We probably need a thread for this!
Looking forward to ‘Joker’.
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Probably the most inciting quote:
“It isn’t as easy as going into the vault and there’s a Snyder Cut sitting there to put out,” Greenblatt said. “It does not exist. Zack is actually building it, and it’s complex, including new VFX shots. It’s a radical rethinking of that movie and it’s complicated and wildly expensive. I’ll just say I wish it was just $30 million and stop there. It’s an enormous undertaking and very complex.”
I suspect some of the initiative behind his comments is to keep the fanrage alive and therefore keep the interest going, otherwise why would you bother actually saying those things. Irrespective of that, hilarity ensues.
EDIT: To be clear, the hilarity referred above is fans arguing over whether the “Snyder Cut” was real and splitting hairs over what their previous comments meant, completely ignoring that they’re basically getting a better funded version of what they were campaigning for, but as you say, Dave, I suppose it gives an “out” too.
“It isn’t as easy as going into the vault and there’s a Snyder Cut sitting there to put out,” Greenblatt said. “It does not exist. Zack is actually building it, and it’s complex, including new VFX shots. It’s a radical rethinking of that movie and it’s complicated and wildly expensive. I’ll just say I wish it was just $30 million and stop there. It’s an enormous undertaking and very complex.”
That quote is a bit all over the place though, he says “it doesn’t exist”, sure, we know there’s not a ready-to-go movie, therwise they would’ve released it already as a DC… but the whole part about him “building it”… eh… no, that’s precisely what Snyder meant when he said “I have a cut”: it might not be finished, but the structure is there…
So the thing is, I’m pretty sure he’s refering to what IS gonna be, instead of one of the “cuts” Snyder claimed to have… But in the end, yes, this is just splitting hairs, and it’s just something that’ll only get repeated by people desperately trying to look good and be able to say “I was right”.
My stance is: If the director of the movie, the one guy that WOULD know, says “I’ve got a cut”, there’s absolutely no reason to not believe it, unless proven otherwise, and no one ever proved it otherwise. So whatever hair splitting people want to do, it’s just as simple as that… People wouldn’t be questioning someone like Nolan if he said “Oh I have another cut of Inception (or whatever else)”, but like always, some people seem to REALLY hate Snyder for some reason.
Btw, I’m gonna link this video, but just skip to the end for a small clip of Zack thanking the fans… like, seriously, why do people hate his guts? Look at that absolute class act of a director sincerely thanking people… I’ll really never understand where all the vitiriol come from…
I really hope Snyder/Goyer again, but probably not…
I’d be happy with Snyder doing another Superman movie, but I would really like to see David Goyer locked away in a deep dark dungeon forever. And I say that as someone who was a fan of Dark City in the nineties.
I guess it gives a nice ‘out’ anyway. If the new version is shit, then it wasn’t the Snyder Cut after all!
Yeah, and then Snyder wasn’t actually doing the direction – The HBO execs did. If it took two years to make popcorn I would start making them now.
If Snyder was making popcorn he’d need a budget of several million dollars to redo his kitchen first.
I really hope Snyder/Goyer again, but probably not…
I’d be happy with Snyder doing another Superman movie, but I would really like to see David Goyer locked away in a deep dark dungeon forever. And I say that as someone who was a fan of Dark City in the nineties.
Well, to be fair, I’m pretty sure MoS’s script was written by BOTH Goyer and Nolan… So let’s say MoS2 directed by Snyder, written/co-produced by Nolan… how does that sound? ’cause to me that sounds pretty fuckin great =P
I was under the impression that Nolan initially helped develop the story but didn’t write the script, and was fairly hands-off as a producer once the film got going.
My recollection is that Nolan made a point of saying he wasn’t going to tell another director what to do, then backtracked a little when reminded by his agent what Warner Bros was paying him to put his name on the movie.
But I’ll leave it to future historians to figure out the details when they get access to studio archives one day.
