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Viewing 93 replies - 901 through 993 (of 993 total)
  • #64901

    Newsarama and CBR were useful news sites, now they seem to be instead ad-laden browser crashers.

    I think that’s a feature rather than a bug.

    2 users thanked author for this post.
  • #64909

    Newsarama and CBR were useful news sites, now they seem to be instead ad-laden browser crashers.

    I think that’s a feature rather than a bug.

    It can be two things!

  • #64911

    Back to the solicits and the Heinberg-Dodson Wonder Woman arc is getting an OHC – which will look good.

  • #64988

    The SUPER POWERS Era Was DC Comics at Its Most Iconic

  • #65505

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  • #66296

    Fables is returning with 12 new issues, a holiday special and a crossover between Batman & Bigby Wolf


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  • #66298

    Very cool!

  • #66299

    Fables is returning with 12 new issues, a holiday special and a crossover between Batman & Bigby Wolf


    That’s interesting. I don’t even remember how Fables ended.

  • #66323

    Mister Miracle: Brandon Easton Breaks Down His New Take on the DC Hero


  • #66372

    Fables is returning with 12 new issues, a holiday special and a crossover between Batman & Bigby Wolf


    I loved Fables but i fell off reading the trades around volume 17. But this might be a good kick in the arse to finally complete the run before this starts next year.

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  • #66457

    The BATMAN ’89 version of Harvey Bullock:

  • #66564


    Deathstroke Inc.
    Rating: T+
    After suffering too many loses, Slade Wilson decides it’s time for a change. When he’s enlisted to work with an ages-old secret organization called T.R.U.S.T. who want to take down the heavy-hitter villains, he’s all in.

    Writer: Joshua Williamson
    Artist: Howard Porter
    Release Date: 9/28/2021
    Tags for this comic:
    » Rating » T+

  • #66904

    So, the Bat-books are getting some serious buzz.  My current future hit list:

    Sept: Batman – The Cowardly Lot Part 1

    Nov: The Joker Volume 1

    Dec: Nightwing Volume 1

    Feb: Detective Comics Volume 1

    Any that I’ve missed or aren’t yet collected but to watch out for?

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  • #66909

    Funnily enough I just decided today to jump in with Tynion’s Batman run, so I’ve picked up the first two HCs (Dark Designs and Joker War) and will be grabbing Ghost Stories soon too.

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  • #66910

    Which Joker War did you go for Dave? I nabbed the complete version.

    The price BooksEtc is selling these hardbacks is a bargain and they’re easier to obtain than the Omnibuses.

  • #66918

    I just picked up the regular collection as I’m only interested in the Tynion stuff.

  • #66919

    Funnily enough I just decided today to jump in with Tynion’s Batman run, so I’ve picked up the first two HCs (Dark Designs and Joker War) and will be grabbing Ghost Stories soon too.

    Dark Designs is a little bit all over the place, but segues nicely into Joker War, which was epic. Ghost stories is the least impressive of the three, but has got a great annual in it illustrated by Stokoe that I think you’ll enjoy.

    Any that I’ve missed or aren’t yet collected but to watch out for?

    Those are the creme de la creme. I’d also recommend Dark Detective (the Future State mini; but not Next Batman) as the current books play off a lot of the story ideas set up here. And, Zdarsky’s Red Hood (if it gets collected individually) is really strong too.

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  • #66920

    I wasn’t going to put ‘Tec on the list but Tamaki + Mora is quite the combo.

    Oh yeah, this is now available:

    Batman: White Knight Presents: Harley Quinn HC – BooksEtc – £11.44

  • #66921

    Good spot on the White Knight Harley Quinn HC Ben! I’ll grab that.

  • #66922

    I dunno how but they seem to be getting DC HCs real early.

