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  • #59589

    I’m a 100% serious. I’m sure everyone’s gonna love Gunn’s SQ, and hey, it’s smack dab in his element, crude comedy and gore, so I’m sure it’s gonna be pure Gunn, but I’m not really all that interested in watching that movie. As I said, it looks like a cross between GotG and Deadpool, so basically foul-mouthed/gory MCU… and I’m kinda over that type of thing.

    How can you be over-? Jesus, man, you need to let some joy into your life!!!

    I thought that trailer was awesome, can’t wait to see this in the cinema.

    Also, it’s fantastic that the big bad seems to be Starro. Fuck yeah!

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  • #59594

    They haven’t released them, for HBOmax at least, but from other international sources, the numbers are good, very good even. But there hasn’t been a peep from WB/HBOmax which is weird, since this whole thing was made to boost HBOmax numbers.

    I think there’s a good question of what the numbers will ever actually mean. With box office we have apple to apple comparison to say how well a film has done. You can announce ratings but on a service that doesn’t measure ratings as their KPI but rather subscribers as they don’t run ad breaks then it’s a bit inconclusive.

    As an aside one of those analysis companies put it at 1.8m watched on HBO Max the first weekend, the only comparison they make is WW84 got 2.2m under their measure. I don’t know what to make of that either, the latter also had a cinema release and is also a new film. A commitment to another instalment may come from the box office numbers, which although low by normal standards they can probably calculate how it would have done without x number of screens closed.

    It says 66% of that 1.8m didn’t finish the movie but can’t read too much into that yet as due to the runtime many may watch it in parts, so they’ll revisit it in a week or two. On its own 1.8m isn’t much of a number for a TV broadcast, on HBO something like Boardwalk Empire averaged 2m but again that’s not their measure, which is new subscribers which are hard to attribute to one film anyway but they will tend to announce those monthly.


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  • #59598

    Dave wrote: What are the numbers?

    They haven’t released them

    That’s what I thought.

    Still, fuck WB for not shouting about them! Yet another clear attempt to sabotage their own movie.

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  • #59600

    Who knows… however, at the risk of being called a conspiracy theorist again, that Sarnoff hit-piece is more than enough to figure out that a lot of people at WB just want this whole thing to go away and move on, and it seems even money is not enough to change their minds about it.

    There’s a lot of rumours about WB and AT&T being in a sort of civil war and whatnot, which might also be possible, so at this point, who really knows… :unsure:

  • #59601

    Who knows… however, at the risk of being called a conspiracy theorist again, that Sarnoff hit-piece is more than enough to figure out that a lot of people at WB just want this whole thing to go away and move on, and it seems even money is not enough to change their minds about it.

    Have they ever said anything other than that they were funding the Snyder Cut for HBO Max but had no plans to continue any further with Snyder DC movies?

    I thought they been pretty consistent with that line since announcing the Snyder Cut, presumably so as not to give fans false hope for any further Snyder DC projects.

    I understand Snyder fans wishing that there could be more movies made, but suggesting that WB are somehow being deceptive or acting against their own interests by continuing with the plan that they have already laid out for their DC projects seems like a bit of a stretch.

    Given that we’re never going to have any real clarity on how much benefit they’ve got from this project it seems hard to argue from any logical standpoint that they are making a bad business decision by not making more Snyder films.

    And remember that the financial calculation for fully funding an entirely new Snyder DC movie – as opposed to giving up a bit more cash to finish something that (as Snyder fans constantly reminded everyone) pretty much already existed – is a very different one.

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  • #59603

    Viewing numbers on a streaming service are impossible to prove and are basically bullshit anyway. I think Netflix counts someone as having watched a movie even if they just watched 2 minutes of it. If they take that approach to bolster their total viewership numbers then it stands to reason that other platforms would take the same approach. So, yeah, someone could watch 2 minutes of Aquaman walking into the sea in slow motion, give up in frustration and still be counted as a viewer. And what does it even mean to be counted as a viewer, anyway? If you’re already a paying subscriber then there is no real change to the business whether or not you’re watching Snyder League or doing an Agent Cody Banks double-bill. Unless there’s a direct correlation between adding this and gaining new subscribers, or decreasing the cancellation rate, then it is just another brick in the content wall. If people really like this thing and want more of it then fair enough. Still, the whole venture has been dragging on since 2013 and has yet to really catch on in any significant way in terms of pop culture. Can’t blame the studios for wanting to do something different with the properties rather than putting more good money after bad.

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  • #59608

    And remember that the financial calculation for fully funding an entirely new Snyder DC movie – as opposed to giving up a bit more cash to finish something that (as Snyder fans constantly reminded everyone) pretty much already existed – is a very different one.

    It’s worth remembering that Justice League fell about 100 million short of its break-even point in the cinema, so adding 70 million on top of that is a lot of good money after bad. I’m sure the movie has made a profit between home video sales, merch and streaming – but that should have been gravy and not paying off the initial outlay. Sticking the final product on HBO Max means that the calculations for how that last 70 mil get written off are different, but still, that’s a big money hole.

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  • #59609

    And what does it even mean to be counted as a viewer, anyway? If you’re already a paying subscriber then there is no real change to the business whether or not you’re watching Snyder League or doing an Agent Cody Banks double-bill. Unless there’s a direct correlation between adding this and gaining new subscribers, or decreasing the cancellation rate, then it is just another brick in the content wall.

    It’s an interesting calculation and one that’s pretty opaque to outsiders (unlike with publicly available box office figures).

    How much of a draw a certain property is to a streaming service is a really complicated equation and one that I imagine shifts over time too. I first signed up to Netflix because I wanted to watch the Daredevil TV show, a couple of years after that I had moved on to other things and wasn’t so bothered but kept Netflix around for different reasons (particularly the kids content which was pretty good). Now the interest is more for other stuff like their original movies and TV shows.

    And then between stuff that hooks me even I sometimes find it hard to say exactly what it is that’s keeping me paying for it. Presumably that “initial hook+laziness” factor of people not bothering to cancel is part of it all too – so with something  like the Snyder Cut you might hook in a Snyder fan for years with that one project.

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  • #59610

    Yep, I’m sure that happens a lot. I’m sure in a lot of cases people stay subscribed just for the ease of being able to watch old favourites like Friends for the umpteenth time whenever they want (even though you could probably pick up the entire series on DVD for ridiculously cheap nowadays). It is very hard to be able to quantify how much of a return on the cost of content can be attributed to any one particular movie or show. I’m sure they have surveys and internal reports that can help them to justify the particulars and help them decide what is worth spending money on next.

    Anecdotally, I first subscribed to Netflix in about 2012 or so, mostly out of fascination at being able to watch the huge catalogue whenever I wanted. Then the first wave of originals like House of Cards and Orange is the New Black kept me around, then things like the Defenders shows and GLOW. Now all of those have come and gone and there really wasn’t a whole lot that held interest for us, so we wound up ditching it in favour of Disney+. Looking back, I should really have been more pro-active in when I subscribed to various services. There’s nothing to stop you from signing up for a month when there’s a sufficient build-up of shows you want to see, binge through those and then cancel for a while until the next batch, maybe dipping into Amazon or something else in between. As you say, the convenience factor of just letting it run is a big thing.

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  • #59611

    like the Snyder Cut you might hook in a Snyder fan for years with that one project.

    At a rate of $15.99 per month, they need about 4.37 million months of subscriptions to pay off the 70 million alone. According to Wikipedia, about 1.8 million households watched the Snyder Cut in its first three days, so if all of them remain subscribed for 3 or 4 months, that’s arguably a small profit.

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  • #59613

    like the Snyder Cut you might hook in a Snyder fan for years with that one project.

    At a rate of $15.99 per month, they need about 4.37 million months of subscriptions to pay off the 70 million alone. According to Wikipedia, about 1.8 million households watched the Snyder Cut in its first three days, so if all of them remain subscribed for 3 or 4 months, that’s arguably a small profit.

    Snyder should have argued in favour of the movie having a four-month runtime just to make sure.

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  • #59614

    Each month brings Aquaman one tantalizing step closer to getting in the damn water!

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  • #59615

    Maybe someone just had too many cold brew coffees?

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  • #59616

    Well, those alleged 70 mil (might’ve been more for all we know) probably (almost definetly) came out of HBOmax’s pocket, so it’s not as easy as adding them to the cost of the original either.

