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I thought X-Men 3 was pretty good. Things are definitely moving at a Hickman like glacial pace, hut you kind of accept that coming in.
New mutants 2 was better than 1 and I may stick around for the whole first arc depending on issue 3.
I thi k Marauder’s is actually my favourite book so far. X-force is just abive average enough for me to keep buying it, as is fallen angels (and I agree that one has a remender x-force vibe going
As with everyone else here, I agree Excalibur is the weakest link. It’s genuinely totally unengaging dross. I didn’t even pick up the third issue. Unless I hear amazing things it is dropped.
I actually didn’t enjoy X-Men 3 as much as everyone else.
Hordeculture didn’t really work for me as villains, and they really defeated Shaw and Cyclops weirdly easily.
Otherwise the entire issue was just about establishing them as villains, crotchety, geriatric, botanical villains who want to control Krakoa.
Definitely something different, but not really for me. I’m sure this whole concept will tie into the post-human thing somehow – probably by reverse engineering the krakoa’s drugs to make them eternally young or something.
Anyway, I enjoyed Jean and Emma and they’re clearly banging and basically Cyclops is also banging everyone which is great. Loving the banging.
Otherwise Marauders was good and seeing the internal machinations of the hellfire club is fascinating.- I agree it was the best issue this week. I don’t think it’s the best book of the bunch but it’s certainly worth the price of admission. I thought the last page reveal was hokey. It also seems like Shinobi was one of the early ressurections, which means shaw was on side pretty early in the game. I’d love to get some explicit detail on exactly when the resurrections started happening (which seems to be after the creation of the helmet in HOX), but I doubt we will.
Excalibur was a turd wrapped in a turd and garnished with a turd. Maybe not quite that bad but the only vaguely interesting bits were with Black Air although I admit im sort of curious about sorcerer Apocalypse but the characterisation feels really wrong. Compulsion may see me buy this through the first arc but its stupid and just mediocre writing and it should be dropped.
Yeah, this feels repetitive, but Excalibur has the weakest writing of the batch. Fallen Angels has art that’s so stylized and bad it’s hard to follow. Marauders is best in class – entertaining and the one I look forward to every time it comes. X-Force and New Mutants are solid, and X-Men is like a weird flagship that’s lagging behind the book carrying the name of some of the most awful villains in X-history.
The overall feeling of not quite being to put it all together is getting a bit tiresome. I wonder if the book dump on Dec. 18 is leading to something that will start to make more sense of everything.
Maybe Kitty is reclaiming the name, given she’s the X-Man the original Marauders hurt the worst?
Umm … Angel?
Got his natural wings back eventually. As far as I know, Kitty is still naturally phased and has to concentrate to solidify
I suppose it’s a matter of degree.
The more obvious point is that this Kate, who gets tattoos, drinks in the day, runs the Marauders and is the red queen of the hellfire club, is definitely a far cry from Kitty Pryde of UXM #129
I wanted to add that I really didn’t like Shogo becoming a dragon in Excalibur and I really didn’t like the justification or the weird little anime bits with Betsy. Is he , like, telepathically painting pictures for her? I just didn’t get it.
Kitty is still naturally phased and has to concentrate to solidify
that must be why she day drinks, so she can relax from the constant pressure of having to concentrate all the time.
Kitty is still naturally phased and has to concentrate to solidify
that must be why she day drinks, so she can relax from the constant pressure of having to concentrate all the time.
I don’t think anyone needs to worry about how much she’s drinking. The more you drink, the harder it gets to concentrate, so there must always come a point where she can no longer be solid enough to pick up the next drink. She’s never going to need reminding to drink responsibly, she has a built-in cut-off point
I checked out X-Men #3 despite having said I wouldn’t. And I’m glad I did, as I thought it was fun in a way that wasn’t true of the first two issues. I like goofy, silly stuff like this when it’s done well, and this was.
Just caught up on some of my X reading. Xmen #3. Marauders #3 and New Mutants #2.
