We probably need a thread for this!
Looking forward to ‘Joker’.
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The CW has released the loglines for the first three episodes of the crossover:
‘Crisis on Infinite Earths’ Crossover Spoilers: The Search for ‘Smallville,’ Sara vs. Mia, Black Lightning and More
Wait, when did BvS tank?
Well, it did in the sense they got cold feet after that and changed course… I guess “underperformed” would be more apt.
I think it was virtually an impossible bar to clear.
I have a vague recollection of reading that they were lumping the sunk costs of the previous attempts at Superman into the statements for BvS by the magic of Hollywood accounting. This would have been done for tax reasons, but what it meant was that BvS needed to set the world on fire in order to turn a profit, and it clearly fell below its projections.
That was probably the cause of the rethink – WB had been used to throwing money at films like Harry Potter and Dark Knight, but the books on BvS probably indicated that they needed to be more conservative with Justice League as evidently the audience wasn’t as convinced with the take on the universe as they were with The Avengers.
Long story Short, if BvS had done Avengers 1 numbers, or better, they probably would have been more inclined to follow Snyders plan for two back-to-back Justice League films.
In the sense that it failed to make a profit, I think.
I remember discussions at the time that it was kind of crazy for DC to have banked on a film needing to make $1bn+ to be profitable.
Yeah, a ‘reliable source’ told me that the last 2 Avengers films needed to pass $1bn to break even but they were going off a pattern of the previous 2 chapters doing that quite comfortably. Nolan’s Batman films had just squeaked past that number and Man of Steel fell quite a way short so Warners were taking a significant gamble.
The truth is that none of the DCU films have really sunk in the sense of people not turning up to see them, if you are taking in $600m + then a lot of people went to see your movie, it is largely poor budget management or being far too ambitious that have deemed them ‘flops’.
Yes, exactly. They have healthy enough audiences, they just cost a ridiculous amount.
And I’m sure there were added JL costs to BvS already, since they had to cast & costume & film plenty of people if only for the set-up. I’m not really sure how expensive those things can be, but all of the JL actors were cast for BvS, and their looks were already designed, and all that… I’m sure that added quite a bit, but saved them on the next couple of movies as well…
I dunno, we REALLY need a documentary… xD
<p style=”text-align: left;”>Yeah I think the tragedy of the DCU is really an accountants story to tell.</p>
Id watch a documentary. I probably wouldn’t watch the Snyder Cut though ewwwww grosses Snyder cutt
I agree, I think a documentary would be interesting. But it would have to be an “honest” one, not a studio-sanitised version, and I’m not sure if that could happen.
They should get Louis Theroux
🦇 I said… #CarmineFalcone pic.twitter.com/wa5zNuVwPg
— Matt Reeves (@mattreevesLA) November 22, 2019
Sooo apparently in a new-ish interview, Momoa repeats he’s seen the Snyder Cut… and he seems to imply it IS actually rather done (though, who knows to what extent obviously) interesting… It also seems Junkie XL did finish scoring the movie, which is probably the best thing if true.
Anyways, everyone’s picking up this new releasethesnydercut ressurgence… it’s sooooo fuckin weird… xD
Also, I’m kinda starting to get caught in the hype… =P
Anyways, everyone’s picking up this new releasethesnydercut ressurgence… it’s sooooo fuckin weird
yeah, it is strange. Pretty soon, “release the Snyder cut” will be a euphemism for taking a crap.
“Be right back. Just gotta go release the Snyder cut.”
Man you should see the Snyder Cut I just released.
It’s really impressive!
Phew, I wouldn’t go back into that franchise for another five years if I were you.
In other news, seems we’ll finally get a peek at the Nightwing costume next week… I hope it looks good. Titans is a weird show… I mean, it’s not like mindblowing or anything but it’s good enough… but there’s something about it… maybe it’s the weird pacing, I dunno. I kinda like they take their time though, at least they’re really going into their characters. At any rate, I’m guessing it’ll get canned along with the rest of the other new shows like Swamp Thing and Doom Patrol… too bad, I really enjoy Titans and DP (Swamp Thing was okay but forgettable).
