DC Comics Thread

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This is a thread to talk about DC Comics.

Viewing 100 replies - 801 through 900 (of 993 total)
  • #55478

    Either way it feels like DC is floundering a bit at the moment, so some kind of firm direction would be welcome, wherever it comes from.

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  • #55492

    It’s not even new, it’s well documented that in 1984 Warners approached Marvel to make their comics

    Yeah but we’re in the age of IP libraries… Obviously ATT won’t get rid of DC IP, it’s too valuable. So we’d be talking about licensing the rights to produce comicbooks, right? But they wouldn’t let a 3rd party do whatever with their IP, they need to control that shit. Which I guess is what they do with games, for example… but here’s the thing: Game development is somewhat easy to control, since it’s akin to a movie, there’s one script per game and that’s that. Game development takes years, and there aren’t a lot of them… Comics are potentially hundreds of scripts every month… so they’d still need a structure in place to oversee the whole thing. Whoever gets that licensing wouldn’t get the freedom to publish whatever they want.

    And at that point what is it they’d be really licensing? Would it be worth losing the full control they have over their IP? But more than that, would it be worth buying that licensing? Nah… I don’t see it.

    Not when they can simply restructure and try new publishing models. They’ve already fired a lot of people, which is probably where DC was sinking a lot of money… the publishing thing is still, as far as I know, solvent as is… If they continue restructuring, that should be more than enough.

    Oh and also, let’s not forget, they were gonna get rid of WB Games at some point, and decided not to in the end… that’s a better indication of how they’re planning on running their business.

  • #55497

    Batman 89 and Superman 78 – comic sequels to the classic movies.


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  • #55498

    I’d welcome a move like the one rumoured by BC. I’m not sure AT&T have the best interests of the DC comics line at heart, and a lot of the recent decisions look to have been made with cost cutting in mind as part of the overall cost cutting going on at AT&T to reduce their astonishing level of debt.

    Selfishly, I’m at an age now where DC run by to 40-60 year old fanboys who love comics is going to appeal greatly to what I want to read, with me being part of the same demographic.

    I’d like to imagine that the hiring of the creative team would be done on a basis of trying to produce the best possible comics they can, as opposed to the current tact of hiring quite a lot of mediocre writers who will work for a reduced rate just to get comics on the shelves.


  • #55499

    Batman 89 and Superman 78 – comic sequels to the classic movies.

    Oh fuck.

    This means we’re getting a Snyder Cut Justice League comic in 2053.

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  • #55500

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  • #55521

    Fanboys running the DCU? This is the sort of thing that gave us Didio/ Johns’ obsession with setting everything back to the Silver Age – Hal Jordan, Barry Allen et al. Not sure that’s a good thing, to be honest.

    But, the comic business needs a pretty big cash injection right now. So :unsure:

    Batman’89 by Hamm and Quinones goes straight on to my pull list. That’s awesome news.

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  • #55522

    Batman 89 and Superman 78 – comic sequels to the classic movies.

    Oh fuck.

    This means we’re getting a Snyder Cut Justice League comic in 2053.

    Can. Not. Wait.

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  • #55524

    Ahh Quinones finally got to do his Batman 89 book… good for him =)

    I’m all over that one… but the Superman one, nah thanks…

  • #55548

  • #55568

    Johnston’s article is fantasy. Ryall did a tweet looking for fan input. Creators often ask questions like this. I know Gail Simone asks these type of questions a lot on Twitter.

  • #55574

    Well it was nice to fantasise for a while

  • #55605

    Rich Johnston? PINCH of salt?

    Image result for truckloads of salt

    All this salt is not good for my high blood pressure.

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  • #55881

    DC: Batman DOES attract criminals to Gotham… on purpose from FanTheories

  • #55913

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  • #56100

    How much time passed between launch and landing of the spaceship that carried the infant Kal-El to Earth?

  • #56135

    he arrives still an infant so it can’t matter that much.