My favorite was NM. Being a life long bachelor I can spot a wife annoyed because an old friend has come by to get her husband in trouble. Hickman did such a good job with his characterization of Smasher. She has had Sam all to herself for months now and here comes his old friends to drag him back to his old juvenile trouble making ways. She’s pissed. Also loved Dani and Doug.
next would be XM. Hordeculture are good villains. The old ladies were a trip. another case of good characterization. I’m not sure about their science but I figured it involved Handwavium and did not bother. Interesting Away team chosen for this mission. They have millions of mutants and they pick those three.
Marauders is a good book but I have no feelings for Shinobi Shaw. He is a waste of a character. I see why he is there but he is just a cypher to cause drama between the three leaders.
I think it’s more he’s there because of the drama.
X-Men #3 didn’t really work for me, Hordeculture weren’t very funny and taking out Cyclops so easily was lame. Yu’s art is also very stiff which is a bummer as it used to be so dynamic. The page with Emma, Shaw, and Cyclop reacting to the old lady dissing Emma really didn’t get across any of the shock it was supposed to. But I’ll stick with it for now. New Mutants #2 was another bad issue which sucks as Hickman wrote it solo. This title is dropped. I might pick up X-Force to replace it. Marauders sounds interesting but I don’t want to sub to too many books in floppy form as storing them is annoying. Glad I didn’t give Excalibur a go from how you guys have been describing it here.
More like ExcaliSHIT!
Get it? Because it’s shit!
Hahahahahahaha I am the most hilarious person on this board
Shit Sandwich.
I picked up X-force and New Mutants.
X-Force was fine. It effectively reversed the reveal in issue 1 and I’m not sure what the point was. I’m hoping there is more story to tell on this plot point. Otherwise it was a bit of wheel spinning.
New Mutants was a disappointment. It was a side story following some of the New X-men characters, boom boom and armor, and I just didn’t really care.
I didn’t pick up Fallen Angels. May still do.
X-Force was fine. It effectively reversed the reveal in issue 1 and I’m not sure what the point was. I’m hoping there is more story to tell on this plot point. Otherwise it was a bit of wheel spinning.
Which reveal? The shooting?
I’ve been focussing a bit more on getting on top of my reading and spending a bit less time commenting on stuff on here recently.
My plan was to read the first 3 issues of each of the x books, give them all a fair crack of the whip, and decide from there what I’ll continue to pick up on an ongoing basis, read on MU or just ditch entirely forever.
Ranked in order of enjoyment –
is still the one I’m looking forward to reading the most, and the only one i’ll be buying in print. I’m enjoying the pacing of it and it’s still thought provoking or at least has me curious from issue to issue, even though the HOXPOX level of greatness was never going to be sustainable. It’s the best structured and best put together all round of the bunch.
was the biggest surprise to me, I didn’t expect to enjoy it this much. I think it helps that it is so closely tied to the main book. Ben Percy is back to the level of potential he displayed in his early green arrow issues, but now it feels like his few years of writing experience have helped him pace the books a lot better and they generally flow very well throughout. His dialogue is much improved as well.
Some good characterisation here and the book feels like it really matters.
great fun, a really solid book that is enjoyable to read, unlike those I’m about to discuss below. I feel Duggan gets the characters and there’s some warmth here. I don’t know that the premise has legs but while it continues to be this much fun I’ll either need to keep picking it up digitally or at least come back to it on MU. The concept is clever and makes sense with how it ties into what is happening in the two books above
a strong 7/10
new mutants
this really is not for me. It’s also a mess. Really badly put together, I feel Hickman wrote these scripts while he was taking his morning dump. This has loads of component parts that should work great for me, I love team books set in space, but the interactions between the characters are so poor that it fails as a team book and the art is bland and lacking in backgrounds and environments that it fails as a space book.
