Hickman’s X-Men – Dawn of X

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New issue out today!

Viewing 100 replies - 101 through 200 (of 996 total)
  • #2732

    Is it just me, or did the thing Doctor Gregor said she could use to bring her husband back look like the M’Krann crystal?

  • #2733

    Yeah I thought it was that, or a reference to Sinister.

  • #2734

    yeah, I see your point. But do you trust Hickman?

    I’m basically only on board for the inference to the horny polyamorous x-men

  • #2782

    horny polyamorous x-men

    This needs to be a new official X-book.

  • #2786

    It even works if you sing it to the tune of the 90s animated series

  • #2860

    Here you go Tim

    Scott is not banging Polaris. He actually asked if she wanted to come to Dinner and see Alex, her old boyfriend. He was just being a good wingman for his little brother.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 4 months ago by Rocket.
  • #2877

    I don’t know. I think Scott is banging everyone.

    Holy smokes! Who is Moira banging??

    Less important: Magneto seemed pretty villainy in his dialogue and the children celebrating him had a pretty clear anti-human streak.

    Also less important: The diamond is probabl nimrod related. We’re probably seeing the origin of nimrod

  • #2882

    Please note, the positioning of Cyclops, Wolverine, and Jean’s bedrooms. Please note further, that the numerical order of these bedrooms is broken specifically to sandwich Jean’s room betwixt Cyclops and Wolverine’s.

    Please note further still, that those three rooms are also the only three rooms with open doors connecting them together.

    What on earth—well, what on the blue area of the moon—could they need an open-door policy for?
    Image: Pepe Larraz and Marte Gracia (Marvel Comics)

    Oh. Oh my.

    Well, that’s one way to settle the triangle.

  • #2883

    Ah, see, I think both Scott and Lorna are unusually deferential in the field to Magneto (Scott calling Magneto “sir”?!), but it’s all superficial.

    As soon as it’s a tactical decision Scott immediately overrides Magneto – the Captain Commander’s word in the field is final.

    And then, when Scott and Lorna are talking, it’s almost like they’re affectionately indulging an older uncle.

    The changing pattern of dialogue style and tone is fascinating.

    This version of Cable calling this version of Jean “mom” feels weird … but it’s already an echo of one of the Cuckoos saying “yes mum” to Emma a few issues back.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 4 months ago by Mike.
  • #2884

    Yeah, I got that vibe too. Especially with Lorna saying it was a little embarrassing.

    I liked seeing Lorna and Scott bond. They’re two peas in a pod in a way with Lorna being Magnetos daughter and Scott Xaviers ‘son’.

    Hickman clearly has something in mind for Magneto though. At this stage it feels like Xavier, Magneto, Moira, Apocalypse, Emma and Siinister are the ones with endgame on the horizon. And Mystique probably.

    I don’t know much about this version of cable but I do prefer it when writers acknowledge the Summers family instead of just pushing the complications it entails to the side.

  • #2887

    I didn’t really get a huge amount of enjoyment out of this issue. I found Yu’s art a little stilted in places and a lot of the character stuff probably worked better of you’re more well-versed in the X-Men than I am.

  • #2894

    I was a bit disappointed in this issue too. It was a bit too exposition heavy especially in the early scenes. It was like Hickman was trying to channel Claremont in his strongest “announce what you’re thinking” style.

  • #2895

    Oh, and speaking of Summerses … I loved Corsair’s “look, son, you KNOW how weird this shit all looks right?!”

    There is something a bit Stepford Wives about it, but at the same time there are some really natural genuine feeling moments. As if when they’re not pushing against the boundaries of their programming, they’re relatively free to be their own selves, but when they start to hit the sides, they become more stilted and uniformly “on-message”

  • #2896

    It was like Hickman was trying to channel Claremont in his strongest “announce what you’re thinking” style.

    See, I think that’s plot, not style, if that makes sense. The contrast, and the shift, in the tone and content of the dialogue within the issue suggests it’s not just a writing quirk. I think.

  • #2897

    I agree with Mike. For example, Hickman is clearly joking around with Vulcans dialogue, but there’s a point to it (e.g he’s probably in some kind of rehab)

    (Do you think Xaviers controlling them all with his great big helmet?)

