DC Movies & TV Forever

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  • #61319

    Same happens with the home release of The Dark Knight. The Imax sequences are in their full aspect ratio. It’s a bit distracting but you get used to it.

    Yeah, Nolan movies do that, but they don’t have vertical bars, it just goes full screen, as far as I know… the BvS’ imax sequences are like the snyder cut, so it’s a bit different… it’s not so bad because there’s only 4 big sequences in 4:3, and they’re well divided, however the last one has one weird moment when you go back to the horizontal format and then back to 4:3 for just the few last scenes…. so that one is a bit jarring at the end.

    Also, I don’t think it’s super uncommon to have streaming stuff sold in physical media (stuff like GoT for example) but I reckon they’ll move away from it in the future if it’s not profitable enough… however, some movies, particularly the more popular stuff, will probably still get physical releases… the Snyder movies tend to do very well in physical media sales, so that one is a no-brainer.

  • #61321

    As for Superman, nah, I think what would’ve happened is Darkseid using the ALE on Superman right at his most vulnerable after killing Lois. I’m pretty sure the ALE works better on people who are dealing with negative emotions anyways.

    However, it is not confirmed that Darkseid has the anti-life equation in any of the future scenes. People are still fighting him and the wreckage he brought to the worlds is done without it. I think the implication is that Batman actually kills Lois doing something that he thinks will kill Darkseid and that severs any connection Superman has with the world. Maybe even Darkseid actually tries to save Lois – though as a ruse for Superman.

    The interesting thing about Snyder’s Superman is that his connection to Earth is actually very tenuous. He’s very reluctant to come forward when Zod makes his demands in Man of Steel and a lot of Luthor’s approach in BvS was to attack that connection between the human race and Superman. He doesn’t really ask what the hell is going on until long after he’s recuperated from being dead. Even then, he just takes some time to find a new costume and then goes over the Bruce’s place. He absolutely has no idea what’s been going on so imagine that conversation between Alfred and Clark.

    Superman: “So, I imagine they brought me back for a reason. By the way, how did they do that, exactly?

    Alfred: Well, they have a machine called a Mother Box that they combined with some alien technology from the Kryptonian ship that crashed into the middle of Metropolis…

    Superman: Oh yeah, I suppose I should have hidden that back in the Arctic after the battle with Zod. Can’t think why I would’ve left it just lying around for people to tinker with. I mean, I stole it from the army in the first place so it couldn’t be used as a weapon and then what do you know, someone uses it to make a weapon and kill me. Silly me!

    Alfred: Well, hindsight is 20/20, I suppose. So, the Mother Box.

    Superman: Who called it that?

    Alfred: Darkseid, I suppose.

    Superman: I’ve never heard of him. It is a him, I assume. Is he the guy Bruce brought me back to fight.

    Alfred: Um, not directly. Actually, it’s one of his minions, Steppenwolf.

    Superman: Like the rock band?

    Alfred: I would’ve been more inclined to mention the novel by Herman Hesse, but yes.

    Superman: So, are they German? Is this some kind of Nazi supervillain threat?

    Alfred: No, they are ancient extraterrestrials actually. At least over 30,000 years old or something like straight out of Van Daniken or the History Channel.

    Superman: Then why do they have German names? There weren’t even Germans 30,000 years ago?

    Alfred: Would you like some tea? This may take a while — though time is of the essence!

    Clark really only cares about the world to the extent he cares about specific people in it, so really, it might not take much – not the ALE or any manipulation by the Mother Boxes – to turn him against the human race.

    If Batman actually sacrifices Lois – not that he doesn’t save her, but he actually is responsible for her death – in an attempt to stop Darkseid, that could be the only thing needed.

    I also like the idea that Darkseid is a much more seductive leader – even without the Anti Life Equation – than presented. Obviously, the loyalty he engendered in Steppenwolf is very much one of devotion more than fear. It’s an interesting idea that Darkseid could replace Jor-El and Jonathan Kent in Superman’s mind simply with the power of his own will.