The characterisation is really poor and the dialogue is so boring that I have literally nodded off during all 3 issues, forcing myself to read on out of some weird idea that because it’s Hickman it must be good and I must keep reading.
a boring mess, a bit like this post
jeez……Tini Howard had a disaster on Deaths Head, somehow managed to make most the coolest team book in comics Strikeforce bland and void of any redeeming feature now this…….she’s had some sweet gigs on cult properties and managed to clusterfuck the whole lot of them. That’s some going.
Basically this is just a badly written book, really unengaging, and just lacks the basics in sequential storytelling in the script (not the art) like proper sensible transitions between pages or scenes. I feel like a read a comic that had half the pages missing.
fallen angels
and yet, it gets worse………
i wondered what was going on with Bryan Hill, this is a writer who i really enjoy and I’ve never read anything less than a solid book from, and in some instances he’s fantastic (Postal, American Carnage) however I’m going to accept there’s two mitigating circumstances here.
1. I see he’s off the book because his workload is too heavy. That makes sense because this reads like he phoned it in and I’m glad he’s recognised that and dropped off.
2. The art in this book will kill even the best script. It’s fucking atrocious
so the script is boring and decompressed and doesn’t deserve pass marks, however this art fails to work sequentially. It doesn’t even work In the individual panels. There’s inconsistencies throughout. It’s hard to tell characters apart. It’s hard to see what is going on. The composition of the pages and panels are really badly thought out. The camera angles for the action are terrible. But worst of all he fills the pages with massive blocks of blacks because quite simply it saves him having to draw something, because when he tries to draw something it looks like shit. Some of the faces here are like hall of mirrors stuff. I’d give the bad anatomy a pass if there was some sort of stylistic or dynamic trade off, but there’s zero dynamism to be had. He very rarely varies his pens, does he only have one fine marker and is scared it will run out?
kudranski actually gets worse over time instead of better, some really lazy shit going on here, like duplicating panels on multiple occasions and various other short cuts.
i suspect he was working on the Superman book at the same time as this and used the old approach of setting a timer for each page and then once it’s done he just moves on no matter how shit it looks.
Anyway, anyway sorry about the rant but this is some of the worst art I’ve seen in a comic by an experienced artist.
(4/10 for the script 2/10 for the art)
I just spent half an hour typing up a post on the first 3 issues of all the xbooks. It’s gone.
basically xmen, xforce and marauders are good
new mutants, Excalibur, fallen angels are crap
i did give my reasons but i can’t sit typing all that out again
Edit/delete : well, that did not work how I expected
New Mutants was a disappointment. It was a side story following some of the New X-men characters, boom boom and armor, and I just didn’t really care.
yea, it also has a different author than the first two issues. I am enjoying them with Hickman reuniting the 2 new mutants that he had written in Avengers. I have a qualification with my LCS that if it is not Hickman writing NM, then don’t pull the book.
I am disappointed they have lumped all the younger mutants together in New Mutants. When I think of New Mutants, I think of Dani, Sam, Berto, Xian, Doug, Ilyana and Rahne. the rest are different. they are Academy X, new Hellions, etc.
In Duggan I trust.
He nailed Cable in Uncanny Avengers and his Deadpool run.
keen to see what he does with it and bring back the old man.
I suppose they could technically bring back the old man with the current resurrection stuff.
That’d be interesting – to see two versions of the same character, one younger and one older.
It’d be a new approach to … *remembers the Bendis X-men*. Oh, right, forget I said anything.
Well I’m going in with a little faith from the original Brooks poster where Hickman says everything here counts and it had old regular Cable.
in Despicable Deadpool Duggan introduced a world in 2084 where Apocalypse weaponised global warming and killed off most of the planet.
Penn station was surrounded by vampires and turned into a safehouse for the multi verse of Cables from various timelines.
I would be shocked if this didn’t come into play at some point.
Fuck me Fallen Angles is Garbage.
I think the real reason its only 6 issues is that they got the scripts in and said fuck this damn we announced it so we have to run with it.
