DC Movies & TV Returns

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Anyway, there’s going to be a Keaton Batman who may or may not share a universe with an Affleck Batman and there’s a Pattinson Batman who has nothing to do with either of them? And none of them have anything to do with the Phoenix Joker?

You know what they need? A big event where they all get collapsed into one version in a single universe.

They could call it… “Calamity”… uh… “Predicament”… uh… give me a minute to work on it, I’m sure there’s a cool name they could use… :mail:

Viewing 100 replies - 701 through 800 (of 997 total)
  • #51042


    “You should be ashamed of yourself” 🤡
    Suicide Squad director David Ayer just revealed this new clip of Jared Leto as the Joker from his unreleased footage. #ReleaseTheAyerCut

  • #51050

    I do hope they let Ayer do his cut too… kinda weird they haven’t as of yet.

    1 user thanked author for this post.
  • #51221

    ‘Titans’ Season 3 Casts Savannah Welch as Barbara Gordon (EXCLUSIVE)


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  • #51229

    Batman: The Animated Series Sequel Reportedly In The Works For HBO Max


  • #51230

    Preempting all of the crybabies who are gonna whine about a 4hr long movie… (it did make me chuckle).

    Also, it seems they’ve revealed Darkseid’s proper look (as Darkseid, not Uxas) in a fucking t-shirt design… u_u

    Anyways… it looks good. In line with Steppenwolf, but not the same.

    1 user thanked author for this post.
  • #51244

    Four hour long movie:

    “Get triggered, snowflakes!”


    3 users thanked author for this post.
  • #51262

    Dude you’re really gonna cut yourself one of these days…

    1 user thanked author for this post.
  • #51280

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  • #51419

  • #51433

    Someone watched MoS… holy color palette steal… xD

  • #51436

    Batman: The Animated Series Sequel Reportedly In The Works For HBO Max


    Bringing back every franchise under the sun is one of the worst aspects of this era in entertainment but I’m not gonna pretend like I won’t be pumped if this actually happens.

    1 user thanked author for this post.
  • #51445

    Are those supposed to be Superman’s kids?

  • #51465

    The bigger question is: are those supposed to be Superman and Lois?? =P

    Oh also, apparently they hired a big-shot cinematographer (forgot who it is), which is why it doesn’t look like the usual kind of WB-ass… I’ll give them that much… but I highly doubt anything else will be on par with it… 5 seconds of those “kids” was enough to tell they can’t act for shit, and I wasn’t impressed with the little I saw of either that Clark-guy or Lois-gal… Plus, again, it’s the CW, the writing WILL be absolute shite. Also, I know it’s crass to say it, but I REALLY can’t get past that actress’ lazy eye.

  • #51614

    Ah, she was fine on Grimm, but yeah, same here. I mean, I probably wouldn’t have given this another look anyway, but there really is nothing in the trailer to catch anyone’s interest, I think, and Hoechlin doesn’t seem to have any charisma whatsoever as Superman. (Maybe he was great in that role in those other CW shows though, who knows.)

  • #51627

    and Hoechlin doesn’t seem to have any charisma whatsoever as Superman. (Maybe he was great in that role in those other CW shows though, who knows.)

    The little I saw from them in other shows, nah… he actually looked a lot shittier, since he had an inferior costume… at least they gave him both a better costume and a better overall body shape with that costume padding. But then again, his Superman was just supposed to be a jobber to elevate Supergirl, so I don’t think it was all that important.

    That’s why I’m puzzled they’re doing this show… it’s like giving sir Friendzone his own Titans’ Batman spinoff show, who the fuck wants that?? And the stupid part is that I think people would’ve been legit more pumped up for a Brandon Routh “Kingdom Come” Superman show… hell, I would’ve watched that.

  • #52092

    Batwoman TV Show Reveals Worst Batmobile Yet


  • #52112

    Batwoman TV Show Reveals Worst Batmobile Yet


    Honestly, it’s not horrible. Its real crime is that it’s just plain.

  • #52113

    It’s the unplain valley. It plain, but not plain enough to be inconspicuous.

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  • #52114

  • #52152

    So in another last ditch attempt at sabotaging the Snyder cut, WB moved up Godzilla vs Kong up to march to basically bury it under that one’s hype (apparently they were gonna be released one day appart)… buuuuuuuuuut it would seem stuff is being done about that, and it would seem the SC will move up to mid march and GvK to late march… so it’s looking like the 18th for the SC and the 31st for GvK. Also, we should get a final trailer next week.

    I don’t know what the fuck is going on inside of WB, but someone REALLY needs to step-in and clean up that mess. Anyways, I guess we can expect little to no PR campaign for it beyond a trailer or to, given how some people within WB are intent on doing their best to bury the SC.