    I admit, I use to love Yu but back in his younger days when he was drawing wolverine in the late 90s. His art wasn’t as clean, but it was edgier and more frenetic.

    I told him once that I thought Not Dead Yet was his best work and he got upset as he thought he’d improved significantly since then

    Dave’s point is a good one. Alot of the nuance depends on knowledge of the mythos and characters and X-men is probably more complicated and expensive then most. It’s not like Fantastic Four where you just need to pick up the broad strokes of four characters.

    With that said, Hickman is usually pretty good at acclimitizing new readers. His Avengers, for example, presented characters with complicated backstories in an accessible way

  • #2901

    The other thing about Vulcan, like Proteus, is that he is a reborn Omega with a, well, problematic history.

    A bit of psychic surgery to keep them harmless but with their power available should Krakoa require it?

    Oh, and speaking of which … I’ll place a bet now that in the Secret History of the Marvel Universe According to Moira MacTaggart, she had some sort of a hand in Chris Summers meeting Katherine.

  • #2912

    And what of the banging, Mike?

  • #2914

    Cool to see the Vault get a mention, those early Carey/Bachalo X-Men issues are a goldmine of cool ideas.

  • #2921

    I hadn’t made that connection. I wonder if it’s more than a passing reference and Hickman intends to build off the Children of the Vault storyline.

    It opens a bit of a can of worms though, because there are other ‘sub-species’ in the mythos too like the Neo and Eternals.

  • #2923

    Also, I hope Hickman doesn’t play coy with whatever’s going on between Cyclops/Jean/Wolverine/Emma for much longer. If too much about the book’s central relationships are left in the dark then it’s hard to really care about them. House and Powers had more leeway to be mysterious because their scope was so wide but here the cast is smaller and I’d like to have a solid handle on at least some of the character dynamics in the next issue or two.

    EDIT: Didn’t see your response while I was typing, Tim. I wouldn’t put it past Hickman to work in most or even all of the mutant off-shoots, even if some are just in a chart or something. Maybe Claremont’s sentient mutant dinosaur people will make a comeback and the polyamory on Krakoa will get even kinkier, haha

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 4 months ago by Will_C.
  • #2924

    It’s pretty clear, Will

    (they’re banging)

  • #2926

    Yeah, but he’s being coy about it still and we don’t know what it means emotionally for any of them.

  • #2929

    See, I think that’s plot, not style, if that makes sense. The contrast, and the shift, in the tone and content of the dialogue within the issue suggests it’s not just a writing quirk. I think.

    So you think he’s trying to tell us something with Cyclops being overexpository? It just felt like a stark contrast to the previous, more risky mission (they did all die after all) in House of X.

  • #2932

    What was the offending Cyclops dialogue?

  • #2935

    If anything, Storm’s dialogue at the start was overly expository, where she spoke the mission details out loud and then told Cyclops to be careful.

  • #2938

    Pff… didn’t like this at all… everything in this books seems off, except for Corsair (and probably the rest of the Starjammers). They’re all acting like new/other/different versions… Storm ain’t like that. Neither is Scott (in theory)… No fuckin’ way Wolverine would agree to sharing with Scott… What happened to Scott and Emma?… Magneto is very theatric, which he hasn’t been in ages… “Mom”, “set the table first dear”? who the fuck are these people? ’cause they sure as shit ain’t the X-Men I know… =/
    If this isn’t an alternate reality, or if Xavier isn’t mind controlling everyone or some shit like that, then I think Hickman’s not the right guy for the X-Men (and I severly doubt he’d get it soooooo wrong).

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 4 months ago by Jon.
  • #2940

    Going forward I want everyone to be clear that i am onboard for horny polyamorous x-men.

    If anything, Storm’s dialogue at the start was overly expository, where she spoke the mission details out loud and then told Cyclops to be careful.

    I basically agree with this. I think very few writers do a good job of Storm, and usually let her powerset outshine her personality. The only writer in X-men that really stands out as developing Storm in my memory is Claremont. I think she often fares better in Black Panther.

  • #2941

    Going forward I want everyone to be clear that i am onboard for horny polyamorous x-men.


