Logan. Changes the dynamic too much. And honestly I’m not a big fan of either of them being back with Jean.

    Otherwise it’s a great issue. Love the idea of Nightcrawler starting a mutant religion. The Crucible idea is probably the darkest thing the Krakoa mutants are doing. At least Sabertooth and Mystique are mass murderers who can’t be trusted.

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  • #16030

    Yeah, I agree. Cyclops and Wolverine just have too much history for this to make any sort of sense, I feel.

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  • #16035

    It’s clearly indicated that Krakoa is doing something to everyone’s minds though.

  • #16038

    Honestly, the default tone of Hickman’s run is ambiguity and mysteriousness so it’s hard to remember what’s been confirmed and what’s only been hinted at. In any case, it’s a door I wish Hickman hadn’t opened.

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  • #16099

    I have to say, New Mutants this week was hilarious

    I hope Hickman will write more New Mutants. We need more Bobby DaCosta, World Class Raconteur, with his unreliable recaps, and his one sided doomed romance.

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  • #16137


  • #16139

    What if the X-Men all had swords?

    Brilliant, Jonathan! Instant crossover potential!

    6 users thanked author for this post.
  • #16143

    From the publisher who brought you Everyone Gets a Hammer, comes this year’s hottest X-over…

    4 users thanked author for this post.
  • #16144

    So what do we have?

    • The Soulsword, natch…
    • Gorgon’s God-killer (assuming Swords can be resurrected now too)
    • Wolverine and the Muramasa blade?
    • The Phoenix blade (what IS that?)
    • What ever blade Apocalypse has these days


    What else might there be?

    • Excalibur?
    • Otherworld’s Sword of Might?
    • Psylocke’s knife or psychic sword?


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  • #16145

    Theres Xaviers cerebro sword from x-force

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  • #16147

    Wolverine and Cyclops hooking up would lead to the most epic hate-f*ck ever.


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  • #16158

    Wolverine and Cyclops hooking up would lead to the most epic hate-f*ck ever.


    Now imagine if they had swords.

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  • #16181

    Wolverine and Cyclops hooking up would lead to the most epic hate-f*ck ever.


    Now imagine if they had swords.

    Oh, they have “swords” alright…

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  • #16183

    I read Giant Size X-Men #1 and enjoyed it a lot. It’s maybe a little too reverential to Morrison and Quitely and sticks a little too close to their template, like a cover version that isn’t confident enough to do something differently to the original. But it was a decent ride with nice, clear art and the final revelation is interesting and ripe for follow-up.

    I’m not sure why it was done as a standalone special rather than an issue of the regular X-Men title, though, as it follows on from an earlier story there and seems like it will be pretty important in future. (I almost missed it as my LCS hadn’t put it in my box, even though the regular book is on my list.)

    I also read X-Men #7 and thought it was pretty good, an interesting musing on the philosophical and moral questions raised by the mutant resurrection program, and also an interesting way to address the legacy of House of M. Although I think the Scott/Logan bisexual theory is a bit overstated – I didn’t read their scene as anything other than friendly ribbing.

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  • #16189

    I think the Giant Size X-men is an headline guest artist driven series – Should have called it Fanfare X ?

  • #16190

    It’s symptomatic of a problem I have in general with the X-Men books at the moment, which is keeping track of the core story stuff without having to buy absolutely everything.

    I’ve tried to stick to just getting the Hickman issues but even then they’ve done stuff like his on/off stint on New Mutants (I eventually just ignored that book altogether). But without keeping a close eye on each month’s releases I could easily miss stuff like this Giant Size special, and that would be a shame as there are obviously going to be some important developments there.

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  • #16266

    As per X-Men 7

    Kurt’s new religion should be called Askani.

    If it isn’t I will type a very stern tweet.

    4 users thanked author for this post.
  • #16272

    What if the X-Men all had swords?

    Brilliant, Jonathan! Instant crossover potential!

    “I have one of the most powerful energy weapons in the universe inside my eyes.

    Better get a sword too, just in case.”


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  • #16273

    I read Giant Size X-Men #1 and enjoyed it a lot.

    Me too :good:

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  • #16276

    The one line that suggests any bisexuality between wolverine and cyclops also reads like a typo. Since when does Scott refer to himself in the third person?

  • #16284

    The one line that suggests any bisexuality between wolverine and cyclops also reads like a typo. Since when does Scott refer to himself in the third person?