Who on earth wanted a series with about Kwannon / Psylocke a neutered X-23 and kid cable .
God I feel sorry for my shop with how many copies they are going to be stuck with.
I picked up a couple of the X-books today.
X-force was the best and continues to push the broad geopolitical Krakoa story forward. I thought the bit with the Quiet Council was really good. Have we ever had confirmation who the 12 member is, or do we just assume it’s Kitty?
Marauders also pushes the Krakoa’s-position-in the-world story but it was just a little bit lesser this week and I’m not sure if i’m fully on board with Bishop’s voice here.
New Mutants continues with the story from last issue and I don’t have any further comment (except to say holy hell Boom-Boom may be my spirit animal).
I didn’t bother with Fallen Angels or Excalibur. If i get bored waiting for a train I may download them.
It was confirmed to be Kitty at the end of Marauders issue 2.
Was she confirmed as the 12 council member or just the red queen of the hellfire corporation?
I know it’s assumed that the 12 will be her because Emma said she would pick and the other person in that section is Shaw, but I’d feel a lot more confident about it if we saw her sitting at the council. I might have missed something though.
She can’t sit on the council because Krakoa won’t let her on the island but HoX said the empty chair was for the Red King. The Red King became the Red Queen when Kitty accepted Frosts offer.
She can’t sit on the council because Krakoa won’t let her on the island but HoX said the empty chair was for the Red King. The Red King became the Red Queen when Kitty accepted Frosts offer.
Kitty can step foot on the island, but Krakoa won’t let her through the gates for some reason – she was physically on Krakoa for at least some of Marauders #1
I thought she could only come on to the shore and not further into the island proper. Guess I’m misremembering.
I just spent half an hour typing up a post on the first 3 issues of all the xbooks. It’s gone.
It’s back. Great post too.
Here’s the issue. When I launched this site I was getting 10-20 spam accounts sing up an hour, the user base was hitting hundreds a day and they were all bots and it made it impossible to manage, deleting one by one would be a full time job. Completely unmanageable.
So I added an anti-spam plugin which got rid of that but every now and then it gets over excited and puts genuine posts in spam jail, not that many, I checked for the first time in a week today and it was yours here and one from Miqque, out of hundreds. The frustrating bit for users is it does seem to think length of post is one of the things to tag so those that have written a long tome see it disappear and get rightly frustrated.
If it happens again just drop me or one of the mods a line or @ us and we’ll release it from the spam jail. The Carrier is barely 3 months old, it has problems I know but I have fixed a lot of them and will fix more as time and funds allow so sorry for the frustration Chris, it would wind me up too but don’t suffer in silence, I can take the feedback and work on it. Anyone who finds a long post go missing just point it out and I can get it back in a couple of minutes.
It was a great post, Chris, and I pretty much agree with it all.
I liked the first 2 issues of NewMutamts more than most, but the last two have been dire
I like New Mutants a lot more, I have a soft spot for the original. I don’t think the idea of Hickman and Brisson alternating scripts between casts is a bad idea, you can pick and choose effectively if you want.
Excalibur and Fallen Angels though? Yeah it’s garbage. Fallen Angels being cancelled after 6 sounds a sweet release, badly drawn nonsense around characters nobody much cares about.
The replacement seems to be the “Hellions” book though, which is full of characters so obscure I haven’t even heard of them
Nobody cares about ?!?!?!!!
I care when a character is stripped of everything they were known for and tossed into a shitty storyline where they don’t act or talk like themselves. That goes for all 3 of them. This is a stand-alone Kawanon limited series which nobody asked for. X-23 and Cable have significant fan bases and long running series and are basically there to serve as plot devices for Kawanons boring arse redemption story.
But agree this steaming pile of turd should never of seen print.
Yeah it’s fair enough, each character is someone’s favourite but as you say the audience for that being Kwannon (in comparison to X-23 and Cable) is going to be pretty small.
