Doctor Who: now discussing Joy To The World (with spoilers from 25 December!)

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Viewing 100 replies - 101 through 200 (of 575 total)
  • #90425

    I sense it’s on a bit of a holding pattern now. I haven’t been as down on the Chibnall era as most but in general it has been a bit bland. I’d rate most of it on a chart as ‘okay’.

    We all know RTD is coming back and love him or hate him (or sometimes both at the same time) he doesn’t really do ‘bland’.

    I’m more enticed by the idea that with one more episode left can they feasibly actually drop the new Doctor as a surprise on screen and not in a TV ‘reveal’ or newspaper story.

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  • #90961



  • #91290

    And the new Doctor is:

    Ncuti Gawa.

    The usual suspects are going to be in meltdown – good.

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  • #91291

    Total unknown quantity for me but I’m prepared to be pleasantly surprised. RTD usually knows what he’s doing.

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  • #91292

    I knew none of the It’s A Sin cast – they were all fantastic.

    I’m sure Gawa will be similar.

  • #91293

    Although I guess this means months of arguments over “wokeness” which is probably going to be tiresome.

    Any casting announcement would probably get that either way these days though.

    And to be honest I think it’s good to make ultra clear that the Doctor can be any gender or race. Get through a couple of regenerations of that novelty and then it means that the field will forever be wide open to casting options in future.

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  • #91294

    Frankly, stuff them.

    They can go in search of their imaginary non-woke Doctor.  Along with those who want aryan Star Wars and bleached Star Trek.

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  • #91295

    Frankly, stuff them.

    They can go in search of their imaginary non-woke Doctor.  Along with those who want aryan Star Wars and bleached Star Trek.

    And let’s be honest, those people who are complaining about “wokeness” in those properties don’t understand them or aren’t familiar with them to begin with. They complain about diversity yet fail to comprehend that it is an inherent property of them.

    Their “thoughts” are irrelevant and unimportant.

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  • #91296

    I only watched the first season of Sex Education, but he was very good in that.

    Apparently he’s also one of the fifty people in the next Band of Brothers miniseries, Masters of the Air.

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  • #91297

    For those wondering, and I’m sure it’ll be said incorrectly many times over the next few years, probably, he pronounces his name “Shooty”:

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  • #91299

    Sounds good to me. He’s great is Sex Education.

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  • #91301

    He’s great in Sex Education, full of charisma. It’s not a very Doctor-like character but you know…acting.

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  • #91304

  • #91308

    Yeah, that looks like a good choice.

    I guess I’ll be back for RTD’s new run.

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  • #91314

    I’m only dimly aware of him – I’ve still not tried Sex Education – but he’s an exciting choice on paper, a young, black Doctor. I’d say this is probably the boldest and exciting casting of the Doctor since Matt Smith.

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  • #91316

    I’ve still not tried Sex Education

    Wow, British schools are terrible

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  • #91317

    I guess I’ll be back for RTD’s new run.

    I’ve loved Doctor Who since I was a small kid and Tom Baker was in the role but in truth right now I prefer RTD as a creator. He has a particular way of working which revolves around starting with emotion and dialogue which in truth is the opposite of most ‘hard sci-fi’ demands of plot first. He will as he did first time annoy a lot of people but I relish the bits that annoy them.

    It’s a Sin was an emotional journey I have rarely experienced in TV, a masterpiece in my mind. Yes it has his ‘tics’ as a writer but I don’t see that as a bad thing, I grew up on the tics of Claremont and loved them in Whedon and Sorkin. If a writer has nothing to identify them with are they at risk of being just bland?

  • #91323

    The usual suspects are going to be in meltdown – good.

    He will as he did first time annoy a lot of people but I relish the bits that annoy them.

    I totally get the sentiment from both of you here, but it’s never something that occurs to me. I don’t want this show to annoy the “right people”, I want it to be so good that even the initial naysayers have to admit that they misjudged it and that it turned out really well.

    The show had a moment like that with Matt Smith (who pretty much blew everyone away with his performance, and changed the minds of a lot of people who had questioned his casting) and I’m hoping that anyone unsure about this casting ends up similarly swayed. Because ultimately I want the show to be great and for it to have the widest appeal possible.

