Funny pictures and images

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  • #4007

  • #4091

    Where did the “White People in Horror Movies Meme” start? I can’t find the source.
    I DID find a good Twitter thread though;

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 1 month ago by SteveUK.
    • This reply was modified 5 years, 1 month ago by SteveUK.
  • #4095

    So the board thinks I’m spamming? I get it. It was a lot of images.
    But if it can be un-hidden…?

  • #4130

  • #4139

  • #4218

  • #4316

  • #4388

  • #4419

  • #4436


  • #4437


  • #4439

    It could be a smartphone for nostalgic elderly people and/or hipsters that just looks like a landline. :-)

  • #4443

    A female Twitter friend of mine tweeted a version of that joke a couple of days ago (I won’t say those people ripped her off, but I remember her doing that joke before several years ago, so…) and got *inundated* with men explaining to her you can text landlines. Nearly 500 replies. “You Had One Job” posts it; no mansplainy responses.

  • #4452

  • #4468

  • #4505

    Where did the “White People in Horror Movies Meme” start? I can’t find the source.

    I always thought it was Scary Movie but i can find any proof.

  • #4529

    I always thought it was Scary Movie but i can find any proof.

    Pretty sure that’s Ryan Philippe and Sarah Michelle Gellar from I KNOW WHAT YOU DID LAST SUMMER

  • #4574

  • #4575

  • #4576

  • #4579

    A prescriptivist! My natural enemy!

  • #4589

    Zebra Lollipop

  • #4599

    Having just done a 3-day gaming con, two months after the biggest literary SF con in the world, I feel this one so much

  • #4603

  • #4620

    A prescriptivist! My natural enemy!

    I think there’s a distinction between a prescriptivist and somebody who uses correct grammar. That guy is just making his sign correct and unambiguous.
    A prescriptivist will argue for a perceived superior style even when it makes no difference to comprehension. That’s different to* following a rule that is necessary for unambiguous comprehension, such as following the universally-accepted standard for distinguishing possessives from plurals.
    * Note that a (British) prescriptivist would require “from” here; using “to” does not affect comprehension, however, and anybody who feels the need to challenge it is a prescriptivist. Or an American, who would want to say “than” because Americans are mad :mail:

  • #4670

    because Americans are mad

    We’re Mad?? you call crossing guards “lollipop ladies” :unsure:

  • #4675

    …but they carry big lollipops and they aren’t guarding a crossing, they are helping people across it. It makes perfect sense.


  • #4714

    We have a lollipop man by our school, so I think we should respect equality and call them the lollipop people.

    Although that sounds like a ’60s pop band.

  • #4720

    …but they carry big lollipops and they aren’t guarding a crossing, they are helping people across it. It makes perfect sense.


    Those lollipops don’t look edible.

  • #4730

    We have a lollipop man by our school, so I think we should respect equality and call them the lollipop people.

    Although that sounds like a ’60s pop band.

    Lollipop Guild? Wait…..

  • #4744

  • #4767

  • #4845

  • #4871

  • #4899


  • #4912


  • #4932

  • #5005

  • #5035


  • #5048

  • #5069

  • #5079

  • #5084

  • #5103

  • #5148

  • #5150



  • #5197

  • #5289

  • #5300

  • #5347

    The Lion King

  • #5381

    Why? He still has his right arm.

  • #5399

  • #5428

  • #5445

    But there’s six, given the two red ones on his device.

  • #5477


  • #5486

  • #5515

  • #5516

  • #5531

  • #5534

  • #5540


  • #5541

  • #5544

  • #5666



  • #5677

  • #5838

  • #5841

    And what is meant by “good”? What if I say “Duty to the virtue of G-dliness is good for the individual, by in the modern world, the only way for anyone to cultivate that is for Liberty to be good for the State. And for both to exist, knowledge is good, but us not The Good”? So I speak of individual goodness and of national goodness, and if a greater good and a lesser good. Nobody on that list even is quotes as making those distinctions.

  • #5996

  • #5997


  • #6006


  • #6056

    Oh hey! This one’s off a German TV show. Funny that it made it into the memesphere.

    Nobody on that list even is quoted as making those distinctions.

    That’s because those are one-sentence paraphrases. Shockingly, the philosophical theories of those scholars are rather more complex than such a one-sentence summary can accurately reflect.

  • #6060

  • #6106

  • #6207


  • #6216


  • #6226

  • #6228

    The most ridiculous GunKata ever.

  • #6234


  • #6322

  • #6336

  • #6354

  • #6432

  • #6450

    I couldn’t agree more.

  • #6496

  • #6505

  • #6595

    I’d buy those.

  • #6612

    I apparently get an email from Quora now and today it asked this question

    Did Robin ever make Starfire pregnant?
    Dean Hacker
    Dean Hacker, M.B.A. from Pepperdine University (1998)
    Written Nov 7

    i guess i have DC comics as one of my interests.

  • #6637

  • #6666


  • #6681

  • #6683

    I’m up for a Godzilla v Asterix final

  • #6731

    The math checks out.

  • #6758

    Looks like Ford v Superman for me.

  • #6767

    Asterix beats Superman in the semi-final. Magic potion!

  • #6768

    Oops, double post. Here is a picture of a flower to make up for it.

  • #6770

    Oops, double post. Here is a picture of a flower to make up for it.

    “You blundering blockheads, I said I wanted to be power incarnate, not flower incarnate!”

  • #6806

  • #6808

    “You blundering blockheads, I said I wanted to be power incarnate, not flower incarnate!”

    I actually read that in Skeletor’s voice.

  • #6831

  • #6840

    Christ, it’s actually real.

    Diana: A Tribute

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