    If anything, Storm’s dialogue at the start was overly expository, where she spoke the mission details out loud and then told Cyclops to be careful.

    I basically agree with this. I think very few writers do a good job of Storm, and usually let her powerset outshine her personality. The only writer in X-men that really stands out as developing Storm in my memory is Claremont. I think she often fares better in Black Panther.

    Dwayne McDuffie (RIP) wrote her rather well during his woefully short Fantastic Four run.

  • #2946

    So you think he’s trying to tell us something with Cyclops being overexpository?

    Yes; I think the changing register of the dialogue is deliberately telling us something about the characters and the plot.

    And I think on one level the characters are aware they’re playing up to the situation – I think that’s one of the points of the Scott/Lorna conversation, but yes, I think there’s something more than that underlying why we’ve got semi-Stepford X-Men.

    And I have *high* hopes for the banging Tim.

    (though logically, if it’s all about more mutants, we should expect Krakoan pregnancies relatively early on in the stories)

  • #2980

    they start to hit the sides, they become more stilted and uniformly “on-message”

    Could Krakoa be exuding some kind of pheromone(or whatever the plant version is called) to reinforce Xavier’s influence?
    Logan has definitely been nerfed. How did he not hurt Vulcan after Vulcan deliberately messed with Logan’s steak(i am not talking about killing just pain)?
    Jean has been nerfed too, i think. Her TP should let her know where everyone is yet she is surprised by Ch’od?
    I always thought that Logan liked Jean for her fiery nature. Why is he interested in this Stepford Wife version?
    Hickman said that Jean is wearing that outfit for a purpose. She seems to have been nerfed. Power is like repressed emotion. It will rise to the surface and cause an explosion. I believe it is a matter of When the Phoenix will return not IF.

  • #2985

    Crazy probably bunk theory but: given Hickman’s comments in that AMA, if this is an alternate universe what if the first/main difference is that Dark Phoenix Saga ended the way Claremont/Byrne intended with Jean surviving, purged of the Phoenix Force?

  • #2990

    Crazy probably bunk theory but: given Hickman’s comments in that AMA, if this is an alternate universe what if the first/main difference is that Dark Phoenix Saga ended the way Claremont/Byrne intended with Jean surviving, purged of the Phoenix Force?

    As in a second alternate future where Jean survived? Originally the Days of Future Past timeline was the one where Jean survived – she and Scott married and had Rachel.

  • #3010

    Oh, I guess I forgot about that. Yeah, probably another alternate future then, unless Hickman wants Rachel (Prestige is a godawful codename, btw) to have traveled back from that same reality’s future instead of universe-hopping as well as time-hopping.

  • #3278


    Who do we think Apocalypse is banging?

    I feel like if Apocalypse is banging anyone it’s probably Mystique. I just think he’d be into her whole deal.

  • #3282


  • #3285


    Please treat this discussion more seriously, David

  • #3350

    Who do we think Apocalypse is banging

    Don’t you remember Life 9 Moira?

  • #3403


    Who do we think Apocalypse is banging?

    I’m trying my damnedest not to think of Apocalypse having sex.

  • #3405

    here you go JR

  • #3406

    For all intents and purposes, Kid Cablesaying “Hey Mum” to jean makes perfect sense as she raised him with Scott as Redd and Slym in The Adventures of Cyclops and Pheonix.

  • #3407

    Gotdammit, Rocket!

  • #3422


    Who do we think Apocalypse is banging?

    I’m trying my damnedest not to think of Apocalypse having sex.

    Weirdly enough, I had a similar reaction this weekend when I read the Apocalypse vs Dracula miniseries, featuring a whole bunch of A’s descendants… a whole clan of them.

  • #3437

    Just by virtue of his age, Poccy is probably the horniest most polyamorous X-man. Wolvie is next.

  • #3447

    For all intents and purposes, Kid Cablesaying “Hey Mum” to jean makes perfect sense as she raised him with Scott as Redd and Slym in The Adventures of Cyclops and Pheonix.

    They did; but I think Nathan always referred to them AS “Slym” and “Redd”, not “Dad” and “Mum” didn’t he?

    Again, while it’s got a superficial explanation, it’s part of the whole atmosphere of unease I think Hickman’s deliberately creating.