Oh ye, that was the original idea that was canned after BvS tanked… now THAT would’ve been amazing to see
I think it would’ve been amazing for comics fans who know what’s going on with all that stuff, but it shows once again that Snyder didn’t really know what he was doing. It’d be like making Endgame as the first Avengers movie. It’s not about being ahead of the curve, but about ignoring that there is a curve, that there’s got to be one.
DC Films Plots Future With Superman, Green Lantern and R-Rated Movies (EXCLUSIVE)
And it looks like Snyder’s vision of Superman is truly dead:
The studio has less clarity on what to do with Superman, a character who has now been rebooted two different times in the last 13 years, once with Brandon Routh (“Superman Returns”) and later with Henry Cavill (“Man of Steel”) without landing on a winning strategy. Superman has also appeared frequently on television, in shows such as “Lois and Clark” and “Smallville,” which has led to some fears at Warners that the market could be over-saturated with hot takes on all things Clark Kent.
To help find a way to make Superman relevant to modern audiences, studio brass has been polling lots of high-profile talent. There have been discussions with J.J. Abrams, whose company Bad Robot recently signed a massive first-look deal with the studio, and there was a meeting with Michael B. Jordan earlier this year with the “Creed” star pitching Warners on a vision for the character. However, Jordan isn’t ready to commit to taking on the project since filming doesn’t seem likely to happen for several years and he has a full dance card of projects. Insiders think that a new Superman film is unlikely to hit screens before 2023, given that there’s no script and no director attached.
And the Snyder Cut?
The launch of HBO Max had inspired some hopes that Warner Bros. might allow Zack Snyder to release a director’s cut of “Justice League,” leading to a social media campaign dubbed #ReleaseTheSnyderCut. Snyder directed an earlier version of the ill-fated super-team movie and had planned to do some reshoots. However, after his daughter died, he was not able to complete production and was replaced by Joss Whedon, who injected a more light-hearted tone into the final film. Logistically, however, there’s little appetite at the studio for spending the millions of dollars it would require to finish visual effects and editing work on Snyder’s version, particularly as “Justice League” was a commercial disaster. There are currently no plans to release a Snyder version either in theaters or on HBO Max.
“That’s a pipe dream,” said one knowledgeable insider. “There’s no way it’s ever happening.”
Here’s the test footage of 2003’s Watchmen movie that were never made from director David Hayter and a composer Joe Kraemer
“That’s a pipe dream,” said one knowledgeable insider. “There’s no way it’s ever happening.”
Pass that pipe!
That doesn’t look anything like a crack pipe.
A few weeks ago someone showed me their tattoo which said “Ceci n’est pas une tatouage” – this is not a tattoo.
I had to fight really hard to resist the urge to explain to them, that, well, it kind of actually was a tattoo.
But was it? Was it really?
It was unfortunately not a tattoo of a tattoo
It was unfortunately not a tattoo of a tattoo
That doesn’t look anything like a crack pipe.
I think you’ll find that the pipe in question is actually for opium.
More on the Snyder cut:
interesting bits:
“First, let’s be clear about a few things: yes, a Snyder Cut does exist in near-finished form; yes, several people have seen the Snyder Cut; yes, there were multiple edits of the film, including an early assembly cut, but Snyder and his crew continued working on the film and created a more completed version;”
“It’s also worth noting that there was indeed a sustained campaign to convince everyone that no Snyder Cut exists, with some people intentionally spreading false information to mislead the press and public, while others spread the false information because they were misled by their bosses or sources and had no other evidence at the time to convince them otherwise.
I am not sure what compels some media and journalists to continue denying the Snyder Cut exists after a great deal of confirmation, nor why some of them insist it would require tens of millions of dollars to complete Snyder’s version (it wouldn’t, and those claims seem based on the outlets/journalists falsely believing only the assembly cut exists). While Warner could indeed spend some additional money to finish a few elements or tweak a few others, Snyder’s version could be released as-is without additional spending and viewers would get the full film with 90+% completed footage, VFX, and sound.