  • #52158

    I don’t know what the fuck is going on inside of WB, but someone REALLY needs to step-in and clean up that mess.

    I have a feeling that this is AT&T putting extra pressure on WB to “make money”.

    Some of the stuff that came out of the press when AT&T took over WB made me think AT&T just saw WB as a simply a revenue source and really didn’t care about the art and the artists. I recall one bit when someone said they would like for HBO to have a high quality hit show every day of the week. Yeah, like that’s easy to do.

  • #52162

    Well, I suppose the good news is that nobody cares much about Godzilla vs. Kong.

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  • #52177

    I have a feeling that this is AT&T putting extra pressure on WB to “make money”.

    Well sure, but basically burying one big release under another is the oppsoite of that, surely… I mean, it seems that it won’t be a series after all… soooo that’s shady in itself, and secondly you’d think they’d want to stagger those 2 releases at least 2, 4 weeks appart to keep people subscribed… so yeah, none of it makes sense.

    Well, I suppose the good news is that nobody cares much about Godzilla vs. Kong.

    You’d be wrong, it seems… apparently it has a lot of buzz. The trailer caught fire at least, so that’s always a good indicator.

  • #52178

    Bloody WB, sabotaging Snyder’s Justice League director’s cut by ploughing an extra $70m into making it.

    6 users thanked author for this post.
  • #52183

    Bloody WB, sabotaging Snyder’s Justice League director’s cut by ploughing an extra $70m into making it.

    I’m not sure where those 70 million came from… I can never keep track of the subdivisions at ATT/WB… What I do know is that the folks who kept insisting the SC didn’t exist for 3 years, are still very much there and they still oppose it vehemently.

    But at any rate, that IS the point, why spend that much money if you’re just gonna go ahead and dump it the same week/day than another high profile release?? You’re literally wasting money doing that.

    Unless it was actually a move to bury GvK, which would be equally stupid.

  • #52186

    Bloody WB, sabotaging Snyder’s Justice League director’s cut by ploughing an extra $70m into making it.

    It’s the classic right-wing playbook – “They’re cancelling me!” they yell from the front page of every national media outlet.

    3 users thanked author for this post.
  • #52188

    Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight… And what would you call having this:

    At least for now, Mr. Snyder is not part of the new DC Films blueprint, with studio executives describing his HBO Max project as a storytelling cul-de-sac — a street that leads nowhere.”


    in the very first article written about you after you renewed your contract??

    “A cul de sac, a street that leads nowhere”…. Why would you even say that, or have “studio executives” say that after you just spent 70 millions on an upcoming high profile project… you think it’s a great idea to say “oh yea, that shit ain’t leading anywhere”? they might as well have said “yeah don’t even bother watching it”.

    If that was my business I would’ve straight up fired him, because I want people to watch it, and I want my employees to hype my product, not fuckin’ undermine it.

    But yeah Steve, please tell me more about how this is straight from a right-wing playbook. It’s really amusing to be constantly compared to a right-wing nutter/Qanon dumbass just because I enjoy some SH movies… and yes, that was sarcasm… it’s getting really old.

  • #52191

    Bloody WB, sabotaging Snyder’s Justice League director’s cut by ploughing an extra $70m into making it.

    Don’t worry, if Godzilla vs Kong does better, they’ll claim it’s actually ShadowSnyder, and was really Justice League all along.

    3 users thanked author for this post.
  • #52197

    It’s really amusing to be constantly compared to a right-wing nutter/Qanon dumbass just because I enjoy some SH movies…

    You also use phrases like “SJW” and leap to the defence of Johnny Depp. You’ll be calling me a “cuck” next.

    2 users thanked author for this post.
  • #52198

    It’s really amusing to be constantly compared to a right-wing nutter/Qanon dumbass just because I enjoy some SH movies…

    You also use phrases like “SJW” and leap to the defence of Johnny Depp. You’ll be calling me a “cuck” next.

    But that’s the thing ain’t it? I don’t call YOU cuck and I don’t call YOU a SJW, and in fact I don’t even call YOU or ANYONE else in here anything at all ’cause I don’t really do personal attacks (unless provoked, of course).

    It’s fine if you don’t like my opinions on certain subjects, I don’t like all of yours either (general “you”, not you Steve), yet I’m not getting on anyone’s back all the fucking time for their “idiotic radical left wing opinions” or whatever else, am I? So I’d appreciate the same courtesy.

    Oh, also, as an aside and FWIW, I’m really nowhere near the “right wing” of anything at all, and if you think I am because I use certain words, then I don’t know what to say… I mean yes I do: that’s such an idiotic radical left wing thing to say, but hey… I’m sure that’s not what you meant… u_u

  • #52201

    It’s really amusing to be constantly compared to a right-wing nutter/Qanon dumbass just because I enjoy some SH movies…

    You also use phrases like “SJW” and leap to the defence of Johnny Depp. You’ll be calling me a “cuck” next.