    A lot of people (not fans, people who talk hollywood business) have argued that the Snydercut was a financial success even before it came out just due to the sheer amount of press it’s gotten (I mean, that’s pretty much one of the arguments Snyder used to convince people) and by extention for HBOmax as well… now, I don’t know how much money an ad campaign costs these days, but that argument is not without merit.

    But beyond whatever “success” it might’ve had, in terms of new subscriptions and any other gauge they might use to judge those things, plus the PR side of it all, again, most of the world didn’t get to see it in HBOmax, most people had to rent it in some other service, and the few reports that have come out come from those services mostly reported it as a resounding success, breaking records of rentals in several countries and all of that. So yeah, there’s also a hard-cash component to it, which is probably not negligeable (plus all the merch sales, and the eventual DVDs/Blurays it’s gonna sell as usual).

    And at any rate, 1.8 million “households”, whatever that means, is actually pretty impressive for a 4 hour cut of a movie a lot of people have seen already-ish… sure, WW84 reportedly did better (2.2), but that’s a completely new movie released on christmas weekend after months of no blokcbusters. Oh and it beat F&WS…

    So yeah, all that to say: I’m more inclined to think that it’s actually done very well, even if the point is moot since we’re not gonna get acutal numbers of any type, it would seem… :unsure:

    Have they ever said anything other than that they were funding the Snyder Cut for HBO Max but had no plans to continue any further with Snyder DC movies?

    No, you’re right. But I’ve never seen a studio preemptively shut down a franchise like that without even waiting to see the results… hell, I’m just saying: it would make more sense to just not say anything at all, which is what studios usually do with a dud… because why close the door like that? There’s absolutely no benefit to doing that.

  • #59619

    Unless there’s a direct correlation between adding this and gaining new subscribers, or decreasing the cancellation rate, then it is just another brick in the content wall

    This is something that gets reported:


    “WW84” drove the most sign-ups of any 2020 film. “Hamilton” pulled in 71% of that number, while “Soul” drummed up 35% of Wonder Woman’s total.

    New subscribers for “Soul” stuck around at the highest rate of the three films: 69%. “WW84” was extremely close, with 67% of those new subscribers sticking with the service. But “Hamilton” may have backfired for Disney+. Only 62% of new “Hamilton” subscribers” stuck with Disney+ two months after joining the service. Nearly a quarter of subscribers who joined Disney+ on “Hamilton’s” opening weekend canceled within one month.

    You could probably have predicted this. New subscribers for “Soul” would have found many similar Pixar films in the Disney+ catalog. Those who joined HBO Max for Wonder Woman’s newest adventure also had access to several movies featuring DC heroes and villains. But if you joined Disney+ in search of more hip-hop musicals, you’re going to come up empty. It’s tonally very different from the rest of the Disney brand.

    Too early for ZSJL, obviously, but I doubt it will see as high a boost as WW84 did, as a lot of Snyder fans were probably subscribed already.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 9 months ago by paul f.
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  • #59622

    there is no real change to the business whether or not you’re watching Snyder League or doing an Agent Cody Banks double-bill.

    Wait a minute…

    There are TWO Agent Cody Banks films?!

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  • #59624

    Not sure where they get those numbers from but interesting to see, thanks. Hard to imagine 67% of WW84 viewers thinking “wow, that was a steaming pile of shit, I better continue to subscribe” but what do I know.

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  • #59628

    Prior to WW84, was there actually any reason whatsoever to subscribe to HBO Max?

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  • #59629

    No, you’re right. But I’ve never seen a studio preemptively shut down a franchise like that without even waiting to see the results… hell, I’m just saying: it would make more sense to just not say anything at all, which is what studios usually do with a dud… because why close the door like that? There’s absolutely no benefit to doing that.

    I guess the benefit is to be clear with the #ReleaseTheSnyderCut lot that there isn’t anything further to come on that front, to try and stop them endlessly asking about it.

    They clearly have other plans in place for the DC movies that don’t include Snyder, as his movies have historically under-performed for them and they’re taking a new direction.

    As a lot of people predicted beforehand, rather than satisfying the dedicated Snyder fans, giving them the Snyder Cut seems to have only emboldened them to demand more, as though the release of the director’s cut opens the door for Snyder to return and direct more DC movies. It doesn’t.

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  • #59632

    Prior to WW84, was there actually any reason whatsoever to subscribe to HBO Max?

    For the masses, Friends and Big Bang Theory.

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  • #59636

    I’m listening to the How Did This Get Made episode about the Snyder Cut and I… I’m almost tempted to watch it. Spoilers, they don’t tear it to shreds, they almost admire it for its pure Snyderness, even though it’s a goddamn mess.

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  • #59664

    I guess the benefit is to be clear with the #ReleaseTheSnyderCut lot that there isn’t anything further to come on that front, to try and stop them endlessly asking about it.

    Because telling people what to do always works… who would’ve thought a condescending hit-piece would embolden them? :unsure:

    And it worked so well that the hashtag #restorethesnyderverse got to 1.5mil in a single day last week, which is a record even the #releasethesnydercut never got to (it even broken endgame’s record), oh and that was without any help from gadot, affleck, etc…

    So yeah, unless this is a ploy to rile up fans, which would be a very ass-backwards way of doing so, I really don’t understand the logic for this one… dumbest thing I’ve seen in a while.

    Edit: Oh and here’s a new article that came out:


    Another tiny piece of info… hey maybe we’ll get enough of those eventually… u_u

  • #59666

    And it worked so well that the hashtag #restorethesnyderverse got to 1.5mil in a single day last week, which is a record even the #releasethesnydercut never got to (it even broken endgame’s record), oh and that was without any help from gadot, affleck, etc…

    Genuine question: to what extent do you think this matters? Do you genuinely think there’s a chance they’re going to give Snyder more DC movies at this point?

    To me, this hardcore of Snyder fans that have now got their Snyder Cut feels like the dog that’s managed to catch the car it was chasing and doesn’t know what to do next. Attack WB for not supporting it more and for sabotaging it? Claim some huge success on slim evidence? Demand more Snyder DC films? Insist on an Ayer Cut of Suicide Squad?

    It’s a matter of days after they got the very thing they wanted and already they’re determined to go to war again. WB are going to wish they never bothered.

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  • #59667

    Personally, I’d like the Snyder Cut to be successful enough for it to get a BR release, while not being so successful as to not need that.

  • #59668

    Prior to WW84, was there actually any reason whatsoever to subscribe to HBO Max?

    WB will be simultaneously releasing movies on HBO Max and in theaters so if there’s a movie from their slate you want to see but don’t want to risk going to the theater, the service is your way to go. It seems that each month, there’s a new big release. Godzilla vs Kong is coming up in April, I believe.

    Something else to keep in mind with HBO Max is that is you already pay for HBO as part of your cable service, you get the streaming service for free. (That’s my situation.)

    I find that I’ve been watching a lot of old Adult Swim shows on the service.

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  • #59669

    To me, this hardcore of Snyder fans that have now got their Snyder Cut feels like the dog that’s managed to catch the car it was chasing and doesn’t know what to do next. Attack WB for not supporting it more and for sabotaging it? Claim some huge success on slim evidence? Demand more Snyder DC films? Insist on an Ayer Cut of Suicide Squad?

    Apparently they’re review-bombing Godzilla vs Kong as the next way to gain publicity.

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  • #59670

    Yeah, I saw that. And we know how much they hate people sabotaging a movie’s success too.

    Probably a really good way to get WB on their side either way.

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  • #59676

    Assuming that WB were to green light a Snyder JL sequel, what does he do?

    Does he stick to his original plan, WHICH HE DETAILED ONLINE? He would probably make some tweaks but keep it pretty much as planned. But doing that, you already know the story so that could impact interest. Also, it shares a lot of similarities with Avengers: Endgame so that may work against it.

    Or does he scrap the “Knightmare” story and do something completely different and unconnected? He could tell a new story with Darkseid still as the adversary or use a completely different villain. Maybe have the JL fight the Legion of Doom. Doing that though means the Knightmare story never receives a payoff. Maybe Knightmare becomes the third JL film but that would be one hell of a wait. Would he even want to still do that at that time? Would the fans accept never seeing that story finished?