  • #3454

    Just by virtue of his age, Poccy is probably the horniest most polyamorous X-man. Wolvie is next.

    Oh, God, now I just had a visual of Apocalypse and Wolverine doing it.

  • #3462

    Oh, they’ve definitely done it.

  • #3483

    Inside the DAWN OF X Brain Trust with X-FORCE, NEW MUTANTS, EXCALIBUR, WOLVERINE Writers

  • #3721

    Your spot on there Mike.

    I guess we have to assume that he’s been given the revelation that Scott is his actual father and Jean adoptive mother off-panel somewhere. Let’s just say Blaquesmith and the ghost of Rachel Summers/ Mother Askani had a chat to him in the future and that’s why he came back for extermination.

    I still hate that he exists in the here and now. Send him back with a mind wipe and be done with it.

    I dread to think how he’s going to be portrayed in Fallen Angles and we are well past due a confrontation between him and Hope.

  • #3745

    Marauders 1 – Well, that was a fun read full of humour, some teasing bits about future mysteries, and a little Wolverine being Wolverine.

    Long live Captain Kate Pryde

  • #3747

    Pyro being *original* Pyro adds an interesting perspective to the resurrections.

  • #3809

    How so? Wondering because seeing him made me immediately think of the Legacy Virus, especially with him on a boat. Kind of echoed the scene when Exodus tried to recruit Toad’s Brotherhood and said Pyro wasn’t welcome because he was “tainted.”

    I really liked Marauders. Kitty felt like Claremont’s Kitty in a way she hasn’t since the beginning of Whedon’s run, which is also interesting given that led by grounding the Kitty/ma relationship.

  • #3811

    Thoughts on Maruaders:

    1. Kate Pryde the Pirate is great and fun. I like that she drinks whisky.

    2. Pyro is also fun. His speech is a little on the bloody nose though. Mate, i would never speak like that. Bloomin yobbo.

    3. Curious to see if Kate’s relationship with Krakoa will develop, or if its just a plot device. It feels like a plot device.

    4. I can’t get use to calling her Kate.

    5. The stuff about the anti-mutant presence around gateways certainly makes sense, but there’s a part of me that wonders why they dont create gateways in safer spots and have exit strategies for the mutants who are imprisoned.

    6. I hope there’s some banging. I feel like pirates should be doing a lot of banging.

    I give it 7 out of 10 Horny Pirate Mutants.

  • #3824

    Pyro died at the same time as Moira appeared to, around about UXM 389. That makes him the furthest back resurrection we know of so far I think.

    What’s more interesting is that original Aussie Pyro has been appearing in comics for a wee while now (he was in the 2018 Iceman series for an issue). He appeared to be resurrected as part of the Necrosha event and just didn’t go back to being dead after; this issue implies that it was Xavier and the Five who brought him back, and if so, that was a few years ago – it shifts the timeline further back for when Krakoa became “active”

    (What makes it trickier is that that Iceman issue came out at the same time as the Xavier/X resurrection storyline in Astonishing X-Men, which makes the timeline harder to pin down. The last scene of that Astonishing arc is X standing in a natural landscape saying “I have a new dream now”)

    Now, that’s either great seeding for Hickman waaaaaay before we would have expected it, or Hickman is making a good job of creating a cohesive narrative out of the mess of recent X-continuity.

  • #3825

    6. I hope there’s some banging. I feel like pirates should be doing a lot of banging.

    “Iceman’s Adventures with the Top Men” is the title of issue 4, so I think we’re good.

  • #3827

    Heh I thought that was a cheeky line

  • #3828

    Genuinely, I totally love that Bobby is into the “living my best life” stage

  • #3830

    implies that it was Xavier and the Five who brought him back, and if so, that was a few years ago – it shifts the timeline further back for when Krakoa became “active”

    … it also implies, which is also tricky, that Hope was working with Xavier/Krakoa at around about the same time as she was appearing in Rosenberg’s X-Men being an antagonist to Scott’s team.

  • #3843

    I’m no sure if we’ll ever get an answer to the timeline. I didn’t read Soule’s X-men or the Iceman series. I did read Rosenberg’s Uncanny though, for the most part – it was so brutal that it really felt like it was happening in another universe. You really did get the sense that the X-Editors didn’t care because everything was going to change anyway when Hickman’s run starts.