  • #66927

    Ty Templeton is stepping away from his Batman: The Adventures Continue comic to get cancer treatment:

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  • #67097

    DC Solicitations for September – Comics Continuum link

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  • #67099


    Story by TEE FRANKLIN

    Pencils and inks by MAX SARIN

    Cover by MAX SARIN

    Variant cover by MICHAEL CHO

    1:25 variant cover by DAVI.

    Harley and Ivy on the road trip of the century! Following the wedding disaster of the decade, Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy end up on the run from Commissioner Gordon and the GCPD! But as fun as all that sounds, Ivy still worries over leaving Kite Man at the altar…Luckily, Harley’s got the perfect scheme to shake her out of her wedding-day blues!

    32 pages, $3.99, (card stock variant, $4.99), available on Sept. 14.

    Very happy for Max Sarin to get DC work, after their great Giant Days run. Not sure how the HQ animated series will translate back to comics, but I’ll check it out.




    Cover by DENYS COWAN

    The iconic Milestone line returns with the debut arcs of your favorite comics from the 1990s! This brilliant compendium edition features tales from Dwayne McDuffie, Ivan Velez Jr., John Rozum, and Robert L. Washington III, with stunning art from Denys Cowan, M.D. Bright, and more!

    Milestone Compendium One collects Blood Syndicate #1-12, Hardware #1-12, Icon #1-10, Static #1-8, Xombi #0-11, and Shadow Cabinet #0 — including arcs never before collected!

    1,320 pages, $59.99, available on Oct. 26.

    I’ve never read any of this, is it any good?

  • #67110

    32 pages, $3.99, (Card stock variant, $4.99)
    40 pages, $5.99, (card stock variants, $6.99)

    DC really likes their cardstock variants.

  • #67130

    DC cancels Batman/Superman – Gamesradar link

    Gene Lueng Yang’s well-received Batman/Superman run is being cut short, as DC has announced his run – and the series – will be ending with September’s Batman/Superman #22.
    Paul Pelletier is drawing Batman/Superman #22, stepping in for regular series artists Ivan Reis and Danny Miki. Pelletier is also slated to draw August’s Batman/Superman 2021 Annual #1, also written by Yang.

    The decision for the Batman/Superman series appears rather sudden, since Yang’s run on the title just began back with March’s Batman/Superman #16. August’s Batman/Superman #21 is the finale of the current ‘The Archive of Worlds’ arc (and is being collected into a titular volume this December), with #22 working as a one-off finale. It’s not clear if and how DC would collect this one-off story down the road for Yang’s sizeable booktrade audience.

    The current Batman/Superman series is the second volume under that title, after the original Batman/Superman ran for 32 issues from 2014 to 2016. That being said, Superman and Batman have teamed up numerous times in other titles going by different names.

  • #67197

    I Grew Up Watching the Monkey King on TVB, Now He Lives on in the DC Universe

  • #68052

  • #68148

    Dan Jurgens on the Return of DC’s BLUE AND GOLD Bromance

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  • #68545

    Grant Morrison Says the Evil Superman Cliché is “Ridiculous” (screenrant.com)

    Superman and The Authority


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  • #68546

    The full CBR interview that quote comes from is here.

    The art preview looks good and the ideas sound worth exploring. Looking forward to picking this up in a couple of weeks.

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  • #68547

    I like explorations of the next generation of DC heroes. Morrison did a good job of that with the Batman 666 storyline set with Damien as Batman in the future as well. Also, DC One Million had a few good ideas and the somewhat CW-esque storyline in the DC Multiverse series had interesting ideas on how the children of the Justice League would behave when they became the adults.

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  • #68548

    The art preview looks good and the ideas sound worth exploring. Looking forward to picking this up in a couple of weeks.

    Same! It’s definitely my most anticipated book this year.

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  • #68606

    Found this TikTok video on Nicola Scotts twitter page, regarding current twitter DC Comics discourse. It’s worth a watch.


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  • #68996

    Terry Beatty, co-creator of Wild Dog, is not happy:


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  • #69002

    Anyone heard anything about DC Infinite launching internationally? It was supposed to be summer 2021.