Whatever Man of Steel is though, it’s not a Nolan movie.
So long as the script has sufficient levels of murder, brooding and misanthropic parental figures. Gotta give the people what they want from a Superman movie after all.
This has probably been suggested elsewhere, but I think it’s likely that the final push to make the Snyder Cut was the pandemic.
HBO needs content for it’s new service and all the work to complete this film can be done remotely.
My recollection is that Nolan made a point of saying he wasn’t going to tell another director what to do, then backtracked a little when reminded by his agent what Warner Bros was paying him to put his name on the movie.
That’s my recollection too. He pretty much said he was doing next to bugger all and had moved on from DC movies, then backtracked, as you say most likely because Warners wanted his name attached for a reason.
Wasn’t Nolan the one who recommended Zack for the job? I reckon they at least discussed ideas and whatnot…
MoS is the least Snyder-like Snyder movie (I even think there’s no slomos for fuck’s sake, you don’t get less Snyder than that =P) so I always assumed there was some Nolan input here and there, but yeah, maybe he just collected a paycheck for using his name on that one…
Well, either way, whoever the team behind MoS was, I want them back… such a wonderful movie.
So, I HAVE started reading up on this.
Warner Bros were facing a deadline to get a new film into production, a court had ruled that their heirs of Seigel and Shuster would get the chance to sue Warner Bros for lost revenue (having won the rights to money from the character in a legal battle) if a new movie wasn’t made soon.
Goyer pitched the idea to Chris Nolan, who in turn pitched it to Warner Bros. Goyer was hired to write and Nolan as a producer. Nolan didn’t want any crossover with other characters, so that changed at some point.
Anyway, Warner Bros went after Darren Aronofsky but he was taking his time deciding, there were others on the list too but Snyder was willing to commit to making the film fast and he’d made several films with the studio.
And even those of us that don’t like Man of Steel agree he’s a great visualist. It’s not difficult to see why he would be chosen.
MoS is the least Snyder-like Snyder movie (I even think there’s no slomos for fuck’s sake, you don’t get less Snyder than that =P)
One of the main bits that sticks in my mind from that movie is the first flight, and I thought it all went a bit slo-mo at that point. But I might be misremembering.
So long as the script has sufficient levels of murder, brooding and misanthropic parental figures. Gotta give the people what they want from a Superman movie after all.
If at least two necks aren’t snapped, the movie will have been an absolute waste of money.
If at least two necks aren’t snapped, the movie will have been an absolute waste of money.
Rumor has it they’re using the $30million to hire assassins to sneak into the homes of everyone who signs up for HBO Max and snap their necks while they are watching the new cut. So….
So, I HAVE started reading up on this. Warner Bros were facing a deadline to get a new film into production, a court had ruled that their heirs of Seigel and Shuster would get the chance to sue Warner Bros for lost revenue (having won the rights to money from the character in a legal battle) if a new movie wasn’t made soon. Goyer pitched the idea to Chris Nolan, who in turn pitched it to Warner Bros. Goyer was hired to write and Nolan as a producer. Nolan didn’t want any crossover with other characters, so that changed at some point. Anyway, Warner Bros went after Darren Aronofsky but he was taking his time deciding, there were others on the list too but Snyder was willing to commit to making the film fast and he’d made several films with the studio. And even those of us that don’t like Man of Steel agree he’s a great visualist. It’s not difficult to see why he would be chosen.
Yeah that makes sense. Whatever happened, one thing is for sure, someone restrained Snyder a bit more while he was making MoS, because it shows. So whoever worked on that movie, I’d like more of that. I love Snyder’s style, but yes, he can be very self indulgent at times, so having someone to reign him is probably a good idea.
One of the main bits that sticks in my mind from that movie is the first flight, and I thought it all went a bit slo-mo at that point. But I might be misremembering.