    Like I say, I get the sentiment, but it feels like getting sucked into either side of these divisive arguments means playing a game that I don’t want to play. For me, the best possible outcome is that everyone agrees the next version of the show is fantastic, not that there’s a faction of people who hate it (or elements of it) but that I’m happy because the right people are unhappy.

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  • #91326


    I know about the Timelords, but in these other shows…

    Old Star Trek Voyager had episodes where in the future Starfleet maintains and monitors the timeline and the latest season of Picard that wrapped up, you can find out what it is about…

    Then in the MCU, the TVA with the One Who Remains etc.

    So, how powerful are the TimeLords?

    Don’t they have the potential to be portrayed to be even greater given how others are who monitor timelines are in these other shows?

  • #91331

    The usual suspects are going to be in meltdown – good.

    He will as he did first time annoy a lot of people but I relish the bits that annoy them.

    I totally get the sentiment from both of you here, but it’s never something that occurs to me. I don’t want this show to annoy the “right people”, I want it to be so good that even the initial naysayers have to admit that they misjudged it and that it turned out really well.

    The show had a moment like that with Matt Smith (who pretty much blew everyone away with his performance, and changed the minds of a lot of people who had questioned his casting) and I’m hoping that anyone unsure about this casting ends up similarly swayed. Because ultimately I want the show to be great and for it to have the widest appeal possible.

    Like I say, I get the sentiment, but it feels like getting sucked into either side of these divisive arguments means playing a game that I don’t want to play. For me, the best possible outcome is that everyone agrees the next version of the show is fantastic, not that there’s a faction of people who hate it (or elements of it) but that I’m happy because the right people are unhappy.

    I think you’re reading a bit too much into this.  I mean, what is the game here and who would I have any interest in playing it with?

    It’s more a comment on the last six plus years of batcrap destruction and chaos.

  • #91335

    I totally get the sentiment from both of you here, but it’s never something that occurs to me. I don’t want this show to annoy the “right people”,

    I’m not sure my point is exactly what you think it is.

    The way Russell T Davies writes is he expands on pieces of dialogue he thinks are great or scenes that would be cool and creates a story around that. That method I like as I think it creates very memorable storytelling but a lot of sci-fans would prefer a Jonathan Hickman style approach of a detailed logical masterplan in a spreadsheet. They will enjoy that if they watch something like The Expanse or Foundation or shows of that ilk. I don’t believe RTD is able to do that.

    While maybe the Chibnall era has imbued more nostalgia for better days I recall the initial run of RTD getting a lot of criticism and I think his return will get the same from the same people because the way he approaches story will not fit into what they want.


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  • #91337

    No idea who this guy is but fair enough, I look forward to seeing what he can do with the role and appreciate the continued effort at being diverse and inclusive with an iconic character.

    Then again, all those cast as the Doctor in the modern era have been entirely capable. Their levels of success vary with the quality of the scripts and the plotting of the show runner.

    To that point, should the show look to change that more, maybe have a female or POC bring their perspective as show runner?

  • #91352

    I think all true fans understand that the doctor can be any colour.

    Except ginger.

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  • #91354

    Except ginger.

    Merlyn will be ginger

  • #91366

    I’ve loved Doctor Who since I was a small kid and Tom Baker was in the role but in truth right now I prefer RTD as a creator. He has a particular way of working which revolves around starting with emotion and dialogue which in truth is the opposite of most ‘hard sci-fi’ demands of plot first. He will as he did first time annoy a lot of people but I relish the bits that annoy them.

    It’s a Sin was an emotional journey I have rarely experienced in TV, a masterpiece in my mind. Yes it has his ‘tics’ as a writer but I don’t see that as a bad thing, I grew up on the tics of Claremont and loved them in Whedon and Sorkin. If a writer has nothing to identify them with are they at risk of being just bland?

    There are a lot of RTD Who episodes that I really love, but God did he get on my nerves towards the end there. But I suspect and hope that with some distance now and re-energised, he will deliver something extraordinary.

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  • #91379

    There are a lot of RTD Who episodes that I really love, but God did he get on my nerves towards the end there.

