We probably need a thread for this!
Looking forward to ‘Joker’.
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To be fair I think Steve’s point is more the direction of travel than we’re already there.
The major streaming platforms have been moving further into global platforms than before and things like Disney + will likely be there in a couple of years when existing deals expire. Team-ups like HBO’s with Sky mean stuff is often simulcast where previously you had to wait for months.
Compared to 5 years ago more is available, compared to when I was growing up 90% of US material never made it to UK screens.
I said we’re in the last few years and “in ten years time”; it’s the future and it’s coming, ready or not.
All content, all countries, all the time. With increased connectivity every year nothing else makes sense in the long run.
Kids ten years from now will be as clueless about regions as they are about Betamax.
I don’t get it. What do you think is going to happen to Betamax?
Kids ten years from now will be as clueless about regions as they are about Betamax.
I don’t get it. What do you think is going to happen to Betamax?
Well they’ve confirmed a third series of the Big Hero 6 TV show so he’s probably fine for the time being.
I said we’re in the last few years and “in ten years time”; it’s the future and it’s coming, ready or not.
All content, all countries, all the time. With increased connectivity every year nothing else makes sense in the long run.
I don’t see that. What we’re seeing more of, especially in the US, is companies like NBC/Warners/Disney taking their own content which was previously available on multiple platforms, Netflix, Hulu, etc, and locking it behind their own paywalls, and if they don’t want to bother making it available in your part of the world, you’re out of luck.
Even when Disney+ is available here, it’s not going to have the same content that it has in the US. Services like The Criterion Channel in the US or the BFI Player in the UK have content that is probably never going to be available overseas, and they’ve shown no indication of that ever changing.
Here in Ireland, there are no services that allow you to digitally buy TV shows. iTunes, Amazon, Google, etc, have just never bothered selling them, presumably as the rights situation is too complicated for such a small market.
And I’m saying the services will have to change. Globalisation isn’t something they can opt out of for long.
They’ll either roll out services around the world or they’ll lose out to those that do.
It’s one of those “you can be part of the steamroller or part of the road” situations.
Yeah what Paul says sounds mostly like ‘it’s not available now’ rather than a step back. Disney have pledged to get global but it’ll take a couple of years. Hulu has always been US only (with deals with other broadcasters) but after the Disney purchase have said they are planning international expansion. CBS streaming service stuff is almost immediately on Netflix (well Star Trek is, I don’t know what else they make). We don’t know what Warners will do, some DCU stuff hasn’t been fully shared but that service looks to be aborted and absorbed anyway.
During an earnings call on November 8, 2018, Disney CEO Bob Iger stated that after its purchase of 20th Century Fox, it planned to make stronger investments into Hulu, including wider international expansion.
Things like buying digital downloads has never been available before anyway so it’s status quo until they eventually probably expand it as they consolidate rights. Physical media is going to ebb away eventually so unless they do they’ll exit the market for selling content which seems unlikely.
And I’m saying the services will have to change. Globalisation isn’t something they can opt out of for long.
They’ll either roll out services around the world or they’ll lose out to those that do.
It’s one of those “you can be part of the steamroller or part of the road” situations.
I can see distribution rights being rapidly changed in the very near future as various contracts expire. That may be a major holdup in global expansion. As contracts end, companies will draw them back in. The streaming companies probably also need to establish the computer/server infrastructure to handle the demands of the emerging markets.
Streaming services will want to have a presence in countries around the world. That’s simply more revenue.
Streaming services will want to have a presence in countries around the world. That’s simply more revenue.
Which is a very important element. It is when the rights issues are dealt with a very economical model. You have to scale up for volume but when Netflix launched in 200 countries they didn’t need to incorporate there or set up individual infrastructure. Netflix for me in Malaysia isn’t based in Malaysia, it’s coming from the US (although most likely with regional server hubs – I think out of Australia).
Yeah we don’t get all the same movies because some of the broadcast rights may be with other platforms like HBO Asia or whoever but we have to bear in mind that a broadcaster that is completely global for their original material is something that had never existed before about 2 years ago.