    The JL movies may. Be in a no-win scenario.

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  • #59680

    Or use whatever budget may have gone to such movies to put towards fresh versions of Superman et al and know there’s at least a chance that this will take hold with a wider audience than the Snyder fanbase. And whatever studio Snyder works with next will know they’ve got an audience ready and waiting for his next move. That’s the (probable) win-win scenario.

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  • #59683

    Apparently they’re review-bombing Godzilla vs Kong as the next way to gain publicity.

    If you count 25 or so reviews (which were quickly deleted) as “review bombing”, then sure… OmG!!! the snyderCULT is review bombing GvK!!11!

    No but seriously, go to IMDB right now… there’s soemthing like 390 reviews, here’s how many “review bombs” you have: One… who gave it an 8/10… those damn Snydercult radicalists!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Where’s my eyeroll emoticon?



  • #59693

    If Snyder becomes more popular based on whatever films he directs in the next few years, it will be interesting how they’d react if he wanted to return to the DC universe. If Nolan said he had a great new idea for Batman – or pretty much any DC character – after he made Interstellar, I bet WB would’ve been ready to greenlight that in a second.

    Now, though, I think Snyder would be smart to declare he’s going to move on to other projects.

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  • #59696

    If Snyder becomes more popular based on whatever films he directs in the next few years, it will be interesting how they’d react if he wanted to return to the DC universe. If Nolan said he had a great new idea for Batman – or pretty much any DC character – after he made Interstellar, I bet WB would’ve been ready to greenlight that in a second.

    Now, though, I think Snyder would be smart to declare he’s going to move on to other projects.

    More popular? he’s like #2 “celeb” on IMDB lol… actually he was #1 for a while… now it’s USAgent dude… =P

    Also, yeah he’s already said he’s doing other crap… plus, Army of the Dead is dropping soon on Netflix… it should be pretty good and popular if DotD is any indication, and I reckon it’ll do well for Netflix given all the press he’s gotten for like a year now.

    So if you guys are sick of Snyder, get ready for some more :rose:

  • #59697

    It’s a matter of days after they got the very thing they wanted and already they’re determined to go to war again. WB are going to wish they never bothered.

    I suspect WB are fine with whatever, as long as it generates chatter about their franchises.

    More popular? he’s like #2 “celeb” on IMDB lol… actually he was #1 for a while… now it’s USAgent dude… =P

    Which should tell you exactly how much the IMDB celeb status is worth.

    I think Jonny meant popular as a director, as in the name draws people to the cinema. I think he probably was a “hotter” director when he was fresh off 300 than he has been ever since. He pulled off Hollywood’s favourite miracle back then – very low budget, very high returns. It’s been pretty much the opposite since…

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  • #59703

    I think Jonny meant popular as a director, as in the name draws people to the cinema.

    Yes… I was joking.

    Still though, he IS pretty hot right now… hell, he got half of the press last year, the other half going to Nolan (with a sprinkle of Paty Jenkins towards the end of the year I suppose). Whether you guys like it or not, a TON of people have at least heard about this “snydercut” thing, which creates a lot of name recognition, and the reception of the snydercut was mostly positive, so I’d say he’s in a very good place at this moment.

    But I guess we’ll see just how hot he is soon enough with Army.

  • #59704

    I suspect WB are fine with whatever, as long as it generates chatter about their franchises.

    It’s not generating chatter, it’s drowning everything else out. Any time Warners tweet, or some publication tweets about them, the replies are flooded with Snyder assholes demanding more.


    This is a moment where Warner needs to make a choice. Right now, if you look at any social media post made by the company, you can get a very quick crash course in just how ugly and shitty the Snyder fans can be. James Gunn just dropped the trailer for his new take on The Suicide Squad, and almost immediately, Snyder’s fans started spamming every place it was posted. You can go to Twitter and see the way they do this to anything the company posts, no matter if it’s appropriate or not. For example, check out this tweet:

    Again, giving money to something doesn’t automatically make you good or decent, but at this point, any effort from a corporation to try to support communities that feel like they’re under attack is probably a good thing. So how do Snyder’s fans react? Like this:

    Or this:

    Or this:

    It goes on and on and on, and it is mind-boggling to me how tone-deaf they are. Here’s a tweet about Warner parntering with MACRO and The Black List to create a screenwriter incubator program:

    Again, the replies are just jammed with these single-minded children throwing their horrible Veruca Salt tantrums. “But they aren’t swearing! They aren’t saying mean things!” Get out of here with that. If I started a conversation face-to-face with someone about any topic except Zack Snyder, and all you could talk about was Zack Snyder, that conversation would be over, and I’d walk away wondering how you got your skull dented. Understanding when it is or isn’t appropriate to discuss things is one of those fundamental lifeskills you might want to get locked down before you get an internet account, but these people make this their entire online personality.

    I don’t see this ending anytime soon. They spent years demanding the Snyder cut and got it; why would they give up now?

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  • #59705

    The paragraph just ahead of that part you quoted sums the whole thing up nicely I think.

    Warner Bros. was finished with Zack Snyder’s vision for this universe somewhere between the opening weekend of Batman v Superman and the moment they hired Joss Whedon to royally fuck up the theatrical version of Justice League. They remain just as done with Zack Snyder’s vision as they were at that point. They agreed to finance and release Zack Snyder’s Justice League because they saw it as an easy way to have a “brand-new” giant-budget superhero film on their streaming service without having to pay for an entire brand-new giant-budget superhero film. They also saw it as an opportunity to earn some goodwill with a fanbase that has harassed them for the last few years, but what they’re starting to realize is that there’s no making this fanbase happy. They gave them the thing they asked for and even before most of them had the chance to screen it, they started demanding David Ayer’s cut of Suicide Squad and two sequels to ZSJL and a restored timeline that leads into The Flash and any number of other things that they’re just not going to get, setting up more years of noisy harassment.

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  • #59706

    Viewing numbers on a streaming service are impossible to prove and are basically bullshit anyway.

    The company releasing that 1.8m number (Samba) has basically started using the same method Nielsen have used for TV ratings for decades. They have a few thousand household volunteering to have what they watch tracked and then they scale it up by the active userbase. It’s probably not a truly accurate number but then it never has been when they say 6.2m watched Doctor Who or CSI whatever.

    An interesting bit reading into it is that HBO Max is bundled in with normal HBO subscriptions and other deals with AT&T, so out of the headline figure of subscribers most have never signed in or installed the app.

    But of the 37.7 million HBO Max domestic subscribers out there (the remaining few million being pay TV subscribers), about 17.2 million subscribers are considered “activated,” AT&T’s term for someone who has downloaded the app and either signed up independently or upgraded an existing subscription


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  • #59709

    Well, I don’t know about any of you, but I just love the narrative that a bunch of people with twitter accounts are “harrassing” a massive megacorporation… xD

  • #59713

    Someone at that massive corporation will be monitoring the Twitter account and won’t be having a good time of it.

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  • #59718

    Well, I don’t know about any of you, but I just love the narrative that a bunch of people with twitter accounts are “harrassing” a massive megacorporation… xD

    This is a great example of the kind of David v Goliath narrative that the Snyder fans seem desperate to hang onto.

    I suspect that WB giving them what they wanted in the form of the Snyder Cut has robbed a lot of them of the sense of purpose that comes with being angry about something and railing against the people deemed responsible, so they’ve now had to find new things to complain about, to fill that gap and retain that purpose and their sense of righteous indignation.

    It’s exactly the same as with all the “WB is sabotaging the Snyder Cut” nonsense we saw ever since the new version was announced. They’ve got to find something to be unhappy with, or what’s the point?

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  • #59719

    This is a great example of the kind of David v Goliath narrative that the Snyder fans seem desperate to hang onto.

    Yeah, except it’s not the fans who are pushing that narrative…

    Anyways, don’t wanna be an ass Dave, so I’ll refrain from discussing it with you any further, because you seem intent on painting everyone as desperate, purposeless, angry, entitled, indignated, dumb and unhappy, and that was just in your last post, so it doesn’t seem like you’re really looking for a conversation… seems you just wanna make fun of people, so sure, have at it, but I’ll leave it at that before it gets nasty.

