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  • #56979

    Funny how you just need to adjust the lightning and colors, and the costumes don’t look like shit anymore… :unsure:

  • #56981

    Turn the lights off altogether and they look amazing.

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  • #57002

    Casting a Black Superman Isn’t Enough — Here’s What I Need to See From the Reboot


  • #57081

    Supergirl’s Final Season to Premiere During Superman & Lois Spring Hiatus

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 10 months ago by JRCarter.
  • #57088

    Casting a Black Superman Isn’t Enough — Here’s What I Need to See From the Reboot

    I don’t want to see this tying up this thread. I feel any responses should be moved to the Storytelling Thread which has been dormant for a while.

    1 user thanked author for this post.
  • #57107

    Casting a Black Superman Isn’t Enough — Here’s What I Need to See From the Reboot

    I don’t want to see this tying up this thread. I feel any responses should be moved to the Storytelling Thread which has been dormant for a while.

    Don’t worry, Snyder’s got you covered baby =)

    Also, nah, for real… that article is kinda bollocks… first of all it assumes that it’ll be a black Superman (I guess because the writer is black and black writers are only capable of writing stories about black people? :unsure: ) when it hasn’t been confirmed, and secondly she’s just going through her own fan fiction wishlist… so yeah… xD

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  • #57116




  • #57132

    Also, another thing:

    Hooolyyyy crap… I’m soooooooooooo glad that first trailer’s CGI wasn’t final CGI… They really kept working on it. I should’ve trusted Snyder wouldn’t settle for rushed CGI… that gives me hope the few wonky bits we’ve seen will be properly done. Damn, that’s 70 million well spent.

    Oh and his acceptance speech…

  • #57155

    Wow, it looks like we dodged a bullet:

    Batman & Lois Lane Have a Child in Snyder’s Justice League Sequels

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  • #57160

    Why? Just…why?

    But yeah, that’s definitely something I won’t be sad we missed out on.

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  • #57169

    Wow, it looks like we dodged a bullet:

    Batman & Lois Lane Have a Child in Snyder’s Justice League Sequels

    But, but…. They already had. And it was the best part of at film.



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  • #57171

    Batman & Lois Lane Have a Child in Snyder’s Justice League Sequels

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 10 months ago by JRCarter.
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  • #57186

    Why? Just…why? But yeah, that’s definitely something I won’t be sad we missed out on.

    It was a VERY early draft, written by Johns it would seem, like literally written by his hand… and the entire thing doesn’t even coincide with any of the later drafts which became the snydercut, and then the Josstice League obviously. I mean, Batman would’ve had to hook up with lois in JL part 1, before Superman is ressurected, which we know is not part of the snyder cut. So no, we would’nt have gotten that, although the general idea of Darkseid conquering earth and turning Superman evil and all that, yeah… we would’ve gotten that much.


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  • #57203

    Why? Just…why?

    Maybe when Clark was brought back to life, “little Clark” didn’t, so now big Clark…can’t. So Clark and Lois appeal to best friend Bruce to provide surrogate services so that the newlywed Kents can have a family. It’s a beautiful family-focused film done in the way that Zach Snyder does best! With only a couple of snapped necks!!

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  • #57206

    Btw, that info comes from that series of pages (script ideas) that are part of a snydercut exhibit in Texas… hence the picture…

    Anyways, as far as I understand, originally, the first JL movie would not feature Superman at all until the very end when they ressurect him (that was the cliffhanger I guess), so it would’ve been kind of like “a world without Superman” movie… so Batman would gather everyone else and they’d fight Steppenwolf, no mother boxes involved yet, and during the movie Bruce would fall for Lois and they would find solace with each other, but then they realize they need Superman, so they ressurect him, and that would create the awkward love triangle/baby situation… in the end Batman would scarfice his life anyways and Lois & Clark would raise Bruce’s son as their own (which kinda fits with how Clark was adopted too, so a mirror story in that regard).

    Honestly it’s not a bad idea, but it’s the kind of thing that works much better in an “Elseworlds” type of comicbook. Probably too “out there” for the crybabies who’re still hung up on Bale and Reeve. Anyhow, that whole idea was scrapped pretty early on, since they wanted Superman to come back much earlier… we wouldn’t have gotten that story, so whatever…   :unsure:

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  • #57223

    Probably too “out there” for the crybabies who’re still hung up on Bale and Reeve.

