Digital comic companies

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Hi Everybody:  This is my first time on Comics talk and I would appreciate any information on companies that provide digital comics.

I am considering putting my comic on such a platform as with the Covid-19 my marketing plan screeched to a halt.

I would like to contact creators that have their comics there and to know what suggestions they can give me.



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  • #45256

    Welcome Jorge!

    You might find more luck with this kind of question in the Creative sub-forum – we have some creators here who might have some useful experiences to share.

  • #45272

    Hi Comic Creators:  I’m reaching out to those of you who have placed your comics with a digital sales company, like ComiXology or Webtoon.  Can you please share your experiences with these companies.  With Covid-19 all my marketing plans went down the drain and would like to know your experiences.  This is my first time with this forum.



  • #45301

    Hi Jorge,

    I know that @mattgarvey has put his indie comics up on Comixology.

    He’ll have the experience but worth a look at They review the comics and if they think it is good enough to put up the deal is 50% of the price goes to you and 50% to them (or that’s what it was when I last looked)

  • #45323

    Hey buddy,


    Yeah, Gar is right i do put my stuff up on comixology…but it takes a loooooooong time.

    After you have set your account up, when you upload a comic it takes around three months for it to finally go live and you need to remember that they take 50% of whatever you charge, so its not really a great way to make money…but is a good way to grow readership and get your name out there…just don’t expect to be able to by a boat with all the fat cash you think you’ll make! ;)

    You also have comichaus too…a lot small but more geaered towards small and indie comics and they because its a subscription service rather then buy issues…if you comic gets read you get a bit of cash, but again…its not mega bucks.


    you also have drivethru comics….I’ve never used it, but i am aware of it….


    its a strange coincidence, but i’m building my new shop as i saw this message pops up and rather than going down the big cartel route…which is free for up to five items…then $10 per month for up to 25 items…I’ve decided to do a shopyfi store, which will also allow me to sell my books digitally and i have to do nothing. just put them on the site and upload them (with a shopyfiy app) and when someone orders them they get a download link…

    HOWEVER…its like $30 per month but i know i can cover that through digital and physical sales, because i have a little bit of a following and with my youtube channel the audience is starting to grow, so thats why i am doing it…but if you don’t have that readership base YET, id stick to the free options, comixology, comic haus and setting up a bigcartel store!

    hope it helps…always here to reach out too…

    i will be covering selling on the youtube channel too, but wont be recorded for a month or so…got a few more things to cover first!

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  • #45340
    Hi Matt:  thanks for your insight and recommendations.  In the past I used Amazon Books for my academic books and I made very little money on my sales, perhaps that’s why Jeff Bezos is so rich. Ha
    I will check out the other web sites but it seems that ComicXology is the big kid on the block and maybe getting a large readership is of value as well. I had 1000 copies of my Teslaman Fights Dirty comic printed and in 6 months was able to sell 800+ but then Covid-19 put a stop to my plans to attend comic venues. I’m hesitant on doing a second printing.
    I’m interested in your YouTube promotion and hope to hear more about it.  I do lots of YouTube videos, more on culture and travels under my channel: armsantana.  Check it out.
    Hope to keep in contact.
    PS I’m attaching a page on my comic. Do you have a web page I can check out?
  • #45342

    This Matt’s Youtube channel:

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