Claiming the Snyder Cut doesn’t exist, or that it’s a “mythical” entity whose existence is unlikely or in serious question, relies on ignoring the claims of most people who worked on Justice League and who insist that yes, it does exist. It also relies on ignoring the folks who actually saw the cut of the film. And it relies on ignoring all of the footage and images that have steadily leaked out to the public over the past several months. Saying it doesn’t exist or treating its existence as a matter of debate, then, inherently implies a vast conspiracy exists to fool everyone into thinking a movie exists, for the purpose of… what, exactly? What is the supposed motive for so many people to make false claims and to generate images and footage for a supposedly non-existent film?”
“I say all of this as someone who initially didn’t think a true near-complete Snyder Cut existed (…) I have obviously seen and heard more over the past year, including new images and footage, sources with more information about what happened, a more accurate timeline of events during Justice League’s production, and revelations that some folks at the studio were misled about the true nature of a Snyder Cut (some people who originally told me it didn’t exist later contacted me to let me know they had merely repeated what they were told at the time, but they had since learned a Snyder Cut exists). As a result, my understanding of the situation and my position have changed, which I began saying publicly a few months ago.”
Also, Snyder keeps pumping out a shit ton of screengrabs from his cut, but there’s kind of too many to keep track of… The really neat one is the one with Darkseid (or rahter Uxas, at that point in time) during the flashback history lesson thingie though…
I feel like I could go my entire life without hearing the phrase “the Snyder cut” again and die happy.
I think they should release it, only on select cinema showings and charge $500 a ticket. Let the Snyder cut gang put their money where their petition is.
That’s too bad… ’cause this whole saga is just too riveting… xD
I’ll be sure to keep you updated =)
I think they should release it, only on select cinema showings and charge $500 a ticket. Let the Snyder cut gang put their money where their petition is.
Don’t forget to include some cheap plastic trinket that cost ten cents so they feel like they got something. 😜
Are you telling me that Jean Grey pendant I got from a Dark Phoenix promotion is not going to rise in value??
Are you telling me that Jean Grey pendant I got from a Dark Phoenix promotion is not going to rise in value??
Ooo, this is going to be awkward…
Are you telling me that Jean Grey pendant I got from a Dark Phoenix promotion is not going to rise in value??
Probably. They were made from gold leaf
Come to think of it, maybe this was why Dark Phoenix couldn’t turn a profit?
The first episode of Harley Quinn was great. Looking forward to seeing more of it.
So watched Jonah Hex on Netflix today.
It’s an OK way to spend a couple of hours, good cast but not without its flaws – its fond of doing very dark fight scenes and I wasn’t a fan of Hex’s new powers, but it worked well enough.
Here’s the test footage of 2003’s Watchmen movie that were never made from director David Hayter and a composer Joe Kraemer
Interesting to see that. Not too bad, either. I mean, it’s not good, but as test footage, it’s alright.
DC Films still doesn’t know what to do with Superman, the studio reportedly is unsure how to make the character “relevant to modern audiences” https://t.co/ActQZp2O3t pic.twitter.com/EtxNICHvWT
— Forbes (@Forbes) November 29, 2019
I believe that WB thinks Superman isn’t relevant was because they’ve done terrible job by gave it the wrong person *cough*Zack Snyder*cough* who doesn’t understand the character, it would’ve solve the problem if they kill the entire crappy DCEU, rest the universe and make a better Superman movie, again.
And besides, there’s THREE Supermen from CW’s Crisis on Infinite Earths and the people still talking about Superman, not sure why they think he isn’t relevant to the audiences.
Also, these comments in the tweet reply.
I don’t disagree Max but the Arrowverse doesn’t generate the type of audience numbers needed to sustain a film. Very few TV shows do.
who doesn’t understand the character,
I really hate when people say this… u_u
and the people still talking about Superman
Yeah, all these how ever many years in, and people are still debating MoS and BvS Superman… because of that guy that “doesn’t understand the character”… I’m puzzled as to how DC films are still confused about any of this?
Sorry for i disliked your favorite Superman movie.
Sorry for i disliked your favorite Superman movie.
No, there’s a difference between disliking something and saying something factually incorrect (and tbh, very stupid). First of all, if you wanna blame anyone for the way Superman is or isn’t in those movies, you should probably blame the main culprits, as in: the writers… you might wanna say “Goyer, Nolan & Terrio don’t understand the character” since they’re the ones primarly responsible for that particular interpretation of Superman, although I’m sure Snyder obviously had some input, but he’s NOT the writer. But of course, no one’s about to take a shit on Nolan right? So they just put all the blame on the director. But that’s quite dishonest.