    I don’t know about out there, it just creates a convoluted mess of a situation that nobody cares about.

    Also, that picture from the exhibitino… the idea of making a second movie about “the separate heroes’ journeys” was terrible, as is the idea of sacrificing Batman at the end of this before Darkseid has even invaded Earth.

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  • #57225

    Honestly it’s not a bad idea, but it’s the kind of thing that works much better in an “Elseworlds” type of comicbook.

    This is my feeling about the Snyder stuff in general. I think it’s just a little too far from the classic versions of the characters (both in story and tone) to have really broad appeal, but in its own right it’s a fairly interesting alternate take on the DC heroes.

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  • #57226

    the idea of making a second movie about “the separate heroes’ journeys” was terrible

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  • #57231

    Those were all working towards a common goal though, and doing so in groups. In the JL2 idea, everyone goes off to do their own thing.

  • #57232

    as is the idea of sacrificing Batman at the end of this before Darkseid has even invaded Earth.

    That wasn’t it at all… short version, Darkseid comes to earth, kills lois, superman goes mad with grief, knightmare future happens, barry goes back in time and warns bruce about Lois, he saves Lois but dies doing so, but then Superman stops Darkseid instead of falling prey to the anti life equation (then raises Bruce’s kid). It’s actually a pretty cool story, wouldn’t mind a CB miniseries about it… but yeah I can see why they scrapped it…

    IF, and that’s a big IF because even Snyder doesn’t look like he’s too hot to deal with WB’s bullshit again even if they were interested, but IF a JL2 happened under Snyder, I don’t think they’d go that route, because they kinda can’t… Well the Bruce/Lois kid at least… they could still kill Lois, go to the dark future, come back in time and blah blah… One thing he’d probably do is kill Batman, ’cause he apparently always inteded to do it.

    But eh, we’ll see, I think they’re going to do some time traveling in this one, so who knows… maybe it’d be something completely different… my hope is they’ll somewhat resolve the Knightmare future in the snydercut, because this really looks like that’s it.


  • #57268

    Isn’t the whole Superman going mad with grief after the murder of Lois (and the baby she’s carrying) the premise for Injustice? it’s a perfectly fine concept that worked well enough for that game and comic series, but I just really think adding in the weird extra layer of Bruce impregnating Lois is completely unnecessary. To me it also falls a bit flat in the Snyderverse of things because of the lack of history/set-up. The Clark/Lois relationship never felt fleshed out enough. The Lois/Bruce thing obviously got zero screentime. Much like how I thought Bruce’s 180 from I’m gonna kill Superman to “he was my friend” wasn’t earned in anyway (no clue if that was a Snyder thing or a Whedon thing, but it didn’t work).

    So yeah, the concept is fine. I’ve read similar comics, I’d watch a movie like that, but I don’t think it was set up to work very well with MoS and BvS as the only real preludes to it. But we’ll never know if they could have pulled it off at this point.

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  • #57276

    Snyder’s approach to the DCU is very similar to the way he makes his individual movies, really. He wants to get to the really epic stuff as quickly as possible; doesn’t much care for all the groundwork and stuff.

  • #57285

    the crybabies who’re still hung up on Bale and Reeve.

    I resent being labelled like that.

    It’s West and Reeve :-)


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  • #57288

    Wilson and Alyn or GTFO

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  • #57302

    Isn’t the whole Superman going mad with grief after the murder of Lois (and the baby she’s carrying) the premise for Injustice? it’s a perfectly fine concept that worked well enough for that game and comic series, but I just really think adding in the weird extra layer of Bruce impregnating Lois is completely unnecessary.

    Well it’s not like he just fucks her and gets her pregnant… he would’ve legit fallen in love with her during the whole first JL movie.

    Also, Injustice is quite different and imo that story doesn’t really work for many many reasons… but I guess that’s what people think about when they hear evil Superman.

    Snyder’s approach to the DCU is very similar to the way he makes his individual movies, really. He wants to get to the really epic stuff as quickly as possible; doesn’t much care for all the groundwork and stuff.

    Really?? MoS is basically only groundwork…

    It’s West and Reeve

    Ha! I was actually thinking of Keaton, but for some reaosn typed Bale… but fair enough, West fits better… =P


  • #57305

    This is pretty cool… I really look forward to seeing an actual Barry with a story arc, and not a “comedic” relief Barry. I love how he handles Iris with the utmost care so as to not blow her to smithereens…


  • #57322

    This is pretty cool… I really look forward to seeing an actual Barry with a story arc, and not a “comedic” relief Barry. I love how he handles Iris with the utmost care so as to not blow her to smithereens…


  • #57323

    hum… okay? =P

    I didn’t get the message. :unsure:

  • #57349

    I feel quite sad just reading about these storylines.