I mean, I don’t remember frame by frame, there migtht be a couple here and there, but the first flight, pretty sure there isn’t any… maybe you’re thinking of the bits of dust and ground that start floating as he’s about to lift off…
CLARK: I don’t know dad, should I really kick this puppy in the face? PA KENT: Maybe…
Yes, because kicking a puppy in the face = revealing yourself as an alien. Come on… you can do better than that… =P
Yeah that makes sense. Whatever happened, one thing is for sure, someone restrained Snyder a bit more while he was making MoS, because it shows. So whoever worked on that movie, I’d like more of that. I love Snyder’s style, but yes, he can be very self indulgent at times, so having someone to reign him is probably a good idea.
I agree. I love Snyder being pure Snyder on some movies (300 for sure), but Man of Steel is the one that works best, at least as mainstream movie and visually. Its aesthetics were grounded in a way they never were again (I attributed this to Nolan, too, at the time, but who knows how that happened…).
I mean, I don’t remember frame by frame, there migtht be a couple here and there, but the first flight, pretty sure there isn’t any… maybe you’re thinking of the bits of dust and ground that start floating as he’s about to lift off…
Yeah you might be right. I just rewatched that clip and there isn’t really any, bar a slow rippling of the cape.
Warner Bros were facing a deadline to get a new film into production, a court had ruled that their heirs of Seigel and Shuster would get the chance to sue Warner Bros for lost revenue (having won the rights to money from the character in a legal battle) if a new movie wasn’t made soon.
I freely admit I’m not a lawyer, but I just can’t get my head around this. Just because they own the character they can force a studio to make a movie with that character? That’s just… backwards
They didn’t have to make the movie, they just would have had to face the lawsuit if they didn’t.
That’s just splitting hairs, though? “Make the movie or we take you to court” sounds suspiciously like blackmail to me.
I read something about it having something to do with execs’ or producers getting money (probably bonuses or some shit like that), which honestly sounds more probable than the rights thing… I mean, it was Justice League, not even a proper Superman film… but eh, who knows…
That’s just splitting hairs, though? “Make the movie or we take you to court” sounds suspiciously like blackmail to me.
I’m not familiar with the details of this specific ruling, but given that this all revolved around historical compensation linked to the Superman rights, I wouldn’t be surprised if the court had found that their previous compensation for the movies hadn’t been equitable, and that DC choosing to deliberately not move forward with a new Superman movie project (due to the rights finding in Siegel & Shuster’s favour) would amount to unreasonable behaviour on DC’s part, basically motivated by wanting to deny S&S fair compensation.
So the court may have had to give S&S some other avenue to recover what they were owed if DC chose to block them from getting compensation through payments related to a new movie by not making one.
(Not saying that’s what happened, just a plausible circumstance that I could imagine.)
The history is that DC gave both Siegel and Shuster each an annuity after the original Superman filmed in 1978 and the concept of moral rights gained traction. That was under a deed recording the arrangement and not a contract, so no due consideration was considered as passing to S&S. Because of this, S&S continued to appeal for actual compensation for the benefit of the intellectual rights they created.
Later, in 1992. DC’s lawyers, sick of having to respond to the appeals, made an agreement with the heirs of each estate to settle all claims. One (or perhaps both) of the estates were broke and so the estates continued to pressure DC that the agreements had been signed under duress, and the settlement was not proportionate to the benefit.
Copywright law in America means that certain copywrights expire 50 years after the deaths of the creators, but the the estates are allowed a 5 year period to reinstate the copywright. This meant that Superman rights entered that period in 1995, notwithstanding of any previous agreement that had been entered in by the parties. Naturally, S&S faced an uphill battle in trying to reclaim the copywright from DC.
Naturally, this period of legal battles and arguing over the moral rights is complex, but broadly once again in 2001 S&S accepted a new agreement for the assignment of the copywright to DC, but under the terms of the agreement S&S were precluded from ever using the copywright even if it were to ever enter the public domain.