    I think you are technically a “beta cuck”.

    1 user thanked author for this post.
  • #52202

    Well sure, but basically burying one big release under another is the oppsoite of that, surely… I mean, it seems that it won’t be a series after all… soooo that’s shady in itself, and secondly you’d think they’d want to stagger those 2 releases at least 2, 4 weeks appart to keep people subscribed… so yeah, none of it makes sense.

    I also wonder if this could be two divisions at WB (streaming and film) not communicating with each other. Films are supposed to drop in theaters and HBO Max in the same day. Because of that, there may not be as much flexibility in moving the date as it gets closer. The streaming release of JL may not even be on their radar.

  • #52203

    Sure, I guess it’s possible… GvK ain’t a DC property after all, but I don’t know man, that doesn’t tend to be an issue normally… a studio doesn’t normally pit two of their own releases against each other a t the BO even when they come from different divisions, I’m assuming someone has a job to ensure that kind of thing doesn’t happen.

    But you’re right that there are different subdivisions/branches/whatever, and in fact, the Hamada-led one in theory has nothing to do with the SC for obvious reasons…

    So, according to Grace Randolph, you have:

    John Stankey at the top so, AT&T bossman

    Then Jason Kilar, CEO of Warnermedia (he’s responsible for several divisons like “studios & networks”, “sports”, “Direct” (HBOmax), etc…)

    Then you got Anne Sarnoff, CEO of Warner Bros (studios & networks), she oversees the WB subdivisions (fil, tv, animation, DC comics, WB interactive, etc…)

    Then Toby Emmerich, Chairman of WB Pictures… confused yet? =P

    Then at some point Johns and Berg founded “DC Films” but they got fired… so that’s where Walter Hamada comes in as President of DC Films.

    It’s a lot more complicated than that, but yeah… the point being, I’m not sure who greenlit the SC, or which division the money is coming from… it IS an HBOmax thing though, and it’s well know Emmerich & co. wanna move away from Snyder’s vision… so…  :unsure:


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  • #52211

    Jon, I apologise! I don’t really mean anything beyond light-hearted teasing, although that clearly hasn’t come across in what I post, so I apologise if I’ve offended you.

    For the record, I think you seem like a decent guy, although I don’t think you do yourself any favours using that kind of “red-pill” terminology. It’s not something I come across in my little echo-chamber, so I always find it amusing when people use phrases like “SJW” unironically. I will try not to be so quick to react in future.

    Although I will always mock Znyder because he’s terrible.


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  • #52222

    I suspect myself that the Snyder Cut is what it always was. A product with a very dedicated fanbase it’ll appeal to. That’s not a comment on Snyder either, it’s the case for every other director’s cut, including the Donner Superman 2 which was similarly taken over by another director. They mostly go to video, would have at best a limited cinema release in independent cinemas.

    They will find it and enjoy whether it is publicised or not. Some will buy limited edition hard copies of it on Blu-ray that’ll deliver the spend back over the long term along with the HBO Max subs.


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  • #52228

    I have a feeling that this is AT&T putting extra pressure on WB to “make money”.

    Well sure, but basically burying one big release under another is the oppsoite of that, surely… I mean, it seems that it won’t be a series after all… soooo that’s shady in itself, and secondly you’d think they’d want to stagger those 2 releases at least 2, 4 weeks appart to keep people subscribed… so yeah, none of it makes sense.

    Well, I suppose the good news is that nobody cares much about Godzilla vs. Kong.

    You’d be wrong, it seems… apparently it has a lot of buzz. The trailer caught fire at least, so that’s always a good indicator.

    Doesn’t the Godzilla vs Kong hype explain the move well enough, though? I mean, yes it’s weird that they dumped 70 million into a 4 hour long director’s cut of a critically and commercially panned movie. But I’d wager this move is more about the hype the GvK trailer generated than trying to sabatoge the Snyder Cut. I wouldn’t be surprised if the Snyder cut is getting less hype (again, critically and commercially panned movie) than they’d hoped. Couple that with Ray Fisher’s allegations about the movie making process and WW84’s less than stellar response, and maybe WB just wants the movie to go away again.

    Or they just want more reasons to keep subscribers engaged so they can keep afloat in the streaming wars?

    2 users thanked author for this post.
  • #52233

    You’d be wrong, it seems… apparently it has a lot of buzz. The trailer caught fire at least, so that’s always a good indicator.

    Huh. Well, there’s no accounting for audiences’ tastes, I guess.

    “A cul de sac, a street that leads nowhere”…. Why would you even say that, or have “studio executives” say that after you just spent 70 millions on an upcoming high profile project… you think it’s a great idea to say “oh yea, that shit ain’t leading anywhere”? they might as well have said “yeah don’t even bother watching it”.