    I suspect Hickman is going to leave the “gap” between his run and the previous runs more or less up to the imagination of the reader.

    I am expecting him to (or someone) to clear up some of the larger continuity questions in general terms like did Xavier and Magneto “find out” about Moira and then “forget until now”? If so, why? If not, how do we make sense of Xavier and Magneto’s established history?

  • #3850

    I think he is planning on filling in some of the gaps – scenes like the flashback with Xavier and Doug as they made “first contact” with Krakoa for example imply there is at least some of the story we will get to see.

  • #3851

    I thought the Pyro in Iceman was the new guy from X-Men Gold.

  • #3854

    Is there any stuff in Marauders that’s worth mentioning for relevance to the larger story? I’m only picking up the Hickman books and I’m assuming all the key stuff for his run will be in there.

  • #3856

    Is there any stuff in Marauders that’s worth mentioning for relevance to the larger story? I’m only picking up the Hickman books and I’m assuming all the key stuff for his run will be in there.

    As far as issue one goes Dave I would say it is supplementary.

    The format really follows Hickman’s template, we get the info dumps and graphics but I don’t think on the evidence of this issue there’s anything essential to following the story. You get to see how certain characters react to the new status quo but not anything I think you’d have to read.

  • #3857

    There hasnt been any banging.

    Were all very hopeful there will be but at the moment it seems to mostly be standalone, non-banging storytelling.

  • #3863

    As far as issue one goes Dave I would say it is supplementary.

    The format really follows Hickman’s template, we get the info dumps and graphics but I don’t think on the evidence of this issue there’s anything essential to following the story. You get to see how certain characters react to the new status quo but not anything I think you’d have to read.

    Thanks, that’s exactly what I wanted to know.

  • #3871

    Is there any stuff in Marauders that’s worth mentioning for relevance to the larger story? I’m only picking up the Hickman books and I’m assuming all the key stuff for his run will be in there.

    I had originally thought I would only follow the main series, Dave, but I gave Marauders a shot and really liked it. It feels like a different kind of X-Men story than has been told before but still fundamentally an X-Men story.

    As far as speculation, is it possible that Hickman is implying that Kate Pryde might be a Neo (from Claremont’s second run) and not a mutant? Or am I misremembering her involvement and she was just being invited to join them.

  • #3872

    I thought the Pyro in Iceman was the new guy from X-Men Gold.

    Both. New X-Men Gold Pyro was in the Iceman run as well.

    (Bobby slept with New Pyro, and he and Young Bobby fought Original Aussie Pyro)

  • #3910

    I guess I’d forgotten the second one. Maybe that was a plant for what was coming? I feel like for as “meaningless” as we look at that general era of X-books, if Hickman’s been planning as long as has been hinted at, there was also a lot of ground being laid. I’d love to see an interview with him and Matt Rosenberg detailing some of that once it wouldn’t spoil anything, because Rosenberg’s books in particular seemed to do a lot of heavy lifting, both in terms of bringing key mutants back and laying seeds.

  • #3912

    Oh, the carte blanche for wholesale slaughter that Rosenberg had had to be with foreknowledge of Krakoan resurrection.

    I’m tempted to go back and reread that entire run to see if there are any subtle Easter eggs jumping out now.

  • #3913

    He had a lot of stuff going on across New Mutants, Uncanny, and even Astonishing, especially in regards to T/O. A lot paid off in Uncanny, but didn’t he also write the Astonishing annual that put Xavier on his new path?

  • #3924

    If it was Kitty just being a Neo, it shouldn’t be that difficult to detect it, so I guess it is something else. I ended up rereading part of Carey’s run on X-Men because it was pointed out that the post-human in X-Men 1 was from it. Side note, those issues have TERRIBLE, TERRIBLE SPANISH.

  • #3953

    I would be surprised if Hickman was trying to meticulously connect into the previous story or vice versa. I thought we were meant to understand that the resurrection of the strike team was the first time this had been done beyond some smaller scale experiments. Otherwise, Xavier’s reaction to their deaths is a bit overblown.

  • #3960

    How so?