Broadcast rights by territory is a the way it’s been done for decades. It’s like trying to turn an aircraft carrier around, they’re not nimble.
CBS streaming service stuff is almost immediately on Netflix (well Star Trek is, I don’t know what else they make)
The Good Fight airs overseas, but I don’t think any of their other non-Trek stuff does. They have Why Women Kill, the new show from Desperate Housewives’ Marc Cherry, Strange Angel, a show about the origin of rocket science (I think?) starring Jack Reynor, The Twilight Zone reboot, Tell Me a Story, a fairytale thing created by Kevin Williamson, and No Activity, a remake of an Australian cop comedy. I don’t think any of them are available over here.
Strange Angel is a biopic about Jack Parsons, who was indeed a pioneer of rocketry in JPL’s early days, but was also an occultist, the heir to Crowley’s traditions in the US, and one of the first victims of L Ron Hubbard’s scams.
Well, that should put things to bed…
Oh that’s a 3.5hrs cut, btw… appaerntly the “assembly cut” was 5hrs long as per Snyder’s own tweet today… =P
Nice to see a director so easily troll his fans.
Wonder Woman trailer tomorrow:
3:30PM ET apparently.
Everyone’s rushing to get their trailers out for the Christmas movies.
A new clip for ‘CRISIS ON INFINITE EARTHS’ has been officially released. (Source: https://t.co/5Kf3JJmmQY) pic.twitter.com/HrsvZ5hJp0
— DiscussingFilm (@DiscussingFilm) December 7, 2019
Yeah. I generally think my ideas are eccentric and not commercially viable but a golden age approach to a Superman movie has been one of my favorite ideas. Superman is not a character study. He’s like the Lone Ranger. It’s about the people he champions.
Still, there may be a secret “Superman” movie something like Joker:
And of course…
Nice to see a director so easily troll his fans.
Or maybe he just has it and that’s that? Why would he be trolling anyone, much less his fans? What would that accomplish for him?
I mean, you gotta admit it’s funny, the guy just posted a picture ’cause he’s probably tired of people saying “it doesn’t exist”… and the first thing people do is questiong it… Why are some people sooooooo damned invested in denying the existence of that damned thing?
Because it’s a bullshit photo if you think about it for even a second. There are no reels for it. It is on a drive if it exists. WB isn’t going to spend the time and money to transfer to film a movie that isn’t finalized.
oooooooooooooooook then… whatever… I’m sure if it ever comes out you’ll still be like “nah, it’s bullshit”
It’s not going to come out so I won’t have that problem.
Strange Angel is a biopic about Jack Parsons, who was indeed a pioneer of rocketry in JPL’s early days, but was also an occultist, the heir to Crowley’s traditions in the US, and one of the first victims of L Ron Hubbard’s scams.
Amazon’s interesting low-budget series on the original facts behind some ubiquitous legends and myths did an episode on Jack Parsons (originally his name was “Marvel” rather than John).
The Jack Parsons Episode Of ‘Lore’ Is A True Story About A Rocket Scientist Gone Rogue
The Hubbard connection is interesting, but I wonder how wary they would need to be considering the Church of Scientology would definitely dispute any negative depiction.
I’d like to see a similar style documentary series about the origins of fictional characters as well. Especially, the Marvel and DC heroes – incorporating both the inspirations for them and the unethical publishing practices behind them.
It’s not going to come out so I won’t have that problem.
Oh that’s very much possible… Even if there is a completely finished & ready to go movie, WB owns those characters, so unless they say “yes”, it doesn’t matter anyways… he’s obviously not gonna leak it, he’d get in serious trouble.
Considering all the “blame” he’s been given for ruining the launch of a DC heroes movie series, it is in his interest for the movie to remain something like Jodorowsky’s DUNE – a theoretical “masterpiece” that would be leagues better than the version of the story that people saw. Snyder is only partly responsible for the mistakes that were made as much of the rush seemed dictated by the studio. Instead of a complete Superman series of movies, they rushed all their other heroes into the sequel AND killed Superman only to bring him back in the next movie. We barely got a world with Superman before there was suddenly a world without Superman and then a world with Superman again.