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  • #57356

    Also, Injustice is quite different and imo that story doesn’t really work for many many reasons… but I guess that’s what people think about when they hear evil Superman.

    Agreed that Injustice is very flawed. There were pieces of it that I enjoyed and also plenty of stuff that just didn’t make much sense, but it’s a pretty easy comparison if we’re talking about a story that involves Superman going all murderous after the death of Lois. As someone who isn’t a big fan of Snyder as a storyteller, I wouldn’t trust that he could pull off what was being talked about in those early drafts. Snyder has some great visual sensibilities but I’ve never thought he was very good at hitting the right story beats or at handling big emotional beats either. For me there’s always something lacking that keeps me from connecting to his movies. His movies just feel cold and distant to me. Man of Steel tried hard, but I thought the big emotional moments just came off as stupid.

    Not that it matters in this case. Sounds like it never made it beyond initial draft stages. Although part of the story seems like it was a response to the Superman Returns backlash of Superman being a deadbeat dad. Instead here he would have come full circle and been an adoptive parent himself. Although the idea that the kid still grows up to be Batman makes me feel like Superman and Lois really fail as parents. Teach that kid to use his daddy’s money to fix the world, not to prance around like a viscous, wounded animal. We’ve got a Wonder Woman, Flash, Aquaman and Superman to deal with the superhero shit. Money is your superpower so you go be normal, kid.

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  • #57364

    Snyder has some great visual sensibilities but I’ve never thought he was very good at hitting the right story beats or at handling big emotional beats either.

    This right here. This is why I love his 300. Because it’s just a movie comprised of violent moments with the most basic characters delivering pseudo-witty banter rather than a complex plot with real characters and deep dialogue. It’s a perfect fit for Snyder. It really speaks to his strengths and suffers none of his problems. Except maybe hyper-masculine fixation and objectification of women, but at least they didn’t have their dicks out.

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  • #57372

    Really?? MoS is basically only groundwork…

    It has Zod!!!

  • #57383

    Being on a Taylor kick atm.

    Injustice is quite different

    . Yes, it is. It is written by someone who knows how to tell a story with 3 dimensional characters and extend it so we can see the whole world it takes place in rather just some pretty pictures and shock value story bits.

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  • #57395

    I love it when people still forget that those fuckin movies were written by someone else… yes, Snyder probably had some input and maybe it was based on his ideas, but literally oscar-winner Chris Terrio wrote both scripts (BvS & JL)… but sure, keep on shitting on Snyder for everything :good:

    His movies just feel cold and distant to me. Man of Steel tried hard, but I thought the big emotional moments just came off as stupid.

    Well that’s obviously where a lot of people differ… particularly with MoS… the emotional beats all worked for me and I thought Snyder did a great job directing his actors. :unsure:

  • #57412


    Jeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesus fuck… I’m sorry but I just can’t think this was “accidental”… u_u

    Well the good news is that the movie is sooo long that apparently no one managed to see it in full, so no pirated versions so far.

  • #57419

    Supergirl films scenes for season 6 with Melissa Benoist & David Harewood

  • #57422



    Jeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesus fuck… I’m sorry but I just can’t think this was “accidental”… u_u

    Well the good news is that the movie is sooo long that apparently no one managed to see it in full, so no pirated versions so far.

    Well now I want to see a slo-mo version of Jerry whacking Tom in the head with a frying pan, in black and white, set to ‘Hallelujah’.

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  • #57426

    Didn’t they save Hallelujah for the sex scene?

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  • #57428

    Well now I want to see a slo-mo version of Jerry whacking Tom in the head with a frying pan, in black and white, set to ‘Hallelujah’

    There you go… close enough

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  • #57429

    Didn’t they save Hallelujah for the sex scene?

    Nope, there’s a cover at the end of the movie, Snyder’s daughter favorite cover of it, it’ll play after the dedication to her.

  • #57430

    I meant Tom and Jerry. Maybe if they just fuck and get it out of their systems they’ll be able to chill.