  • #69014

    No update on ‘Summer’ I mean technically that gives them until the end of August.

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  • #69716

    DC Solicitations for October – Comics Continuum link

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 7 months ago by Sean Robinson.
  • #69732

    If you want to see how far CBR has fallen, check out number 7 on this list:


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  • #69975

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  • #69979

    DC slows down Superman & The Authority release schedule after retailer feedback

    Grant Morrison’s final word on DC, for the time being, is being drawn out a bit

    Superman & The Authority #1 will go on sale July 20 as planned, but the other three issues of the four-issue series have been delayed. The series was originally planned to run twice-monthly, but the new schedule slows it down to monthly, with the exception of the final issue.

    DC has informed retailers that they have chosen to delay these subsequent issues “in light of retailer feedback” – and are also making the second issue returnable for retailers. In speaking to retailers, Newsarama has learned that this change will allow them to see their customers’ response to the first two issues (and have less risk in their #2 orders) before finalizing their orders for final two issues of the series.

    Here’s the revised schedule for the series, with the original release dates in parentheses:

    July 20: Superman & The Authority #1
    August 17: Superman & The Authority #2 (originally August 3)
    September 14: Superman & The Authority #3 (Originally August 17)
    September 28: Superman & The Authority #4 (Originally September 7)

    “Sometimes even Superman finds a task almost impossible. Sometimes even the Last Son of Krypton needs to enlist help. Some tasks require methods and heroes that don’t scream ‘Justice League,'” reads DC’s description of Superman & The Authority #1. “So Clark Kent, the Metropolis Marvel, seeks out Manchester Black, the most dastardly of rogues, to form an all-new Authority tasked with taking care of some business on the sly.”

    The Authority were originally created as a turn-of-the-century reinvention of the likes of Superman and the Justice League, with an actual Man of Steel homage called Apollo among its members. Apollo is a member of this “all-new Authority,” along with another alum (and his husband), the Midnighter. The rest of the team is made up of new members such as Manchester Black, a new OMAC, the Enchantress, Lightray, and Natasha Irons.

    This is the latest in a string of characters from the defunct WIldStorm universe to be revived by DC, as part of a careful and deliberate plan by DC publisher Jim Lee (who also happens to be the founder of WildStorm).

    For those already hoping for a sequel to Superman & The Authority, it’s possible – but will be without Grant Morrison. The writer told Newsarama recently that this series would be their last DC work “for quite a while” – and that the recently concluded The Green Lantern was in fact their ‘goodbye’ to DC comics.

  • #70092

    I may not always agree with the storytelling decisions that Tom King has taken over the years, especially with fan favourite characters. But, it’s hard to deny that he clearly grew up a 1990’s DC fanboy the way I did.

    His Batman run was basically a long, meandering remake of “Knightfall”. He’s written Dick Grayson, Kyle Rayner and Wally West stories. And, now, he has a deliberate callback to the wonderful Linda Danvers’ era Supergirl that brought a smile to my face.


  • #70205

    a deliberate callback to the wonderful Linda Danvers’ era Supergirl that brought a smile to my face.

    I strongly doubt that your smile will be still be there when he is done with her.

  • #70209

    It’s all good. This was just a short two page thing before getting back to Kara. More of a nod and a wink than an actual appearance.

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  • #71497

    His Batman run was basically a long, meandering remake of “Knightfall”. He’s written Dick Grayson, Kyle Rayner and Wally West stories.

    I did prefer Snyder’s run in that regard. It had more of the horror mystery element. Still, Batman has been something of a conundrum for a while. Out of all the main DC heroes, Batman should be the loner, but he has to have the largest cast of sidekicks, partners and supporting characters – a lot of them being practically interchangeable. His classic villains roster is possibly the most well known, but really just the Joker has gotten any good storylines in the actual Batman comic in the past 20 years and he’s been showing up so much and tinkered with that he’s practically broken in the comics. Meanwhile, the Riddler, Penguin, Scarecrow, Poison Ivy, Mr. Freeze, etc. have had much better stories and more exposure in other media — not the comics. In practical terms, Batman’s classic villains have the most potential for comic book storylines.