If they had had more patience, and taken more time, I think it might’ve come together, but then I doubt Joker would’ve gotten made if the Snyderverse movies had worked out.
Well… WW looks like a Marvel movie… soooo… good job, I guess?? =/
Move over, Joker – it’s time for the OG Superman
I actually know the guy on the right in picture 7. His name is Kenny Richardson (not Rich). He used to frequent my old LCS and the comic shows the owner would put on in Cape Girardeau, Missouri.
Well… WW looks like a Marvel movie… soooo… good job, I guess?? =/
Bloody DC, trying to copy Marvel by making entertaining movies.
Seriously though, it looks totally in keeping with the first WW movie to me, tone-wise. Which is fine – the first one did really well and I liked it. And again, like the first movie, I think this is going to rely as much on the charisma of the leads as anything else.
It looks like fun, with some decent action and humour. I don’t know if that’s enough to support accusations of copying Marvel, but it should be enough to get people to the cinema.
I don’t know if that’s enough to support accusations of copying Marvel
Yeah I don’t think it’s a secret that’s what WB have been aiming for for a while now… But hey who the fuck knows anymore, with Joker’s success I’m sure they’ll have another crisis of direction…
I hope what they are doing, and should have done all along, is a horses for courses approach. Wonder Woman and Joker are very very different approaches, both have been very successful.
To me part of the error in trying to replicate Marvel was in the adherence to the idea they have to have a set template for everything in a single universe. The variety of tone and approach could be their USP.
I don’t know if that’s enough to support accusations of copying Marvel
Yeah I don’t think it’s a secret that’s what WB have been aiming for for a while now… But hey who the fuck knows anymore, with Joker’s success I’m sure they’ll have another crisis of direction…
I think they’ve definitely sought to ape the shared-universe aspects, but there isn’t really any of that in the trailer (unless I missed some Easter Eggs).
In terms of tone, Marvel’s films are mostly fairly flat and bland – it’s where DC arguably has the edge as the films have a stronger sense of individual identity.
But in general, I don’t think we should fall into the trap of thinking that Marvel invented the idea of making fun movies with a good mix of action and laughs. That’s a pretty universal target to be aiming for.
I think they’ve definitely sought to ape the shared-universe aspects, but there isn’t really any of that in the trailer (unless I missed some Easter Eggs).
I dunno, the whole thing felt like a MCU trailer… couldn’t tell you exactly why… it’s not like they haven’t used retro music before (like in SQ), so it’s not really that, but, I dunno… just the whole “feel” of it.
But in general, I don’t think we should fall into the trap of thinking that Marvel invented the idea of making fun movies with a good mix of action and laughs. That’s a pretty universal target to be aiming for.
Sure, but again, it was the feeling I got from it, and to be honest, what they showed looked bland as fuck and very formulaic, so very MCU… which is an unfortunate thing to say, but true nonetheless =/
I thought the Wonder Woman: 1984 trailer looked incredible but it definitely had a Thor: Ragnarok vibe to it. I kind of hope they do what that movie did and take their direction from the comics for feel but tell their own story.
#releaseww1984snydercut ?
I thought the Wonder Woman: 1984 trailer looked incredible but it definitely had a Thor: Ragnarok vibe to it. I kind of hope they do what that movie did and take their direction from the comics for feel but tell their own story.
What did you find similar to Ragnorak?
I guess the conscious evoking of that ’80s style (especially the neon lettering and music) is pretty similar.
What did you find similar to Ragnorak?
You didn’t? It’s a lot of color choice, theme and the general 80’s vibe. You could almost play Queen’s Flash Gordon theme over trailers to both films. It looks like they’re taking designs and story snippets from several comics and incorporating them into their own story much like Thor: Ragnarok did too.
It wasn’t meant as a criticism. It was actually a compliment. I assumed it was on purpose.
I mean…
Wait… you guys aren’t color blind are you?
What did you find similar to Ragnorak?
You didn’t? It’s a lot of color choice, theme and the general 80’s vibe. You could almost play Queen’s Flash Gordon theme over trailers to both films. It looks like they’re taking designs and story snippets from several comics and incorporating them into their own story much like Thor: Ragnarok did too.