    Well, I don’t think this is something that anyone officially said in an interview. I am sure they were not happy with that impression, even if it is accurate.

    Where the continuing movie DCU is concerned… I am actually quite fine with it being a cul-de-sac. I’d rather see them have other people get their shots at these characters now. Very much looking forward to the next Batman.

  • #52239

    I have a feeling that this is AT&T putting extra pressure on WB to “make money”.

    Well sure, but basically burying one big release under another is the oppsoite of that, surely… I mean, it seems that it won’t be a series after all… soooo that’s shady in itself, and secondly you’d think they’d want to stagger those 2 releases at least 2, 4 weeks appart to keep people subscribed… so yeah, none of it makes sense.

    Well, I suppose the good news is that nobody cares much about Godzilla vs. Kong.

    You’d be wrong, it seems… apparently it has a lot of buzz. The trailer caught fire at least, so that’s always a good indicator.

    Doesn’t the Godzilla vs Kong hype explain the move well enough, though? I mean, yes it’s weird that they dumped 70 million into a 4 hour long director’s cut of a critically and commercially panned movie. But I’d wager this move is more about the hype the GvK trailer generated than trying to sabatoge the Snyder Cut. I wouldn’t be surprised if the Snyder cut is getting less hype (again, critically and commercially panned movie) than they’d hoped. Couple that with Ray Fisher’s allegations about the movie making process and WW84’s less than stellar response, and maybe WB just wants the movie to go away again.

    Or they just want more reasons to keep subscribers engaged so they can keep afloat in the streaming wars?

    Tangential to the discussion:

    AT&T Boss John Stankey Defends Theatrical-HBO Max Plan As “Opportunity To Make Lemonade Out Of Lemons”

    Despite the industry dust-up over WarnerMedia’s controversial 2021 theatrical-HBO Max release strategy, according to AT&T CEO John Stankey, the move was “the right call,” essentially “using the unfortunate set of circumstances around the pandemic for an opportunity to make lemonade out of lemons.”

    When asked this morning on the Q4 earnings call about the long term prospects of the strategy, which kicked off last month with the release of Wonder Woman 1984, Stankey launched into a defense. While there weren’t any viewership numbers revealed about WW1984 on HBO Max in the face of its lackluster $148M+ global gross, AT&T did report that HBO Max subscriptions doubled in Q4 to 17.2 million compared with the third quarter, largely due to WW1984.

    “As we indicated in making the write off, we felt like we had a little bit of a spoiling asset here, that needed to be used more effectively,” said Stankey about WarnerMedia’s movie to take its entire 2021 theatrical slate and make it day-and-date in theaters and on fledgling streaming service HBO Max at the same time.

    While it’s been perceived that the theatrical-HBO Max day-and-date release strategy for the entire 2021 Warner Bros slate was indicative of the studio burning down the house to keep warm, especially as it launched its streaming service, Stankey pointed out the conglom’s foresight in predicting the theatrical marketplace.

    “The data points have come in and are consistent with the assumptions,” said Stankey.

    “We stepped back and thought of the theatrical business. No one went to theaters in 2020. It was a pandemic. Just like nobody got on an airplane, nobody went to hotels, nobody went to restaurants. All those businesses had a bit of a dislocation because of that and the theatrical business had a bit of dislocation,” added Stankey.

    “You’ve seen other studios have continued to snowplow releases in the second half of the year, which cements our view. We’ll see a crowded theatrical field in late 2021 and early 2022,” said Stankey, “We don’t believe that magically just because there’s more content showing up in theaters all at the same, that’s going to dramatically increase the moviegoing population at that time,” said Stankey.

    He added, “In some cases, maybe the dynamic of the media and the press was a little oversold or intense on both ends of the spectrum in my point of view. We told you, when the team decided to make this move it was appropriate for this moment in time. The team made the call. It was a bold and aggressive swing, it was done with a lot of thought as to what needed to occur with the subscriber base.”

  • #52273

    Jon, I apologise! I don’t really mean anything beyond light-hearted teasing, although that clearly hasn’t come across in what I post, so I apologise if I’ve offended you. For the record, I think you seem like a decent guy, although I don’t think you do yourself any favours using that kind of “red-pill” terminology. It’s not something I come across in my little echo-chamber, so I always find it amusing when people use phrases like “SJW” unironically. I will try not to be so quick to react in future. Although I will always mock Znyder because he’s terrible.

    Thank you for the appology, yes it’s quite offensive being lumped with a bunch of terrorists, because that’s what those people are… not that you’ve been the only one doing it, but still, appreciated. Not gonna get into the other details because this ain’t the thread for it.