  • #59720

    I’m not trying to be insulting and I’m not targeting these criticisms at you personally,  so I apologise if it came off like that. That wasn’t the intention. I’m just saying that this is how it looks from the outside.

    WB have been clear every step of the way with what they would and wouldn’t do in terms of Snyder’s Justice League and beyond. Continuing to rail on about it this point, days after getting the very thing that was asked for, just looks like picking a fight for the sake of it.

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  • #59722

    Just to break the tension, let’s all go eat some cookies.

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  • #59724

    I was watching some comparisons on the Whedon to Snyder cut and it’s interesting. A lot of the difference is in composition of the scenes, they’ve chosen different shots to use of pretty much the same scenes and of course the Whedon version ones are cut down a lot for time (which in truth Snyder would have had to have done a lot more for an actual cinema release). The Wonder Woman fight in the bank is essentially the same but 4 minutes longer in the Snyder cut.

    Snyder is definitely the better visual director so his versions are better.

    All the Whedon added bits are pretty much to add some lightness of tone, they are also not very good. To be fair to him, even with the personal sympathies all on Snyder’s side, he was probably under a lot of time pressure to put that together and it shows in some pretty lame dialogue from a guy we know can write it well and crappy effects with things like the Superman ‘tache fiasco.

    Outside of the Darkseid bits I can’t say the extra story material Snyder added is that great either.

    Justice League in the cinema I felt was ‘okay’, I think this cut is better but in the end it’s still just an ‘okay’ movie.

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  • #59725

    There’s a comparaison video I saw for the Superman vs JL scene… very interesting because it shows Snyder had to stretch several sequences of the theatrical cut to fit his 4:3 aspect ratio… the guy who made the video speculated that he did that because it would be too expensive to re-do all the VFX (and indeed, it’s the exact same VFX from theatrical, both the good and the bad, but stretched vertically).

    But the interesting bit is that there aren’t any other scenes like that, as far as I know, which were made specifically in 16:9 and that had to be stretched, so I wonder why those few scenes were in 16:9 and not the rest… it’s super weird.

    Oh nevermind, here’s the video… pretty interesting:

    So yeah, I did notice the weird stretchy effect while watching, but I thought it was on purpose, so I guess it kinda worked.

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  • #59735

    It’s not generating chatter, it’s drowning everything else out. Any time Warners tweet, or some publication tweets about them, the replies are flooded with Snyder assholes demanding more.

    And who the hell actually reads the replies on these things?

    Seriously, I doubt that this huge corporation is taking such big damage from these nerds demanding their wishes fulfilled. Again, if they had that big of an impact, that’d actually be good for them, because it keeps people talking about the Justice League when there is actually very little to talk about. And when they release the next Batman trailer, nobody will give a shit about whatever somebody is writing in the replies to that. Hell, nobody gives a shit right now – I certainly didn’t notice anything about this in the ads for The Suicide Squad in my feed.

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  • #59741

    Also the WB comms staff that do see the activity aren’t execs that can make decisions, so it is yelling into the void.

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  • #59762

  • #59763

    Man, they should stop doing those honest trailers, they’ve been bad for years now… in fact their whole channel is pretty bad.

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  • #59768

    A lot of the difference is in composition of the scenes, they’ve chosen different shots to use of pretty much the same scenes and of course the Whedon version ones are cut down a lot for time (which in truth Snyder would have had to have done a lot more for an actual cinema release).

    That’s something else to keep in mind. If Snyder had not left the project, his “theatrical cut” probably would have been around 2 – 2.5 hours long. There was no way he would have gotten the blessing from WB to release a 4 hour movie. If he had the footage (which he may not have shot), they may have let him put together an “Ultimate Cut” for the DVD but it may have not been the 4-hour film we got now.

    This raises an interesting question for those that have seen the Snyder Cut: Assuming he had the 4-hour cut of the film and was told to cut 1.5 hours out of it, what would be left on the the cutting room floor?

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  • #59771

    A lot of the difference is in composition of the scenes, they’ve chosen different shots to use of pretty much the same scenes and of course the Whedon version ones are cut down a lot for time (which in truth Snyder would have had to have done a lot more for an actual cinema release).

    That’s something else to keep in mind. If Snyder had not left the project, his “theatrical cut” probably would have been around 2 – 2.5 hours long. There was no way he would have gotten the blessing from WB to release a 4 hour movie. If he had the footage (which he may not have shot), they may have let him put together an “Ultimate Cut” for the DVD but it may have not been the 4-hour film we got now.

    This raises an interesting question for those that have seen the Snyder Cut: Assuming he had the 4-hour cut of the film and was told to cut 1.5 hours out of it, what would be left on the the cutting room floor?

    Yeah, what would’ve happened is something like BvS all over again: a super butchered 2.5 hours for theatrical, then an “ultimate edition” with a longer version. Now, the thing is: There is a 3 hour cut that could be done of ZSJL without butchering it to bits, so mayyyyyyyybe he would’ve conviced WB to do a 3 hour movie (which is what endgame ended up being), but most probably they would’ve demanded a 2.5 version…

    However, we do know what that extended home release would’ve been: the original 214 minutes Snyder cut. What we got now is an even more extended version, but again, originally, the “snydercut” was indeed 214 minutes long.

    As for what could be cut, well the Whedon version gives you a good glimpse of it in that you can shave off seconds in pretty much every shot where Snyder just leaves the camera lingering. There are entire sequences that you can effectively remove without screwing up the story: one example is Diana going to the amazon temple and her discovering the cave with the murals… all of that was also cut in the Whedon version, which makes sense, but the problem is they never bothered to replace that with a couple of lines during the flashback sequence to explain HOW she knew that info… it would be as simple as having her say “every amazon knows about the great war” or something like that, and voilà…

    Here’s the thing, I do think Whedon did an okay job in shaving off some of the fat in Snyder’s sequences, particularly the action sequences… however his sin was the excessive amount of reshoots he did for no good reason (as in to add some really dated lame jokes, like the infamous “brunch” joke).

    For example, I don’t know if it was a studio mandate or if Whedon just wanted to direct a Batman scene, but that whole opening in theatrical with Batman and the cartoon rooftop burglar and the parademon, that’s a pretty long sequence that was absolutely unnecessary and honestly just looks like a vanity reshoot (or a studio mandated thing).

    But by far the most unnecessary addition is the Russian family thing… that whole bad idea takes quite a bit of time in the theatrical that could’ve been used to keep at least some of Cyborg’s backstory in the damned movie.

    So yeah, I do think you can do a 3 hour cut easily, and you can probably do a 2.5 hour cut as well, although it would be very hacked and the pace would be horribly quick (and would probably be received as poorly as the BvS theatrical), but doable yes… the problem is more that they just wanted to turn the movie into a Marvel movie and made a lot of wrong decisions. What they did to Flash and Cyborg in theatrical is a fuckin’ crime… you can see that WB decided to focus the movie on the trinity, which is logical, but yeah, that’s how we ended up with Whedon fluff and that horrible Superman’s face CGI… all of the Superman reshoots (which were about 90% of his scenes) were sooooooooooooooooooo unnecessary too, btw.

    By the by, there is ONE small change that I like better in the Whedon cut, ONE. Everything else he changed seems sooo dumb and unnecessary, even down to things like he how he turned the scenes in the Wayne Aerospace Hangar into the Batcave in his cut, even though you can clearly see day light coming in from windows… like, how? and most importantly: why?? Specially since he reshot completely both batcave and hangar scenes… why not just remove the hangar setting?

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  • #59777

    Yeah, what would’ve happened is something like BvS all over again: a super butchered 2.5 hours for theatrical, then an “ultimate edition” with a longer version. Now, the thing is: There is a 3 hour cut that could be done of ZSJL without butchering it to bits, so mayyyyyyyybe he would’ve conviced WB to do a 3 hour movie (which is what endgame ended up being), but most probably they would’ve demanded a 2.5 version…

    Whatever his next project is this is something Snyder probably needs to address, cinemas don’t like incredibly long movies, they lose them money in limiting slots. (And yes Endgame was ridiculously long but the first part having made over $2bn will forgive pretty much everything).

    It’s okay artistically to later release the preferred version on DVD for a much smaller audience but it’s not a good choice reputationally or commercially.