  • #61331

    However, it is not confirmed that Darkseid has the anti-life equation in any of the future scenes.

    I’m assuming (and most people are) that his fiery eyes in those scenes means he has the ALE, I think that’s what would give him the omega beams… otherwise he’d be too OP with those things.

    Clark really only cares about the world to the extent he cares about specific people in it, so really, it might not take much – not the ALE or any manipulation by the Mother Boxes – to turn him against the human race.

    Hum… not really? I know that’s the impression people have gotten out of those movies, but that is flat-out wrong, he’s constantly shown saving people in both MoS and BvS… hell, he gave himself up to Zod to spare humanity, and then he saved the entire world WHILE destroying any chance of Krypton being reborn and the remainders of his alien history, choosing the human world instead… How does that jive with “Clark doesn’t really care about the world”???

    Honestly, the problem is just that he doesn’t smile while doing it as much as people wanted, so apparently that makes him cold and detached, because people wanted a Superman who catches crooks and saves cats from trees it and smiles like and idiot all the time and says corny shit like “truth, justice and the american way”, it seems… :unsure:

  • #61339

    I’m not so certain it was inevitable,

    No, that’s Thanos. Different movie.

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  • #61351

    Hum… not really? I know that’s the impression people have gotten out of those movies, but that is flat-out wrong, he’s constantly shown saving people in both MoS and BvS… hell, he gave himself up to Zod to spare humanity, and then he saved the entire world WHILE destroying any chance of Krypton being reborn and the remainders of his alien history, choosing the human world instead… How does that jive with “Clark doesn’t really care about the world”???

    If it is “flat out wrong” then people would not get that impression. It’s his actions that give that impression because the audience sees a lot more of his personality than the people in the story. It’s not that he doesn’t smile, but he doesn’t have much of a reason to smile. He’s still not sure if saving people really accomplishes anything or is what he is meant to do.

    He’s very reluctant to make his appearance known until he is forced to and even then, he seems quite willing to take the chance and not get involved when Zod appears. Then when he does go to the US authorities, he doesn’t come in with a plan, but he wants to see what they will do. Naturally, of course, they are going to turn him over to Zod. He’s very reluctant to trust human beings – and the movies Man of Steel and Batman vs. Superman give him plenty of reasons not to trust them – – it even gets him killed.

    Superman in these movies doesn’t appear to be as committed to his mission as previous versions of him and really it does make the case that the only thing keeping the cape on is his connection with Lois and Martha. It actually makes sense in the setting because many of the people in the movies are not people Clark or Superman should trust. In Man of Steel, most of the best people on his side end up dying as well.

    That’s what I like most about this version of Superman, though. There are two interesting approaches that actually conflict with each other in the movies. There are two questions that the story asks that are not exactly the same.

    One is “what if Superman appeared in our world?” and the second is “what if a superman appeared in our world?” Now, that is a source of tension for the studios and the fans because if a superman existed in our world, he would not be Superman. Our world has no place for a Superman and that is the second conflict – Superman says he’s here to help, but to help what? Humanity doesn’t have much of a plan except to get through the day – and the people who do make the plans are not that altruistic. It’s much easier to see how this version of Superman could snap and lose all connection to humanity if he lost Lois.

    Honestly, the biggest problem is that Clark forms no relationships outside his identity as Superman as far as we see. He’s not friends with Perry White or anyone at the Daily Planet. It doesn’t look like he’s friends with anyone who doesn’t know he’s Superman as far as we’re shown in the movie. Hell, even Lois doesn’t seem to have any friends. Bruce is a loner. Diana doesn’t seem to have anyone close (of course, she doesn’t age so that’s a little bit of a problem) and Flash flat out says he doesn’t have friends (at least he wants friends). Aquaman seems pretty social, but he’s a loner, too, and Cyborg… he’s got issues.