    I’m not blind to the faults in his run, he egged some stuff on too much like the group love-in in the Tardis, but I think actually some of the best episodes came at the end of it. Turn Left and Midnight are self penned episodes I think are better than anything in his first series.

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  • #91380

    Turn Left and Midnight are self penned episodes I think are better than anything in his first series.

    Both great episodes.

    I am looking forward to seeing what vibe he brings to the series at this point. He’s a very versatile writer and I’m not expecting his second run to necessarily be like his first.

  • #91385

    I just hope he asks Moffat to write an episode.

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  • #91387

    I loved Moffat during the first RTD run, but I’d rather some new people be brought in.

    I’m hoping RTD relaxes whatever unwritten rule there is about non-British people writing for the show.

    I’m also hoping with the Sony involvement, they can put the episode count back up to more than eight episodes a year.

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  • #91617

    Speaking of writers/directors. Russell T Davies added a ‘like’ to these photos.

    I think it is a side element we just touched on, that RTD brought in some very good writers. Chibnall’s selections seemed more of a try-out vibe.

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  • #91618

    Elgar Wright was down to direct Rose back in the day. If you watch it with that in mind, you can see how it would have worked really well with the Spaced vibe turned up with an more than adequate director on hand.

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  • #91667

    Some pics of former cast:



  • #91672

    Elgar Wright was down to direct Rose back in the day. If you watch it with that in mind, you can see how it would have worked really well with the Spaced vibe turned up with an more than adequate director on hand.

    And if you follow that thread, Eccleston might not have quit if Wright directed Rose, as it was supposedly his clashes with the guy who ended up directing it (and the Slitheen stories in the same block), someone Boak, that instigated his issues with RTD et al.


    I am really curious about who RTD brings on as writers. Does he stick with Chibnall’s crop of writers (only one or two of whom seem to have made much of a splash)? Does he go back to the usual suspects from his and Moffat’s eras? Or does he look for a whole new range of voices?

    Mark Gatiss happened to be interviewed on the Zoe Ball breakfast show on R2 one day this week (mainly about his own projects) and was asked about the new Doctor. He said he had no advance knowledge of the casting, which suggests he’s not in the loop for anything (though a full series is a long way off, I guess. Presumably Wright’s teasing at directing the 60th).

  • #92106



  • #92111

    Old logo?

  • #92117

    Rachel Talalay also posted a photo of here with Matt Lucas. Nardole returning?

  • #92119

    For anyone keeping an eye on Big Finish, they never went away.

    Edit – page not found, the hell? Wait, found another link:

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 9 months ago by Ben.
  • #92134

    I hope that’s Tennant’s rumoured “refreshed” costume.

  • #92199

    Yasmin Finney is joining the cast of “Doctor Who” as a character named Rose, BBC announced Monday. Her role will debut in 2023, coinciding with the show’s 60th anniversary.

    “Life on ‘Doctor Who’ gets brighter and wilder, how can there be another Rose?” said “Doctor Who” showrunner Russell T. Davies in a statement. “You’ll find out in 2023, but it’s an absolute joy to welcome Yasmin to the ‘Doctor Who’ set. We all fell in love with her in ‘Heartstopper,’ one of those shows which changes the world — and now Yasmin can change the Whoniverse!”

    Love her in Heartstopper, and I hope this doesn’t mean we’re not getting a second season of that.

  • #92310

    Some pics of former cast:



    Is that Adric in the front?

  • #92312

    Is that Adric in the front?

    Is there a modern companion that has fell to the depths Adric was in?

  • #92313

    Is there a modern companion that has fell to the depths Adric was in?


    My first instinct was to say Martha, but she wasn’t painfully awful, just bland.

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  • #92316

    Is there a modern companion that has fell to the depths Adric was in?


    My first instinct was to say Martha, but she wasn’t painfully awful, just bland.

    I don’t know, some of Agyeman’s acting was as ropey as Waterhouse’s.

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  • #93911

    Neil Patrick Harris Joins Doctor Who as ‘The Greatest Enemy the Doctor Has Ever Faced’

    Davis also teased separately on Instagram, “Neil Patrick Harris, welcome to Cardiff! Playing the greatest enemy the Doctor has ever faced. Such a great actor, such a great man, it’s an honour and a hoot. Have fun.”