  • #56137

    How much time passed between launch and landing of the spaceship that carried the infant Kal-El to Earth?

    738 hrs 17 min

    or something similar

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  • #56195

    How much time passed between launch and landing of the spaceship that carried the infant Kal-El to Earth?

    Approximately 20 years.

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  • #56224

    DC introducing a new wrinkle to classic continuity

    Spoilers for February 23’s Generations: Forged #1 in the link

  • #56227

    Oh Jesus… please stop trying to make sense of all your reboots, DC. Also, why the hell are they still giving Dan Jurgens work?? He was awful even at the peak of his career, which was *checks notes*… nearly 30 years ago!

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  • #56234

    It’s a device that has the potential to be interesting, depending on how it’s implemented. It’s essentially the same way Morrison treated Batman in his run and he did some interesting things with it.

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  • #56236

    Oh Jesus… please stop trying to make sense of all your reboots,

    Yeah, this latest “wrinkle” is just ridiculous.

    Just hire good talent and let them tell good stories. If the story is good and people enjoy it, the vast majority of readers won’t care if it contradicts a tiny bit of continuity that’s decades old. Hell, they may not even know about the contradiction!

    I think the Secret Wars event of a few years ago was supposed to restart continuity for Marvel. I don’t think it really took and has been fairly ignored since then, aside from brining Miles Morales to the main universe.

    Continuity, while adding a connecting tissue among current titles and the past, really becomes an albatross when someone decides it needs to be “fixed”. For DC, continuity is so broken, I don’t think it can ever be truly reconciled. At this point, they need to adopt the philosophy of Franco from The Gumball Rally:

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  • #56237

    I’m fine with continuity up to a point – that point being when you need entire series like this to explain your continuity. I’m no great fan of Avengers Forever – which that link referenced – for that reason.

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  • #56256

    I clicked on that link and looked at the last page of Forged and it showed Dick in the first Nightwing outfit with the big collar and bare chest. ??? interesting place to stop for Dick.

  • #56258

    DC introducing a new wrinkle to classic continuity

    Spoilers for February 23’s Generations: Forged #1 in the link

    Thanks for the warning, I would have clicked otherwise 😂

    The first volume of Generations was great, Jurgens does this sort of thing so well and the art team was glowing with old school goodness – I’m looking forward to the next one arriving in my box next week.

    • This reply was modified 4 years ago by Chris-S.
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  • #56308

    interesting place to stop for Dick.





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  • #56744

    Alvaro Martinez has just put up a load of his Detective Comics pages for sale. I tried to justify spending £700+ on this page to my wife. Funnily enough she was having none of it.


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  • #56747

    It’s an investment!

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  • #56750

    It’s an investment!

    If you’re looking for an investment I have 24 copies of Todd McFarlane’s Spider-Man I can sell you.



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  • #56751

    It’s an investment!

    If you’re looking for an investment I have 24 copies of Todd McFarlane’s Spider-Man I can sell you.



    Round it up to 25 and we can make it £1.

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  • #56785

    Potential spoilers for Infinite Frontier #0 in the link!

    DC’s Omniverse Reboot: What Fans Need to Know for Infinite Frontier

  • #56786

    To be fair to the wife, she did let me buy this though, for a little over £250.


    A page, with my favourite character, from the run that made me fall in love with comics again. Yay!

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  • #56790

    To be fair to the wife, she did let me buy this though, for a little over £250.

    She’s a good woman.

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  • #56869

    A page, with my favourite character, from the run that made me fall in love with comics again

    Tynion’s Tim was a masterpiece. :good:

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  • #57126

  • #57749

    This is an unusual move by DC in current times, but one I definitely applaud. I will be buying it. Sounds right up my street.


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  • #57790

    BATMAN: REPTILIAN – A New Predator Stalks the Streets of Gotham in this DC Black Label Limited Series!

    Garth Ennis and Liam Sharp. Sounds promising.