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  • #57431

    I meant Tom and Jerry. Maybe if they just fuck and get it out of their systems they’ll be able to chill.

    I’m pretty sure their antics in the cartoons are foreplay

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  • #57432

    Without even checking, you can bet that Deviantart has a whole section for this.

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  • #57433

    Must… resist… googling…

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  • #57436

    Must… resist… googling…

    It’s OK, we all know you googled.

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  • #57437

    I had some morning drama coming from a friend, so I haven’t actually googled it.



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  • #57439

    Without even checking, you can bet that Deviantart has a whole section for this.

    Well I mean, there’s a section for EVERYTHING in Deviantart… u_u

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  • #57455

    I love it when people still forget that those fuckin movies were written by someone else… yes, Snyder probably had some input and maybe it was based on his ideas, but literally oscar-winner Chris Terrio wrote both scripts (BvS & JL)… but sure, keep on shitting on Snyder for everything

    That’s a fair enough point, although I tend to point to Sucker Punch when I really want to talk about Snyder’s limitations as a storyteller since that was his first attempt at an original property that he also wrote. And it ended up being a dour and dull series of confusing music videos where he over-sexualized characters suffering from sexual and physical abuse that he somehow tried to play off as female empowerment in interviews. That Snyder thought he wrote an empowering movie for women where they spend the whole movie hiding in layers of male fantasies to escape the horrors of the real world only to have the main character get so brutalized that she actually gives up on life told me just about everything I needed to know about Snyder ability to craft and tell a story.

    I do plan on giving the JL Snyder cut a shot. I thought there were promising aspects to both Man of Steel and BvS, but I wouldn’t be surprised if I can’t make it through all 4 hours of it.

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  • #57457

    Did Black Lightning Recast [Spoiler]?!

  • #57463

    The fact that there’s a DC character called Spoiler makes those headlines all the more confusing.

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  • #57474

    I’m just enjoying the concept that Warners deliberately put an hour of JL into a Tom and Jerry movie, removed within the hour, to sabotage the release of the cut they just spent $80m on. The Snydercut gang are very Qanon.

    Crazy to go with the obvious answer someone made a technical mistake they quickly corrected. It’s a plot to deny us!



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  • #57485

    That’s a fair enough point, although I tend to point to Sucker Punch when I really want to talk about Snyder’s limitations as a storyteller since that was his first attempt at an original property that he also wrote. And it ended up being a dour and dull series of confusing music videos where he over-sexualized characters suffering from sexual and physical abuse that he somehow tried to play off as female empowerment in interviews. That Snyder thought he wrote an empowering movie for women where they spend the whole movie hiding in layers of male fantasies to escape the horrors of the real world only to have the main character get so brutalized that she actually gives up on life told me just about everything I needed to know about Snyder ability to craft and tell a story.

    Well I guess that’s fair enough if that’s your take on the movie… not everyone has the same take, and in a movie like that, maybe it’s better to not speak in absolutes and inject intent where there might not be.

    That said, yeah the script was a bit of a mess.

    The Snydercut gang are very Qanon.

    Oh, so we’re back to comparing some movie nerds to fasict wanna-be (and some actual) terrorists? :good:

    And fwiw, the WHOLE movie was leaked, not just one hour, and it took at least 2 hours for them to fix it.

  • #57539

    And fwiw, the WHOLE movie was leaked, not just one hour, and it took at least 2 hours for them to fix it.

    Yeah, I think what Gar said applies nevertheless. Way more likely that this is a fuck-up than a conspiracy.

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  • #57549

    Oh, so we’re back to comparing some movie nerds to fasict wanna-be (and some actual) terrorists?

    Don’t be so dramatic. The comparison is dreaming up crazy conspiracy theories that makes no sense. The idea that HBO are always trying to ‘sabotage’ a movie they’ve chosen to spend an extra $80m on.

    It’s not like this is even the first time it’s happened. HBO accidentally dropped an episode of Game of Thrones a day early a couple of years ago. A quick Google shows Netflix did the same with the Sonic movie, I was supposed to be watching on official rugby stream last week and they had Italian football on instead (which that provider doesn’t even have the rights to).

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  • #57550

    Don’t be so dramatic. The comparison is dreaming up crazy conspiracy theories that makes no sense. The idea that HBO are always trying to ‘sabotage’ a movie they’ve chosen to spend an extra $80m on.

    To me it all feels like getting the excuses lined up before the movie comes out, to excuse any potential poor performance or reception.