S&S lodged an action saying that the restriction on the copywright was unlawful and gave them a right to appeal. Naturally, DC argued that that agreement (and all previous agreements) were signed, and thus the terms of each agreement had been duly accepted by the estates and were binding. A decision was handed down which agreed with DC and said that no further profits were owed but, in essence, that the copywright was not fully owned by DC at all times and BUT FOR DC’s option to exercise the rights, S&S would have been able to profit from a produced film. In order to exercise their continued ownership over both the copywright and the claim to the moral rights (creator rights) DC had begin production by 2011, which would have been the expiry of the 5 year window to claim the copywright, extended through the appeals of the S&S. It could not be extended further. If DC did not produce a film by that time, then a legal right would revert to the estates an enable them to exercise a right to claim compensation over the use of the copywright.
EDIT: This appears to be more or less a better laman’s summary than mine – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Copyright_lawsuits_by_Superman%27s_creators
the critical stuff is under the headings:
“Mark Toberoff’s offer”
“2010-2013 DC sues Shuster heirs”
Are there part-time lesbians? I had no idea…
what do you think a Bisexual is? duh!
There’s a precedent in comics for completely random people to take over a role. Kyle Rayner came out of nowhere. The new Ms. Marvel came out of nowhere. Etc.
Not sure how it will go down with a TV audience who aren’t used to that kind of thing, though.
Kinda like when they replaced Original Becky in Roseanne with Scrubs Becky. Not only a new actress but they completely changed how they wrote the character as well. Glad to have Original Becky back in the Conners now, which is a completely terrible show and yet it tickles my nostalgia bone.
I don’t watch the show but surely DC logic dictates that a new batwoman would be called Kathy Kane nee Webb.
Frankly, I doubt Berlanti even reads comics at this stage.
I replaced me with a new me this morning. None of you even noticed.
I noticed
I wish Silver-Age Bernadette was back
I don’t like her. She keeps forgetting her lines.
I wish Silver-Age Bernadette was back
So do I.
Well I don’t understand the decision… why not just re-cast the role?
Anyways… not that I care, I don’t watch any of those shows… The very few things I saw, I kinda liked both Ruby Rose and the costume, which looked okay… the writing of the show was absolute shit though.
Well I don’t understand the decision… why not just re-cast the role?
SO that they can bring back Ruby Rose for the next “Crisis” crossover event. Obviously.
Long time members will remember that we recast David Meadows from an American military man to the English prog rock aficionado we have today.
That was Garth Ennis’ Meadows MAX.
Its an entirely separate continuity.
Creating a new character to be Batwoman seems a very odd choice considering that the entire Batwoman show is centered around Kate and her relationship with her family. Plus, I do believe the show has dealt very explicitly with characters having their faces changed. And, you know, there’s a whole multiverse out there. Also, recasting isn’t super uncommon. I’ve watched at least 7 different actors play Batman/Bruce Wayne in my life. I’ve managed to handle it well enough… Seems like creating a brand new character creates more problems for the show than it solves, but I guess if the writers wanted more of a clean slate then okay.
They should change the writers instead. They’re really bad.
I’d say “oh maybe it gets better” but somehow I doubt it… these shows tend to get worse, not better.
I’m more interested in when are they gonna do their in-show appology for that whole snyder cut “joke”… u_u
I do enjoy the show though, but that episode was a low blow… I mean, it was kinda bad all around tbh.
I’m more interested in when are they gonna do their in-show appology for that whole snyder cut “joke”… u_u
Meh, fair comment.
And Ralph was one of my favorite characters, too.
Don’t believe this is real yet? I almost skipped #comiccon 2019 because of death threats I received on Twitter for kissing #KatieMcgrath I had to demand extra security and metal detectors. I lost sleep over that. We are tired of being stuck in between hopeless and hopeful. #BLM
— Mehcad (@MehcadBrooks) June 4, 2020
Morgan recently made the news when she expressed her frustration in regard to black characters being used as “sidekicks” on Riverdale. She added that there is a significant pay gap between herself and her castmates, and that she will not take on any more roles unless they accurately depict black people.