    Maybe it’s a side effect of dating telepaths over the years?

    1 user thanked author for this post.
  • #16312

    What if the X-Men all had swords?

    Brilliant, Jonathan! Instant crossover potential!

    “I have one of the most powerful energy weapons in the universe inside my eyes.

    Better get a sword too, just in case.”


    You’ve seen Pacific Rim, where you wonder at the end why they didn’t just use the swords all along?

    1 user thanked author for this post.
  • #16351

    The one line that suggests any bisexuality between wolverine and cyclops also reads like a typo. Since when does Scott refer to himself in the third person?

    The reason Cyclops speaks in the third person is to match the cadence and tone of Wolverine’s line.

    Try saying ‘Jeannie in a bikini’ and then ‘Me in a speedo’, it doesn’t track the same way. The big writerly thing is that Wolverine’s line rhymes, and Cyclops’ line in the book alliterates

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  • #16384

    Thoughts on swords of X art


    who’s the guy next to Gorgon?

    Rachel’s hound outfit, it is iconic and, truth be told, is better than a lot of costumes she has had since, but i never know how writers make her feel about it.

    What is going on with Angel?

    Like Armor’s sword

    do not like Betsy and Brian’s costumes

    Kwannon should have one and Kurt should have 2 (or 3?) sword(s)


    I’m glad I got my thoughts on the art before reading the article because the article had 2 pieces of info that discourage me.

    “ten mutants will rise up to defend their home”

    there are more than 10 mutants in that picture.

    Hickman will writing the “tentpoles” of the series alongside Exaliburscribe Tini Howard.

    no thank you.  there better be some major improvement in her book before I will even think of following this event.


    • This reply was modified 5 years ago by Rocket.
  • #16403

    <p style=”border: 0px; margin: 0px 0px 1em; padding: 0px; vertical-align: baseline; outline: 0px; font-size: inherit; line-height: inherit; box-sizing: border-box; background-position: 0px 0px; background-repeat: initial initial;”>Scalphunter?</p>
    starring in Hellions
    <p style=”border: 0px; margin: 0px 0px 1em; padding: 0px; vertical-align: baseline; outline: 0px; font-size: inherit; line-height: inherit; box-sizing: border-box; background-position: 0px 0px; background-repeat: initial initial;”>who’s the guy next to Gorgon?</p>
    Eyeboy starring in X-Factor
    <p style=”border: 0px; margin: 0px 0px 1em; padding: 0px; vertical-align: baseline; outline: 0px; font-size: inherit; line-height: inherit; box-sizing: border-box; background-position: 0px 0px; background-repeat: initial initial;”></p>
    <p style=”border: 0px; margin: 0px 0px 1em; padding: 0px; vertical-align: baseline; outline: 0px; font-size: inherit; line-height: inherit; box-sizing: border-box; background-position: 0px 0px; background-repeat: initial initial;”>What is going on with Angel?</p>
    Not Angel . New guy from Children Of The Atom
    <p style=”border: 0px; margin: 0px 0px 1em; padding: 0px; vertical-align: baseline; outline: 0px; font-size: inherit; line-height: inherit; box-sizing: border-box; background-position: 0px 0px; background-repeat: initial initial;”>Like Armor’s sword</p>
    It is sweet
    <p style=”border: 0px; margin: 0px 0px 1em; padding: 0px; vertical-align: baseline; outline: 0px; font-size: inherit; line-height: inherit; box-sizing: border-box; background-position: 0px 0px; background-repeat: initial initial;”>do not like Betsy and Brian’s costumes</p>
    Possibly a real old one for Brian. Personally I like Betsy’s new one
    <p style=”border: 0px; margin: 0px 0px 1em; padding: 0px; vertical-align: baseline; outline: 0px; font-size: inherit; line-height: inherit; box-sizing: border-box; background-position: 0px 0px; background-repeat: initial initial;”>Kwannon should have one and Kurt should have 2 (or 3?) sword(s)</p>
    <p style=”border: 0px; margin: 0px 0px 1em; padding: 0px; vertical-align: baseline; outline: 0px; font-size: inherit; line-height: inherit; box-sizing: border-box; background-position: 0px 0px; background-repeat: initial initial;”>Find me 1 person who gives a shit about Kwannon.</p>
    <p style=”border: 0px; margin: 0px 0px 1em; padding: 0px; vertical-align: baseline; outline: 0px; font-size: inherit; line-height: inherit; box-sizing: border-box; background-position: 0px 0px; background-repeat: initial initial;”></p>
    <p style=”border: 0px; margin: 0px 0px 1em; padding: 0px; vertical-align: baseline; outline: 0px; font-size: inherit; line-height: inherit; box-sizing: border-box; background-position: 0px 0px; background-repeat: initial initial;”>I’m glad I got my thoughts on the art before reading the article because the article had 2 pieces of info that discourage me.</p>