    Oh and yes, by all means, keep on shitting on Snyder as much as you want… I’ll probably do the contrary… so all’s good =)

    Anyhow… to reply generally to everyone else so as to not write up an essay:

    Yes, there could be any number or reasons for the move, but beyond wanting to share the supposed new dates for those 2 releases, I do think there’s a pattern of anti-Snyderism coming from some divisions within the WB/AT&T camp… It’s hard to think that what’s essentially a puff-piece wouldn’t have been given the ok to get printed by someone, so I don’t think the author casually slipped any comments himself. And yes, I’m sure the whole Ray Fisher thing ain’t helping the situation either. It’s still a mess…

    In the end, I agree that the best move would probably be to let the SC be the end of it, because there’s still clearly a ton of pushback from within, so what’s the point… plus I don’t see Snyder wanting to do anything in that hostile that climate. Maaaaaybe if he did it under a less hostile division, but I don’t see how. In the end, we’re getting a proper conculsion to Snyder’s trilogy, so that’s good enough.

    Oh and finally, in the end I agree with Stankey there… I think people are still being too optimistic (even delusional) about the pandemic, but with most other studios pushing back their movies, it’s true, it’s gonna create a lot of competition in a very uncertain time… so I do agree with the combined strategy, given the larger context of HBOmax’s struggles.

    Plus it’s not like there’s any rules in terms of movie releases… they can always do limited releases on theaters for any of those movies that do well. I’m sure a lot of people would show up for some of those, even if they’ve already watched them. As I’ve said, I’d be all in for an imax screening of the SC, but ONLY when it’s safe to do it… same for Dune and maybe Matrix 4 if it’s not horrible.

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  • #52361

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  • #52364

    Christie is inspired casting.

    Cain & Abel should be fun too.

    I don’t really know Sturridge but he looks like ideal casting for a Neil Gaiman biopic. :rose:

    2 users thanked author for this post.
  • #52366

    Sturridge 100% looks the part.

  • #52370

    Oooh! Sturridge and Gwendoline Christie are perfect!!

  • #52388

    ‘Batman: The Long Halloween Part One’ Rated PG-13 for “Violence” and “Bloody Images”

  • #52389

    Sturridge 100% looks the part.

    He looks like Bono from the 80s.

  • #52416

    ‘Titans’ Season 3 Casts Jay Lycurgo as Tim Drake


  • #52428

    It’s interesting that Netflix is already advertising for The Sandman, they rarely do that for stuff that is in production, I think. I’m starting to believe that this actually will come out this year.

  • #52533


    This is his tweet about Boyd Holbrook. it is very interesting. talks about how Boyd will be in some sort of makeup

  • #52536

    Thursday, March 18 is the day the Snyder Cut premieres on HBO Max.

  • #52541

    Thursday, March 18 is the day the Snyder Cut premieres on HBO Max.

    Sorry, I’m busy that day.

    4 users thanked author for this post.
  • #52573

    Nice! So that probably means Godzilla v Kong on the 31st then…

    Heh, the posters are bold, but this one is just flat out cheeky… love it!

    1 user thanked author for this post.
  • #52577

    Also, another interesting bit, these are Nielsen’s revised christmas week streaming numbers… that number seems to equate to 14.9 million views. Not bad considering HBOmax isn’t widely available.


    Also, does this mean Nielsen’s gonna start tracking streaming services?  That’d be nice, having 3rd party numbers.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 1 month ago by Jon.
  • #52640

    Thursday, March 18 is the day the Snyder Cut premieres on HBO Max.

    Sorry, I’m busy that day.

    I do want to see it, mainly just to be able to talk to Jon about it. I’ll have to wait until it’s available to buy on some other streaming service though. Or if it’s on Sky here, get a ticket for that for a month or two again, there’s some other stuff there I haven’t finished yet.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 1 month ago by Christian.
  • #52733

    I do want to see it, mainly just to be able to talk to Jon about it. I’ll have to wait until it’s available to buy on some other streaming service though. Or if it’s on Sky here, get a ticket for that for a month or two again, there’s some other stuff there I haven’t finished yet.

    Heh… I’m flattered and all, but really, you should only see it if you want to =P

    Oooooooooor everyone should just see it so we can have massive decade-long debates about it :rose:

    Also, since it’s probably not gonna be legally available, I’ll just pirate it and I’ll pay for a month’s subscription whenever the fuck they bother to set up HBOmax in Mexico (or rent it if available on amazon or whatever else)… I’m obviously not gonna wait… u_u

  • #52737



    What this image means to me. In 2019 Zack invited me to his screening room to see his cut of Justice League. It was in black and white and it did exist. It was over 3 hours long, full of previsualization and work in progress effects along with finished visual effects. At times Zack had to clarify what I was looking at. Yet the story kept my attention the entire time. We then had follow up meetings and scrubbed the reels talking about his vision for the film and the visual effects work that would need to be done to see his complete vision on screen. DJ & I put together a budget & schedule for VFX and Zack pitched it.