It wasn’t meant as a criticism. It was actually a compliment. I assumed it was on purpose.
Only in a very minor surface level way. It certainly didn’t while I was watching the trailer. It was only when you said it that I thought the titles were a little similar. The film itself though doesn’t seem to have much in common visually or style wise.
I’m not feeling very enthused by the Wonder Woman trailer. I don’t feel the setting is as interesting as the first movie, and I’m not seeing how it’s going to do anything new with her character.
But mostly, if I’m honest, I don’t think I can make it through a full movie with a 1980s electropop soundtrack. I’d almost prefer a modern hip-hop soundtrack. Almost
I haven’t watched it but I do think it’s a nice touch that Crisis on Infinite Earths is including Moore’s Red Sky.
Moore’s Red Sky?
Alan Moore suggested including a red sky in CoIE so that if writers didn’t want their comic to crossover with the series they could just have their character comment on the sky changing color and then move on. It’s a nice touch to have it on the shows too.
I didn’t realise it was his idea.
I don’t think I can make it through a full movie with a 1980s electropop soundtrack.
I was actually really impressed with the way they incorporated Blue Monday into the visuals, the gunfire and running synching with the drum machine breaks. Most trailers just whack a popular song on and can’t be bothered.
Anyway, that doesn’t mean it’ll all be electro music, I’m sure they’ll include some power ballads like Chris De Burgh or Jennifer Rush for the cutting edge types.
I was actually really impressed with the way they incorporated Blue Monday into the visuals, the gunfire and running synching with the drum machine breaks. Most trailers just whack a popular song on and can’t be bothered.
A little reminiscent of that Suicide Squad trailer with Queen.
I kinda like the Wonder Woman trailer but it doesn’t give a whole lot of info about the story. It looks pretty though.
Episode 2 of Harley Quinn leans into that whole Venture Brothers vibe in a big way. It’s not bad at all.
I kinda like the Wonder Woman trailer but it doesn’t give a whole lot of info about the story. It looks pretty though.
Max is the villain. he has a scheme where he gets people to buy into it and he gains power from it. Pascal is good but he is no Jim. O’hara is Lord
Max is the villain. he has a scheme where he gets people to buy into it and he gains power from it.
Did you honestly get that from the trailer? Maybe I wasn’t watching closely enough, but I didn’t even get that the guy speaking was called “Max”, let alone any idea what his scheme was. Though I did get that he must be the villain, he was using the villain voice.
There’s literally a sequence where Gal Gadot turns to the camera and says “David Meadows, Maxwell Lord is the villain, and Lightning Lad is the worst Legionnaire”.
its during all these pretty colours and drumbeats maybe you missed it
Wait is that supposed to be Max Lord? I dunno why I assumed it was gonna be Dr. Psycho… =/
It’s actually the Mandalorian.
The more I think about it, it’s actually irrelevant and unnecessary to show any plot at all in a super-hero movie trailer. I don’t believe the plot holds any sway over whether people will go to see them.
I’m not saying there shouldn’t be a plot, of course there should, and it should be one that engages people while they are watching the movie.
But in terms of making a decision over whether to see it, all people need to know is that there is a villain doing something villainous and a hero doing something heroic to stop it and it will all look cool and exciting. There, you already know whether you’re going to see the movie based on that, don’t you? The trailer showing the exact villainous scheme or even the name of the villain is not going to change that decision one way or the other, is it?
Maybe if it’s a cool villain it will
How do people judge a villain’s coolness from a trailer? A good look and a couple of sharp one-liners will catch their attention, but his plan, motivation and backstory (the things that make him cool to comics readers) are completely irrelevant.
The Emerald Empress is not a cool villain
She is too. Look, she’s telling you right here:
I dunno man – too many eye puns.
That’s clearly Polaris.
but I didn’t even get that the guy speaking was called “Max”
All the years of playing SFL and reading JLI, you couldn’t tell that was Max? shame on you David Meadows!
on the other hand, I just realized why David M has a problem with this movie. It is called WW 1984.