    It isn’t the true original Snyder Cut, they weren’t really behind it, they tried to sabotage its launch etc.

    Basically, if this project doesn’t turn out well, there will be a hundred reasons why it was all someone else’s fault.

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  • #57561

    The fact that there’s a DC character called Spoiler makes those headlines all the more confusing.

    I don’t know anything about Spoiler, but I always imagine a quaint Silver-Age villain who goes round Gotham yelling plot twists at unsuspecting citizens.

    In the ’66 TV series, her character would have been played by Lucille Ball.

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  • #57566

    Gordon: “I’m afraid it’s serious, Batman. At a midnight showing of a Hitchcock classic last night, a title card was flashed up saying NORMAN’S MOTHER IS DEAD!”

    Batman: “Indeed Commissioner, it can only mean that our old foe The Spoiler is back in town!”

    Robin: “Holy plot twist, Batman!”

    O’Hara: “Begorrah!”



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  • #57569

    Batman wouldn’t be Spoiler’s nemesis, it would be M Night Shyamalan.

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  • #57575

    Portrayed in the show as “Mister Night”, a campy and racially insensitive indian/pakistani stereotype who was once a brilliant crime-fighter but now fights crime powered by sheer stupidity.

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  • #57580

    Well I guess that’s fair enough if that’s your take on the movie… not everyone has the same take, and in a movie like that, maybe it’s better to not speak in absolutes and inject intent where there might not be. That said, yeah the script was a bit of a mess.

    I’m not quite clear where I injected intent where it might not exist. The only thing I pointed to was that Snyder intended to make a move about female empowerment. There were interviews when it came out with him talking about it. The rest is, yes, my experience with the movie. Which is largely my point about why I feel that Snyder isn’t a good storyteller. His intent was to make a movie about the fine line between exploitation and female empowerment, but it leans heavily into the exploitation part and all of the empowerment is done in video game fantasy sequence that are beneath a primary fantasy in which they are prostitutes. And even in those action sequences the choice was still to dress them in exploitative manners. And Snyder’s actual response to questions like “Why did you film the girls like this?” was “Well, you did.” Which is a really lazy way of trying to say he was attempting a meta-commentary on the exploitation of female sexuality. But to me it also reads as a douchey 40+ year old man trying to lazily justify dressing up girls all sexy and filming up their skirts in slo-mo. Am I being a bit hyperbolic? Sure. But whatever the intent was, I’d still say Snyder’s shortcomings got in his own way.

    Now I’m sure plenty of people enjoyed the movie because everyone has their own tastes, but it’s still a pretty top notch illustration for me as to Snyder’s shortcomings as a filmmaker and storyteller. Dude’s got talent, but he’s also missing a few tricks to make his movies really gel for me as anything more than a bit of visual spectacle. Great for trailers, not as great for 2+ hour long movies for me. It’s why I’ve said multiple times over the years that if Snyder could just find a good writing partner that can fill in the gaps, he might be able to make some really cool movies.

    Anyway, only about a week until the Snyder cut is out and those of us with enough stamina can then argue about whatever those 4 hours actually deliver.

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  • #57583

    Casual comic book movie fans don’t seem too hyped based on a straw poll of one. My wife commented earlier today: “Did you know they’re releasing a new version of Justice League? It’s going to be something daft like four hours long! To hell with that!”

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  • #57597


  • #57617

    Don’t be so dramatic. The comparison is dreaming up crazy conspiracy theories that makes no sense.

    There are other terms for it, maybe use one of those… but you know what? sure, I won’t be so dramatic.

    I’m not quite clear where I injected intent where it might not exist. The only thing I pointed to was that Snyder intended to make a move about female empowerment. There were interviews when it came out with him talking about it. The rest is, yes, my experience with the movie. Which is largely my point about why I feel that Snyder isn’t a good storyteller. His intent was to make a movie about the fine line between exploitation and female empowerment, but it leans heavily into the exploitation part and all of the empowerment is done in video game fantasy sequence that are beneath a primary fantasy in which they are prostitutes. And even in those action sequences the choice was still to dress them in exploitative manners. And Snyder’s actual response to questions like “Why did you film the girls like this?” was “Well, you did.” Which is a really lazy way of trying to say he was attempting a meta-commentary on the exploitation of female sexuality. But to me it also reads as a douchey 40+ year old man trying to lazily justify dressing up girls all sexy and filming up their skirts in slo-mo. Am I being a bit hyperbolic? Sure. But whatever the intent was, I’d still say Snyder’s shortcomings got in his own way.