    NPH was in It’s A Sin, so not totally unexpected, but definitely more high-profile (expensive) than Who usually goes.

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 8 months ago by paul f.
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  • #93916

    Turns out The Matrix on Gallifrey is the same one as in the movies and he’s going to be playing Ben Shapiro The Analyst again.

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  • #93917

    Neil Patrick Harris Joins Doctor Who as ‘The Greatest Enemy the Doctor Has Ever Faced’

    He’s playing Chris Chibnall?

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  • #93918

    Neil Patrick Harris Joins Doctor Who as ‘The Greatest Enemy the Doctor Has Ever Faced’

    He’s playing Chris Chibnall?

    He’s Peter Cregeen!

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  • #93921

    Celestial Toymaker?

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  • #93954

    He’s playing Chris Chibnall?

    John Nathan-Turner. At least Chibnall didn’t get the show cancelled.

    I am quite excited, I love pretty much all Russell T Davies’ work anyway, It’s A Sin was the biggest emotional rollercoaster I’ve felt with a TV show in years. The Bad Wolf/Sony tie-up though does seem to suggest they really want to push the show to another level.


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  • #94007

    The 60th anniversary special is filming in Bristol at the moment with Tennant and NPH (hence the announcement, I guess). I watched some bystander recording and (I’ll spoiler tag this just to be safe) there looks to be someone in the 11th Doctor’s costume – a tweed jacket, black trousers and brown hair anyway – running in amongst a crowd scene. Also they’ve set up the frontage for a toy shop, which does rather suggest NPH is playing the Celestial Toymaker.

  • #95160

    A colourisation of that scene from Tomb of the Cybermen, which actually has me halfway convinced that colourising black and white stories wouldn’t be a completely worthless venture. Look at that coat.

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  • #95162

    Wow. That is very impressive. The technology for these things has really come on, over the years.

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  • #95167

    Yeah, it’s astounding. Hopefully when those Pertwee episodes that are only in the archive in black and white come up for re-release on blu-ray, they’ll look as good as this (and to be fair, the episode of Planet of the Daleks that had to be recoloured did on its Blu-Ray release).

  • #97871

    The next Collection blu-ray set has been announced: season 2. Trailer at the bottom.

    Lots of interesting new features:

    • Three brand new documentaries: Including an overview of Season 2, Flight Through Eternity, a look at 1960s collectables in Doctor Who and The Collectors, and a deep dive into the life and career of story editor David Whitaker in Looking For David.
    • In Conversation: Two exclusive insightful feature-length interviews, with William Russell and Maureen O’Brien.
    • Behind the Sofa: New episodes with companions Maureen O’Brien, Peter Purves, Carole Ann Ford, Janet Fielding (Tegan), Wendy Padbury (Zoe), Sarah Sutton (Nyssa), Bonnie Langford (Mel) and Sophie Aldred (Ace).
    • Exclusive Audio Commentary: Learn about the recovery of The Lion, a missing episode that was returned in 1999, with three of the heroes responsible for its return.
    • Convention Footage: A rare chance to hear from actors Jacqueline Hill and Adrienne Hill (Katarina) alongside Michael Craze (Ben) and Carole Ann Ford.
    • Exclusive Enhanced Soundtrack: Watch The Dalek Invasion of Earth with an optional enhanced soundtrack.

    Shame they couldn’t animate the missing episodes of the Crusade, but recons are better than nothing.

  • #99472

    Apparently the centenary special (and Jodie Whittaker’s send-off episode) is to be called The Power Of The Doctor.

  • #101054

    October 23.

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  • #101100

    There’s a long tradition of naming Doctor Who stories “The __________ of the ___________”.

    When the second noun started being “The Doctor”, I think that’s when the the series took a downward turn.

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  • #101101

    There’s a long tradition of naming Doctor Who stories “The __________ of the ___________”.

    When the second noun started being “The Doctor”, I think that’s when the the series took a downward turn.

    So… 1965 with “The Death of Doctor Who” then?

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  • #101103

    There’s a long tradition of naming Doctor Who stories “The __________ of the ___________”.

    When the second noun started being “The Doctor”, I think that’s when the the series took a downward turn.

    So… 1965 with “The Death of Doctor Who” then?