So what pisses me off is that it’s just baseless Snyder bashing. But then, how can you even say Snyder doesn’t understand comicbooks? (and I don’t mean YOU specifically, I mean, everyone who says this kind of thing) He’s probably the one director who understands comicbooks a whole lot better than most, even if you don’t like his movies.
Oh and by the way, MoS is the most culturally relevant Superman since… I dunno, probably de Donner movies… You know what a culturally irrelevant Superman looks like? Superman Returns… Even the dumb knuckle heads at WB & DC should be able to realise this… but apparently they don’t =/
Have I been using the term ‘factually incorrect wrong all this time?
Have I been using the term ‘factually incorrect wrong all this time?
Factually, yes.
I would absolutely love to see the Snyder Cut, and would pre-order the blu-ray without looking at the cost.
Just having Warner Bros. admit they screwed up would be awesome.
And I would love to see some the haters admit Snyder did a pretty damn good attempt at a fast-track shared universe.
He excels at casting. Ben Affleck? It worked! Jason Momoa, Gal Gadot, lots more.
Finding the cast at “the right price” for Watchmen showed he has a good eye (only Ozymandias would I re-cast)
They have to be shit scared behind the scenes as they cannot fuck up a Superman reboot.
They don’t have to aim for a “shared universe” quick, but they do need to be able to set it up.
JJ Abrams would be the obvious choice (but wow, whoever has a name/resume can negotiate a sweetheart deal).
George Miller’s desire for Supergirl would be stupid to ignore provided it can co-exist (and I would pounce on that, sooner considering his age).
It’s a pretty huge undertaking when you think about it, and indecision is whats holding up Green Lantern and Flash (and more).
Man I’m so tempted to link all the “Why you’re wrong about” the Snyder flicks, but it’s like… 3 or 4 long videos… even I wouldn’t do that… xD
Though I probably should since they do a wonderful job of shutting all the silly, and not so silly, complains… u_u
Man I’m so tempted to link all the “Why you’re wrong about” the Snyder flicks, but it’s like… 3 or 4 long videos… even I wouldn’t do that… xD
Though I probably should since they do a wonderful job of shutting all the silly, and not so silly, complains… u_u
They won’t change anything.
I personally thought MOS was terrible and Snyder was the wrong person for Superman. Nothing will change my opinion on that.
I never watched BvS and don’t plan on it. I don’t have an opinion on it since I never saw it.
I have only seen about 20 minutes of JL and that was hot garbage. The VFX were terrible. I am not going to watch ANY cut of JL.
Wonder Woman was just a mediocre movie.
I tried watching Aquaman but got bored and changed channels.
I never saw Suicide Squad.
Ultimately, WB’s approach to DC didn’t appeal to me. I failed to connect with what they were producing. I’m glad others enjoyed them immensely but they simply aren’t for me.
you might wanna say “Goyer, Nolan & Terrio don’t understand the character” since they’re the ones primarly responsible for that particular interpretation of Superman, although I’m sure Snyder obviously had some input, but he’s NOT the writer
He excels at casting.
In the vein of the interpretation being down to the writers I think you’ll find that’s down to the casting director.
you might wanna say “Goyer, Nolan & Terrio don’t understand the character” since they’re the ones primarly responsible for that particular interpretation of Superman
Okay, I’ll take this one:
You know, I thought MoS was fine. It was a good interpretation of the character and it was a good movie. Script was a bit shit, as is every script Goyer is involved with, but Snyder’s film-making (and the performances, especially Crowe) really elevated it.
BvS, on the other hand, was a mistake – it was a bit of a pointless movie, and too daft, and too brutal. Justice League didn’t work, and what didn’t work about it won’t be fixed by the Snyder cut. Though it could be interesting to see.
But overall, the Superman they have is fine, actually. Just give him something to goddamn do. Make a bloody adventure movie with Superman; have some of the big enemies and make a fun Superman movie.
Yeah, Cavill was pretty good as Superman. And the first half of MoS shows what potential there was for that version of the character.