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  • #57795

    I really want Sharp to do a second Brave & Bold mini but I’ll nab this new book.

  • #57796



    Exclusive! CHECKMATE coming this June from @dccomics @thedcnation covers and interiors by the Eisner award winning @alex_maleev with color art by @dragonmnky variant by the amazing @matttaylordraws The superspies of the DC universe have a new leader in the form of the mysterious Mr. King. Their mission: take down leviathan. Guest starring Superman, Talia, Robin and a cast of thousands. Introducing a brand new underworld assassin only known as… (you’ll find out this June) #dccheckmate #eventleviathan #comicbooks #greenarrow #loislane #thequestion #stevetrevor #manhunter #bones #whoismisterking #eventleviathancheckmateisnowcheckmate

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  • #57815


  • #57897

    I’m done with Bendis. I might read his stuff on DC Universe when it arrives in U.K. but I’m not falling for his shit again.

    On a positive, those two Black Label announcements are top drawer.

    Tynion IV is the man just now and Ennis & Sharp is dream team stuff.

    Really excited to see what Ennis can do with this under Black label. I’m hoping for some serious horror.

    Hat off to DC, I’ve been VERY sceptical of the future, but there’s been some really strong rays of light recently.

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  • #58510

    DC Solicitations for June can be found in the June Solicitations thread

  • #58608

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  • #59446

    You wait years (years, I tell you, years!) for Connor Hawke to return only for it to be in a book starring Damien Wayne that you have no interest in buying 🤦🏽‍♂️

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  • #59458

    I feel your pain Vik. I waited years for Wally’s return only to watch them turn him into a psychotic murderer.

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  • #59479

    I feel your pain Vik. I waited years for Wally’s return only to watch them turn him into a psychotic murderer.

    Jesus, the Where’s Wally books have got dark since I read them.

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  • #59560

    Jesus, the Where’s Wally books have got dark since I read them.

    Yes, it completely change’s the experience if you read the Where’s Wally (Waldo in the US) books knowing that you’re actually trying to find a serial killer before he strikes again…and when you do, he’s looking right at you! B-)

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  • #59612

    I feel your pain Vik. I waited years for Wally’s return only to watch them turn him into a psychotic murderer.

    Wait, what?

  • #59633

    Bet it’s Tom Kng’s work.

  • #59634

    Heroes in Crisis.

  • #59738

    Jesus. I’m a fan of some of King’s work, but I’ll definitely keep staying the hell away from Heroes in Crisis.

  • #59739

    I thought Heroes In Crisis was ok, but then I don’t have a huge investment in the characters involved. I can see why fans of certain characters might have been upset.

    In the end, I think it was an interesting concept but as a story it might have worked better with analogues, Watchmen-style, so as not do damage the DC characters as it did – and potentially give King a more free hand in going further with it all.

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  • #59744

    King seems a perfect Black Label writer. Moving some stuff to it by him would solve a lot of the problems.

  • #59745

    King’s Strange Adventures and Rorschach books are both Black Label I think.

  • #59749

    I said at the time, and it still holds true now, I think Heroes in Crisis was a decent story, with some lovely art. It was, at the same time, a spectacularly misjudged thing to do in the core mainstream DCU. It ruined beloved characters. You can’t go from here to fighting the Rogues again without it be extremely jarring. I don’t think it’s a coincidence that DC have subsequently done all they can to distance themselves from this, with retcons and reality re-writes. The people who signed this off have also been quietly and very prominently sidelined.

    Ironically, had they done this book with the exact same creative team, the same plot, and analogues (a la Black Hammer or Watchmen), I think we’d be looking back at this book much more favourably.

    The same creative team’s current non-continuity Batman/ Catwoman series is excellent so far, by the way.

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  • #59754

    Okay, now I really want to read Heroes in Crisis. I love a good car-crash.

