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Tags: Bizarro
Due to the clownravirus outbreak…
Has Galactus made a statement?
Galactus is closely monitoring developments around the coronavirus outbreak. The health and safety of his heralds is always his top priority and he will continue to follow the latest advice concerning the outbreak from official planetary sources, and will keep up to date with the latest guidance on edible cosmic objects from the interstellar authorities.
I saw this on Facebook
I saw this on Facebook
I wouldn’t take Batman’s advice on face masks given that literally all of him is covered except the part that needs to be.
I saw this on Facebook
I wouldn’t take Batman’s advice on face masks given that literally all of him is covered except the part that needs to be.
He has a very thin, to the point of invisibility, mask around his mouth and nose. I mean, he’s the goddamn Batman!
I fail to see how ordering a planet to be blown up, getting in lightsaber fights, choking people using a universal energy field, and throwing a Sith Lord down a shaft would help stop the spread, but I guess you’ll find my lack of faith disturbing.
Now I just don’t know what to think
Great story, but unfortunately never happened.
Do I wanna know what Dr. Manhattan Kool-Aid tastes like?
Do I wanna know what Dr. Manhattan Kool-Aid tastes like?
You tasted it 30 minutes ago.
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