    For people dedicated to protecting the world, they don’t really seem to have much investment in it – except Aquaman really seems to at least like mingling with the people he helps — except for his own people.

  • #61793

  • #61862

  • #61864

    I really like that animation style… much better than one of the more recent styles that wes very anime-ish…

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  • #61866

    Wait, that’s how Miraclo is pronounced? Mi-rack-low? I always thought it was Mirra-clo, given it’s a play on miracle.

  • #61895

    It can be two things!

    I like how that clip encapsulates how DC overall views speedsters.  “it’s not always us but mostly us” and “blame the new guy i.e. Barry “

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  • #61933

    There’s “embracing the sillier side of superhero fiction,” and then there’s “just not giving a shit.” Here’s an example of the latter:

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  • #61941

    Legends of Tomorrow started terrible, and only got good when they realised it was terrible and stopped giving a shit. Then it became epic.

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  • #61942

    What the actual fuck is that??? I gotta admit, it kinda looks interesting… but it being a CW show and all that, I’m wary of it being full of dull CW drama shit and bad acting and all that jazz… but hey, if it’s as bonkers as that trailer promises, I’d give it a try… when does the show go full stupid? ’cause I ain’t watching everything…

  • #61959

    Legends of Tomorrow started terrible, and only got good when they realised it was terrible and stopped giving a shit. Then it became epic.

    Also called Pulling an Agents of SHIELD

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  • #61996

    Ahhhh… WB having another tone-deaf moment… look at that dislike ratio and that comment section, though… beautiful!

  • #62003

    Yeah, it’s weird that they’d think this is good timing for this. Thinking probably is, let’s grab some cash while everybody’s still talking about the franchise.

  • #62004

    Why not? Let’s be honest if you were releasing any other film in an upgraded picture quality we wouldn’t be discussing it here and very few would watch that trailer on Youtube.

    Shrek, Saw and Fast and Furious are also getting 4K releases, nobody cares.

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  • #62005

    But that’s the thing, it’s not “any other film”… I mean, in the end, whatever… like you say, they’re probably upgrading a shit ton of movies to 4K, so it’s not a big deal in the grand scheme of things, but yeah, timing ain’t great on this one… :unsure:

    Edit: Damn it’s up to 14K dislikes from the 8K I saw earlier… and a ton more comments (15K), most of which are using the hashtag… well, that’s sending a message, at least… lol

  • #62006

    Dislikes don’t really do anything do they. Its It’s not as though each dislike delivers a dead kitten to WB HQ or anything. All they do is feed the YouTube algorithm and show that user less conrent from that channel in their recommendations. Plus, while the like:dislike ratio paints one picture the like:dislike:don’t care either way ratio of 1:14:82 (82 being the 97k views minus likes and dislikess) paints what is probably a more accurate one – most people don’t give a crap.

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  • #62007

    Dislikes don’t really do anything do they. Its It’s not as though each dislike delivers a dead kitten to WB HQ or anything. All they do is feed the YouTube algorithm and show that user less conrent from that channel in their recommendations. Plus, while the like:dislike ratio paints one picture the like:dislike:don’t care either way ratio of 1:14:82 (82 being the 97k views minus likes and dislikess) paints what is probably a more accurate one – most people don’t give a crap.

    I don’t think they even show you less of that content – they definitely make a video more likely to show up on other people’s recommends though, as do comments. YouTube and Twitter explicitly use controversy and conflict to drive engagement and sell ads.

  • #62008

    I mean, in the end, whatever… like you say, they’re probably upgrading a shit ton of movies to 4K, so it’s not a big deal in the grand scheme of things, but yeah, timing ain’t great on this one…

    I’m failing to see what the downside is?

    Basically the guys downvoting are Snyder fans, fair enough they are never going to like it anyway. Downvotes are going to make zero difference to sales of what is essentially a niche product. Who here is buying 4K upgrades of films? I’m not but if I did it would only be of something I already loved anyway.