    Technically the story was called “The Chase”  :-)


    But it was a good riposte :good:




    • This reply was modified 2 years, 5 months ago by DavidM.
    • This reply was modified 2 years, 5 months ago by DavidM.
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  • #101106

    Had to be done :D

  • #101107

    There’s a long tradition of naming Doctor Who stories “The __________ of the ___________”.

    When the second noun started being “The Doctor”, I think that’s when the the series took a downward turn.

    But Day Of The Doctor is great!

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  • #101108

    “Back in the day, [1980s producer] John Nathan-Turner, at the end of filming, said to Sylvester and me, ‘You might as well take your costumes home with you, because you’re probably going to be asked to do personal appearances before the next season’ I kind of wonder whether he knew it wasn’t going to happen and wanted us to be the guardians of those costumes. So I took my jacket, and it’s sat in my wardrobe for all these years.

    “When I had that initial meeting with Chris [Chibnall, showrunner], I said, ‘I’ve still got my jacket…’. He said [gasps], ‘Have you? We’d love to see your jacket!’ So the first costume fitting, I took the jacket down to Cardiff. [Costume designer] Ray Holman said, ‘Can we borrow this to copy?’ and I said, ‘Why copy it? We’ll just use the jacket. You might have to sew the badges on again, though.’ Because the badges notoriously always fell off.

    “We super-glued them on – I had sticking plasters on the back of the jacket, they put them on with nylon see-through thread, and they’d still fall off. Anyway, that’s what he did. I don’t think there’s any way you could spruce it up, really, because you can’t wash it or anything. It must be a bit smelly!”

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  • #101129

    I am totally over Chibnall Dr Who. But that jacket. I might watch it for the jacket.

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  • #101768

    Feels like the build-up to tonight’s episode has been pretty low-key for a big regeneration special.

    Obviously given the filming leaks for the new RTD era, the expectation is that Whittaker will regenerate/degenerate into Tennant at the end. But I hope they give us a genuine surprise and actually give us a taste of the 14th Doctor, which would make it feel a bit more special.

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  • #101777

    Well that was all very fast-paced and exciting, I’ll give them that. Not sure how well it all really hung together but at least it was eventful and rarely a dull moment.

    I do think that dealing so heavily in regeneration and past Doctors in the main story somewhat took the shine off the ending regeneration scene though, which felt more like a “huh” moment than a “wow” moment.

    Still, looking forward to the new RTD era.

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  • #101778

    Ha! I knew Tennent was going to be in it but I figured it would be a cameo in passing. I’d avoided any speculation so the end was a proper surprise.

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  • #101779

    Ha! I knew Tennent was going to be in it but I figured it would be a cameo in passing. I’d avoided any speculation so the end was a proper surprise.

    I had seen it speculated about for a while (all the way down to the “what… what… what…?”) so maybe that’s why it didn’t land quite the same for me, but either way that small moment doesn’t change the fact that it should be fun to have Tennant back for a while.

    The preview for 2023 did show the “real” new Doctor though, which felt strange to see him in a trailer before he’s debuted in the show. Has that happened since Eccleston?

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  • #101780

    Not sure how well it all really hung together but at least it was eventful and rarely a dull moment.

    This is pretty much my thoughts. Plenty that didnt hang together but it ticked along at a rapid pace that it didnt matter. When I eventually checked the time I was genuinely surprised to see only 10 minutes were left.

    Only gripe was the absolute cringy Rasputin musical bit. Ball sack shrivellingly bad. Almost tops the Sound of Drums use of music which just makes me shudder every time i think of it.

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  • #101781

    Only gripe was the absolute cringy Rasputin musical bit. Ball sack shrivellingly bad. Almost tops the Sound of Drums use of music which just makes me shudder every time i think of it.

    I smiled at that as it was obviously a callback to that story (reminded me of Simm’s Scissor Sisters bit too).

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  • #101782

    Bit of a bad start but it got better as it went on.

    Stuff that worked:

    – UNIT has guns stashed in the floor.

    – The companion conversations with Five and Seven

    – The past selves conversations on the Edge with One, Five, Six and Eight.

    – Graham setting up a Companions Anonymous

    Stuff that didn’t:

    – The Master’s plan was a load of sweaty bollocks.