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  • #59783

    Well, his next movie comes out on Netflix, so that shouldn’t be an issue… although I bet it’s not gonna be super long, ironically. Edit: according to wkipedia, it’s gonna be 147 mins long, so 2 and a half hours plus credits… perfectly standard running time if you ask me.

    But I dunno, there’s another thing going on with his movies that people don’t take into account, which is the nature of each project. Snyder doesn’t do inherently long movies… DotD isn’t extremely long, neither is his cartoon one, or 300… And MoS is definetly not overly long either… so it’s just some of them, and there IS a reason… Watchmen needed to be long, because it’s a long story. BvS was supposed to be a MoS sequel, then got turned into something else, and with JL he was supposed to introduce a lot of things in it to to serve as a spirngboard for the DC movieverse.

    The one movie he did that was truly super long because he basically decided to do it that way was Suckerpunch, but I don’t think it’s completely fair to blame him for the lenght of some of those other movies… He was asked to do something that just can’t be done under 2 hours, and then there’s the compounded effect of his own style… But I just can’t see anyone else doing a good Watchmen, BvS or JL under 2 hours either… at least not within the same directives he was working under.

    My point being, it’s honestly more the studios’ fault… you don’t hire a fashion designer to fix your bathtub pipes… :unsure:

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  • #59795

    If you can’t do a decent Batman v Superman movie in under 3 hours you shouldn’t be making movies.

    Snyder made a shitty one that’s over 3 hours, thus doubly proving my point.

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  • #59800

    This raises an interesting question for those that have seen the Snyder Cut: Assuming he had the 4-hour cut of the film and was told to cut 1.5 hours out of it, what would be left on the the cutting room floor?

    I didn’t create this idea, just repeating what someone else has said…but what if they just speed up half of the slo-mo shots to real-time?

  • #59807

    There’s around 24 minutes total spent in slomo within the almost 4 hours. Some of those slomo shots are kinda needed (for the flash scenes, for example) but even if you sped most of them up I reckon you’d end up with what? a quarter of that? so let’s say 7 minutes to round it up… so you’d be removing more or less 17 minutes… from an almost 4 hour runtime… wow yeah, such a game changer.

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  • #59823

    Things that could and should have been cut:

    • The whole scene with those ladies singing as Aquaman swam away
    • Martha being revealed as J’onn after her discussion with Lois
    • Maybe trim (or cut) the opening with Superman’s scream heard round the world
    • The Luthor/Deathstroke scene
    • The weird parts about Darkseid and everyone not knowing Earth was the planet that defeated him

    Not saying those add up to much, but they’re what come to mind immediately having watched it that one time. I honestly would probably have cut the future scene too. I get why Snyder wanted to include it, it makes sense as sequel setup (although probably as a post credit thing), but at this point it ends up just being fan service that will never have a payoff. Aside from that, trim some of the action scenes and slo-mo (like the Victor football slo-mo) and it’s at least a starting point.

  • #59830

    For a home release on a streaming platform as it is, I wouldn’t remove anything except the Marthan Manhunter scene, because it’s just plain fuckin bad. In terms of theatrical, yeah, there’s a lot you can shorten and flat-out cut.

    So I was thinking, people keep saying “no way this would’ve been released in theaters as is” and yeah that’s true…

    But here’s a novel idea: Don’t cut anything at all, in fact beef it up a bit more (more Superman scenes) and just fucking SPLIT IT into two movies and release them 6 months appart. The movie has a natural cut-off point midway through after the Gotham bay first fight against Steppenwolf, they could’ve just used a “to be continued”…

    The Matrix sequels did just that and it worked. In fact, the Matrix sequels are super similar to the Snydercut, they’re basically one very bloated and very self-indulgent sequel split into 2 parts, and WB did those… you’d think someone at WB would go “hey, why don’t we do it like Matrix”… but apparently the have a super short memory.

    That would’ve solved all of their issues and they could’ve made twice(ish) the money for the same budget. That would’ve allowd to give Snyder some time to grieve too. There were a lot of better solutions than what they ended up going with, which was the worst possible (and most expensive) idea.

  • #59844

    ‘Batman: The Long Halloween, Part One’ Sets Voice Cast (Exclusive)


  • #59845

    Ava DuVernay’s ‘Naomi’ CW DC Drama Pilot Adds Barry Watson, Mouzam Makkar, 4 More To Cast

  • #59847

    For a home release on a streaming platform as it is, I wouldn’t remove anything except the Marthan Manhunter scene, because it’s just plain fuckin bad. In terms of theatrical, yeah, there’s a lot you can shorten and flat-out cut.

    So I was thinking, people keep saying “no way this would’ve been released in theaters as is” and yeah that’s true…

    But here’s a novel idea: Don’t cut anything at all, in fact beef it up a bit more (more Superman scenes) and just fucking SPLIT IT into two movies and release them 6 months appart. The movie has a natural cut-off point midway through after the Gotham bay first fight against Steppenwolf, they could’ve just used a “to be continued”…

    The Matrix sequels did just that and it worked. In fact, the Matrix sequels are super similar to the Snydercut, they’re basically one very bloated and very self-indulgent sequel split into 2 parts, and WB did those… you’d think someone at WB would go “hey, why don’t we do it like Matrix”… but apparently the have a super short memory.

    That would’ve solved all of their issues and they could’ve made twice(ish) the money for the same budget. That would’ve allowd to give Snyder some time to grieve too. There were a lot of better solutions than what they ended up going with, which was the worst possible (and most expensive) idea.

    The problem with that is your bad guy is Steppenwolf. You’re going to waste two movies on him? Sorry, but he’s not worth it.

    The better solution is Part 1 has the bad guy be Steppenwolf and Part 2 is Darkseid and the Knightmare future. (I think this was Snyder’s original vision.)

  • #59849

    The problem with that is your bad guy is Steppenwolf. You’re going to waste two movies on him? Sorry, but he’s not worth it. The better solution is Part 1 has the bad guy be Steppenwolf and Part 2 is Darkseid and the Knightmare future. (I think this was Snyder’s original vision.)

    Mmmm… no, I don’t think so, because then you fall into the same issues: less time for character building (including the villains), less time to let the plot build up organically, etc…

    More to the point though, I’m talking about what was done, and not what they could’ve done differently, because in that case, they should’ve done many things differently from the get-go =P

    Snyder had a 4 hour movie with a clear cut-point in the middle, so just add a bit more stuff to flesh out the characters even more, particularly Steppenwolf so he feels like a “worthy” villain, split the whole thing in two 2.15  hours parts:

    Part 1: Introduction to all the new characters (plus the world-building flashback), forming of the JLA, and then their first battle, which they kinda lose. Perfect story arc right there.

    Then in Part 2: They realize they need Superman, they revive him, they fight him, and then it’s off to the final battle… You can beef up Superman’s presence in this part because you already had a whole movie without him…. maaaaybe even have more Darkseid as setup for the next one(s). Sure the first part would be a bit weaker because it’s mostly introductions and world-building, but if people know it’s a 2-parter and the 2nd one is coming in 4-6 months, I’m sure it’d be ok. At any rate, it would’ve done better than the Whedon cut did… and again, it makes more financial sense.

    THAT should’ve been the decision… not spending even more money for unnecessary reshoots that ended up creating a VERY mediocre product. And again, they had the Matrix sequels example, so it should’ve been a no-brainer. Even if the movies had underperformed, they would’ve had two underperformers instead of one, which means more money in any case, so… :unsure:

  • #59855

    Weren’t the Matrix sequels seen as a bit of a disappointment though? A bloated and flawed story spread across two movies like you say?

    Hollywood went through that “part one/part two” trend fairly recently and I got the sense it didn’t really work out overall. Some of them did ok (like Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows) but some of them seemed to fall over a bit, like the Hunger Games.

    I think the Infinity War/Endgame model is probably best – two linked movies that tell two distinctive stories that work as one big story overall.

    And of course, with IW/Endgame and Harry Potter you had years and years of fan goodwill from the well-received lead-up movies to build off. That surely helps.

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  • #59859

    Well they weren’t as well received as the first one, no. Many people were disappointed, but they did rather well in the end. I mean, I’d need to look at numbers and all that, but I’m pretty sure all of those did well enough in terms of money.