  • #59758

    Ironically, had they done this book with the exact same creative team, the same plot, and analogues (a la Black Hammer or Watchmen), I think we’d be looking back at this book much more favourably.

    Maybe I’ll read it after all, and read it as an Elseworlds thing. I mean, it’s not like I’m currently reading any mainstream DC books so I don’t suppose it makes a difference.

  • #59761

    I think you’ll find it worthwhile. It’s a good book, although not exactly enjoyable given the subject matter. It’s quite dark and somber.

    I wouldn’t rush out to get it though. I don’t think anyone would rate this as amongst King’s best work.

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  • #59767

    Okay, now I really want to read Heroes in Crisis. I love a good car-crash.

    And that’s why DC keep making bad comics :wacko:

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  • #59769

    I wouldn’t rush out to get it though. I don’t think anyone would rate this as amongst King’s best work.

    No. I’m not invested much in the character bit but it’s still not his best work. The therapy pages are clever and often fun but even taken as an Elseworlds I’d say it’s just okay.

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  • #59773

    And that’s why DC keep making bad comics

    That and they’ve been badly mismanaged for years, with poor leadership giving work to their bezzy mates rather than people who actually deserved it.

    They’re similar to Marvel in the 70’s, except against the odds, Marvel actually continued to produce some amazing work.

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  • #59778

    On a related note to that, just saw John Romita Jr has left DC and gone back to Marvel.

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  • #59913

    DC Comics Is Letting Fans Choose Its Next Series – Screen Rant

    DC Comics is holding a round-robin social media tournament allowing fans to vote on what the publisher’s next new series will be

    DC Comics has just announced that it’s letting readers decide its next series. Revealing their new DC Round Robin, fans will be able to vote from a selection of 16 different story pitches, with a final victor eventually being chosen to be written, drawn, and published in late 2021. Not only that, but DC has also revealed that story teases and sneak peeks will be shown for each hopeful contender with every block of voting until the tournament whittles down to a victor.

    DC is no stranger to fan voting, as this new vote comes right off the heels of the one DC just held for fans to help name Nightwing’s new dog, not to mention the iconic fan vote in 1988 to decide the fate of Jason Todd’s Robin. Marvel just held a vote as well, letting fans choose the final member of its new X-Men team. Voting for the new DC series will be done in rounds, and voting for Round 1 will occur between March 31 and April 7 on DC’s Twitter and Instagram pages. DC Comics will also hold Q&As with the creatives who put the pitches together on April 6. Furthermore, sneak peeks and teaser art will be revealed on April 8, along with the results from the first round. Subsequent rounds will continue in the same manner until a winner is declared.

    Fans are able to vote on DC’s Twitter page for the first 8 match-ups of the Round Robin, and will also be able to vote on three different match-ups a day on DC’s Instagram story. As far as the pitches themselves, each of the 16 offerings appear to be just as dynamic and entertaining as the next, making it a tough choice for the first round of match-ups. It’s almost cruel that only one of these stories will make the cut, both for readers and the creatives who pitched them.

    DC also provided story details for each pitch. Green Lantern: Underworld on Fire will be a Kyle Rayner/Kilowog Green Lantern team-up series, while Etta Candy: Holiday Hero, Inc. will see Wonder Woman’s friend getting powers of her own. The Brave and the Bug: Crisis On Infinite Ambush is a tale of Ambush Bug fighting off Ambush Bugs from across the Multiverse, while Zatanna and the King of Nightmares will see Zatanna struggling with her powers as she faces an all new foe. Lobo/Animal Man: Scorched Earth will see a shift in the Main Man’s status quo that somehow involves Animal Man, and Son of the Creeper will see the Creeper’s son trying to save him from himself. Justice League Queer will feature a young group of queer heroes assembling to form a league of their own, and Robins will feature every hero who’s been the Boy Wonder coming together.