    Nothing like this has ever been done before. We figured it would never happen. Then COVID hit. Zack had a film that was already shot. Post can be done safely at home and the VFX companies needed the work. On April 30th we were surprised and thrilled to hear the film was a go.

    It has been the most challenging project I have ever been on. We had 6 months to do 4 hours of effects work. Every shot had to be researched to see if it was a previous Zack final to finish the full frame, or a work in progress shot from the past that could be unarchived and finished, or a brand new shot. The facilities spent over a month pulling shots & assets from their archives while WB pulled assets from theirs.

    ZSJL has also been the most fun & rewarding project I have been on. Zack, Debbie & Wes are the best people to work with. They have always treated their crews like family. They are respectful, inspiring, fun & trusting. Zack knows what he wants and is the first to admit if it is not working.

    DJ and I were blessed to bring most of our VFX team along. We could not have hit this schedule & delivered Zack’s complete vision without them. They kept the show moving forward and dug up archived material we thought would be impossible to find. This team delivered over 2,500 shots in 7 months! This is unheard of.

    I am sad to see this project end, but am so grateful to have the opportunity to be a part of it. I did this for Zack, the Snyder family and DJ, and for the fans that fought for it and deserve to see Zack’s vision.

    Well that should settle the debate once and for all about whether the snyder cut existed or not. You’d think that the mere announcement of it would’ve been enough… and you’d be wrong… :unsure:

    Oh and, holy shit that’s a lot of CGI in a short amount of time… let’s hope it looks the usual level of Snyder quality… this is a bit worrisome =/

  • #52740

    Well that should settle the debate once and for all about whether the snyder cut existed or not.

    What that seems to say is that there was an unfinished assembly cut of the film with a load of temporary placeholder stuff that wasn’t complete yet.

    Has anyone ever challenged that?

    The Snyder Cut fans always seemed to be arguing that some finished perfect alternate pure-Snyder version of the film had been locked away somewhere and kept from them. This seems to make it pretty clear that this wasn’t the case.

    2 users thanked author for this post.
  • #52741

    What that seems to say is that there was an unfinished assembly cut of the film with a load of temporary placeholder stuff that wasn’t complete yet.

    Omg… seriously?? It was NOT an assembly cut… yes, it was unfinished but it was a “first cut”. Snyder’s already said that his assembly cut (there was indeed one, as there always is) was FIVE hours long… presumably that’s where he’s taking all the extra material to go from that 3hrs+ long cut to what we’ll get which is obviously longer.

    Here, just so you don’t think I’m talking out of my ass, a neat explanation with examples and quotes and everything:


    The Snyder Cut fans always seemed to be arguing that some finished perfect alternate pure-Snyder version of the film had been locked away somewhere and kept from them. This seems to make it pretty clear that this wasn’t the case.

    Nah, no one said that… I mean, I’m sure some bozos believed that, but like, no one serious believed that… that’s just a narrative created to put the SC fans down… much like how it’s a “toxic fandom” and all that sort of bs.

  • #52746

    Omg… seriously?? It was NOT an assembly cut… yes, it was unfinished but it was a “first cut”.

    I kind of feel like we’re splitting hairs here over the definition in a way that’s irrelevant in the context of this discussion. Whether you call it an assembly cut or a first cut, we’re talking about an unfinished assembly of footage with incomplete placeholder sections that haven’t been created and/or finished yet.

    I don’t remember anyone ever denying that such a thing existed. It would be a bit odd to suggest that Snyder wouldn’t have put together some kind of initial rough cut of his own movie.

    Honestly a lot of this feels like trying to perpetutate an argument between the pro- and anti-Snyder factions. It would be stupid to claim Snyder never put any kind of working assembly cut together when he’s the director of the movie and left at a relatively late stage in its development. It would be equally stupid to claim that there was a finished “Snyder Cut” that could have been released as-is before extra money was put in to complete it.

    Everything else is just arguing about fairly irrelevant specifics in between those two points.

  • #52757

    I kind of feel like we’re splitting hairs here over the definition in an irrelevant way. Whether you call it an assembly cut or a first cut, we’re talking about an unfinished assembly of footage with incomplete placeholder sections that haven’t been created and/or finished yet. I don’t remember anyone ever denying that such a thing existed. It would be a bit odd to suggest that Snyder wouldn’t have put together some kind of initial rough cut of his own movie.

    Well, I mean, it’s not really “splitting hairs” in the sense that a “first cut” or however you wanna call that, is like a “complete product” in the sense that there is a complete narrative… and more to the point, it’s those cuts they actually show to execs and test-screening audiences, so in a sense, while they might be lacking a couple of scenes, FX, music and whatnot, it’s “complete” enough to show it to people.