Sounds a bit like the ‘Rooney’ rule in the NFL. Having problems with image perception with very poor timing, CW publicizes screen test of disgruntled black actress for high profile lead role opening. is this take too cynical or is my impression of BW showrunner frantically scrambling to recover from Rose exit too negative?
Aditionally, BW showrunner has this to say about new character.
In her past, she was inspired by Batwoman. She is going to take on the mantle and is completely maybe not be the right person at the time to be doing it. That’s what makes it fun.”
in her past? BW has been in Gotham for less than a year. i had other questions about that statement but a new article appeared on CBR
https://www.cbr.com/batwoman-ruby-rose-successor-audition-tape-ryan-wilder/ more details. we will see.
As far as Sawyer is concerned, this strikes me as someone with an axe to grind. Geeky white dude with some success being humorous in comic book tv/movies made horrible decisions with tweets years ago now getting punished for them? sound familiar?
Regarding the Vanessa Morgan rumor…I thought the Batwoman showrunners made it clear they planned to cast someone from the LGBTQ community again? I don’t really know much about Morgan, but I know she is married to a dude. Doesn’t mean she identifies as straight, of course, I have no idea but I guess my assumption was they wanted to cast someone openly gay like Ruby Rose. Not that they couldn’t have changed their mind.
I don’t really know much about Morgan, but I know she is married to a dude. Doesn’t mean she identifies as straight
Not necessarily:
And thank jeebus… that scream at the end is about one of the most chilling scenes I’ve seen in a movie.
And thank jeebus… that scream at the end is about one of the most chilling scenes I’ve seen in a movie.
For me it was drowned out by the one from the audience.
I don’t really know much about Morgan, but I know she is married to a dude. Doesn’t mean she identifies as straight
Not necessarily:
I think I probably worded my previous post poorly. Meant to indicate that I realize being married to a man doesn’t necessarily mean she identifies as straight.
that scream at the end
Were you in the same theatre as Mark Waid?
I think I probably worded my previous post poorly. Meant to indicate that I realize being married to a man doesn’t necessarily mean she identifies as straight.
As a bisexual man married to a bisexual woman, can confirm.
A note from me on behalf of The Bat Team… pic.twitter.com/V6iXjaCrA5
— Caroline Dries (@carolinedries) June 10, 2020
OK, so they’re not killing Kate Kane off. But why replace with a new character rather than just recast her?
‘Wonder Woman’, ‘Justice League’, ‘Batman V Superman’ And More DC Films To Leave HBO Max In July
Fangirls and fanboys may be sad to see that some of their favorite DC movies are departing from the recently launched HBO Max streaming service come July 1. The titles saying good-bye are Justice League, Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, Wonder Woman, Suicide Squad, Batman, Batman Returns, Batman Forever, Batman & Robin, Catwoman, Jonah Hex and The Losers — but don’t fret! They’ll be back!
Deadline has confirmed that HBO Max will rotate a collection of DC films on the platform which launched on May 27. As the aforementioned films will fly up and up and away from the streamer, fans will still have the chance to watch Aquaman, Shazam!, Joker, Green Lantern and Supergirl. There will also be a new batch DC film hitting HBO Max in July and another in August. As mentioned, the films leaving in July will be back at a later date. That said, there will be plenty of DC comic book movie fare for your summer consumption.
The news of DC movies leaving HBO Max comes after Zack Snyder announced he will drop the much-talked-about “Snyder Cut” of Justice League on HBO Max in 2021. The director unveiled the news in May at the end of a Vero Watch Party for his 2013 Superman movie Man of Steel.
I find it odd that they are rotating them out. One of the big selling points of Disney+ was to have all the Marvel movies in one place forever. I would think AT&T/WB/DC would want to do the same thing. Then again, it could be a licensing issue.