    <p style=”border: 0px; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; vertical-align: baseline; outline: 0px; font-size: inherit; line-height: inherit; box-sizing: border-box; background-position: 0px 0px; background-repeat: initial initial;”>“ten mutants will rise up to defend their home”</p>

    <p style=”border: 0px; margin: 0px 0px 1em; padding: 0px; vertical-align: baseline; outline: 0px; font-size: inherit; line-height: inherit; box-sizing: border-box; background-position: 0px 0px; background-repeat: initial initial;”>there are more than 10 mutants in that picture.</p>
    probably symbolic as some of them already have swords whilst I assume 10 will be gifted swords or bound by them etc etc.

    <p style=”border: 0px; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; vertical-align: baseline; outline: 0px; font-size: inherit; line-height: inherit; box-sizing: border-box; background-position: 0px 0px; background-repeat: initial initial;”>Hickman will writing the “tentpoles” of the series alongside Exaliburscribe Tini Howard.</p>

    <p style=”border: 0px; margin: 0px 0px 1em; padding: 0px; vertical-align: baseline; outline: 0px; font-size: inherit; line-height: inherit; box-sizing: border-box; background-position: 0px 0px; background-repeat: initial initial;”>no thank you.  there better be some major improvement in her book before I will even think of following this event.</p>
    Cant say I disagree with you on that one. :bye:  


  • #16404

    What the fuck .

    i can’t be bothered fixing that.


  • #16406

    Yeah, cant say im too excited about the event.

    I’m hoping its one of those little side events that dont cause many ripples and are just there to cash in.  Otherwise of course I’ll have to read it.

    I just read X-men #7.  It occurs to me that there’s an obvious link with Douglock, Walock and the Dominion – could Krakoa and the Dominion already be in coversation?

  • #16415


    So many characters here who do NOT need swords!

    1 user thanked author for this post.
  • #16552

    X-Men: Are Cyclops and Emma Frost Back Together?

    by Evangelia Galanis – on Mar 04, 2020 in CBR Exclusives, Comics, Comic News

    One of the most talked-about aspects of Dawn of X is the relationship status of several prominent X-Men characters. While it’s important to note that nothing has been confirmed, the creators seem to be thriving on keeping things ambiguous and vague. Since the new era of X-Men began under lead writer Jonathan Hickman, there have been several interactions that might imply a reconciliation between Scott Summers and Emma Frost.

    The biggest clue so far comes from Sinister Secret #5, which seems to imply that Scott, Jean and Logan are in a polyamorous relationship. It reads: “He’s the best there is at what he does. She’s married with a kid. The husband knows exactly what’s going on, but who is he to point the finger? He’s up to much the same, and more. Maybe this is just the new normal on the mutant island.” Later in House of X, Scott and Emma share a notably tender look with one another, from across the party, hinting that there’s something more going on between the ex-lovers.

    In X-Men #3, Emma drops another important clue, explicitly telling Scott she’d “love” him “even more” if he took care of the Hordeculture members who were taunting her. Scott doesn’t seem to object to this statement as he goes on the attack. Emma’s feelings for Scott have been quite clear for a long time. Despite the fact that the two were broken up at the time, Scott died in her arms in Death of X, causing Emma a great deal of heartache and distress. Upon his return, she vowed that she would find a way for the two of them to be together again, stating that she loved him.

    There are also several other little hints that may imply these two X-Men have reconciled. In Marauders, after Kate Pryde died, Emma’s form of comforting Storm is to give her the “greatest” gift she can imagine: the feeling Emma had when Scott was brought back from Orchis. Again, Emma’s great love for Scott is no surprise, but Storm lets another interesting factoid drop during that conversation. Storm accuses Emma of being “on the moon over at–” which may be interpreted as the writing cutting Storm off before she can reveal too much information about Emma’s life.