    But again, if you already have the snydercut at hand, you might as well do it like that instead of what they did. In the end it’s just a should’ve, could’ve, would’ve thing at this point, but I guess it goes to show how horribly mismanaged the DC movies were at that point… and still might be, because they’re still just throwing shit at a wall and seeing what sticks.

    So, WB (DC movies specifically) wants to move on from the “snyderverse”? Fine… but what for? They don’t seem to have a plan yet, and no, the “multiverse” thing is just another excuse to continue their throwing shit at a wall and seeing what sticks… now they can just say “oh but multiverse” and pretend their incompetence is okay… :unsure:

    They should just swallow their pride and try for the Snyderverse again… it’s not like they have to stop everything else, and at least they’d be halfway to somewhere… anywhere. Worst thing that could happen is it fails again and they’re back to where they are now. And I’m not even talking about making a JL2… they could always try with a very commercially safe Batfleck movie or a mini series on HBOmax… it’s Batman, it’d make money.

  • #59861

    But again, if you already have the snydercut at hand, you might as well do it like that instead of what they did.

    Maybe so. There was clearly two movies’ worth of footage so I guess they could have gone the Kill Bill route and just split it in two.

    I know at one point there were two JL movies planned so I wonder at what point they decided to rein it in and just have one. Maybe late in the game? Otherwise it seems like a crazy overspend to generate enough material for two movies when you’re just making one.

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  • #59863

    They should just swallow their pride and try for the Snyderverse again… it’s not like they have to stop everything else, and at least they’d be halfway to somewhere… anywhere. Worst thing that could happen is it fails again and they’re back to where they are now. And I’m not even talking about making a JL2… they could always try with a very commercially safe Batfleck movie or a mini series on HBOmax… it’s Batman, it’d make money.

    They already are making a new Batman movie though. It’d be weird for them to be making two different projects simultaneously.

    Honestly the big regret for me is that between Nolan’s Dark Knight Rises and Snyder’s BvS, they’ve mined Miller’s DKR comic so much that it isn’t really viable to make a straight movie adaptation of that any more as it would be too repetitive. Because that would also be a good way to have two different Batman projects with different leads but a clear separation. (Affleck could maybe just about work as DKR Batman at this point.)

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  • #59864

    There’s also the issue that Affleck definitely doesn’t want to do a Batman movie, and had a miserable experience throughout BvS and Justice League.

    “I showed somebody ‘The Batman’ script,” Affleck recalled. “They said, ‘I think the script is good. I also think you’ll drink yourself to death if you go through what you just went through again.’”

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  • #59866

    Affleck definitely doesn’t want to do a Batman movie, and had a miserable experience throughout BvS and Justice League.

    Making them or watching them?

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  • #59867

    So, let me try to clarify the Batmen situation. There’s a new Robert Pattinson Batman that has its own thing going on. There’s an old Michael Keaton Batman that might turn up in a Flash movie that is still being figured out. The Battfleck may or may not be a part of that as well. None of these have anything to do with the Joaquin Phoenix Joker but some of them may or may not have something to do with the Jared Leto Joker.

    Am I on the right track here?

    1 user thanked author for this post.
  • #59869

    So, let me try to clarify the Batmen situation. There’s a new Robert Pattinson Batman that has its own thing going on. There’s an old Michael Keaton Batman that might turn up in a Flash movie that is still being figured out. The Battfleck may or may not be a part of that as well. None of these have anything to do with the Joaquin Phoenix Joker but some of them may or may not have something to do with the Jared Leto Joker. Am I on the right track here?

    Classic DC M.O…. make a huge mess of everything then fix it with a Crisis.

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  • #59874

    paul f wrote:

    Affleck definitely doesn’t want to do a Batman movie, and had a miserable experience throughout BvS and Justice League.

    Making them or watching them?

    (Say it with me here:) It can be TWO things!!

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  • #59885

    I have something to say in praise of the Snyder cut by the way. When I watched Justice League in the cinema I noticed the ‘male gaze’ on Wonder Woman in contrast to the Patty Jenkins solo film.

    There was a bit of a quick upskirt shot as she jumped out of a vehicle, the cringeworthy scene when Flash falls on top of her and some weird flirty dialogue with Bruce Wayne. All removed in the Snyder cut and far better for it.

    Snyder’s probably never winning any feminist of the year award but with what we know now about Whedon it’s probably not a surprise he’s an improvement on that.

  • #59888

    Worse than what he did is what he removed, he removed the single most empowering moment in the whole movie which was centered around female empowerment.

    There’s also the issue that Affleck definitely doesn’t want to do a Batman movie, and had a miserable experience throughout BvS and Justice League.

    Actually no, he’s one record saying he had a great time shooting BvS… he’s never specified what happened during JL, or when, but the fact that he went back to let Snyder shoot him some more for the snydercut, and that he’s going back for the Falsh movie, would suggest that the problems happened during reshoots and that whole debacle with the Batman movie. That’s pretty much why people still hope for a Batfleck project.

  • #59889

    Actually no, he’s one record saying he had a great time shooting BvS

    Actors say that a lot. Here’s an interview with Ray Fisher promoting JL and talking about how he couldn’t imagine having a better experience:

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  • #59890

    Yeah you have to get past the PR on this shit. Actors frequently hit the interview circuit praising the new release and then a few years later when it doesn’t really matter admit it was terrible, either as a film or experience.

    It’s literally a part of the contracts for Fisher and Affleck to say all is great.

    1 user thanked author for this post.
  • #59893

    Riiiight, there’s a thing such as facial expressions and tone, for example: (at around 18:20)

    You don’t need to be an expert in body language to see the difference between when he talks about the character and BvS and when he jumps to JL.

    But never mind all that… because again: He agreed to go back for Zack’s reshoots during a pandemic and he’s also doing the Flash (in theory)… Would he have done that if he really had a “horrible time”? Specially for the snydecut, which didn’t fall under any contractual or legal thing… (Cavill certainly didn’t care all that much)

    Also Ray had a wonderful experience, up until the point Zack left… so, you know, it’s not completly false.

  • #59896

    Never realised it before but Ben Affleck bears more than a passing resemblance to 2000s Bruce Springsteen. Maybe it is time for a new biopic so we can unleash The Bossfleck.

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  • #59898

    Ava Duvernay’s New Gods movie is cancelled. As is that dumb Aquaman spinoff.

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  • #59901

    New Gods, which would have been a sprawling tale, was complicated by the fact that its villain, Darkseid, just appeared as a major foil in Zack Snyder’s Justice League and there was a desire to have space between the latter and any new appearances.

    Why should that matter? Isn’t the snydercut a cul-de-zack?

    Ah well, WB is gonna WB I guess…

    In a bit of brighter news:

    A MUCH better trailer… Although come to think of it, I’m starting to get a little bit of deja-vu with these 2 trailers with very different tones… =/

    2 users thanked author for this post.
  • #59910

    Yeah the excuse that they canned New Gods in part because Darkseid made a brief appearance in JL is nonsense. Sure didn’t impact The Batman. Or Joker. Or The Flash being in a movie and his own show. Or Cyborg being in a movie and Doom Patrol. And so on.

    That said, I’d forgotten New Gods was even in development and Duvernay felt like an odd choice. Would have been curious about it, but the news isn’t surprising.

  • #59911

    Well you know, it’s a “multiverse”, except when it’s not… :unsure:

    Also, yeah, I’d forgotten about those two movies too… The Trench was always a sketchy idea anyways, but on the other hand they’re doing a sketchy Gotham Police show (spinning from The Batman) and a Peacemaker show… or are they? Who knows at this point.

    Funny how they’re sooooo anti-snyderverse, yet most of the movies that have actually come out are part of it, or somewhat at least, because even the James Gunn SQ, guess what, it still has several character from the “snyderverse”, so it also counts.

  • #59919

    Whereas the pitch meeting is awesome! First didn’t watch it because of spoilers, but then I thought, ah what the hell, you’ve already kinda seen the plot.

    The “But he’s never fought us before. Not us united.” line really was teeth-achingly cringeworthy in the trailer already.

  • #59931

    I like that he oversaturated the colors of the thumbnail, but he missed a beat not making the video in 4:3… so fail!!! =P

  • #59952

    The Snyder driven DCEU will be a complicated IP for WB and HBOMax to deal with. In Streaming, IP is a big deal, and darker views of superheroes in realistic settings are popular – The Boys, Invincible and the upcoming Jupiter’s Legacy. However, Snyder’s JL requires big budget, name stars and epic appeal. It’s much more expensive to maintain as a streaming option.