    Also, and this is a little bit true of all the DC comics – the Batman stories are more like generic superhero stories lately. Like the “soap opera with fight scenes” style popularized in 80’s X-Men and Teen Titans. They aren’t mysteries, monsters and madness which really is the essence of all the stories set in Gotham (which isn’t such a bad city anymore, it seems like, in the comics, at least).

    I mean, let the guy be dark and brooding without having some off the shelf side character come along to comment on how dark and brooding he is.

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  • #71674

    James Tynion IV has announced the end of his Batman work (and current DC work more widely).


    More details in the Independent Comics thread.

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  • #71721

    So, who’d be good to lead the Bat-books post-Tynion?

  • #71737

    Tom Taylor?

  • #71738

    Tom Taylor?

    Taylor does have a big announcement this week, but he says he’s been working on it for years, so probably not the main Batman book.

  • #71851


    Well. That’s over, at last.

    After 80 long years, the fusillade of sneers, slurs and innuendos are finally done with. For decades, homophobes looking to land cheap jokes and queer fans aching to see themselves in the comics they love have shared an unlikely common goal — to shove Robin, Batman’s trusty sidekick, out of the closet.

    And this week, in the pages of the DC anthology comic Batman: Urban Legends #6, Robin comes out. He rescues a male friend from the hands of a villain and experiences a flash of insight, a “lightbulb moment” — and later, in his civilian identity, accepts his friend’s offer of a date.

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  • #71855

    Wait, hasn’t it been known for at least a couple of years that Tim Drake is bi-/pan-sexual?

    He’s been that in my headcanon for a while anyway.

  • #71856

    Wait, hasn’t it been known for at least a couple of years that Tim Drake is bi-/pan-sexual?

    He’s been that in my headcanon for a while anyway.

    No, I think there have just been fan campaigns for it to happen.

    This Andrew Wheeler article is from a decade ago:



    DC doesn’t have a prominent queer teen the way Marvel does with Wiccan and Hulkling. And Karolina Dean. And Julie Power. And Anole. And Graymalkin, and Xavin, and Striker. Basically all of Marvel’s teen team books have at least one gay or bisexual member. DC has Bunker. They’re a little behind the trend.

    Yet DC has a chance to leapfrog all of Marvel’s gay teens by outing a prominent member of the Batman family. Making Tim Drake, one of the former Robins, gay would instantly give DC the most high profile gay teen character in comics. Batman himself will never be more than conceptually gay, but there’s no good reason for Tim Drake to be straight. He’s young enough to still be coming to terms with his sexuality (though there’s actually no upper age limit on that), and in his twenty year history he has never had a truly significant relationship with a woman.

    This would be a controversial coming out, to be sure, because a whole generation of readers regard Tim as someone they grew up with. That actually makes his coming out more realistic, and would give those readers the experience of coming to terms with a friend’s sexuality. For readers who defiantly prefer their Robins straight, there’s still the older one. And the younger one. And the other one.

    Previous to DC’s line-wide superhero reboot, a lot of readers wanted Superboy to be gay as well so that he and Tim could be a couple. I’m not against the idea. But I also don’t object to a bromance that remains a bromance, and a gay/straight bromance would be a refreshing change of pace.

  • #71860

    Nope. Tim’s not been out beforehand. Other than in wishful fan thinking and slash fiction. This is his coming out story.

    But, as I said, when we discussed this previously, it’s a change that sort of makes sense for the character “in continuity”. His relationship with Ari, Stephanie, Cassie (to a lesser extent), Tamara, … all of them have felt forced, making this whole thing plausible.

    I just hope that when we see him again, the story has moved on passed this. His girlfriend’s were pretty incidental to him being a superhero in the past. I just hope his boyfriend doesn’t grow to be the sole focus of attention going forwards.

