The thread I split off from the old one seems to have vanished, or I’ve brained my damage. Anyway:
Home » Forums » The Loveland Arms – pub chat » Funny pictures, images and the like
The thread I split off from the old one seems to have vanished, or I’ve brained my damage. Anyway:
He’s going very Woody Allen.
He’s going very Woody Allen.
You never go full Woody Allen.
Ha! But I will say in Canada there is a fee for an ambulance in Canada when you call 911
Basically it’s to deter a free ride to the hospital.
$50 with us, or call a cab/Uber for $20 – $40. Up to you (but they will tell you the options and what your best bet is).
That scenario woukd be for a residential call. A workplace falls into a different category and they would want 4 times as much.
- This reply was modified 1 month, 2 weeks ago by
In China people have to pay insurance to get healthcare and that insurance often covers only like 50 % of the cost.
That’s fucking genius.
I heard this letter just got sold at an auction for 40K:
Past 10 pages. Is another pic thread going to start?
Past 10 pages. Is another pic thread going to start?
No we’re going wild and pushing through to 12
Past 10 pages. Is another pic thread going to start?
No we’re going wild and pushing through to 12
That’s just crazy talk!
Madness, I say! MADNESS!!!
RE: The 8 year old chess player.
I passed it off and I figured it was a pic of a kid walking by and a made up comment (of course he lost, he’s 8!).
Then my sister handed me my ass (by text even, she’s good at that, most women in my life are, don’t dare fight back…).
So near as we could figure the pic came from Facebook with no fact-checking, and that’s the joke.
RE: The 8 year old chess player.
I passed it off and I figured it was a pic of a kid walking by and a made up comment (of course he lost, he’s 8!).
Then my sister handed me my ass (by text even, she’s good at that, most women in my life are, don’t dare fight back…).
So near as we could figure the pic came from Facebook with no fact-checking, and that’s the joke.
It was a joke in the Simpsons, so 50/50 they were referencing a historical event or this meme is fake and rreferencing it.
It was a joke in the Simpsons, so 50/50 they were referencing a historical event or this meme is fake and rreferencing it.
Jesus, the extent of popcultural knowledge we now need to get a meme. And on the other hand, there’s so many people who won’t make the effort to find out how vaccinations work.
I am a chess enthusiast following the players. Occasionally, they have these exhibitions of one pro taking on multiple players on tables. The pro usually sweeps up. I knew of Reshevsky in his older days, and this take was funny.
Preach Sagan:
I am a chess enthusiast following the players. Occasionally, they have these exhibitions of one pro taking on multiple players on tables. The pro usually sweeps up.
I remember a great Derren Brown episode where he played against six chess grandmasters in the same room simultaneously, and managed to beat half of them.
The trick was that he paired them in his mind and replicated their moves against each other. A simple but smart trick.
Dems neglect:
This would be funny if it wasn’t so true.
Last week was Bizarro’s 40th anniversary –
I never thought I’d say that. It seems simultaneously like yesterday and ten lifetimes ago that I began this career. As I regularly proclaim, There is no greater mind-f*ck than time!
In the early ‘80s, I was working as a commercial illustrator doing realistic drawings of food products for newspaper ads and coupons. It was better than making change in a toll booth, but not much more exciting.
In my spare time, I drew cartoons to entertain myself. After a few of years of that, I had nearly a hundred and thought getting them published might be a way to escape advertising. I sent them to newspaper syndication companies and hoped for the best.
Instead of “the best,” I got a basket of rejection letters.
In 1984, however, a small San Francisco syndicate called Chronicle Features decided to give me a try. They had given Gary Larson his first break five years previous and in 1985, he moved The Far Side to a larger syndicate. That left a slot in CF’s stable that they filled with Bizarro.
My first cartoon ran on Jan 21, 1985. (For non-Americans, that’s 21 January, 1985.) The following ugly drawing of a fairly stupid joke was my first syndicated cartoon.
It was a big deal and I was thrilled. I thought my ship had come in, and soon I’d be sailing it away from the advertising world forever. But a couple of facts followed that were like a two-by-four to the teeth:
1) It had taken me three years to complete my first 100 cartoons. They got me signed to a syndication contract, but only two of that original batch were considered professional enough to publish. After signing that first 5-year contract, I had 100 days to create the next 100 cartoons. And then one each day, 365 days a year, for five years.
Looking at the five-year picture, it seemed an impossible task to write and draw 1825 cartoons (give or take a leap year). I lay awake at night wondering if I only had 200 cartoon ideas in me and what I’d do when I hit that wall.
Then the second Reality Shoe dropped…
2) My first monthly royalty check was around $100. (It takes years to build a client list that will support you.) It would take me 12 more years to be able to quit my day job in advertising.
It was the worst get-rich-quick scheme one could imagine.
Now, forty years later, I can’t believe I’ve written and drawn so many cartoons. (And I’m still not rich.) Since Jan of 2018, Wayno has done 6/7th of the writing and drawing, so my daily efforts ended after 33 years. Still, that was over 12,000 cartoons. WTF?!
Fortunately, creativity happens one moment at a time. I didn’t have to cough up 12,000+ cartoons all at once, I could do it one day at a time. It’s how everything gets done.
I love this expression from writer Annie Dillard (paraphrased):
How you spend your day is how you spend your life.
I’ve made art and comedy of one kind or another every day of my life. I haven’t enjoyed every moment, but the majority of it has been pretty gratifying. And I’m not done yet.
Have fun each day, Jazz Pickles.
Holy ****!
I could really get into this.
(Realistically, if it was 25 years ago, but the idea is there…)
I really want to see this!!!
I really want to see this!!!
Fill your boots.
I have an android phone, same as my brother and many of our friends.
One sister (and my mom) are part of the Apple/Iphone cult/religion/gong show and it’s long past time for an intervention.
We got sent this…
If anyone has any comeback pics I wouldn’t say no.
My brothers responses are cool though.
“Most new ones have a crank, Julie.”
“What runs IPhones again? Baby seal blood or some such?”
- This reply was modified 1 month ago by
Uncle Retrospective.
- This reply was modified 1 month ago by
Uncle Retrospective.
- This reply was modified 1 month ago by
Uncle Retrospective.
That’s awesome!