It’s just a bad book which is the core of the problem. I was never into X-23 particularly but I did read her book when Tom Taylor was doing it because he told a really good story (as he usually does).
Nobody cares about ?!?!?!!!
I care when a character is stripped of everything they were known for and tossed into a shitty storyline where they don’t act or talk like themselves. That goes for all 3 of them. This is a stand-alone Kawanon limited series which nobody asked for. X-23 and Cable have significant fan bases and long running series and are basically there to serve as plot devices for Kawanons boring arse redemption story.
But agree this steaming pile of turd should never of seen print.
There’s a part of me that really wants to copy and paste your Star Wars review here just to be a dick.
Yeah it’s fair enough, each character is someone’s favourite but as you say the audience for that being Kwannon (in comparison to X-23 and Cable) is going to be pretty small.
Ya Kwannon always seemed like she was just there to move Betsy Braddock’s story forward. It’s like making one of Cable’s guns a main character.
Mark Abnett would 100% buy an ongoing series starring one of Cable’s guns
How about a prequel?
If i could figure out how to post pictures on this board I would bombard you with a gallery of guns so exquisite you your testosterone levels would make you dick explode.
I need the adventures of Cable’s shoulder pads and pouches.
I need the adventures of Cable’s shoulder pads and pouches.
If i could figure out how to post pictures on this board I would bombard you with a gallery of guns so exquisite you your testosterone levels would make you dick explode.
but the last two have been dire
I went a bit of a rant about this. The original new mutants are interesting. Everything after….. meh. I am bummed that the original crew has lumped together with the other young mutants. I don’t know what to say about Brisson’s story but I am going to keep reading Hickman’s story. just take a look at the writer before you pick up this book.
Seriously though how do I post a photo again?
Remember I’m the idiot who ordered this
EDIT:I give up
Seriously though how do I post a photo again?
I depends on whether you’re trying to post a photo from a web-address or from your hard drive.
From a web-address – Use the little picture of a picture on the right above the post text box. Post the link in the space it gives you to post a link.
From your hard drive – Use the “Select File” dialog below the post text box.
Remember I’m the idiot who ordered this
EDIT:I give up
Liefeld posted an unboxing of this. It looks incredible.
Did you get the regular or Limited Edition? It looked like Rob just got the regular one.
Limited edition.
So looks like I paid US$833.91 including shipping which works out to be £639.46 and its currently on the UK market for £729 . So I may of made a saving from Buying Direct but I could be hit with import tax ___FFFFFUUUCK__
Yeah I saw that Liefeld vid. I have most of his other statues so when I saw how big it was I kind of shit myself. I’ll be sure to do an unboxing.
The missus is Livid with me for buying it.
Shes right.
I need the adventures of Cable’s shoulder pads and pouches.
Shoulder pads are way too small.
Thanks Gareth, no worries at all, I just couldn’t be bothered typing up another long winded post, didn’t mean for it to sound like a complaint
I was going through the Marvel sale on Comixology and realized I have not seen the best newest mutant yet in Dawn of X.
I hope Tom Taylor gets to write her again. He did such a good job with her in Xmen Red
He seems to have his gigs at DC now – he launched the Suicide Squad’s latest series on Wednesday and DCeased was a breakout hit which is coming back.
I think Taylor has limited bandwidth for comics, he’s usually on 1 or 2 books at most, because he’s the main guy behind The Deep cartoon series. That’s probably unknown to most here but my kids love it and it’s really popular and most likely earns him most of his income.
So I take it that Hickman and Brison are not actually co-writing New Mutants? Just writing alternate issues? Which ones are Hickman’s so far?
Yeah they are listed as co-writers on the first one but since then there seems to be a split. Not just to separate issues but separate stories and characters (Hickman in space with the original NM team, Brisson on Earth with some of the later young mutants).
So far Hickman just did the first two. 3-6 seem to be the Brisson story but they have been messing around with the solicits.
Wasn’t Hickman only doing NM for the first arc too?