    – The Master – just shut him up, rip his tongue out if you have to.

    – Unstoppable villains with no weaknesses are boring.

    As to how it ended, in a year’s time or however many months it is, I’ll forgotten it.  The gaps between eps and series is too big.

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  • #101786

    It kept going at a fair clip I’ll give it that. I basically just stopped focusing on the paper thin plot and instead just let it wash over me.

    Seeing the previous Doctors was a nice surprise, but I really wish they had worked harder to keep Tennents return a secret though.

    But at long last the national nightmare is over…Roll on RTD2!!.

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  • #101788

    Yeah, the storytelling was messy as hell, Chibnall’s reach exceeded his grasp on that front again. There’s too many elements that are just introduced solely for the reason that they resolve something later rather than feeling like an organic part of the story. The glaring one here is Vindor, who’s mission is never really explained, he does nothing other than call the Doctor, is in position to hold a gun to the Doctor-Master, and then leaves at the climax.

    But it moved at a good pace, and was full of enjoyable fanservice and good character moments. I found this extended farewell worked way better than Tennant’s, where that one was self-indulgent this one was more heartfelt while also being an excuse to cameo past companions. Probably in the upper tier of Chibnall-written “big” episodes, but mid-tier overall.

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  • #101789

    Official BBC announcement here on the 2023 specials (and also interesting that Tennant is officially being referred to as the 14th Doctor and Ncuti Gatwa the 15th):

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  • #101791



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  • #101793



    Yes the BBC’s new standard scheduling for Doctor Who is apparently three episodes a year now.

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  • #101796

    A villainy that surpasses even Lew Grade

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  • #101797

    Future GCSE maths exam question:

    How many regenerations has the Doctor had?

    Show your working.

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  • #101798

    I suppose technically the Master is the 14th Doctor. Or 16th if you include War and Tennant 2. Or god knows how many if you include Ruth.

    (Talking of which, her whole plot thread – and indeed all the Timeless Child stuff – barely seemed to warrant a mention here, let alone any real resolution.)

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  • #101800

    Future GCSE maths exam question:

    How many regenerations has the Doctor had?

    Show your working.

    Prior to this episode we were around 75 actors having played the Doctor between the show, radio plays, computer games and other side media, so who even knows.

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  • #101803

    I thought that was largely dire. Frenetic nonsense that was so incomprehensible (what was the Master’s plan? Making a “cyber-conversion planet” so he can steal the Doctor’s body to sully her good name while something something Dalek volcanoes? Why not just go around calling yourself the Doctor – much simpler) that it had next to no dramatic weight. All the usual Chibnall flaws of crap dialogue (“the last time I saw you, you were half-cat” is not a put-down, Ace, it’s lumpen exposition) and regurgitating things done previously but worse (all the friends piloting the TARDIS for example. UNIT being cyber-converted was just like with Torchwood, but with the body horror replaced by magic electricity because… the convenience of a magic reverse electrocution, I guess).

    That said, it was cool seeing Ace again and I did genuinely laugh at McGann’s robes line.

    I was genuinely surprised by the ending. I’d heard suggestion of a degeneration or regenerating into Tennant again, but I dismissed it as being a bit trite and hackneyed and assumed Tennant was going to be some kind of duplicate/toy (his clothes regenerating too is a little suspicious on that front). It does feel a little bit like when it was suggested in the 80s, when the show was struggling, that they have the Doctor turn back into Pertwee. At least there’s an actual new Doctor on the horizon to make it seem less backwards facing a decision. I guess with Chibnall having steamrollered the whole “limited regeneration” into the dirt RTD felt free to let loose. I hope there’s something more than just a gimmick or stunt to it though.

    Edit: oh and I don’t have any feelings either way for Yaz as a character, but she deserved better than that crap exit (I wouldn’t say John Bishop did, but I was surprised by how perfunctory it was). Completely arbitrarily pushed away, as if the Doctor regenerating is an unavoidable hard break on their friendship. It treats each iteration of the Doctor as a different person, rather than aspects of the same (somewhat contradicting the thing earlier with the AI). For what (diegetic) reason would the Doctor need to get rid of her, seemingly with total finality? It had no sense of validity to the characters and felt as elegant as Poochie’s death.