    I must admit I do wonder what Chuck Dixon must be thinking about this. Frustrated, no doubt.

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  • #71862

    I must admit I do wonder what Chuck Dixon must be thinking about this. Frustrated, no doubt.

    Someone posted a link to the story on his Facebook page. (Scroll down to find the post.)

    Some of his comments:


    “But is this what the masses want? Poor sales say no. They need to stop making comics for the woke who don’t buy comics.”

    “Patronizing to the fans they want not the fans they have.”

    Other peoples comments are about what you would expect from Dixon fans.

  • #71863

    You’ll see some coverage declaring that Tim has come out as bisexual, but that’s not technically true. Yes, he’s dated fellow hero Spoiler (Stephanie Brown) on and off. But his journey is just beginning, and Tim is still figuring himself out — he hasn’t applied any specific labels to himself yet, and his creators haven’t either.

    So, at this point, he’s questioning.

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  • #71896

    How Brandon Thomas’ HARDWARE Honors Dwayne McDuffie

  • #72032

    I think Damian would’ve been a better choice for a gay Robin, but whatever…

    Funny how they always use Tim as the “whatever” Robin… they turn him black, gay, irrelevant… poor Tim =(

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  • #72079

    Tom Taylor revealed on twitter what the secret project he’s been working on for the last couple of years is and it’s…


    … wait for it…

    Dark Knights of Steel. DC superheroes meets high fantasy a la Game Of Thrones.



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  • #72080

    With anyone else I’d sigh at that concept. With Tom Taylor my pre-order is in.

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  • #72081

    With anyone else I’d sigh at that concept.

    Same. Taylor has proved his worth in both DC knowledge and (no less) the elseworldy biz.

  • #72082

    It’s also, as evident from the not-textless version of the cover I posted above, a 12 issue limited series.


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  • #72101

    That is going to be one sweet oversized hardcover.
    Too bad that would be X-mas 2023 at the earliest, but still something to look forward to.

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  • #72103

    Yeah. I like Taylor’s work a lot, but I think I’ll wait for the (hopefully) hardcover on this. It doesn’t strike me as a “must read now” book.

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  • #72104

    So is that Kal and Lara on the cover getting ready to Targaryen their brains out?

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  • #72105

    So is that Kal and Lara on the cover getting ready to Targaryen their brains out?

    I believe it’s Jor-El and Lara.

    Just a guess.

  • #72107

    So is that Kal and Lara on the cover getting ready to Targaryen their brains out?

    I believe it’s Jor-El and Lara.

    Just a guess.

    How boring.

  • #72118

    jeeeeeeeeesus… 12 issues for an elseworld story that looks like something we’ve seen before??… eh…

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  • #72122

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  • #72132

  • #72159

    DC Solicitations for November – CBR link

  • #72171

    Does any site have the info that doesn’t drown it in advertising crap?

  • #72172

    Does any site have the info that doesn’t drown it in advertising crap?

    If you’re referring to Dark Knights Of Steel, there isn’t a lot of info on it yet. I suggest Tom Taylors twitter, it seems all the information I’ve seen on CBR is already present within his tweets.

  • #72174

    y site have the info that doesn’t drown it in advertising crap?

    Yes. The ones that don’t make any money.

  • #72177

    I’m not entirely unsympathetic to that aspect.  Viewing it on mobile the vid ads actively get in the way of info.

    One started, figured I’d wait it out, then it starts another up straight afterwards practically blocking the text again, so I gave up.

  • #72229

    Still no link from First Comics News, and Comics Continuum hasn’t been updated since last Wednesday.

    Throw in the fact I don’t use links from BloodyMorons.com then the only two are from Newsarama and CBR

    Why did those two have to go so corporate?
    Top 5 reasons why… (all have dollar signs)

    edit: Continuum has updated today, but for some reason they do the DC solicits with a download link.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 6 months ago by Sean Robinson.
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  • #72253

    So just searching around for other links. Nothing too fancy

    From Comic Book Revolution.com

    From Speed Force.org
    DC has posted their full complement of solicitations for November 2021, and here are all the ones relating to the Flash.