    Paws Off The Justice League will be an all new Super Pets adventure, which will face off against Jesse Quick: Control where Jesse Quick trades her speed for elemental powers. Blue Beetle: Graduation Day will have Blue Beetle struggling with a new crossroads in his life with the help of Starfire, while Nightrunner: Love in Paris will see the Nightrunner fighting rouge celebrity A.I. Swamp Thing: A House Of Secrets will be a tale of love and the dead, while Harley Quinn will lead The Suicide Squad Seven. Last but not least, Asteria: The Last Amazon will feature Asteria’s return to Man’s World, while Superman & Lois: Ignition will see the solar system conspiring to kill the Man of Steel.

    Fans can vote right now for all 8 of the Round 1 match-ups through April 7, though nearly every choice is going to be a difficult one. Regardless of which pitch ends up winning to become an actual series, here’s hoping DC Comics pays attention to the fan feedback and considers publishing more than just one of these exciting DC pitches.


    Edit to add: It was me that typed the words ‘Justice League Queer’ instead of JLQ as it appeared.
    I swear I’ve seen the full title in other links.
    However, it does appear as JLQ in that bracket thingie where other longer titles take up two lines (39 letters could’ve been shortened down to ‘TBATB:COIA’)

    Honestly hope they’re not hiding it, should own it from the start.
    Admittedly know nothing about promotion, or winning over rednecks.
    Maybe they are on the right track.
    I wish it well and hope it makes it.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 11 months ago by Sean Robinson.
    • This reply was modified 3 years, 11 months ago by Sean Robinson.
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  • #60072

    I normally avoid Twitter like the plague, but that was quite fun.

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  • #60095

    I assume it was an April’s Fool?

    Which is the only reason I’m not up in arms about the lack of Legion options :-)

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  • #60098

    Ha! I didn’t even consider that.

  • #61087

    Hmmm, would’ve thought DC’s July Solicits would be up but I dont see them anywhere.

    Not a big deal as it is a bit silly to be almost a week before anyone else.

  • #61460

    New Superman Son of Kal-El series

    Current Superman series dropped for Jonathan’s new title, Clark keeps Action Comics

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 10 months ago by Sean Robinson.
  • #61473

    That article also talks about Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow. My condolences to any Supergirl fan. it is not a black label book and it is written by Tom King. Sorry @davidm.

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  • #61505

    To be fair, Tom King’s Superman: Up In The Sky was pretty good. A nice look at what makes Superman super and how inspiring that is. He states that this Supergirl mini is going to be in a similar vein.

    He also said that it’s going to have something in it for those of us who were huge fans of the criminally underrated Peter David run. So, I am looking forward to it.

    And Bilquis Evely’s artwork is gorgeous too.

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  • #61507

    New Superman Son of Kal-El series

    Current Superman series dropped for Jonathan’s new title, Clark keeps Action Comics

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 10 months ago by Sean Robinson.

    This looks like it could be epic. Love Jonathan, and that’s a great creative team. I like fun books, and this looks like it could be that in much the same way as Taylor’s Nightwing is. Hope it’s not too tied into the other Super-books though. Not particularly interested in Action Comics or the Authority book.

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  • #61511

    To be fair, Tom King’s Superman: Up In The Sky was pretty good. A nice look at what makes Superman super and how inspiring that is. He states that this Supergirl mini is going to be in a similar vein.

    He also said that it’s going to have something in it for those of us who were huge fans of the criminally underrated Peter David run. So, I am looking forward to it.

    And Bilquis Evely’s artwork is gorgeous too.

    Yep, I saw him talking about All-Star Superman as an influence too. I saw some beautiful preview art the other day and it was enough to convince me to give #1 a try at least.

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  • #61512

    Not particularly interested in Action Comics or the Authority book.

    I will definitely be picking up the Superman/Authority book. Sounds like something quite different to a traditional Authority team.

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  • #61517

    I’ll wait for your review then, Dave 🙂. Both Morrison and the Authority have dropped off my “buy immediately” list in recent years.