    Fair enough… I respect the honesty though I might not agree… but more than that, I dunno it’s such a weird movie that I can’t really argue that “no, it’s about this or that”, I’m honestly not too sure myself… it’s a very layered movie, pun intended, and at least I can agree that the writing was lacking to make it all work like it probably should’ve.

    I would definetly say that I don’t agree with the “douchey 40+ year old man trying to lazily justify dressing up girls all sexy and filming up their skirts in slo-mo” comment, but whatever, I’m getting a bit tired of having to defend arguments about Snyder or his movies in here… so let’s just agree to disagree.

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  • #57633

    My wife commented earlier today: “Did you know they’re releasing a new version of Justice League? It’s going to be something daft like four hours long! To hell with that!”

    Well, hey, at least she’s aware of it… in my book that’s a solid win :rose:

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  • #57637

    How Joe Manganiello’s ‘Deathstroke’ Ideas Seeped Into ‘Zack Snyder’s Justice League’


  • #57652

    Dude, they either polished THE SHIT out of these VFX shots compared to those in the hallelujah trailer, or those were actually old VFX shots they had from before… I dunno… either way, MASSIVE improvement:

  • #57653

    Also, nah, for real… that article is kinda bollocks… first of all it assumes that it’ll be a black Superman (I guess because the writer is black and black writers are only capable of writing stories about black people? ) when it hasn’t been confirmed, and secondly she’s just going through her own fan fiction wishlist… so yeah… xD

    It hasn’t been confirmed? I thought it had, but that is an interesting idea. I remember an odd Superman story in the comics back in the 90’s or maybe early 2000’s where SUPERMAN encounters a black superhero – sorta like a black Martian Manhunter, as far as power set, but not an alien or shapeshifter (I think) – in the primarily minority inner city of Metropolis and discovers that he is really not welcome there any more than the police were. I can’t really remember it too well, but it was at least an interesting point of view if not that memorable.

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  • #57654

    I’m not aware that anything’s been confirmed at all, except Coates’ involvement… “sources” say it is for a black Superman, but… well you know… :unsure:

    I honestly think it’d be more interesting to see a white SH story from the POV of a black writer, something we don’t see much of, if at all, than just a color-swap, but anyhow, until anything is confirmed, it’s just rumours.

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  • #57655

  • #57656

    They’ve confirmed a ‘black’ Superman through “sources” and also with who they hired (Ta-Nehisi Coates) makes it obvious.
    This is why we’ll be seeing more Calvin Ellis in the comics.
    There’s no way it’s not what’s being said.

    Black Panther broke huge ground, and WB could set themselves up for the biggest movie of all time.
    They just need to have the right people in place, and keep the wrong people away.
    The second part of that last sentence may be the most important.

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  • #57657

    The second part of that last sentence may be the most important.

    Well… you know… JJ Abrams is already involved so… B-)

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  • #57658

    Youtube chucked this my way too… It’s pretty good production-wise for a fan thing… also impressive they got some known actors in there… buuuuuut I dunno… the acting and the writting were pretty bad all in all… still, A for effort for sure:

    Gotta say though, that bat-costume is ON POINT… it looks like a mix of Battinson and Batfleck… not bad :good:

  • #57659

    Black Panther broke huge ground, and WB could set themselves up for the biggest movie of all time.

    Or you know, fuck it all up as they’re prone to do…

    How do black folks view Steel I wonder? I know that one movie was crap, but the character… Wouldn’t mind another go at Steel… Too bad they already used “Man of Steel” for a title.

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  • #57662

    Black Panther broke huge ground, and WB could set themselves up for the biggest movie of all time.

    Or you know, fuck it all up as they’re prone to do…

    How do black folks view Steel I wonder? I know that one movie was crap, but the character… Wouldn’t mind another go at Steel… Too bad they already used “Man of Steel” for a title.

    This reminds me when they announced the Netflix Iron Fist series, there was a contingent of people who thought IF should be portrayed by an Asian actor. The thinking was to have more diversity move away from the “white savior”/colonialism aspects of the character. (I had seen some fan art of IF as an Asian with blonde hair.) My thought was if Asian representation was so important, simply use Shang-Chi? Why reinvent the wheel when you already have a viable character?