A note from me on behalf of The Bat Team… pic.twitter.com/V6iXjaCrA5
— Caroline Dries (@carolinedries) June 10, 2020
OK, so they’re not killing Kate Kane off. But why replace with a new character rather than just recast her?
It may be that they want to keep open the idea that Ruby Rose could return in some capacity.
It sounds like it was quite a bad “break up” but Ruby Rose doesn’t really have the starpower to pick and choose her roles, so she may actually decides she wants the payday at some point.
Also, isn’t there precedent in these shows for actors who “quit” for a season and come back? (I’m thinking of Katie Cassidy, Caity Lotz, Colton Haynes, Keiynan Londsale but I may be unclear on the specific circumstances of each departure and return)
Also, narratively, there is value in a “legacy” character.
Zack Snyder Offers Sneak Peek Of His ‘Justice League’ Cut Ahead Of HBO Max Bow
Zack Snyder took to Twitter on Thursday to show off a clip from Justice League, his cut of the 2017 DC Comics mashup that will hit HBO Max next year.
The scene features Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman‘s Diana Prince apparently uncovering Darkseid, the DC supervillain.
Snyder had to step away from filming the original Justice League due to a personal tragedy, and Joss Whedon stepped in to do reshoots and handle post. The movie, which teamed DC heroes Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, Flash and Cyborg, was long hoped to be reach the Avengers apex for Warner Bros, but it fell short both at the box office and generally with fans.
Reports seeped online that Snyder’s cut was darker and better before he left the project, and along with key cast began calling for #ReleaseTheSnyderCut in November.Snyder is polishing up the print, hence the 2021 release date on the new Warner Bros streaming service, which debuted in May.
The Justice League plot involves Bruce Wayne (Ben Affleck), fueled by his restored faith in humanity and inspired by the selfless act by Superman (Henry Cavill), enlists the help of his newfound ally Diana Prince to face an even greater enemy. Together, Batman and Wonder Woman work quickly to find and recruit a team of metahumans to stand against this newly awakened threat. The screenplay was by Chris Terrio, with story by Terrio & Snyder.
First ever sneak peek at JL. Get ready for more at DC FanDome. @hbomax #releasethesnydercut #DCFanDome pic.twitter.com/WIWwFo4Xnt
— Zack Snyder (@ZackSnyder) June 18, 2020
Man, if that means Darkseid… or rather Uxas… will appear during the whole flashback (maybe even instead of Steppenwolf) that’d be pretty fuckin sweet. Oh I really hope they’ll revert Steppenwolf back to his other look…
Also, that WW footage kinda looks like a prolonged take they did just in case… might be part of all that footage he probably has lying around… It also looks like we might see Diana go and research Darkseid, which would be nice.
i am glad the movie has Adelaide Kane in it. She was a strong character back in the day and a good foil for Slade.
A new look at 'Cheetah' from a sticker pack for Patty Jenkins’ 'Wonder Woman 1984' has been released. pic.twitter.com/N7ulYytjRT
— DCEU Updates (@DCFilmsUpdates) June 15, 2020
Micheal Keaton in Talks to Return as Batman for ‘Flash’ Movie
Michael Keaton, who famously starred as the Caped Crusader in the Tim Burton-directed early 1990s Batman movies, is in talks to reprise the character for Warner Bros.’s DC movie, The Flash.
But wait, there’s more. If a deal makes, Keaton wouldn’t just return for Flash but possibly for several other DC-oriented film projects. Sources tell THR that the role being envisioned for the veteran actor is akin to the role played by Samuel Jackson as Nick Fury in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, something of a mentor or guide or even string puller. Batgirl is one the projects in development that could fall under that win.
Sure, why the hell not. I don’t believe this movie will ever happen, so Keaton might as well pocket a few million for signing on to it.
I mean… If Keaton was in it and reprised his role from the Burton movies, every Batman fan on the planet would pay to see this movie.