    Do you mean the celebration afterwards?

    I certainly didn’t get the impression it was the first time.

  • #3961

    How so?

    Do you mean the celebration afterwards?

    I certainly didn’t get the impression it was the first time.

    No. The way Xavier reacted to their deaths. He was crying and said something like “No more deaths.” I don’t have the issue in front of me so I don’t remember the exact quote. That’s a bit overblown if he knows he’s just going to bring them back in a few days and has brought others (and likely them) back before. I got the feeling from their death scene that this was the moment he decided to go forward with that program full scale having maybe previously only tested it on a small scale.

  • #3963

    Oh I’ll have to have another look. I don’t remember that.

    If been thinking Krakoa was ressurection city

  • #3965

    I would be surprised if Hickman was trying to meticulously connect into the previous story or vice versa. I thought we were meant to understand that the resurrection of the strike team was the first time this had been done beyond some smaller scale experiments. Otherwise, Xavier’s reaction to their deaths is a bit overblown.

    That doesn’t make work. A huge number of dead mutants were back alive in HoX. It’s clear he’s been doing it on a large scale for some time.

  • #3966

    Yeah I had assumed this is at least Scott’s second resurrection, because, well he was shot in the face in the previous run…

  • #3967

    If it was Kitty just being a Neo, it shouldn’t be that difficult to detect it, so I guess it is something else. I ended up rereading part of Carey’s run on X-Men because it was pointed out that the post-human in X-Men 1 was from it. Side note, those issues have TERRIBLE, TERRIBLE SPANISH.

    It don’t think the gates are geared to just work on mutants. Corsair has a gate and I think the human politicians in the first House of X issue used one.

    I think it’s either something ti do with her powers, or Krakoa doesn’t want someone who can potentially phase through to his secrets about.

  • #3989

    That doesn’t make work. A huge number of dead mutants were back alive in HoX. It’s clear he’s been doing it on a large scale for some time.

    Yeah I had assumed this is at least Scott’s second resurrection, because, well he was shot in the face in the previous run…

    I don’t think Hickman is paying any attention to the previous run. He is picking and choosing a bit what is and isn’t in his continuity like all writers do. It’s odd to expect that what he is doing is connected to what happened just previous when he has gone so far out of his way to reset things. Your old comics don’t matter. ;-)

    It don’t think the gates are geared to just work on mutants. Corsair has a gate and I think the human politicians in the first House of X issue used one.

    When they first talk about the gates, they are explicit that humans can only come through when accompanied and invited by a mutant. Even then, they have to ask Krakoa for permission.
    So either Krakoa has something with Kate or she’s not a mutant and can’t cross through on her own. That’s why I thought Hickman (and Duggan) might be picking up the old thread with her being a Neo since he seems fascinated by the various evolutionary strains within the X-Men universe.
    Was she a Neo or was the Neo guy just fascinated with her? I seem to remember that story just dropping abruptly. Ironically, that was also Leinil Yu (current artist of X-Men) on pencils

  • #3991

    Also, is it weird to anyone else that we’ve seen or mentioned all of these mutants but not Colossus? I would think especially with Kate being the main push of the book there would at least be a mention. I mean they mention Illyana.

  • #3994

    He’s in X-Force.

  • #3997

    I don’t think Hickman is paying any attention to the previous run. He is picking and choosing a bit what is and isn’t in his continuity like all writers do. It’s odd to expect that what he is doing is connected to what happened just previous when he has gone so far out of his way to reset things. Your old comics don’t matter.

    Sure, but if you read up this thread even a little you’ll see this very aspect has been discussed.

    X-fans are notorious continuity fans and it seems like Hickman is providing a space for fans to fill in their own continuity. Case in point, the many previously dead mutants being dead mutants no longer.

    Also, umm Ronnie? Your face… your face does not matter. :scratch:

  • #4004

    I got the impression from the text pieces in HoX/PoX that the resurrections had been going on for a while – particularly the mentions of how the five mutants involved had grown closer as a result of being involved in the process.

  • #4012


    I’m just really disappointed that given the opportunity we choose to talk about continuity instead of banging. Worst nerds ever

  • #4019

    I don’t think Hickman is paying any attention to the previous run.