    Steel would be a great character to use. A self made hero in the vein of Iron Man. An ordinary man doing extraordinary things.

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  • #57663

    remember an odd Superman story in the comics back in the 90’s or maybe early 2000’s where SUPERMAN encounters a black superhero – sorta like a black Martian Manhunter, as far as power set, but not an alien or shapeshifter (I think) – in the primarily minority inner city of Metropolis and discovers that he is really not welcome there any more than the police were. I can’t really remember it too well, but it was at least an interesting point of view if not that memorable.

    Muhammad X

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  • #57668

    remember an odd Superman story in the comics back in the 90’s or maybe early 2000’s where SUPERMAN encounters a black superhero – sorta like a black Martian Manhunter, as far as power set, but not an alien or shapeshifter (I think) – in the primarily minority inner city of Metropolis and discovers that he is really not welcome there any more than the police were. I can’t really remember it too well, but it was at least an interesting point of view if not that memorable.

    Muhammad X

    Ah, yes, I remember that character. Typical “angry Black man” stereotype. I remember when I used to hang out at Jim Hanley’s Universe. One night, Chris Cross (the artist, not the 80’s yacht rock singer) expressed his own disdain for the character, referring to him as “Muhammad Ten”.

    Also, there were “new” Black superheroes named in that story who still haven’t appeared in a DC Comic.

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  • #57697

    Also, there were “new” Black superheroes named in that story who still haven’t appeared in a DC Comic.

    That’s generally my preference. Introduce characters who already exist back into the comics and movies and make them popular. Most popular characters were completely unknown to the audience until they were given promotion, attention and good stories. Even many comics readers had no idea who Agatha Harkness was, and now she’s hot. Even in the comics, The X-Men were always at the bottom of the list of Marvel’s titles until they exploded practically overnight.

    On the other hand, I do like alternate versions of the characters like Hernan Guerra of the Gods and Monsters version of the Justice League that present the characters from minority perspectives, but there are innumerable forgotten characters that could be given to new writers and artists that could break out.

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  • #57707

    I also like that approach more. Ultimately it’s more sustainable too. You can race or gender switch iconic characters but they’ll always revert back to the source.

    Whereas from Black Panther to Kamala Khan Ms Marvel they have their unique story to tell that can be just as popular in comics sales or movie tickets, even a conceptually derivative character like She-Hulk has a very different identity to Hulk. You have a very different set of stories to tell for Jennifer than you do for Bruce. He’s anguished, she’s confident, he’s a scientist, she’s a lawyer.

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  • #57720

    And yet, when they had the chance to use a black Captain Marvel that already existed, they still went for Carol Danvers, for some god forsaken reason… u_u

    Although it seems Marvel might be pushing Carol out at this point, but still…

    Anyways, my hope is that this new Superman movie is a Steel movie in disguise, shit, they already have all the leg work they need to make a pretty CB-accurate Steel movie at this point.


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  • #57729

    I haven’t been keeping up with the CW DC universe of shows, but has STEEL appeared? It would be strange to leave him out, but maybe that’s something the new Superman and Lois show will introduce. I could see a version of the “Death of Superman” arc in there somewhere if the series has legs.

  • #57739

    Kiersey Clemons to Star in ‘The Flash’ Movie (Exclusive)


  • #57740

    Kiersey Clemons to Star in ‘The Flash’ Movie (Exclusive)

    For a second there, I thought – “wait, she’s not going to play Steel, is she?!” just following the previous conversation.

    Then I thought… why not? Juanique Henry Irons! You don’t need to be a Shaq sized man if all your power’s in an exo-suit.



  • #57741

    Kiersey Clemons to Star in ‘The Flash’ Movie (Exclusive) https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/heat-vision/kiersey-clemons-to-star-in-the-flash-movie-exclusive%5B/quote%5D

    After they un-casted her… but hey, good news for her… plus she should get a nice intro next week.

    Dude… “next week”… what a fuckin trip… =P

    They’re also doing an on-line red carpet event with Snyder and Kevin Smith… but it’s probably gonna be an HBOmax thing, so no dice I guess =(

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  • #57742

    I haven’t been keeping up with the CW DC universe of shows, but has STEEL appeared? It would be strange to leave him out, but maybe that’s something the new Superman and Lois show will introduce. I could see a version of the “Death of Superman” arc in there somewhere if the series has legs.