    So, in the very begining, that’s the infamous cut people were asking for, before anyone ever even dreamed about the possibility of it ever being fully completed (as in complete VFX, etc…).

    As to your second point, well… you might not, but I certainly do.

    Hell, even until quite recently (late-ish 2018) that was the offcial narrative, that there was no such thing, no ifs or buts… there was no Snyder Cut, because the narrative was that Joss Whedon came in to finish what Snyder had started, so according to that narrative what we saw in theaters was supposedly Snyder’s cut.

    Of course, now we know that narrative was complete bullshit since Whedon & co. actually re-wrote and re-shot A LOT of the movie… how much? Some people say at least 80%, I guess we’ll find out soon enough… but you only need to look at the movie to see that a lot of it was re-shot… yet media outlets and WB themselves kept denying it…

    And that’s the important distinction here because up until very recently the narrative was: “What you got IS the snydercut, so shut up about it”, so your mileage may vary, but I do think it’s important to note that a “watchable” cut did exist because that means that yes, WB could’ve technically released that raw cut just to placate those fans, even as some sort of bonus in a special collector’s edition…

  • #52771


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  • #52782

    You know, I can understand people not liking Snyder or his movies… but how are you people not absolutely fascinated by this story?? It’s like one of the best Hollywood stories in decades, and maybe even ever… :unsure:

  • #52783

    how are you people not absolutely fascinated by this story?? It’s like one of the best Hollywood stories in decades, and maybe even ever

    Maybe they’ll make a movie about it some day.

    And then release two versions of it.

    4 users thanked author for this post.
  • #52785

    I know you’re joking, but they really should… it’s got every element of a great story. At least a documentary for fuck’s sake… I’ll say it again, I’m A LOT more invested in the story of the SC than in the actual SC… I’m okay with JL being the end of the so-called “Snyder-verse”, but someone really needs to make a documentary about this whole unprecedented situation.

  • #52787

    I think a documentary would actually be quite worthwhile and help explain the whole thing to mainstream audiences.

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  • #52790

    You know, I can understand people not liking Snyder or his movies… but how are you people not absolutely fascinated by this story?? It’s like one of the best Hollywood stories in decades, and maybe even ever…

    I don’t know, man, I mean, it’s all about versions of a mediocre superhero movie so it’s hard to care.
    I suppose it’s inspiring that the fans’ support led to a director’s cut of the movie being released, but I don’t find that all that fascinating a story, in the end. The funniest thing about it all is that the other big example for this kind of development is a Whedon movie.

  • #52804

    I don’t know, man, I mean, it’s all about versions of a mediocre superhero movie so it’s hard to care.

    Hell no, It’s a classic David vs Goliath tale… it’s about failure, the failure of a legendary studio trying to compete against another studio in a superhero-reigned climate and within the context of an impending merger…

    It’s about greed, the greed of execs who panicked and made all the wrong decisions… the greed of the people who were trying to advance their careers or trying to get a bonus before the merger…

    It’s about drama: whatever the fuck happened when Whendon came in (plus the whole Ray Fisher thing), the polarizing reception of those movies, the studios wrestling control from the directos, a famous actor breaking down and falling back into his worst impulses…

    It’s about tragedy: A polarizing director suffering a TERRIBLE tragedy while in the midst of an extremely contentious and volatile professional situation…

    It’s about struggle and triumph… people joining forces to make things happen AND achieving it in a totally unprecedented fashion…

    It’s also about the streaming wars by the way, which is by itself a fascinating subject… oh and let’s not forget, it’s also about the motherfuckin COVID pandemic, if all of the above was somehow not enough… xD

    It’s about soooooooooo much more than just “two versions of a mediocre superhero movie”. Every single aspect (and there are ohh so many aspects to it) of this story is rivetting… I’m not kidding. :rose:

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  • #52831

    Every single aspect (and there are ohh so many aspects to it) of this story is rivetting

    Except the movie they made.

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  • #52835

    Synopsis for episode 4 of Batwoman S2:

    NOT EASILY FORGOTTEN – As Batwoman (Javicia Leslie) attempts to fight the proliferation of Snake Bite through Gotham, a random encounter forces her to revisit her painful past. Empowered by her new role, Ryan Wilder is determined to ensure others like her don’t go unnoticed. Meanwhile, those closest to Kate are given a good reason to believe she is still alive, forcing unexpected alliances and betrayals. Also starring Dougray Scott, Rachel Skarsten, Meagan Tandy, Nicole Kang and Camrus Johnson. Menhaj Huda directed the episode written by Ebony Gilbert.

  • #52840

    Hmm, the whole Snyder cut is a high profile example but not a new story.  Company announces big project in blaze of publicity.  Response is unexpected, corporate confidence shatters with project finished and moved in from as fast as possible.