    Are there many people who love Whedon’s JL? Probably not, it’s not very good, but enough for Warners to get a few extra bucks from a few thousand sales.

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  • #62009

    I won’t be happy until WB track down all the people who bought the original Justice League on Blu-Ray and DVD, and sneak round to their houses in the middle of the night to replace their copies with the Snyder Cut.

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  • #62010

    Dislikes don’t really do anything do they.

    Well they do what they’re supposed to do, which is the reason they’re there for…

    I won’t be happy until WB track down all the people who bought the original Justice League on Blu-Ray and DVD, and sneak round to their houses in the middle of the night to replace their copies with the Snyder Cut.

    The only acceptable outcome =P

    Actually, it’d be neat if you could bring your 2017 copy and get a snydercut replacement, it’s only fair…  :rose:

  • #62013

    YouTube and Twitter explicitly use controversy and conflict to drive engagement and sell ads.

    I’m shocked.

    Well, not that shocked.

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  • #62026

    Well they do what they’re supposed to do, which is the reason they’re there for…

    I think the point Lorcan and Gar were making is that they may be doing the opposite of what they’re supposed to do. In this case, as in many, controversy may be a good sales tool to make a few bucks off a 4K version that nobody would be buying otherwise. At least this way, the people who are into buying 4K versions of movies may notice that this has been released.

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  • #62028

    Phew, that was a close one. For a moment there I feared that the internet might over react to something.

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  • #62033

    In this case, as in many, controversy may be a good sales tool to make a few bucks off a 4K version that nobody would be buying otherwise. At least this way, the people who are into buying 4K versions of movies may notice that this has been released.

    Yeah no, I get it, but it’s also making other people aware of the controversy and the #restorethesnyderverse hashtag.

  • #62038

    It doesn’t matter. It’s a 4K release. It has all the industry impact of A Flock of Seagulls playing an 80s revival night to 500 fans in a seaside resort.

    Now to a massive devotee of A Flock of Seagulls that may be the centre of their world but for CBS records it means an extra $200 in old CD sales.



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  • #62040

    It doesn’t matter. It’s a 4K release. It has all the industry impact of A Flock of Seagulls playing an 80s revival night to 500 fans in a seaside resort.

    Now to a massive devotee of A Flock of Seagulls that may be the centre of their world but for CBS records it means an extra $200 in old CD sales.



    Hey that was a really good gig. If I had a photograph of it… Or something to remind me.

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  • #62046


    “…Remind Me”?

    Did I get a Nickelback notification?

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  • #62100

    Finn Wittrock To Headline ‘Green Lantern’ HBO Max Series As Guy Gardner


    Finn Wittrock (American Horror Story) has been tapped to star as Guy Gardner/Green Lantern in HBO Max’s upcoming series based on the DC characters, from Berlanti Productions in association with Warner Bros. Television.

    Written by Greg Berlanti, Marc Guggenheim and Seth Grahame-Smith, Green Lantern reinvents the classic DC property through a story spanning decades and galaxies, beginning on Earth in 1941 with the very first Green Lantern, secretly gay FBI agent Alan Scott, and 1984, with cocky alpha male Guy Gardner (Wittrock) and half-alien Bree Jarta. They’ll be joined by a multitude of other Lanterns — from comic book favorites to never-before-seen heroes.

    Wittrock’s Guy Gardner/Green Lantern is a hulking mass of masculinity, and, as rendered in the comics, an embodiment of 1980s hyper-patriotism. And yet, Guy is somehow likable.

    Berlanti, Guggenheim and Grahame-Smith executive produce with Geoff Johns, Sarah Schechter, David Madden and David Katzenberg; Elizabeth Hunter and Sara Saedi co-executive produce.

    The Guy Gardner incarnation of Green Lantern headlined the 1997 CBS Justice League of America pilot, in which the character was played by Matthew Settle.