    However, I can’t see how they will really extract The Flash, Aquaman, Wonder Woman or Shazam from the Snyderverse since they all emerged from it. Even Dwayne Johnson seems to be selling Black Adam as part of the Snyder version of DC.

    Also, honestly, Marvel could steal their thunder if they did a Supreme Power adaptation on Disney+. Out of all the comics, Supreme Power feels a lot more like the Snyder-verse than anything DC’s published. Hell, James Gunn could do a darker “Brightburn” series for Amazon or even Starz and make more money from that than anything he’s directing for Marvel or DC.

    When there is a demand, someone will jump in to supply and I think that probably will worry WB a bit.

    2 users thanked author for this post.
  • #59961

    The Snyder driven DCEU will be a complicated IP for WB and HBOMax to deal with. In Streaming, IP is a big deal, and darker views of superheroes in realistic settings are popular – The Boys, Invincible and the upcoming Jupiter’s Legacy.

    Not disagreeing, but it’s worth pointing out that all of these (and The Umbrella Academy and Doom Patrol, too) are all something that Snyder’s JLA definitely isn’t, and that is funny.

    However, I can’t see how they will really extract The Flash, Aquaman, Wonder Woman or Shazam from the Snyderverse since they all emerged from it. Even Dwayne Johnson seems to be selling Black Adam as part of the Snyder version of DC.

    Well, they’re doing it with Batman. And Shazam isn’t really connected anyway. I don’t think any of it matters much – you can use the connections when it makes sense, but it doesn’t need to be coherent, except if you want to do a big crossover movie again. Which I don’t think they will in the near future?

  • #59962

    Not disagreeing, but it’s worth pointing out that all of these (and The Umbrella Academy and Doom Patrol, too) are all something that Snyder’s JLA definitely isn’t, and that is funny.

    Honestly, that may be the Snyder version’s main appeal. Marvel movies have become action comedies with Ragnarok being the main offender! DC tried that approach with Green Lantern and Shazam! and one bombed while the other didn’t set the world on fire.

    The Boys can be pretty serious but it is a cynical kind of humor that drives it. I don’t think Jupiter’s Legacy will be much more comic than the other Netflix series like their Marvel shows which were not very funny actually – especially frickin’ Punisher.

    I think there is still a large contingent of fans who would like to see the stories taken more seriously with funny one-liners not punctuating (and killing the tension) every action scene.

    This is why I think Brightburn would be more interesting as a horror series than it was as a movie. Not focused on the super-people, but on people trying to deal with this new, strange threat the world faces that defies rationality. Of course, it would be interesting of one of the main characters in the series actually was revealed to be Brandon Breyer in a sort of Clark Kent disguise to screw with people.

  • #59975

    Nolan has entered the room =P

    Actually, that’s probably not a legit twitter account, but still, that’s gonna create some headlines… lol

  • #59978

    Actually, that’s probably not a legit twitter account

    It seems to tweet about nothing but the Snyder Cut, so I’m guessing not.

  • #59980

    Also, honestly, Marvel could steal their thunder if they did a Supreme Power adaptation on Disney+. Out of all the comics, Supreme Power feels a lot more like the Snyder-verse than anything DC’s published.

    I doubt that would happen… Disney is not gonna spend any money on anyhting R-rated with the expection of Deadpool, because it’s Deadpool…

    Honestly, that may be the Snyder version’s main appeal. Marvel movies have become action comedies with Ragnarok being the main offender! DC tried that approach with Green Lantern and Shazam! and one bombed while the other didn’t set the world on fire.

    Don’t forget Birds of Prey… that was quite the disaster. But on the other hand they’re getting their own Deapool/GotG soon enough thanks to Gunn… so they might finally succeed at copying Marvel yet!

    A lot of people are taking the canning of New Gods and the Trench as a sign things might start moving in favour of the Snyderverse, but I don’t think so, I just think it’s further proof of DC Films’ sheer incompetence and that’s about it. I mean, hey, I get canning the Trench, that’s a movie that everyone went “huh?” when it was announced, but New Gods had people pretty excited, and that’s a direct competitor to the MCU’s Eternals.

    Plus, and I don’t think it’s got to do with any of it, but honestly canning 2 projects from POC creators is not a good look right now while the whole Fisher debacle is raging on.

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  • #59981

    Actually, that’s probably not a legit twitter account

    It seems to tweet about nothing but the Snyder Cut, so I’m guessing not.

    Well if you go down enough you’ll see tweets about Nolan movies, and Nolan IS an exec producer of the snydercut, but yeah no, it’d have a blue checkmark if it were legit.

    Although I could see Nolan doing something like that just to spite WB… he’s not super happy with WB right now… =P

  • #59983

    Nolan doesn’t give a shit about the direction of DC movies, he made that pretty obvious years ago.

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  • #59985

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  • #59987

    Nolan doesn’t give a shit about the direction of DC movies, he made that pretty obvious years ago.

    And I was talking about how he got piiiissed at WB about the whole day and date release on HBOmax thing… And even though he doesn’t care, I’m assuming he gets money off of it? I mean, I’m assuming that’s why he still gets “executive producer” credit on Snyder’s stuff, much like Snyder is still getting executive producer credit on a lot of other stuff too, like James Gunn’s SQ, for instance. We’ve already talked about how we don’t really know what those “executive producer” credits mean or entail, but “money” is always a safe bet… and everyone likes money :rose:


    Aaaaaaaanyhow, I’ve been reading/listening to a lot of chatter from “scoopers” and such that HBO is seriously considering continuing with the “snyderverse” as a replacement for GoT, so that would be in a TV show format, nothing to do with the movies… According to the “rumour people”, which of course means that it might be complete BS, but anyways, according to some people, meeting are either underway or happening soon to discuss hard numbers and whatnot… there’s talk about budget concerns and perhaps using the Mandalorian tech to reduce costs (which, by the way, Snyder would be the best guy for it since he’s really good with green screen).

    I guess we’ll see soon enough, there’s a shareholder’s meeting this month I think, so we should get a more definitive answer to these questions then. Anyhow, I don’t see any of this stopping any time soon unless someone like Snyder or Killar just come out and flat out say “it ain’t happening, so y’all can stop”… Exciting times either way… the saga continues! =P

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  • #59999

    I’d hate to underestimate the stupidity of studio heads, but I think HBOMax’s leadership would consider a Snyder Cut JLA series as something to promote against THE MANDALORIAN more than a new GOT. Both Justice League and Mandalorian appeal to a large overlap of fans.

    They’d have to be willfully ignorant to ignore the opportunity even though the obstacles – probably internally but there are practical reasons it is difficult – could make it impossible to really put out a good series. However, Mandalorian has been able to deliver the spectacle within budget constraints.



  • #60001

    Disney/Marvel have been spending movie-level money on their series so with WB, it just comes down to how much they want to go toe-to-toe with the Mouse.

  • #60003

    I’d hate to underestimate the stupidity of studio heads, but I think HBOMax’s leadership would consider a Snyder Cut JLA series as something to promote against THE MANDALORIAN more than a new GOT. Both Justice League and Mandalorian appeal to a large overlap of fans.

    They’d have to be willfully ignorant to ignore the opportunity even though the obstacles – probably internally but there are practical reasons it is difficult – could make it impossible to really put out a good series. However, Mandalorian has been able to deliver the spectacle within budget constraints.



    Well, I think it’s more appropriate to say that they wanna be at a same-ish level as the MCU, in terms of their DC stuff, as usual. I do believe HBOmax wants to at least take a lead over D+ and start competing with Netflix asap. Netflix is gonna start to flounder in the coming years, so they all need to be ready to capture people, therefore they need shiny hype content.