It’s a great ‘what if’ to consider how that Superman might have developed if they continued with a series of Superman films rather than barrelling forwards straight into crossover territory. A Cavill Superman movie with Luthor or Brainiac or even a Supergirl story could have all been interesting.
I’m just going to interject here and say that this Man of Steel stuff has been going on on this board for 6 years.
People aren’t going to change their minds at this point.
I think the debate had been made.
The new season of Titans has been an.odd duck.
Genuinely good bits mixed in with truly horrible bits. It’s not like a tempered mediocre like, say, The Flash – it’s like the SHOWRUNNER is half Nolan half Uwe Boll.
Rose Wilson’s costume was fucking terrible.
It’s a great ‘what if’ to consider how that Superman might have developed if they continued with a series of Superman films rather than barrelling forwards straight into crossover territory. A Cavill Superman movie with Luthor or Brainiac or even a Supergirl story could have all been interesting.
I think they still could. The character and the actor are fine; just get a good director for an uplifting adventure movie and go for it.
I’m just going to interject here and say that this Man of Steel stuff has been going on on this board for 6 years. People aren’t going to change their minds at this point.
I’m waiting for the Whedon cut, that’ll show the real movie it could have been.
While we’re choosing, can I have the Tarantino cut of the first Donner movie?
There’s no statute of limitations on film discussion.
There’s a bit of a half life to them but it varies by person and film. Someone I work with mentioned ‘Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri’ the other day and I immediately remembered that I had seriously disliked it when I saw it, but I couldn’t remember exactly why?
My brain had rejected it and then, for some reason, moved on, letting the memories fade.
This is not true of some other films.
There’s a bit of a half life to them but it varies by person and film. Someone I work with mentioned ‘Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri’ the other day and I immediately remembered that I had seriously disliked it when I saw it, but I couldn’t remember exactly why?
I vaguely seem to remember something about the bad guy’s perspective? Or someone’s?
Or maybe not. I still haven’t seen it. (Not because I expect not to like it, and not because I don’t want to. Just haven’t.)
I have no intention of re-watching in order to refresh my memory.
Some films feel like they’re meant to last and become part of the world beyond their initial release, but that’s probably hindsight.
‘Three Billboards’ never felt like that. It had points to make, but my fuzzy recall is that they didn’t gel at the time.
The movie took the deliberate approach of throwing a lot of big issues into the audience’s lap and not providing a conclusion that really answered the questions it raised (reminiscent of a certain Alien prequel…).
I liked Three Billboards but I can understand why others didn’t. I can definitely see the argument that it bit off more than it could chew in terms of the issues it explored.
Yeah, Cavill was pretty good as Superman. And the first half of MoS shows what potential there was for that version of the character. It’s a great ‘what if’ to consider how that Superman might have developed if they continued with a series of Superman films rather than barrelling forwards straight into crossover territory. A Cavill Superman movie with Luthor or Brainiac or even a Supergirl story could have all been interesting.
True. I didn’t mind many of the concepts, but it felt a bit unfinished in the development stage. However, I’ve come to appreciate the approach more especially as many recent “new” approaches to Superman in the comics couldn’t come up with anything significantly better. Superman: Year One, Superman: Earth One, New 52 Action Comics, etc.
Also, compared to the messiness of the later movies in the Snyderversion of DC heroes, Man of Steel works really well.
you should probably blame the main culprits, as in: the writers… you might wanna say “Goyer, Nolan & Terrio don’t understand the character” since they’re the ones primarly responsible for that particular interpretation of Superman, although I’m sure Snyder obviously had some input, but he’s NOT the writer. But of course, no one’s about to take a shit on Nolan right? So they just put all the blame on the director. But that’s quite dishonest.
To be fair, when a movie is great we *never* talk about the writers, it’s always the director who gets the praise. So it’s obviously going to work the other way round too.
To be fair, when a movie is great we *never* talk about the writers, it’s always the director who gets the praise. So it’s obviously going to work the other way round too.
True enough but Max was talking about “the person who doesn’t understand the character”, so not really the same in this case. And to be fair, like with endgame, I’d blame more the writers than the Russos, for exemple.
Something to think about when considering who determines the content, or the tone, of a film, is the running time?
So we’re told that the last cut of Justice League that was edited under the direction of Zack Snyder was 3 hours long.