    Wittrock has earned two Emmy nominations, for American Horror Story: Freak Show and for Versace: American Crime Story. He is joining the Berlanti TV universe after working exclusively in series for the past seven years with another mega TV producer, Ryan Murphy. Wittrock has done multiple installments of AHS, including the upcoming 10th season, which he recently wrapped, as well as Versace and Ratched, which has been renewed for a second season. In features, he will next be seen in Deep Water and A Mouthful of Air. He is repped by CAA, Weissenbach Management and Schreck Rose Dapello.

  • #62106

    I love the research done on that behalf of that article. :unsure:

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  • #62227

    Naomi actress perfectly recreates DC comic in first photo from Ava DuVernay’s CW pilot

    Yeah, maybe I’m nitpicking, but I wouldn’t say perfectly.

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  • #62228

    Yeah, she doesn’t have words flying around her in the air. Totally different.

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  • #62230


    Is it the mystery of how Bendis keeps getting work? :unsure:


    (Disclaimer: I have never read Naomi. Maybe it is awesome.)

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  • #62232

    It is awesome David, one of Bendis’ best pieces.  And Campbell’s art is superb.

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  • #62315

    Zack Snyder teases the hashtag hordes with pic of Justice League’s cut Green Lantern shoot

  • #62319

    Shouldn’t he be promoting Army of the Dead? Why is he still on this Justice League kick? It’s done, move on.

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  • #62320

    Shouldn’t he be promoting Army of the Dead? Why is he still on this Justice League kick?

    Presumably this gives him a better chance at staying in the spotlight by riding the #RestoreTheSnyderverse, #PutMyToysBackInThePram shit for as much as it’s worth. I doubt his zombie film is registering anywhere near the same level of awareness.

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  • #62325

    It is awesome David, one of Bendis’ best pieces.

    Well, Bendis did have a co-writer on it, David Walker.

  • #62328

    Shouldn’t he be promoting Army of the Dead? Why is he still on this Justice League kick? It’s done, move on.

    He is, and he’s been promoting the shit out of it… but Batman news > zombie news, not hard to figure that one out.

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  • #62575

    ‘The Flash’ Original Cast Members Tom Cavanagh & Carlos Valdes Exit The CW’s Series After 7 Seasons

  • #62594

    Damn, the best guy in the show… oh well… u_u

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  • #62655

    the Arrowverse has pretty much run its course.

    CW superhero shows will continue but people have noticed that the new shows have distanced themselves from the Arrowverse.  Batwoman, Supes & Lois, and Stargirl don’t acknowledge the other heroes in a way the original shows did. It was a great overarching universe during its time which lead to those spectacular crossovers. Flash and Supergirl could easily have picked up the mantle after Arrow ended but their writers rooms have not showed the willingness to do so.

    A Flash without Cisco or Wells is going to be a tough sell. They provided 75% of the humor and 90% of technical plot.

  • #62656

    A Flash without Cisco or Wells is going to be a tough sell. They provided 75% of the humor and 90% of technical plot.

    Probably why Chester was introduced.

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  • #62662


  • #62674


  • #62734

    I know who he is, im just nonplussed about his ability to replace the other two.

  • #62852


  • #62916

    Supergirl: Azie Tesfai Suits Up as Guardian — Here’s Your First Look

  • #62925

    Justice League: Gal Gadot Confirms Joss Whedon Threatened Her Career

    Posting the CBR article because the source article is in Hebrew.

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  • #63029

    For someone who was just supposed to finish up Zynder’s movie he got into a whole mess of trouble. A.) he wasnt even the boss. He was the substitute teacher. B.) None of these people being harassed had advocates for them telling WB bosses what an asshole he was being?

    as far as Supergirl goes, was it either the producers dragged their feet in allowing her to wear her brother’s armor or is this a desperate “throw everything at the wall and hope it sticks” attempt for ratings?