    And Disney’s got the disenchanted SW fanbase with the Mandalorian, and they know it, hence the absurd ramping up of their streaming content, plus the MCU stuff… So HBOmax is gonna have to go all in asap with all they got: GoT sequels/prequels, Harry Potter, LotR for starters, and yes the DC branch that has a lot of potential…

    But the CW TV shit ain’t gonna cut it… I mean, I’m sorry but even “Superman & Lois” ain’t gonna cut it, and that’s the best thing on regular TV they have at the moment. It’s kinda sad that they have two amazing streaming shows in Doom Patrol and Harley Quinn (and a decent one with Titans) but they’ve barely promoted them… No one is watching Doom Patrol… why???? It’s one of the best CB-related shows out there, it can EASILY compete against stuff like the Boys or the Umbrella Academy, yet they haven’t done shit to promote it…

    They’ve been mismanaging their DC brand for a loooong time now, they need to get their shit together, at least on the DC side (but overall really). At any rate, a show, or several shows, with A-list talent straight out of blockbuster holywood will turn some heads for sure… the problem I believe is gonna be to convince some of that talent to go into the “streaming world”, on top of the other issues they could have.

    Also, speaking of shows and incompetence, where the fuck is that GL show at? Anyone’s got news? I haven’t heard/read anything for ages… :unsure:


    Edit: I forgot to say… They really fucked up with the Dune movies… they should’ve done a Dune series… now, that’s one show that could replace GoT (if done well), but hey, they can still do it potentially. Villeneuve is only gonna do the first book, so they can always use those movies as springboards to continue the story as a show… but then again, the second movie ain’t even confirmed yet, so we’ll see… I’m expecting more fuck ups in that department as well.

    Man, WB’s got sooo many franchises they could milk the shit out of, yet they’re just standing there with their thumbs up their butts perpetually announcing shit that never sees the light of day… u_u

  • #60005

    I would love it if Snyder was handed the MCU X-Men franchise. Just, kaboom goes the internet.

    Anyways, so I did really enjoy the Snyder Cut. And I think even the smart ones on these boards (that have nothing to do with Hollywood) could edit that for a good showing in cinemas.

    And it really makes Joss Whedon look like more of an incompetent idiot, on top of his downfall.
    (Amazing Avengers did so well, parts look like average TV crap.)

    Feel bad for not getting to see the Affleck Batman movie vs. Deathstroke.
    Also for Joe Manganiello, but there is hope for TV? Maybe?
    Deathstroke is an awesome villian. They need more of that.

    Doubt we’ll see Cavill, Affleck, or Eisenberg again.
    But they don’t have to ignore the Snyderverse, just pick and choose what you want to reference.

    I don’t have to have Superman or Batman in a Secret Society of Super-Villains show, that will become a full-on Legion of Doom when Luthor achieves the Presidency at the end of season 2.

    I want to see the stories. A high budget 12 episode Forever Evil, and whoever plays certain characters are never seen again.
    Bring on the next high budget story. No connecting continuity.

    I know, I know. You’re all champing at the bit for a full-on multiple movie Brainiac arc, that propels him to the 31st century as Pulsar Stargrave. Tough call nowadays.
    Fuck, just that idea alone can be played out in the background for 2 seasons before it’s a mainstory.
    Mordru, the Emerald Eye of Ekron, the Dark Circle, Universo, the Fatal Five, Legion of Super-villains (and we haven’t gotten to the B-list yet which could still involve Green Lanterns)
    The Time Trapper. It all builds to the finale vs. the Time Trapper (after Earthwar and the Great Darkness Saga, and that’s an awesome seasons 6 & 7).

    Yeah, I kept typing, but not withdrawing it.
    That’s an awesome TV show. 100 episodes or more please.
    And it doesn’t have to jive with any other show.
    Just make good product “across multiple media” as you claim to be doing.

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  • #60009

    Honestly, that may be the Snyder version’s main appeal. Marvel movies have become action comedies with Ragnarok being the main offender! DC tried that approach with Green Lantern and Shazam! and one bombed while the other didn’t set the world on fire.

    They also tried it with Aquaman which bagged them a billion dollars (on a fairly low budget). Snyder had three attempts to do that and failed. So when it comes to the appeal to serious superhero movies, I’d be more interested in how Matt Reeves’ Batman does. Serious doesn’t have to equal Snyder’s heavy, slow drama. Maybe Abrams’ and Coates’ Superman will have something interesting to add.

    Where Snyderverse in TV format is concerned, I doubt they could afford it. Marvel has the advantage of having a lot characters that are well known, but where the actors are affordable. And they have a huge in-built audience, far more so than any DC franchise at the moment, so they know the production money is well spent. None of that goes for DC.

    I mean, hey, I get canning the Trench, that’s a movie that everyone went “huh?” when it was announced, but New Gods had people pretty excited, and that’s a direct competitor to the MCU’s Eternals.

    Plus, and I don’t think it’s got to do with any of it, but honestly canning 2 projects from POC creators is not a good look right now while the whole Fisher debacle is raging on.

    Yeah, it’s not a good look at all. To be honest though, both were weird ideas to get greenlit in the first place. New Gods and DuVarney was a strange fit.

    A lot of people are taking the canning of New Gods and the Trench as a sign things might start moving in favour of the Snyderverse

    Variety takes it the opposite way, and I think where New Gods is concerned it sounds fairly likely that this has to do with moving away from the Snyderverse more than anything.

    So why would “New Gods” and “The Trench” not fit within DC Films’ vision? Both projects involve relatively obscure DC comics characters to a general audience; more importantly, both also have connections to the Snyder cut, “New Gods” through Darkseid and “The Trench” through Jason Momoa’s Aquaman.

    By contrast, most of DC Films most recent new projects — including “The Suicide Squad” with director James Gunn, “The Batman” with Robert Pattinson, “Black Adam” with Dwayne Johnson, “Blue Beetle” with director Angel Manuel Soto and “Static Shock” with producer Michael B. Jordan — chart a brand new course for DC Films separate from the direction established by Snyder.

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  • #60016

    They really fucked up with the Dune movies… they should’ve done a Dune series… now, that’s one show that could replace GoT (if done well), but hey, they can still do it potentially. Villeneuve is only gonna do the first book, so they can always use those movies as springboards to continue the story as a show… but then again, the second movie ain’t even confirmed yet, so we’ll see… I’m expecting more fuck ups in that department as well.

    I thought the Dune movie looked like it could be really good from the trailer. Villeneuve has a great track record and the film looks like it has a great visual style. I’m looking forward to seeing it.

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  • #60020

    I thought the Dune movie looked like it could be really good from the trailer. Villeneuve has a great track record and the film looks like it has a great visual style. I’m looking forward to seeing it.

    Oh yeah, no, Dune looks great and Villeneuve is a great director, and I hope they’ll greenlight the 2nd part… But the story fits better in a show, and HBOmax could sure as fuck use a grand epic like Dune… I mean, Dune is basically GoT but in space and without nudity (sadly)… But again, they could still do it, if they want to explore Messiah and beyond… I suppose it’ll depend on how the movies do.

    Variety takes it the opposite way, and I think where New Gods is concerned it sounds fairly likely that this has to do with moving away from the Snyderverse more than anything.

    So why would “New Gods” and “The Trench” not fit within DC Films’ vision? Both projects involve relatively obscure DC comics characters to a general audience; more importantly, both also have connections to the Snyder cut, “New Gods” through Darkseid and “The Trench” through Jason Momoa’s Aquaman.

    By contrast, most of DC Films most recent new projects — including “The Suicide Squad” with director James Gunn, “The Batman” with Robert Pattinson, “Black Adam” with Dwayne Johnson, “Blue Beetle” with director Angel Manuel Soto and “Static Shock” with producer Michael B. Jordan — chart a brand new course for DC Films separate from the direction established by Snyder.

    Yeah well Variety seems to have brain damage because those paragraphs don’t make a lick of sense:

    Yes the Trench is connected to the snydercut through Momoa’s Aquaman… you know what else is connected to the snydercut through Momoa’s Aquaman? MOMOA’S AQUAMAN!!! The one movie that made a billion+ and is sure as shit getting a sequel. Who wrote that crap?? :unsure:

    Also, The Suicide Squad is also connected to the snyderverse because the addition of the “the” in front of the name doesn’t magically erase all of the returning characters and the Snyders as producers… Plus Black Adam is probably gonna feature Cavill, because the Rock wants it and whatever the Rock wants the Rock gets.

    As for Blue Beetle and Static Shock… yeeeeeeah I’ll believe those when I see a trailer because see: The Trench and the New Gods above and the countless other movie announcements that haven’t gone anywhere…

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