I watched this. It was ok. my favorite part was when they stole that part of the Talking Dead(walking Dead aftershow) when they show all the people who died during the show.
Watched episode 2 of the Crisis last night. Lots of interesting things have happened but since I cant get my spoiler to work i can’t tell you about them. Vague comments i can make is the waverider has a new AI, not sure Routh is Kingdom Come Supes, Ollie makes an appearance, and Conroy plays a very interesting Bats.
I watched the Wonder Woman 1984 trailer and all I can think of is this:
I had no knowledge of the villain for the new WW movie, so based on his looks in the trailer I assumed it was Glorious Godfrey.
I had no knowledge of the villain for the new WW movie, so based on his looks in the trailer I assumed it was Glorious Godfrey
Honestly, of course, it doesn’t matter much who it is. 90% of the audience couldn’t name one Wonder Woman villain from the comics. Hell, I read comics and I can barely name two, and I wouldn’t even consider Lord a “Wonder Woman” villain exclusively. He’s just the one she killed.
It oddly gave me a Fantasy Island vibe, though. Wishes granted… but at a high hidden price.
Well that was obvious. It always amazes me that people who claim to be comics fans think that Superman killed Zod when you never see the body on panel. Come on, that’s Comics 101.
I was actually really impressed with the way they incorporated Blue Monday into the visuals, the gunfire and running synching with the drum machine breaks. Most trailers just whack a popular song on and can’t be bothered.
Yeah, same here. I kinda loved the trailer for this. And, I mean, it’s fucking Blue Monday, so it’s one of my favourite songs ever. Dunno how much that says about the movie though; it’s just clear that the people cutting the trailer know what they’re doing. Also reminded me of, like, we had a video (I think) that explained how after the trailer for A Serious Man, everybody went for the rhythmic thing because it was so fantastic in that trailer?
As far as the movie itself, it’s obviously got a nice fun tone and some good action. Apart from that, we will have to see.
Well that was obvious. It always amazes me that people who claim to be comics fans think that Superman killed Zod when you never see the body on panel. Come on, that’s Comics 101.
That’s the thing, the original intent was not to kill him but by omitting the jail scene they purposefully changed the story to imply that they were killed. But it’s OK because it was in a fun, zany way and didn’t really have any repercussions.
If Superman killed Zod, then Lois Lane clearly killed Ursa in that same scene.
If Superman killed Zod, then Lois Lane clearly killed Ursa in that same scene.
Yep but it was cute.
So I watched… I think it was supergirl and batwoman… first 2 parts of the crisis event… ugh… really glad I stopped watching all those shows…
So weird.
I was with Supergirl and Batwoman last night and they were like “We are soooo glad that guy stopped watching us”.
yeah you wish…
also… not gonna lie, this looks kinda badass… I like the black and silver thing:
Where’s the mullet?
yeah you wish…
also… not gonna lie, this looks kinda badass… I like the black and silver thing:
Ya. I kinda wish they had gone that route. Would have been supercool. Could have even kept the mustache.
yeah you wish…
also… not gonna lie, this looks kinda badass… I like the black and silver thing:
No, no, I was there too. They definitely said that.
No, no, I was there too. They definitely said that.
We really need an eye-rolling emoticon… u_u
Funny, they said that too!
omg yeah… that’s sooooooo funny… hahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaahahaha
Wow, they said that too. You three are so similar.
Soo… third part… Flash… still horrible, BUT there was a lot more Toms in this one, which makes it the best by default… Tom Ellis completely stole the whole show, unsurprisingly, but Constantine dude did very well… I hope they can get him for the last season of Lucifer, those two were fun together. Then my poor Tom Cavanagh who is amazing, but man that dialogue they gave him, holy shit that was heart breaking.
Like, I get these shows are cheap and are done quickly ’cause of the tight schedule, but holy shit hire decent writers… Oh well… whatever, after this event, I’m not touching them ever again… I’m just watching this for the cameos, even though they’re so painfully writen.