I don’t know, 1 and a half issues doesn’t really constitute an ‘arc’. I was under the impression he’ll be back for his side of the story split but I’m not positive on that.
The new X-Men solicits talk about the New Mutants returning to Earth, so maybe that’s the end of Hickman’s run (such as it is).
that is the take I have too. I’ve enjoyed the Hickman story and wait for its return. Maybe he will incorporate them into X Men so he can keep writing them. the march issue of New Mutants shows Hickman as the writer but they can be VERY unreliable.
@DaveWallace – looks like they are collecting the first 6 issues of the Dawn of X series separately as well. There will be an X-men TPB with the first 6 issues of just that series
Thanks, I just saw that in the solicits a few days ago. Makes much more sense that way.
It’s got the HoXPoX HC for Christmas so it may be that I just pick up the X-Men trades to follow that.
Catching up on some of my reading. Read Xforce 4 and Marauders 4 . They work well together. Both concentrate on Human organizations focused on taking down Krakoa. . I’m loving Duggan’s letters from the X Desk. informative and amusing. Both books ended on great cliffhangers. Good to see the return of that group from Wolverine and the X men. one of these days I will figure out how to use spoilers
X-Men 4 was pretty great, it felt like the other side to Morrison’s focus on Mutants as a cultural force. Having Magneto, Professor X and Apocalypse go to Davos was a fantastic touch, and Magneto’s speech touched on a lot of modern issues in a pretty decent way, especially by the standards of superhero comics. After five issues of vignettes, I am ready for something a bit more substantial at this point though.
Marauders 5 by comparison was pretty standard by that book’s quality – which is to say really good. I don’t have a huge amount to say about it because it’s mid-arc, but I continue to enjoy it.
X-Men #4 was great and exactly the kind of issue I was hoping for after HoX/PoX. More of this please and less awkward wisecracks.
sounds like i need to catchup after giving up after the first issues..
I agree that X-Men #4 was more in line with what I was expecting after HoX/PoX. I was on the verge of dropping this book and wouldn’t have picked up this issue if it wasn’t such a light week. Glad I did though and I’m on for a bit longer now. It looks like they’ve changed the solicitation for #5 as well with the new solicitation looking more interesting.
That’s all good to hear. I just decided to give the series one more shot after enjoying the HoXPoX reread so much, so this sounds very promising.
House of x powers of X hardcover is extremely well put together. Very glad to have double dipped on this. Last time I purchased an X hardcover was AvX
It’s been a bloody drought of X stuff for a very long time.
I refuse to add anything from the Bendis years or the abysmal Inhumans Vs X-Men to my trade collection. None of it adds any value to the collection and I consider myself a bloody completist.
House of x powers of X hardcover is extremely well put together. Very glad to have double dipped on this.
Yep, I was very happy with it. A good collection.
The best bridge arcs from when the x-books were good to now while avoiding the crap are for me:
Uncanny X-Force
Wolverine & The X-Men
Duggan’s Deadpool epic
Agreed but all 3 where before AvX.
and A v X was in 2012
thats bloody terrifying
Nah, Deadpool was post AvX (which was shite), continued past Secret Wars too.
There’s a lost decade for the X-books, more or less.
I stand corrected.
agreed AvX wasn’t great but it still had “impact” on the 616 at the time
since then and HOX/POX. bupkis
Deadpool even takes the piss out of the whole death cloud business!
The only cool thing the whole terrigen mists gave us was the new Ms Marvel.
The only cool thing the whole terrigen mists gave us was the new Ms Marvel.
I also liked x-men #4.
I particularly liked how Apocalypse said
“You may call me Apocalypse and not some stupid little ‘A’ character like you might have read in other books”.
That was good.
I just read X Men 4 but I must have gotten a different version than @Tim. mine said that they were unworthy of calling him something other than Apocalypse. It was ok. There was too much macho posturing for me. It is intriguing that Hickman is making the US more of a villain than other countries.
p.s. if what Tim was talking has anything to do with Tini Howard’s attempt to besmirch the Excalibur name, I don’t want to know about it.