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 4 months ago by Martin Smith.
    2 users thanked author for this post.
  • #101805



    Way longer than Liz Truss’s tenure.

    3 users thanked author for this post.
  • #101808

    Completely arbitrarily pushed away, as if the Doctor regenerating is an unavoidable hard break on their friendship. It treats each iteration of the Doctor as a different person, rather than aspects of the same (somewhat contradicting the thing earlier with the AI).

    And of course you had Clara recently as a double-Doctor companion.

    Obviously it’s because Chibnall is leaving and they need a fresh start, but they could have found a better way of making that break-up essential.

    2 users thanked author for this post.
  • #101812

    Completely arbitrarily pushed away, as if the Doctor regenerating is an unavoidable hard break on their friendship. It treats each iteration of the Doctor as a different person, rather than aspects of the same (somewhat contradicting the thing earlier with the AI).

    And of course you had Clara recently as a double-Doctor companion.

    Obviously it’s because Chibnall is leaving and they need a fresh start, but they could have found a better way of making that break-up essential.

    Yeah. Presumably he was aware of whether RTD (and Gill) wanted Yaz to stick around or not but just completely forgot to factor that into the plot of the episode and ended up doing another classic series homage by creating an abrupt exit on the same level as “I’m going to stay with these people I’ve known five minutes” and “I’m going to marry this guy I’ve had about two scenes with”.

    And it’s especially baffling given you had Tegan and Ace around, both repeatedly bringing up their own baggage about leaving/no longer seeing the Doctor. A competent writer might have tied that into Yaz’s exit (in the same way School Reunion made Rose re-evaluate her relationship with the Doctor in light of learning about Sarah Jane) but the two things just don’t really engage beyond Yaz going to Graham’s support group thing.

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  • #101813

    I enjoyed it, plot quite nonsensical but that’s not a first on a big special. As with Flux the relentless pace rather obscured the weaknesses and the latter Chibnall stories have been better in that aspect. My complaints about him generally have been his work on Who is bland more than bad so still happy to see his era end.

    My favourite of the cameos was Ian Chesterton who was in the very first episode – 97 years old and looking very good for it.

    4 users thanked author for this post.
  • #101838

    “And then this happens and then this happens and then this happens and then this happens and then this happens and then this happens and then this happens and then David Tennant!”

    The highlight here was unquestionably Liverpool’s nonchalant bye-then exit. Hopefully Tennant was paying attention or else he’ll aim for an even longer second goodbye.

    2 users thanked author for this post.
  • #101865


    Rumours about this popped up a little while back, but that’s it confirmed now. Sounds like a good move to get more eyes on the show.

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 4 months ago by Ian Smith.
  • #101868

    Good for the US, probably less so for the likes of Australia, New Zealand and Canada, where it’s been on free-to-air channels up til now.

    Also, I guess that’s the new diamond logo RTD’s been teasing in his IG emojis.

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 4 months ago by Martin Smith.
  • #101875

    It treats each iteration of the Doctor as a different person

    I liked this idea. I actually really liked the meeting of the companions as well. I referred to it elsewhere as a meeting of the Doctor’s “children”. For the Doctor scholars here, I pose a question. Is Graham the only companion who is also a parent? I may be biased because I am dealing with a relapse of feelings about my mother’s death, but I thought Graham’s gathering of the abandoned companions was a nice touch in that the companions could deal with emotions they could not discuss with others.

    If the rumors of what the storyline of next years eps are true, Yaz would be lost at best and an unnecessary complication at worst. I think the story did its best to let Yaz down easy from a VERY difficult situation.  Like Clara’s love towards 11, Yaz’s love for 13 had to be dealt with(and not with a quick phone call). 14 has his own problems to deal with. Leaving Yaz in a group of people who can attempt to understand what she is going through is a lot better than dropping her off and wishing her “good luck”

    1 user thanked author for this post.
  • #101877

    Also, you just know Big Finish are making plans in the wake of all this.

    1 user thanked author for this post.
  • #101887

    Is Graham the only companion who is also a parent?

    Amy and Rory had a kid. Quite notably. Jo was shown to be a grandparent when she came back for the Sarah Jane Adventures, where Sarah Jane was a parent.