Oh btw, that Luthor from the SG show (I assume) is about the worst Luthor I’ve ever seen… The actor’s not good, so that doesn’t help. Come to think of it, all the SG actors seem worse than the rest… like even Batwoman is like better than most of these people from the other shows… =/ Though to be fair, I thought Batwoman herself was the best thing about that show, which isn’t high praise all things considered, but oh well…
Oh btw, that Luthor from the SG show (I assume) is about the worst Luthor I’ve ever seen
I genuinely think he’s the best Luthor I’ve ever seen on screen. I’m not one of these people who thinks that villains are more interesting than heroes, but every time he was involved in the previous season the whole show lifted 100%.
Well… I dunno, maybe these episodes were a bad representation… it’s the first time I’ve seen him and he didn’t leave a good first impression at all. Bad acting, bad dialogue and of course he doesn’t look like luthor, but whatever, that’s not really an issue per-se.
I watched the first three parts of Crisis (apparently the rest isn’t airing til the new year?). It’s ok. There was some seriously ropey dialogue in the first part, even by the usual standards of the Arrowverse. The crossover mostly gets by on the fanwank, frankly, rather than the actual story, which is pretty thin and perfunctory. I feel like they’ve spent too long building this up, referring to it by name (which always sounds weird) and what will happen in it (“Flash disappears in Crisis” etc) without really coming up with a strong story for it.
Welling’s cameo was fun enough (for someone who didn’t really like Smallville) and while it’s interesting seeing Routh reprise Returns Superman, he’s not particularly good in the role, especially when placed directly beside himself as Ray Palmer. Cryer’s great as Lex though and Conroy was also cool.
Count me in as enoying Jon Cryer’s Luthor.
An odd choice (I thought) for casting that really worked well.
I assume the future on ” New Earth” (or however it will be set-up) will have Luthor starting out with a clean slate and have LuthorCorp back (for the new Superman & Lois show).
Finally got around to watching Joker. I was pretty meh on it. Part of it was probably all the hype, but it never really grabbed me. Felt a lot like a lesser version of Taxi Driver, and while Phoenix was good…he’s pretty much always good in everything he does and nothing about his performance really felt like something above my standard expectations from him. So yeah, I guess I can see why some people were really into it, and I give WB kudos for doing such a different type of comic movie with a major character, but I doubt I’ll even remember much about the movie a year from now. If I ever remember it exists at all.
Ah well, if a youtube “expert” says so… I guess I’ll take his words over the words of the actors and creators directly involved in the project… makes sense!
What did you disagree with?
What doesn’t Jon disagree with?
What did you disagree with?
With his unequivocal certainty that what Snyder has is merely a workprint… among other things.
Also, I wish I’d kept that bootleg of Wolverine’s work print… it was indeed interesting. I remember my mom bought one on a pirate DVD a long time ago, and actually watched the whole thing, and even enjoyed it, without realizing it was an unfinished movie… I guess just seeing Jackman on screen is enough for some… xD
With his unequivocal certainty that what Snyder has is merely a workprint… among other things.
Isn’t that exactly what Kevin Smith said he’d seen?
Also, the guys logic is sound. It’s a blockbuster effects film. Each shot is going to be unfinished.
I’m probably wading into territory I don’t want to be in though. So …. * wades out *
Yes the logic is sound. However some actors (and other folks working on the movie) have said otherwise… or well, they have implied otherwise at least. One of the rumours, and yes, it’s only a rumour so who knows, is that Snyder’s kept working on it all this time, and since he’s got a production company, he does have the means to do it… now, wether he has the money or not or wants to pay for it himself or not, that’s another question…
But either way, the point is, there’s a couple of actors and the director himself who’ve said: “yes, there is a Snyder cut”, and not “yes, there is a Snyder workprint”, so that should be that, I don’t see the point of doubting them… that doesn’t mean it’ll ever be released, but why the insistance of doubting them? Who knows… clickbait maybe… anyways, we’ll see soon enough… if there are actual plans to release it, it’ll be for the HBO max thing, so we’ll see then.
One of the thing that kinda pisses me off about these kinds of videos is the premise that we, the public, are confused about it ’cause we’re too stupid to know the difference between a workprint and a finished product… like, no, we DO know the difference, we’re not just being dumb and not understanding… very condescending if you ask me… u_u
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