The released cut was 2 hours long.
So, just numerically, that’s a 33% difference.
And who determined the 33% that was removed, versus the 66% that was retained?
Movies are designed by a committee, but some members of that committee have more power than others.
There’s no statute of limitations on film discussion.
There’s a bit of a half life to them but it varies by person and film. Someone I work with mentioned ‘Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri’ the other day and I immediately remembered that I had seriously disliked it when I saw it, but I couldn’t remember exactly why?
My brain had rejected it and then, for some reason, moved on, letting the memories fade.
This is not true of some other films.
No of course not but I was saying that we’ve sung this song every six month or so for the past few years. I don’t think it’s worth anyones energy to try to convince someone else that the DCEU movies are good/bad when pretty much everyone has said their piece on the quality of those films at this point.
I’m not trying to shut down the conversation, just reminding everyone that it’s basically our “Wonderwall”.
So we’re told that the last cut of Justice League that was edited under the direction of Zack Snyder was 3 hours long.
The released cut was 2 hours long.
From what I’ve read there’s a 3.5hrs cut… (he supposedly has several cuts), and seeing how Cyborg was gutted out of the theatrical release I’m inclined to believe so… also, another thing to consider is BvS’s DC is rated R, instead of PG13, so I reckon there’s stuff that gets “cut” by a comitee in that aspect as well.
The most interesting thing about Snyder’s take on the DC characters was when he mentioned that HEAVY METAL was his first introduction to comics rather than superheroes. I certainly read Marvel and DC first, but I was around 8 years old when Heavy Metal came out and read those too because my dad had bought them (he was also a big fan of National Lampoon). I was also very familiar with Warren magazines like EERIE and CREEPY (surprisingly, not VAMPIRELLA so much) and HEAVY METAL felt like a more science fiction alternative to those primarily horror stories.
It (along with Marvel’s competitor EPIC) told distinctly different stories in the same way French crime movies like The Red Circle or The Samurai were both similar to and contrasted with American crime movies. The heroics were considerably messier and compromised.
So, it makes sense that Snyder would focus so much on the very surreal version of Krypton at the beginning as well as the less direct progression of Clark Kent as a hero as the movie meandered its way to the conclusion. There seemed to be an essential conflict between the presentation (Snyder’s vision) and the script (something much more traditional in terms of the comics at the time and the previous Nolan Batman films).
Though the movie seems at first to be something like Nolan’s approach – basically Superman set against a broadly realistic background – it turns into something more surreal – a strange, extraterrestrial conflict whose final battle takes place on Earth. And, naturally, the initial overarching story seemed to be about Earth finding itself at the focus of somewhat terrifying extraterrestrial and extradimensional interests that it definitely would not be able to handle without these new, and equally worrying, super-beings who’ve arisen in response like some sort of science fiction macro-terrestrial antibodies.
I don’t think the DC movies would have fared any worse if they had retained that direction, and I agree that it might have been better to take a much slower approach.
Still, I liked SHAZAM! and AQUAMAN and I look forward to the next WONDER WOMAN movie (BIRDS OF PREY… not so much), but they don’t seem as distinct any longer from other superhero movies (especially the Marvel juggernaut).
Well part of (if not the whole) reason for the extended Krypton intro was to really establsih Superman’s alien-ness… something that usually gets swept under the rug in favour of the “all american” experience he usually represents. Considering how both movies focus on his alien-ness and his difficulty in finding a place in this world, it makes sense that they would explore a lot more the Kryptonian background. I’m not sure it was a result of a clash between the director and the scirpt, is what I’m saying…
Now that I think about it, that might be the reason why a lot of people don’t like this Superman… he’s not the “perfect american” he tends to be, this version, he’s very much an alien first… maybe that’s why it feels odd for some…
You’re 2 years too late old man =P
JJ Abrams would be the obvious choice
Have you never read his Superman script or forget the outcry it had? It was a bit more Dragon Ball Z and quite a bit less actual Superman.
You’re 2 years too late old man =P
Yes but that was the studio version, I want the proper director’s cut, with the unicorn scene and everything.
you might wanna say “Goyer, Nolan & Terrio don’t understand the character” since they’re the ones primarly responsible for that particular interpretation of Superman
There, your favorite Superman movie doesn’t understand the character, happy now?