    In Dawn of X, Scott lives on the moon, so it’s very likely that Storm was hinting that instead of taking care of Kate, Emma was on the moon spending some alone time with Scott. The Sinister Secrets portion from that issue also teases the audience for suspecting a certain “blonde” or “redhead” was the first to “make more mutants.” That certainly seems like a hint at Jean and Emma, two characters who have a common lover in Scott Summers — and they also just happen to have children with him in several different alternate universes.

    In the most recent issue of Fantastic Four/X-Men, the two exes share some openly flirtatious banter in the middle of a huge conflict. In X-Men #7, Scott voices his doubts for the Crucible to an equally ambivalent Nightcrawler. Kurt asks why Scott didn’t simply ask Jean about how the Crucible came to be, which makes sense if they’re both married and living together. He also asks why Scott didn’t ask Emma about it, hinting that Emma is still a very important presence in Scott’s life — on par with that of Jean, no less.

    Scott’s continued involvement with Emma makes sense in terms of the Sinister Secrets reveal, regardless of the different permutations and combinations one can make out of the Scott/Jean/Logan relationship. “Up to much the same, and more,” would seem to cover Scott and Emma’s continued relationship.

    Scott and Emma were together for quite some time in the comics’ continuity and together, she helped him through some of the toughest conflicts of his life, including the relocation to Utopia, Stryker killing their students, M-Day, the “deaths” of his teammates like Kitty Pryde and more. It makes sense that their lingering feelings haven’t dissolved — and Emma seems like a natural fit for one of Scott’s “other” relationships. However, even if he is with Emma, there’s no confirmation that he’s only got one relationship outside of his ambiguous situation with Jean and Logan.

    Again, nothing has been confirmed so this is mere speculation, but if the writers do ever truly decide to reveal the status of Scott’s romantic entanglements instead of strategically keeping it vague, it may just turn out to be a huge surprise.

  • #16583

    COME ON – it id polysmorous to the max! Maybe even Logan and Scott are banging each other… the only doubt I have about the foresome being total is I dont think Emma is banging Logan. Its a perpetual threesome where Emma and Logan swap out.

    And the kids are cool with it

  • #16592

    I dont think Emma is banging Logan.

    Part of me could actually see that.

  • #16599

    The horny part.

    3 users thanked author for this post.
  • #16600

    Tim wrote:
    I dont think Emma is banging Logan.

    Part of me could actually see that.

    Well, if you stand in the right spot outside the bedroom window…

    3 users thanked author for this post.
  • #16601

    The horny part.

    I’ve never heard it called that before.

    1 user thanked author for this post.
  • #16602

    Is this… is this locker room talk? :o

  • #16613

    I for one have never heard the X-Men being discussed in a locker room.

  • #16649

    Perchance, therein lies the problem.

  • #16650

    COME ON – it id polysmorous to the max! Maybe even Logan and Scott are banging each other… the only doubt I have about the foresome being total is I dont think Emma is banging Logan. Its a perpetual threesome where Emma and Logan swap out.

    And the kids are cool with it

    Based on some of their interactions earlier on, I suspect that the only people not sleeping together in that pile are Emma and Jean.

  • #16651

    Eh? What even is that? I know what I intended to say. It wasn’t worded like that.

  • #16678

    COME ON – it id polysmorous to the max! Maybe even Logan and Scott are banging each other… the only doubt I have about the foresome being total is I dont think Emma is banging Logan. Its a perpetual threesome where Emma and Logan swap out.

    And the kids are cool with it

    Based on some of their interactions earlier on, I suspect that the only people not sleeping together in that pile are Emma and Jean.

    It’s really hard for me to imagine that Jean and Emma are not banging

  • #16683

    X-Men? More like SEX-Men!

  • #16698

    Todd, Tim gave you the perfect opportunity to use phrasing.

    You’re losing your touch.

    Lost is no longer my favourite island.

  • #16705

    Todd, Tim gave you the perfect opportunity to use phrasing.

    You’re losing your touch.

    Lost is no longer my favourite island.

    1 user thanked author for this post.
  • #16709

    Todd, Tim gave you the perfect opportunity to use phrasing.

    You’re losing your touch.

    Where did he give him– reads Tim’s last post, gets to the last sentence nooooow I get it.

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