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  • #61523

    To be fair, Tom King’s Superman: Up In The Sky was pretty good. A nice look at what makes Superman super and how inspiring that is. He states that this Supergirl mini is going to be in a similar vein.

    He also said that it’s going to have something in it for those of us who were huge fans of the criminally underrated Peter David run. So, I am looking forward to it.

    And Bilquis Evely’s artwork is gorgeous too.

    Decided to take a punt on Up In The Sky due to this, was going for £8.14

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  • #61581

    Hmmm, would’ve thought DC’s July Solicits would be up but I dont see them…

    I did a search and came up with this (I’ll not provide a link, but I am copying & pasting):

    Last year, Adam Phillips, former Director, Marketing Services at DC Comics, who did the regularly monthly solicitations was made redundant. It was his last day, two months ago.

    Four weeks from today and I’m done at DC.
    Not gonna lie. Today was a good day.
    Well, there goes my DC Comics computers and such! Courier just stopped by to pick up the pieces.

    And it seems the work was reassigned rather than someone rehired. What with things being the way they are and all. As a result, DC Comics solicits, which would have normally been out last Friday, are a little later in being collated and scheduled.

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  • #61682

    I’ll wait for your review then, Dave 🙂. Both Morrison and the Authority have dropped off my “buy immediately” list in recent years.

    Wait, Morrison is writing The Authority? I seem to remember something about that.

    As in, you’re over a decade late, you fuck.

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  • #61693

    DC Solicitations for July – Continuum link

    Released at 2 AM EDT

    The New DC. There’s no telling what we’ll do next!

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  • #61709

    These page counts are getting stupid now:

    1,648 pages, $150, available on Sept. 21.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 10 months ago by Ben.
  • #61738

    I was talking to the manager at my LCS and she said the hottest book is Batman/Fortnite. It sells out and people keep calling and asking for it.

    The reason it’s so hot? There’s a code in the book that allows gamers to unlock skins for free to be used in the game. The thing is, those same skins will go on sale in June for in-game purchase. They honestly don’t know if people are even really reading the book or if it’s any good or not.

    Stay classy, DC.

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  • #61744

    Ah I’ll give them a pass, it’s a gimmicky crossover anyway. I doubt anyone was expecting the next Maus from a video game tie-in with Batman.

    Their job is selling comics and looking from feedback from comic shops on Twitter it’s helping them out a lot.

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  • #61748

    Ah I’ll give them a pass, it’s a gimmicky crossover anyway. I doubt anyone was expecting the next Maus from a video game tie-in with Batman.

    Their job is selling comics and looking from feedback from comic shops on Twitter it’s helping them out a lot.

    The folks at my LCS said they have been getting calls from people who only want the code. The book is sealed in plastic to prevent people from getting the code without buying the issue. (The store wouldn’t give them the code if they could.) The manager said this is happening at a lot of stores.

    It is unknown how many people are actually reading the book. They are paying $3.99 for early access to a game element. I don’t know how that compares to pricing for other in-game purchases.

    While it is a nice boost in sales for stores, it is bringing out an obnoxious and rude gamer element that is a time suck for them.

  • #61749

    Ah I’ll give them a pass, it’s a gimmicky crossover anyway. I doubt anyone was expecting the next Maus from a video game tie-in with Batman.

    Their job is selling comics and looking from feedback from comic shops on Twitter it’s helping them out a lot.

    Yeah I think they actually need to be doing more of this kind of cross-media stuff if they want to reach a new audience. So what if the readers are buying a book primarily for a code? They’re still buying a comic, and some of them will read it, some of those will like it and be switched on to comics and might buy some more.

    Then again I am coming at this from the perspective of a UK comics fan who was enticed into buying his earliest comics because of a Refresher bar or plastic toy that was sellotaped to the cover. :rose:

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  • #61755

    I haven’t checked the price but it’s probably less the price of the item and more the availability of it that is driving comic sales.