    Actually, yeah a DoS wouldn’t be too bad… the can have the replacement supermen and one of the sons in the role of superboy…

    But yeah, no Steel in the CW/DCCU as far as I know…  at least not proper Steel… maybe a “John Henry Irons” appeared here or there.

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  • #57745

    Just thought of something, though. Possibly the people who made the Shaq Steel movie still retain some rights to the character, so it could be a legal mess untangling that. Similar to Hulk’s status with Marvel.

    Still, it was a WB movie but there might be some provisions involved that prevent a new Steel character from being introduced. Though it would be funny if they introduced him but never directly called him Steel.

  • #57747

    Just thought of something, though. Possibly the people who made the Shaq Steel movie still retain some rights to the character, so it could be a legal mess untangling that. Similar to Hulk’s status with Marvel.

    Doubtful, that movie came out like 20+ years ago, and I doubt whoever paid for the license (if anyone did) wasted any more money after that disastrous bomb.

  • #57748

    Ok no, so the Snyder/Smith “red carpet” thing, whatever the fuck it means, will be available publicly… sooo for whoever is interested, which I’m guessing is no one in here:

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  • #57774

    Doubtful, that movie came out like 20+ years ago, and I doubt whoever paid for the license (if anyone did) wasted any more money after that disastrous bomb.

    It’s weird, but these things happen in movie making. It doesn’t cost much to maintain the rights compared to what you can get off it should it suddenly become a hot property even if it is decades later. Show business is like mining for gold. Chances are you’ll never hit it rich, but you keep digging.

    LORD OF THE RINGS is probably the most obvious example. Saul Zaentz purchased the rights in the 60’s, made the Bakshi animated version in the 70’s and then hit it big with the Jackson movies and they were still fighting the Tolkein estate over the profits in 2013 (maybe to this day).

    STEEL was a joke for 20 years, but today people are scrambling to make movies about black superheroes and he’s one of the most well-known. Namor is in a similar situation where he’s a character who was kind of a joke for years but with the success of Aquaman, it brought more appeal to the idea of a Namor movie or putting Namor in the MCU. The “rights” to the character sort of reverted back to Marvel, like the Hulk, but Universal still holds distribution rights for the character, so it limits how Marvel can use the character.

    However, I really can’t see any problem like that with STEEL. I think WB owns the character outright. It may just be that the Shaq film poisoned the well – even though in theory, he’s got a great amount of potential as essentially a guy as smart and capable as Tony Stark but he had been born to a working class African American family.

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  • #57782


    What an ugly design, with a stupid face. He looks like some a character from a lesser The Mummy movie.

  • #57784

    Juanique Henry Irons!

    Her name is Natasha and she is the niece of John Henry Irons. She was last seen in the No Justice version of the Titans.


    • This reply was modified 3 years, 10 months ago by Rocket.
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  • #57789

  • #57793

    What an ugly design, with a stupid face.

    In fairness, that’s true of the original Kirby design too.

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  • #57799

    In fairness, that’s true of the original Kirby design too.

    I loved the original look. The Mt Rushmore look inside the basic helmet. It’s classic.  To compare it to that Snyder monstrosity is such an insult.



    if this is a joke flying over my head. I apologize Dave

  • #57800

    I’m saying it’s no more stupid-looking or weird than the original Kirby design.

    I don’t think it looks bad as a serious live-action version of the character.

  • #57801

    this is what I consider to be Darkseid by Kirby

  • #57802

    I’m saying it’s no more stupid-looking or weird than the original Kirby design.

    I don’t think it looks bad as a serious live-action version of the character.

    Look at Darkseid in his short dress, gloves, and go-go boots!

    Someone looks ready to hit the clubs!

    You go, girl!

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  • #57804

    those 2 pictures look very different to me but yours does say Kirby. I did a google search on Darkseid by Kirby to get mine. Weird.

  • #57805


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  • #57806

    those 2 pictures look very different to me but yours does say Kirby. I did a google search on Darkseid by Kirby to get mine. Weird.

    Kirby drew Darkseid over a long period – that one I posted may be a later version. Yours certainly looks more like his classic style.

    Anyway, back to the movie design – I have no great love for Snyder but I honestly think this is a pretty decent stab at bringing the Kirby look to live-action.

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  • #57810

    Look at Darkseid in his short dress, gloves, and go-go boots!

    Someone looks ready to hit the clubs!

    You go, girl!

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