    Cullen Bunn gave an interview this week where he said he was slightly limited in what he could do in his X-Men run because Hickman was *already* in the background planning for HoX/PoX.

    I think there’s going to be a degree of events from the last few years that will click into place the more of Krakoan Xavier’s work is revealed.

  • #4023

    (And yes, while I totally get there is some continuity-nerdery over this, I think it’s also part of the plot.

    The X-Men *are* acting oddly, albeit subtly so in most cases. I think the idea that Charles has been pulling strings in the background for a while is likely to be relevant. Though how he managed to go unseen by characters like Legion and Nate Grey is also intriguing)

  • #4024

    (And yes, while I totally get there is some continuity-nerdery over this, I think it’s also part of the plot.

    The X-Men *are* acting oddly, albeit subtly so in most cases. I think the idea that Charles has been pulling strings in the background for a while is likely to be relevant. Though how he managed to go unseen by characters like Legion and Nate Grey is also intriguing)

  • #4028

    Wasn’t going to read the Marauders but I enjoyed it a lot more than the X men comic. It’s a lot of fun.

  • #4030

    He’s in X-Force.

    There he is! Thanks, Paul.

    Sure, but if you read up this thread even a little you’ll see this very aspect has been discussed.

    X-fans are notorious continuity fans and it seems like Hickman is providing a space for fans to fill in their own continuity. Case in point, the many previously dead mutants being dead mutants no longer.

    I got the impression from the text pieces in HoX/PoX that the resurrections had been going on for a while – particularly the mentions of how the five mutants involved had grown closer as a result of being involved in the process.

    I got the feeling that it had been experimented with before and kicked off in earnest from the point of resurrecting the strike team due to Professor X’s resolution at the end of the issue where they all died. Otherwise, his reaction is way overblown. I got the feeling that a good portion of House of X was being told as if it had already happened hence the text pieces stating the current state of being. I mean we saw the resurrection of the strike team without knowing it at the very beginning of the series.
    I don’t think a lot of writers (including Hickman) really care about how much X-fans (even psychopaths like Abnett) do or don’t care about continuity. I think they all pick and choose the things they like in X-Men continuity and use those while ignoring the stuff they don’t give a shit about. Hence the vast amount of contradictory continuity in the X-Men universe.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 4 months ago by RonnieM.
  • #4034

    don’t think a lot of writers (including Hickman) really care about how much X-fans (even psychopaths like Abnett) do or don’t care about continuity. I think they all pick and choose the things they like in X-Men continuity and use those while ignoring the stuff they don’t give a shit about. Hence the vast amount of contradictory continuity in the X-Men universe.

    I just feel like saying “welcome to reading the x-books”? :unsure:

    Hickmans doesnt operate like other writers though. Hes a meticulous planner.

    How that manifests going forward remains to be seen, but your take on the inaugral issues seems different to mine.

  • #4052

  • #4053

    I still love you Ronnie, and if we lived on Polyamorous Mutant Island, you would love me too.

  • #4060

    The strike team is definitely not the beginning of resurrections in earnest. HoX/PoX has far too many obscure references for Hickman not to be aware of who was dead and who wasn’t. Pyro also says in Marauders that he was one of the first mutant resurrected.

  • #4065

    Yeah, there are so many characters who were “dead” pre HoX 1 who now clearly aren’t. The strike team resurrections definitely not the first, or anywhere near it.

  • #4068

    I’m impressed that Ronnie made it to post 198 of this thread before falling asleep.

  • #4072

    Hickman, Dauterman Resurrect Giant-Size X-Men as New Ongoing Series

  • #4096

    That’s a different costume than the one Jeans wearing now. Closer to her X-men Red costume.

  • #4107

    Ohhh, X-Men are going to bankrupt me.

  • #4109

    It was posted in the Marvel general thread, but let’s include it here too:



    Coincidentally, I reread the original FF vs X-Men mini the other day, that was one of my first Marvel comics IIRC.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 4 months ago by Eduardo.
  • #4120

    Those look great.

    I’m expecting we’ll get a return of the Uncanny title at some point.

  • #4125

    First Look: Wolverine #1 interior art by Adam Kubert revealed at MCM Comic Con

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