It is intriguing that Hickman is making the US more of a villain than other countries.
mmmmm but is it? ;)
I just read X Men 4 but I must have gotten a different version than @Tim. mine said that they were unworthy of calling him something other than Apocalypse. It was ok. There was too much macho posturing for me. It is intriguing that Hickman is making the US more of a villain than other countries.
p.s. if what Tim was talking has anything to do with Tini Howard’s attempt to besmirch the Excalibur name, I don’t want to know about it.
Yeah I was using my creative licence.
It was carefully worded to not step on … the toes of … umm … rhymes with pliniplowardsplexcalibur … but I like to think it was Hickman winking at the audience because he knows it’s dumb.
Half Wolverine killing people never stopped being hilarious. I really hope Perry’s new Wolverine comic brings that back.
I just read that.
The art for X-force isn’t doing much for me. I seem to remember it was better in issues 1 and 2.
Marauders was good. Still not loving the Hold Fast tattooes.
New Mutants was back to the good storyline. I liked it and all you dumb jerks that don’t are dumb jerkyfaces.
‘Punch yourself’ and ‘Do you want to make out?’ were great.
So the new titles are:
The Sinister team book that I’m forgetting the name of
I feel like there’s one more I’m forgetting. That’s a pretty rapid expansion of the line.
Pretty sure Hellions is sinister’s team.
It’s too many. Even with the loss of Fallen Angels the full line up is
New Mutants
And oneshots by Hickman Giant Size Hickman Magneto
Giant-Sized X-Men: Jean Grey & Emma Frost #1 drawn by War Of The Realms‘ Russell Dauterman.
It’s waaaay too much
X+4 is probably what I was thinking of. Though to be fair that’s a miniseries.
<p style=”text-align: left;”>There’s also a rumoured X-Corp series and we know there are other books planned later, like the Moira book (although they’re probably minis).</p>
It’s more or less the same as usual bearing in mind there’s usually 2 or 3 X men titles, an X force, a young mutants book, one or two other team books and a couple of solos.
I’ve always liked the line to be kept structly at 8 titles though, like in the 90s.
I’ve always liked the line to be kept structly at 8 titles though, like in the 90s.
When I got back into comics in the mid-80s there were only three ongoing X-books: Uncanny X-Men, New Mutants, and X-Factor. Ah, the good old days…
I don’t have an opinion about Williams as a writer but this quote gave me pause about X-Factor
Tini Howard [Excalibur, Thanos] and I might also be collaborating on a really exciting story involving human existence in Krakoa, so be on the lookout for clues about that in one of our books!”
As far as having too many X books, I don’t mind but if the books they put out are of low quality, that will definitely hurt the brand.
After reading the info on X-Factor, which features characters I like, the narrative stumbling block for me with Hickman’s stuff is coming full circle. They aren’t resurrecting anyone. They’re making copies. Hell, the point of the book is to make sure someone is dead before making a copy so there won’t be two of them around.
I really like those characters though. But I’m getting the same “no, no, no” feeling when my roommate wants me to play “Paranoia.” I just can’t get invested in copies. It’s an old SF annoyance, but it’s a center piece of the X-Books now. I love the characters in X-Factor. I may just have to “la-la-la” it just to read about the characters.
I think the idea of copies vs the real thing is part of what Hickman is deliberately raising with the device of the ‘resurrections’.
It reminds me a little bit of the Doctor in Heaven Sent – does creating a copy of himself using the teleporter mean he’s not the original any more? If so, does that mean that anyone who has ever used a teleporter is not the original any more – because machines have killed the original and copied it at the other end?
Farscape had a great arc with two Crichtons.
TNG has a good episode with two Rikers.
Spider-man had a great multipart arc with two Spideys
Or was it 4
Or ten
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