Home » Forums » The Loveland Arms – pub chat » Funny pictures and images II: The wrath of Boogaloo
Bats men
2x(Batman) + Wolverine + the other thing = 4 things
It’s right there in the picture. Look again.
Bats man!!
It’s super cute until you realize it’s the crow who pecked out his right eye.
It’s super cute until you realize it’s the crow who pecked out his right eye.
Actually the crow just flew past his eye and he tried to stab it.
It’s super cute until you realize it’s the crow who pecked out his right eye.
Actually the crow just flew past his eye and he tried to stab it.
Why is he riding the subway and not a horse with eight legs?
It’s super cute until you realize it’s the crow who pecked out his right eye.
Actually the crow just flew past his eye and he tried to stab it.
Why is he riding the subway and not a horse with eight legs?
Have you tried to get parking in a city recently?
“Is it possible to capture the entire plane of our galaxy in a single image? Yes, but not in one exposure — and it took some planning to do it in two. The top part of the featured image is the night sky above Lebanon, north of the equator, taken in 2017 June. The image was taken at a time when the central band of the Milky Way Galaxy passed directly overhead. The bottom half was similarly captured six months later in latitude-opposite Chile, south of Earth’s equator. Each image therefore captured the night sky in exactly the opposite direction of the other, when fully half the Galactic plane was visible.”
Former Trump press secretary goes to work for Team Stark
Obvious solution: Hand him some Marx.
If he’s that in to Hegel, I fear he would only become one of those academically inclined middle-class communist that end up giving us working-class cannon fodder communists a bad image!
Could just as well give him Siddharta by Hesse and wish him good luck finding himself in India when we wave goodbye at the airport.
Then we repurpose his house as a base for the resistance! Glory to the proletariat!
Yeah. I’m saving this for repeated future use.
A friend of mine made that gif saying, ‘This is the only gif I ever been arsed to make, that’s how strongly i feel for Francis Higgins’
A nice family portrait:
What if you do shut your mouth though?
An IT contractor I knew had a story that started like that photo – apparently this one office was renovating and wanted to seal off under a staircase. But there was nowhere else to put a computer running an application everyone accessed remotely. So they left it in place and walled it in, with just a power and a network cable sticking out. She discovered it when they were auditing the site for an upgrade and couldn’t physically locate the computer.
I actually enjoy much of the fiction that attributes the Monster with intelligence and feelings but never have believed he was a victim. That said I could see why certain groups of people might think that. He was mistreated and denied rights by his employer(master) and he was ostracized and harassed(killed) by people under the influence of Mob Mentality.
Add “Linguists who study (or includes in their studies) the languages of the Indian subcontinent”-Â Hindi,Urdu, Bengali, Punjabi, Marathi, Sinhalese, Nepalese and Gujarati are all “Indo-Aryan” languages, a subgroup of Indo-Iranian, a group of Indo-European.
pull quote
So to speak.
This is from 1912, but I think history has shown us that they were just scaremongering without good reason.
This is from 1912, but I think history has shown us that they were just scaremongering without good reason.
That is… wow. I was sceptical, checked Snopes, turns out this is real. Also:
>>The first person to use the term “greenhouse gases” was a Swedish scientist named Svante Arrhenius in 1896. In a paper published that year, he made an early calculation of how much warmer the Earth was thanks to the energy-trapping nature of some of the gases in the atmosphere. Even at this early stage, he understood that humans had the potential to play a significant role in changing the concentration of at least one of those gases, carbon dioxide (carbonic acid back then):
“The world’s present production of coal reaches in round numbers 500 millions of tons per annum, or 1 ton per km of earth’s surface. Transformed into carbonic acid, this quantity would correspond to about a thousandth part of the carbonic acid in the atmosphere.”
Though he didn’t explicitly say in that paper that human activity could warm the planet, Arrhenius would go on to make that argument in later works. A 2008 tribute to Arrhenius published by the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences stated that his ideas about coal and climate were popular and well known in his day but fell out of favor for a while after his death in 1927.<<
Just… wow.
Also, fuck, Andrew, what the hell?!
This dude is a genius. Does he do this stuff on facebook?
I just got the screenshots sent to me, I wouldn’t touch facebook with a light year-long bargepole.
I think Gar posted some of the same guy. He should do some stand up comedy maybe, he’s hilarious.
Don’t be jealous, JR.
If you like its chin, you like fish sticks.
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