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 8 months ago by Rocket.
  • #63079

    Criminals’ Worst Nightmare: 14 Rules for Creating Batman: The Animated Series


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  • #63111

    Margot Robbie Wants Poison Ivy to Join Harley Quinn in the DCEU

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  • #63121

    For someone who was just supposed to finish up Zynder’s movie he got into a whole mess of trouble. A.) he wasnt even the boss. He was the substitute teacher. B.) None of these people being harassed had advocates for them telling WB bosses what an asshole he was being?

    Well, the B) thing is why Ray Fisher went up the chain and went after the producers and even the CEO.

    Whedon’s behaviour is really mystifying. I mean, these are big-name actors and he’s trying to boss them around in a way that’s… it does make you wonder about the sets of his TV shows, where the actors really depended on him for their careers. Carpenter’s story certainly sounds very believable given all this. I suppose that’s the thing, too, getting used to being the one who has all the power. Plus, I’m still wondering what kinds of drugs might’ve been in play there.

    I still think there are more sides to Whedon and that his behaviour may have been very different at different points of his career. I don’t think anything like this was going on on the set of Firefly, or Tudyk (who will obviously remain pure and good and strong forever) wouldn’t have tried to defend him.

    4 users thanked author for this post.
  • #63155

    My guess is that Whedon’s always been a bit of a prick, but he may have started spiraling after working on Age of Ultron. He wasn’t really shy about how dissatisfied he was with the experience. Couple that with his personal life falling apart (which is his own fault) and I suspect he was in an extra toxic place, so all his worst traits were amplified. And yes, it wouldn’t be surprising if drugs were involved too. Again, it clearly wasn’t a good time in his life.

    But yeah the Firefly cast hasn’t said much about it all. And the cast of The Nevers have recently said they had positive experiences on the set. Ultimately it really sounds like Whedon has some real anger issues he probably needs to get help for. Among other things. If he ever wants a career again he’s going to need to fix his crap and find a way to make amends with the people he’s wronged.

    5 users thanked author for this post.
  • #63170

    Margot Robbie Wants Poison Ivy to Join Harley Quinn in the DCEU

    It seems Margot Robbie has been watching Kaley Cuoco’s animated Harley Quinn series.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 8 months ago by Rocket.
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  • #63172

    Firefly might not have seen the same treatment because they had Fillion and Tudyk on set to keep things light.  I also don’t think that Gina Torres would allow anything and All those guys looked like they treated Jewel Staite and Summer Glau like their little sisters so nothing was happening there.

  • #63225

    My guess is that Whedon’s always been a bit of a prick, but he may have started spiraling after working on Age of Ultron. He wasn’t really shy about how dissatisfied he was with the experience. Couple that with his personal life falling apart (which is his own fault) and I suspect he was in an extra toxic place, so all his worst traits were amplified. And yes, it wouldn’t be surprising if drugs were involved too. Again, it clearly wasn’t a good time in his life.

    But yeah the Firefly cast hasn’t said much about it all. And the cast of The Nevers have recently said they had positive experiences on the set. Ultimately it really sounds like Whedon has some real anger issues he probably needs to get help for. Among other things. If he ever wants a career again he’s going to need to fix his crap and find a way to make amends with the people he’s wronged.

    Yeah, that sounds about right.

    I do wonder if he have any chance to save his career at all. He’ll have to go through either some really convincing transformation publicly, or re-start in an extremely low-key way, like maybe with a play for the stage.

  • #63351

    Whedon’s behaviour is really mystifying. I mean, these are big-name actors and he’s trying to boss them around in a way that’s… it does make you wonder about the sets of his TV shows, where the actors really depended on him for their careers.

    Yeah, you really have to be a Hitchcock or Kubrick to get away with that stuff.

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  • #63384

    The stuff Hitchcock did to Hedren is crazy. I mean, not just the sexual assaults, but he was kinda trying to turn her into his personal muse in a very aggressive way, and what isn’t mentioned in the article is that the Birds scene took days to film. Days of people throwing panicked birds at you.