    It’s the aspect of “look what I got now”, doesn’t matter if later everyone can nab it because of the show-off aspect.

    With Fortnite’s player base being what it is, they can charge $5 for a skin and rake it in.  The comic + Batman just amps up the profile for those later digital sales.

  • #61760

    Then again I am coming at this from the perspective of a UK comics fan who was enticed into buying his earliest comics because of a Refresher bar or plastic toy that was sellotaped to the cover.

    Yup exactly. As you say if only a small percentage read the book and like it and buy something else it can’t hurt.

    Most of the British and Irish guys here would have picked up their first comic because of a free gift on the cover, many got into buying them because of licenced books like Transformers.

    I have zero interest in this book but I also know enough about business that if DC post great quarterly numbers on the back of it – it’ll make signing off that more obscure Black Label book I will be interested in a lot easier.

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  • #64458

    I think I’d have preferred this to what we got:

    Jay Faerber’s Original Titans Proposal

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  • #64626

    From Newsarama:

    DC’s August 2021 release schedule (aka the solicitations) will be coming out Wednesday, May 26 at 3 p.m. EST. We’ll see you then!

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  • #64666

    I know that DC are releasing their monthly solicits whenever they feel like it now, because they’re no longer in Previews; but I think this is pretty annoying. The regularity was helpful and created a sense of excitement and expectancy at a given time of the month. This anticipation is just frustrating instead. First world problems.

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  • #64735

    I know that DC are releasing their monthly solicits whenever they feel like it now, because they’re no longer in Previews; but I think this is pretty annoying. The regularity was helpful and created a sense of excitement and expectancy at a given time of the month. This anticipation is just frustrating instead. First world problems.

    Oh yeah, another case of DC trying to save a dollar no matter how much chaos it causes…

    Wait a minute. How did it take so long for me to realize your ‘name’ backwards is Mark IV?
    My mind is blown!

    2 users thanked author for this post.
  • #64754

    Wait a minute. How did it take so long for me to realize your ‘name’ backwards is Mark IV?

    Great. Now we have to send killbots after another one.

    3 users thanked author for this post.
  • #64767

    DC Solicitations for August – CBR link

    Edit: or a better link

    DC Solicitations for August – FCN link

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 9 months ago by Sean Robinson.
    1 user thanked author for this post.
  • #64773

    Hudlin and Cowan Prepare Fans for Milestone’s Return in the Infinite Edition

  • #64777

    I suspect Vikram is a more common name globally than Sean or Todd and definitely Gareth.

    2 users thanked author for this post.
  • #64783

    Wait a minute. How did it take so long for me to realize your ‘name’ backwards is Mark IV? My mind is blown!

    Hah! I haven’t thought about that in years! As a kid, when I wrote notes to girls I like, but didn’t want them to know it was me, I used to sign them as Mark the 4th. Ingenious! smh

    I suspect Vikram is a more common name globally than Sean or Todd and definitely Gareth.

    Yep. It is pretty common. Vikram Singh is almost the Indian equivalent of John Smith.

    7 users thanked author for this post.
  • #64826

    Yep. It is pretty common. Vikram Singh is almost the Indian equivalent of John Smith.

    …or Gareth Jones.

    2 users thanked author for this post.
  • #64830

    In south Wales definitely. I worked in an (admittedly large) office once with 3 Gareth Jones’ in it.

    5 users thanked author for this post.
  • #64875

    DC Solicitations for August – CBR link

    Edit: or a better link

    DC Solicitations for August – FCN link

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 9 months ago by Sean Robinson.

    Nothing to do with Sean at all but anyone else booted up that link to find it’s a mess of covers obscuring text?

  • #64881

    Hmmm, my phone doesn’t seem to like that link. Maybe try

    DC Solicitations for August – FCN link

  • #64900

    Thanks, the FCN is so much better it’s absurd.

    Strange, Newsarama and CBR were useful news sites, now they seem to be instead ad-laden browser crashers.

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