They didn’t even do that when Batman Returns came out.
I mean, what’s the point? If they’re gonna have old Batman, just bring Batfleck back… at least he can still move =P
They should get JD Morgan to play Flash Point’s Batman, IIRC that was the plan with Snyder anyways…
But I wouldn’t mind Keaton as a very old Bruce in a Batman Beyond movie for example.
They didn’t even do that when Batman Returns came out.
And boy do they regret it!
I mean… If Keaton was in it and reprised his role from the Burton movies, every Batman fan on the planet would pay to see this movie.
They didn’t even do that when Batman Returns came out.
True, but then again we are a nostalgic culture so I’m sure it could build a lot of buzz. Then again, it’s in a Flash movie that may never get made so who know. Keaton returning as Batman might be the only way to convince anyone to actually make the damn thing.
Now that I’ve heard it from a second source it seems word is indeed getting out
and so I can confirm the #SnyderCut cameo I’ve been teasing is indeed Ryan Reynolds for #GreenLantern!!
I’m hearing WB is working on putting the deal together now to make it official!#DC #DCEU pic.twitter.com/CpaMSD99Im
— Grace Randolph (@GraceRandolph) June 23, 2020
Rumour saying there’s a cameo for Green Lantern, played by Deadpool, in the 300-director version of the sequel to the Batfleck vs Superbleak murderspree movie.
It would seem Keaton and Reynolds didn’t sign a non-compete when they took on their Marvel characters.
Unless they’ve been let out of the option for those characters and the exclusivity periods have ended. Which would be odd because Deadpool 2 was 2018 and Keaton is set to appear in Venom 2.
Maybe it will be announced side-by-side with a surprise Disney-bought-Warner reveal?
It’s plausible that AT&T could sell Warnermedia in an effort to secure funds to compete with Apple and Amazon as one of the Fortune 500 top 10. Disney are just barely in the top 50 so they’ve got a long way to climb.
But we would have heard about it by now.
Sure, why the hell not. I don’t believe this movie will ever happen, so Keaton might as well pocket a few million for signing on to it.
I doubt he’d be getting that much for signing it.
I have no idea how this would play with the timeline; I mean, it’d have to be set in the future or a parallel universe, surely? That said, I dig the idea of a Nick-Fury-esque Bruce Wayne played by Keaton. That’d be very cool, to me.
I have no idea how this would play with the timeline; I mean, it’d have to be set in the future or a parallel universe, surely?
Isn’t the Flash movie meant to revolve around Flashpoint? That’s all about parallel universes and timelines, so maybe an excuse to revisit past DC movie projects like this. Wouldn’t be surprised if they dragged in old footage of the Reeve Superman too.
Or Brandon Routh.
Dean Cain and Tom Welling are sitting by their phones.
They’re mobile phones. They can move around. Unless the phones are made of Kryptonite.
Anyway, there’s going to be a Keaton Batman who may or may not share a universe with an Affleck Batman and there’s a Pattinson Batman who has nothing to do with either of them? And none of them have anything to do with the Phoenix Joker? Did I get that right?
Unless the phones are made of Kryptonite.
No-one knows as they’ve never had call to answer them yet.
Wouldn’t be surprised if they dragged in old footage of the Reeve Superman too.
I would, considering the Flashpoint Superman is a scrawny weakling who has never seen the sun.
No-one knows as they’ve never had call to answer them yet.
Both Welling and Cain have been seen in the Arrowverse so they have been called at least once.
I would, considering the Flashpoint Superman is a scrawny weakling who has never seen the sun.
Flashpoint Batman isn’t Michael Keaton either, but this is the movie version. I expect them to make changes.
I’d still prefer JDM as Thomas Wayne for Flashpoint… I’d rather see Thomas Wayne, and also, JDM would be a great fit for that character. Another instance of Snyder doing some great casting.
1,000 posts – time for a DC reboot!
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