    With Kubrick, it’s a bit of a different matter, I think, as the torture really was in service to his artistic pursuit. I mean, that doesn’t justify it, but the myth that directors have to somehow mistreat their actors to get the best performance out of them holds a lot of power, I think.

    Which made me think of Lars von Trier, who is also known to torture his actors, especially the female ones, as part of his directorial method. There were a lot of wild stories about Dancer in the Dark, and looking around for a second now it turns out I missed Bjork now accusing him of sexual harrassment.
    (Come to think of it, it’s interesting that Kidman worked both with Trier and Kubrick.)

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  • #63441

    Yeah, it is common for directors to really punish their actors on the set in ways that would be a violation of employee rights in any other field. SAG is really toothless in this regard, and, in the end, there is no evidence this behavior actually improves the films. However, if people are all right with tolerating everything all the way up to terroristic threats and actual assault, then the entire business will always be on the edge of criminal behavior and way over the edge of unhealthy workplaces.

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  • #63451

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  • #63459

    Drunk posting?

    Sorry it took me so long to respond, but if I don’t then it looks like I’m hiding.

    Okay, I admit it, but in my defence I’m a lot better now.
    Honestly believe the word ‘trainwreck’ is unwarranted (with an edit function you don’t know about).

    Weird, but the secret isn’t to quit, rather pretend it never happened.
    Increasing the frequency of alcohol and posting smooths out the averages over time.

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  • #63469

  • #63581

    Last night’s Legends of Tomorrow had a reference to Space Cabbie. It was probably just an Easter Egg, but if he was going to show up anywhere, it would probably be on that show.

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  • #63609

    Take with a grain of salt:


  • #63612


  • #63698

    Black Lightning Series Finale Photos Released


  • #63704

    ‘My Adventures With Superman’: Jack Quaid-Fronted Animated Series Gets Two Season Order From HBO Max & Cartoon Network

    ‘Batman: Caped Crusader’: Animated Series From Bruce Timm, J.J. Abrams, Matt Reeves Greenlit At HBO Max & Cartoon Network

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  • #63725

    ‘Batgirl’: Adil El Arbi and Bilall Fallah To Helm New Standalone Pic For Warner Bros.

  • #63820


  • #63839

    Black Lightning: The Consistent Villainy of Tobias Whale

  • #63842

  • #63849

  • #63858

    Is that a real thing? Because if so, holy shit it’s bad on every single level… not surprising though…

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  • #64422


    If you know the comic book mythology, then you know where his pain comes from.

    His rage.
    His wife and children killed.
    His people brutally enslaved.

    He is not a superhero, but rather a champion.

    Champion of the poor and beaten down.

    Champion of the people.

    And he is the most unstoppable force in the DC UNIVERSE.

    black adam⚡️
    @hhgarcia41 📸

    * wanted to give you guys a little #blackadam⚡️ update and share this image with you from set. Production is coming along GREAT and I’m very pleased with the movie we’re making. Black Adam’s mythology, ethics and actions no doubt will create a new paradigm in the world of superheroes, villains & antiheroes.
    The power will shift.
    The line will blur.
    From a slave to a God.

    the man in black⚡️

  • #64435

    Yeah, who looked at that Impulse image before releasing it and thought, “a job well done”? It looks like someone crudely photoshopped their dorky kid into it.

    2 users thanked author for this post.
  • #64438

    Yeah I don’t know who I’d fire… the person who made the horrible image, or the person who okayed the horrible image… =/

    Looks like one of those shitty adds for kids’ pajamas…

    2 users thanked author for this post.
  • #64468

    * wanted to give you guys a little #blackadam⚡️ update and share this image with you from set.

    That image from the set is… well, that certainly is some guy that you can’t make out in a big hood. Maybe it’sa nazgul?