    This doesn’t rule out the project making money and being a commercial success.

    Still, both WB and Disney have pivoted away from doing more.  DC has given up competing with the MCU.  Disney have moved on fast from the Sequel trilogy.  Corporate confidence is a strange and fragile thing.

    1 user thanked author for this post.
  • #52860

    And in “actor would gladly reprise role” news:

    Michelle Pfeiffer would play Catwoman again if anybody were to ask… which they haven’t…

  • #52863

    And in “actor would gladly reprise role” news:

    Note how we get these news all the time, but the middle-aged woman is the one who gets the sarcastic headline.

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  • #52866

    It’s the AV club so not exactly a bastion for journalism.

    Besides, you’re wrong. Pfeiffer is 62, that’s not middle age.

  • #52892

    Besides, you’re wrong. Pfeiffer is 62, that’s not middle age.


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  • #52894

    Holding out hope for Catwoman starring Mekhi Phifer.

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  • #52898



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  • #52899

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  • #52901



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  • #52903



    I thought you kept your pants unzipped as a way to show your virility.

    1 user thanked author for this post.
  • #52931

  • #52947

    Pfeiffer is 62, that’s not middle age.

    Are you saying you don’t know any 124-year-olds? You need to get out more!!

    1 user thanked author for this post.
  • #52953

    ‘Peacemaker’: HBO Max James Gunn ‘Suicide Squad’ Spinoff Series Adds Elizabeth Faith Ludlow & Rizwan Manji

  • #52954

    When you got an Imax screen at home… u_u

    This was the more interesting tweet though:

  • #52955

    ‘Supergirl’s Azie Tesfai Co-Writes Episode For CW Series’ Final Season, A First For An Arrowverse Actor

  • #53048

  • #53084

    Where does the whole booyah thing come from anyways? is it from the comics originally? it kinda sounds like it comes from a cartoon…

  • #53087

    I think “booyah” began as a catch-phrase of former ESPN sportscaster Stuart Scott.

  • #53092

    I’m completely out of the loop with the whole “booyah” thing. Why is it noteworthy that Cyborg says it or doesn’t say it?

  • #53094

    I dunno, but some people are complaining that he doesn’t say it in the Snydercut… I think it’s something that got blown out of proportion because of the Ray Fisher vs WB thing…

    Oh, also, twitter’s in a tizzy ’cause of this:

  • #53095

    Where does the whole booyah thing come from anyways? is it from the comics originally? it kinda sounds like it comes from a cartoon…

    It was Cyborg’s catchphrase on the Teen Titans animated series.

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  • #53096

    ahhh… that’s where it’s from… never saw that one. I’ve only heard him say booyah in the Doom Patrol series, but since that’s not very popular, I was wondering…

  • #53104

  • #53105

  • #53185

    hmmm, no Alan Scott :negative:   Jay Garrick(CW Flash), Hourman(Stargirl), Black Canary(Birds of Prey), Hawkman(Black Adam), Hippolyta(WW) I see why they picked that team but there are so many cool JSAers.  A lot are missed.

  • #53247

    So Youtube’s algorithm threw this video at me… a fairly good summary of all the failed Watchmen attempts… and an intersting thing I didn’t know, at 10:10 more or less, they talk about how the ending looked like a swipe of a TV episode (what? Alan Moore “borrowing” things??? lol) so they pretty much mandated a different ending… and that made me wonder, is that why ultimately Snyder went for something different as well? It seems like through all the script versions the one constant was the ending not being about aliens and all that jazz… Anyhow, worth a watch, some cool info in there.



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  • #53256

    I’d still love to see the Greengrass version of Watchmen. Maybe after the Snyder Cut is out, people can start campaigning for that?

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  • #53270

    I read the script for one of the abandones movies, it’s leaked online and I think I got it from one of you guys, a couple of years back..

    It was… not good.

  • #53282

    I read the script for one of the abandones movies, it’s leaked online and I think I got it from one of you guys, a couple of years back..

    It was… not good.

    Was it the CHRIST ALMIGHTY, IT’S THE GODDAMNED WATCHMEN one? That at least had an interesting ending.

  • #53286

    Was it the CHRIST ALMIGHTY, IT’S THE GODDAMNED WATCHMEN one? That at least had an interesting ending.

    That’s the one.

    Lady Liberty’s brains!

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  • #53303

    I’d still love to see the Greengrass version of Watchmen. Maybe after the Snyder Cut is out, people can start campaigning for that?

    Sorry, I’m pretty sure they’ll focus their energies on the Ayer cut next… :rose:

    Oh and on getting sequels probably… :unsure:

    Also, it was funny how they were all struggling with Doc Manhattan… and Snyder was like, here hold my gigantic blue CGI dong… =P

  • #53307

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