    1 user thanked author for this post.
  • #101891

    And, of course, Wilf and Donna.

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  • #101897

    For the Doctor scholars here, I pose a question. Is Graham the only companion who is also a parent?

    Jonny Chess is Ian’s son in some cannon, but that would really complicate the companion gathering meeting.

  • #103014

    Well, guess I’m buying DWM for the first time in about 14 years.

    The latest issue of Doctor Who Magazine begins the story of the Fourteenth Doctor, David Tennant.

    Although it will be a year until we see his TV adventures, the story continues in Doctor Who Magazine issue 584

    A new comic-strip adventure, written by Alan Barnes and illustrated by Lee Sullivan, picks up directly where The Power of the Doctor left off.

    Editor Marcus Hearn says
    “Russell T Davies, our new showrunner, has long admired the DWM strip. And that’s why he’s granted us the honour of telling the Fourteenth Doctor’s first story in an adventure that dovetails with the most recent episode. For the first time in our 43-year history, the strip is now in lockstep with the television series continuity.”

    Russell T Davies says
    “From day one, I wanted to increase ties between the show and the magazine. I love it when we’re in sync! A lot of people will be thinking, David’s not the real Doctor, he’s a trick, an illusion, a flashback. But no. He’s real. And DWM can help us underline that.

    Damn you, Davies! Have you seen how much that mag costs now?

    Oh, this bit sounds interesting too.

    <i>Letter from the Showrunner</i> – in the first of his new regular columns, Russell T Davies reveals what brought him back to <i>Doctor Who</i>.

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 3 months ago by Martin Smith.
    1 user thanked author for this post.
  • #103018

    I thought this was interesting too:

    Reach up for the Sunrise – David Tennant, Russell T Davies, former showrunner Chris Chibnall, directors Rachel Talalay and Jamie Magnus Stone, and CG artist Ben Pickles describe shooting The Power of the Doctor’s regeneration sequence.

    It had passed me by that Rachel Talalay was involved with making Power Of The Doctor. I presume she filmed the post-Whittaker part of the regeneration, in line with previous showrunner handovers taking place at that point? If it’s an indication that she’s back for the 60th Anniversary specials then that’s great news, as her Capaldi-era episodes are some of the show’s best.

    2 users thanked author for this post.
  • #103021

    I picked up the magazine at lunchtime and it confirms that, yep, she’s directing the first of the 2023 specials. Great news!

    Looking forward to checking out some of the features (and the comic) in more detail later. Thanks for the heads up!

    1 user thanked author for this post.
  • #103039

    I’ve been reading some more of the magazine and, reading between the lines, there’s a sense of RTD knowing that he needs to come in and do something special with the show to revive interest ahead of Ncuti Gatwa starting proper.

    And from the details here, it seems like he’s surrounded himself with a tested team of people with decent experience who know how to make good TV.

    So I’m hopeful that his specials next year and new series in 2024 are going to end up being really good, and the fresh start the show needs.

    I almost feel like with the Disney deal they could consider rebranding it as a whole new season 1 (because who wants to pick up a show in season 15 or whatever it is now?).

  • #103040

    Big Finish have found a neat way of packaging it:

    – Doctors 1-8 = Classic Who

    – Doctors 9-13, plus War and Fugitive = New Era

    Guess they’ll come up with something for the next phase

  • #103051

    RTD 2, the time-travel boogaloo?

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  • #103106

    I picked up DWM yesterday and, well, don’t think I’ll be doing that regularly. £7.99 is a lot for what you get.

    I wasn’t too impressed by the comic. I get the opportunity presented by the new Doctor being an old Doctor means they can hit the ground running and make the most of the year’s gap. But the hype of it following directly on from the regeneration is misleading because it immediately shrugs that off and ignores it in favour of typical DWM antics, which I’m not that fussed about.

  • #103107

    it immediately shrugs that off and ignores it in favour of typical DWM antics

    I may be misremembering this but isnt there some some sort of rule around Dr Who saying that things like the comics and audio dramas cant have an impact on the TV show as the show is publicly funded via the licence fee and that viewer should not have to pay cash money to het information vital to the story. Is that a thing? Or have I totally made this up?!

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