  • #64503

    Putting aside how terrible the Impulse promo image is for a second…why did they have to cast a 26 year old as Bart Allen? Nothing against the actor, I’ve found him quite charming in the couple things I’ve seen him in, but would it hurt the CW to cast someone below the age of 23 just once? Especially a character that works best as a hyper-active teenager. Just cast a damn kid, CW…

    Also, that image is awful.

    1 user thanked author for this post.
  • #64577

    Kinda pissed that the CW isn’t moving forward with Painkiller.

  • #64610

  • #64654

    DC’s Legends of Tomorrow gets spin-off Christmas special


  • #64732

    Also mentioned in the TV news thread, but I guess it’s technically DC/Vertigo.

  • #64741

    Bold going for a black actress to play Death given how prolific and iconic the original goth girl design is. I wonder if it’s deliberately to avoid having to try and match people’s expectations for that?

    2 users thanked author for this post.
  • #64760

    ‘Black Lightning’ Series Finale: Creator Salim Akil On Season 5 And Spinoff Ideas, Black Joker & What’s Next

  • #64852

    Bold going for a black actress to play Death given how prolific and iconic the original goth girl design is.

    She can still be goth, can’t she?

    I think it’s a good choice to have some of the Endless be black. I mean, it’s not like they probably – like Dream – aren’t black and every other ethnicity anyway, depending on who’s looking at them. I wonder if they’ll play with that idea.

    Anyway, Idris Elba for Destruction.

  • #64854

    I think it’s a good choice to have some of the Endless be black. I mean, it’s not like they probably – like Dream – aren’t black and every other ethnicity anyway, depending on who’s looking at them. I wonder if they’ll play with that idea.

    The comics do that occasionally:

    3 users thanked author for this post.
  • #64866

    I don’t really care if Death has the goth aesthetic or not. I feel like her look was very much a product of the time the character was created, but she’s a being that’s been around forever. Her style changed to match with the era. The key to the character will be in her personality and overall vibe.

    2 users thanked author for this post.
  • #64897

    I don’t really care if Death has the goth aesthetic or not. I feel like her look was very much a product of the time the character was created, but she’s a being that’s been around forever. Her style changed to match with the era. The key to the character will be in her personality and overall vibe.

    True – Lucifer (now on Netflix) has plenty of fans and he’s nothing like he was in the comics (essentially David Bowie) except maybe the accent (who knows what comic book characters sound like anyway?). I doubt they will faithfully adapt the book to the letter. It, too, was very much a product of the 90’s and could use some changes in adaptation.

  • #64926

    I mean, it’s not like they probably – like Dream – aren’t black and every other ethnicity anyway, depending on who’s looking at them. I wonder if they’ll play with that idea.

    They could make multiple versions with different actors and let you choose which stream you want to view based on what you think Dream looks like.

    With modern face-replacing CGI that actually shouldn’t be too difficult.

  • #64927

    Personally, I’d choose the Dream that appears as a cat.

    4 users thanked author for this post.
  • #64930

    The Flash Season 8 To Be The Show’s Final Season

    Not sure how reliable this site is, but likely true. The Flash has been on for a while.

  • #64935

    Personally, I’d choose the Dream that appears as a cat.

    I’m interested if they’ll incorporate any of the Swamp Thing connections especially Matthew Cable’s backstory where he almost destroyed the world.

  • #64938


    Very excited to be joining the DC Universe!! Can’t wait to get started. #GreenLantern

    “In brightest day, in blackest night,
    No evil shall escape my sight.
    Let those who worship evil’s might,
    Beware my power – Green Lantern’s light!”

    #HBO #WarnerBrothers

  • #65025

    Any thoughts and opinions on Snyder doing a DKR movie?


  • #65030

    Between Dark Knight Rises and BvS I think too much of DKR has already been cannibalised by the movies to make a fresh new adaptation worth doing.

    3 users thanked author for this post.
  • #65031

    Yeah I don’t see the point…

  • #65037

    Plus, we’ve already had an animated DKR adaptation.

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