Anyway, i’ve read news that not long ago Michael B. Jordan is meeting DC and WB to discuss to play the next Superman. Not Sure if this will happen, if they do, what it’ll be like? i’m not talking a race or stuff, are they going to do a different directions of his origin story or are they just skip it ahead like that Superman Returns?
Superman Returns only didn’t do the origin because it was designed as a direct continuation of the Donner movies.
So it’s a canon that Lex changed his face to look alot like Kevin Spacey.
Prison changes a man.
happy now?
Happy-er, yes… =P
So it’s a canon that Lex changed his face to look alot like Kevin Spacey.
TBH, they don’t look all that different…
Millars pre-Snyder pitch for Superman was pretty good IIRC. He should get involved, assuming Netflix let’s him.
The one would be like Godfather-like trilogy? Can’t say i’m a fan of his idea, but it sure sounds better than Man of Steel.
*Enters DC movies thread*
*Sees discussion about Man of Steel*
*Hides under the blanket, crying*
The one would be like Godfather-like trilogy? Can’t say i’m a fan of his idea, but it sure sounds better than Man of Steel.
I think you do have to be careful about being too earnest with Superman – I think thats a trap that both previous Superman films fell in to.
What I liked about Millar’s pitch was it positioned the character amidst a very very long journey by starting far into the future and suggested that there was an epic story there.
I’d love to see an All-Star Superman style movie – not necessarily that exact plot, but big and bold and colourful and imaginative and strange and sci-fi tinged. Put him in a comicbook world.
I’d love to see an All-Star Superman style movie – not necessarily that exact plot, but big and bold and colourful and imaginative and strange and sci-fi tinged. Put him in a comicbook world.
There’s already an ASS animated flick… that’s about as close as you’ll get to that, I guess…
Have you never read his Superman script or forget the outcry it had?
Yeah, forgot all about that. Now I don’t know what to think.
TBH, they don’t look all that different…
Wow. I never realized how close they looked.
I’d love to see an All-Star Superman style movie – not necessarily that exact plot, but big and bold and colourful and imaginative and strange and sci-fi tinged. Put him in a comicbook world.
There’s already an ASS animated flick… that’s about as close as you’ll get to that, I guess…
If you type in “Ass Superman” in certain corners of the internet im sure you’ll find lots of little movies to watch.
Big ones too.
If you type in “Ass Superman” in certain corners of the internet im sure you’ll find lots of little movies to watch.
Well yeah d’uh… you should be typing AS Superman… pervert… u_u
<p style=”text-align: left;”>
you should be typing AS Superman… pervert
I’m not in charge of your autocorrect filter
I’m still waiting for the All Star Superman Hardcover Oversized Limited Edition.
Warner Bros. Is Reportedly Eyeing a 26-Year-Old to Replace Henry Cavill as Superman
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Someone sent me a compilation of bits from the first episode of the Harley Quinn cartoon and it was pretty funny, so I watched episode 1 tonight. And it was pretty good. It feels like an episode of The Venture Brothers with most of the heartfelt moments stripped out, especially every moment Jim Gordon was on screen. It goes a bit too hard on the mature content at points – the swearing and gore is funny, but it wears thin a bit by the end.
Good interview with Marc Guggenheim about the logistics of putting together CoIE:
Inside ‘Crisis on Infinite Earths,’ CW’s Mind-Bending DC Crossover Event
It mentions the issues with Batwoman not airing in the UK, but there doesn’t seem to be any resolution.
Sky are putting off airing the crossover until the New Year, so maybe they’ll still work something out.
The country of origin does their thing, the rest of the world either rolls with it or they don’t. It’s archaic but change is difficult.
We’re in the last few years of “regions”.
Kids ten years from now will be as clueless about regions as they are about Betamax.
I don’t think that’s true though. There’s a load of stuff that’s only on US-only streaming sites that they just don’t bother making available overseas as it’s too niche. Movies too, the gulf between the amount available for streaming/purchase in the US and over here is enormous.
Here in Ireland, we can’t legally access anything that the BBC make iPlayer-only, or anything that goes to StarzPlay, such as the Doom Patrol series.
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