    From Superman Homepage.com
    DC Comics has released their November 2021 solicitations, and we’ve highlighted for you all the Superman-related comics and products listed.

  • #72256

    I’m not entirely unsympathetic to that aspect.  Viewing it on mobile the vid ads actively get in the way of info.

    One started, figured I’d wait it out, then it starts another up straight afterwards practically blocking the text again, so I gave up.

    I really have to wonder what the point of advertising is when it gets so intrusive and annoying that it not only causes me to stop visiting certain sites, but also makes me absolutely despise whatever product is being sold in that autoplaying, respawning ad that prevents me from reading the article I clicked on.

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  • #72258

    makes me absolutely despise whatever product is being sold

    That’s my general response to ALL ads.

    I’m on a lifelong boycott of my favourite soda and crisps for this exact reason. Fuck em.

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  • #72260

    Dark Knights of Steel. DC superheroes meets high fantasy a la Game Of Thrones.

    DC has done this before…

    Camelot 3000

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  • #72262

    Does any site have the info that doesn’t drown it in advertising crap?

    I found that using the Brave browser blocks ads extremely well.

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  • #73097

    Newsarama is reporting that Josh Williamson is the new Batman writer after Fear State wraps up. Good. I can safely drop it now and wait for digital sales/ trades instead.

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  • #73263

    Batman Day comics will be limited as DC supply chain issues continue – GamesRadar link

    Supply chain issues instigated by the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic continue to affect comics, and not even Batman is safe. Following news on August 25 that over two dozen DC comic books and collections are being delayed due to the pandemic, the publisher has informed retailers that the comic books planned to debut as part of this year’s Batman Day on September 18 will probably be affected.

    DC says there will be new Batman comics for Batman Day 2021, but not as much as they hoped – or as much as comic book shops ordered.

    DC delays Justice League, Batman / Catwoman, 26 more comics due to supply chain issues – GamesRadar link

    28 DC comic books and five DC collections are delayed due to the pandemic

    DC has informed retailers that a sizeable portion of its upcoming releases will be delayed due to the COVID-19 pandemic’s ongoing impact on global supply chains.

    “DC faces an unprecedented strain on the global supply chain, affecting all of us in the comic industry and beyond,” reads a statement circulated to retailers by DC marketing manager Albert Ching on August 25.

    “Up to this point, we’ve been able to keep delays and shortages to a minimum, but with recent notifications about covid-related port closures, international and domestic freight delays, workforce shortages, and a severely allocated paper supply, we are unable to continue to manage this situation without disruption.”

    DC has now revised the release dates for 28 upcoming single issues, along with five collected editions. Although this is the initial list, DC’s spokesperson says the company does “expect further shifts in the future. DC will communicate these moves clearly and quickly.”

    Currently, it appears DC has decided to delay the digital release dates of these issues to remain day-and-date with the print editions.

    Newsarama has subsequently learned that the three comics planned for this year’s Batman Day on September 18 are also affected. The publisher doesn’t foresee delays, but says they will not be able to fulfill comic stores’ orders completely.

    Here is a list of the affected individual comic books, and their updated release dates:

    Batman: Reptilian #5 – November 2
    Batman: The Adventures Continue Season Two #4 – September 14
    Batman: The Adventures Continue Season Two #5 – September 21
    Batman: The Long Halloween Special #1 – October 19
    Batman/Catwoman #8 – October 19
    Batman the Detective #5 – September 21
    Blue & Gold #2 – September 7
    Blue & Gold #3 – September 28
    Green Lantern 2021 Annual – September 7
    Hardware: Season One #2 – September 21
    Justice League #67 – September 14
    Locke & Key/The Sandman Universe: Hell & Gone #2 – September 28
    Nubia & the Amazons #1 – October 19
    Static: Season One #3 – August 31
    Static: Season One #4 – October 12
    Static: Season One #5 – November 16
    Static: Season One #6 – December 21
    Suicide Squad: Get Joker! #3 – November 2
    Suicide Squad 2021 Annual – September 7
    Superman: Son of Kal-El #3 – September 14
    Superman ’78 #3 – November 2
    Superman Son of Kal-El #4 – September 21
    Teen Titans Academy #7 – October 12
    Teen Titans Academy #8 – November 2
    Wonder Girl #4 – October 12
    Wonder Girl #5 – November 9
    Wonder Girl #6 – November 23
    Wonder Girl #7 – December 7

    And here are the affected collections, and their revised release dates

    Batman: No Man’s Land Omnibus Vol. 1 – January 11, 2022
    Deathstroke by Christopher Priest Omnibus – October 5
    Justice League Dark: The New 52 Omnibus – November 9
    Superboy and the Legion of Super-Heroes (Tabloid Edition) – February 15, 2022
    The Books of Magic Omnibus Vol. 2 – January 11, 2022

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  • #73300

    Well, that is quite a mess but, in terms of spend, kind of helpful.  Wonder how much further these issues will spread?

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  • #74095

    A mature Superman series by Mark Waid and Bryan Hitch? The artist says it’s coming – GamesRadar link

    Bryan Hitch has announced that he is reteaming with writer Mark Waid and inker Kevin Nowlan on a new mature-readers Superman title for DC’s Black Label imprint. Hitch mentioned this in passing in a tweet outlining his upcoming plans.

    “Venom in October, the introduction to Redcoat in November, Superman Black Label next year with Mark Waid inked by Kevin Nowlan (yeah, spoilers),” Hitch tweets. “Redcoat series and something truly massive I’m not even mentioning. But it’s HUGE. Yeah, I’ve been busy this year.”

    Neither DC, Waid, or Nowlan have confirmed Hitch’s statement so far.

    In a follow-up tweet, Hitch says the as-yet-unnamed Superman Black Label project is planned as a three-issue series in DC’s ‘Prestige Plus’ format, with each issue running 46 pages.

    Books in DC’s ‘Prestige Plus’ format are nearly two inches wider than traditional comic books and are printed with a sturdy paper for their covers. They are also squarebound, meaning it has a spine with a book title down the side, allowing you to store it as a comic book or on your bookshelf.

    This Superman project would be a reunion, as Hitch and Waid worked together (with inker Paul Neary) on DC’s JLA series in 2000 and 2001, as well as the JLA: God’s Ladder one-shot.

    This would be Waid’s first standalone DC work in 14 years, after a brief reprise with short stories in several anthologies in the past year. The writer worked regularly for DC from 1986 to 2003, first as an editor and then writing such projects as Kingdom Come, Superman: Birthright, The Flash, 52, Impulse, Legion of Superheroes, The Brave & The Bold, and the aforementioned JLA.

    I will pre-order the HC as soon as I can!

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  • #74097

    Should we be concerned about what might be in a mature readers Superman title?

  • #74099

    Should we be concerned about what might be in a mature readers Superman title?

    It would be hard to top Homelander on The Boys.

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  • #74110

    Definitely there for more Waid/Hitch Superman.

    Should we be concerned about what might be in a mature readers Superman title?

    Who knows, maybe this time “mature” will actually mean “mature” rather than “violence, nudity and swearing”.

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  • #74239

    Hitch inked by Nowlan would be interesting to see. When I’ve seen Nolan inks before he very much projects his style, very much into his thick lines while Hitch’s stuff usually is a lot more delicate.

  • #74240

    Should we be concerned about what might be in a mature readers Superman title?

    Hey, it’s Mark Waid. We all know he’s been itching to portray Superman as a neck-snapping badass.

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  • #74423

    Lemire and Mahnke on a Swamp Thing Black Label series:


    What a tremendous creative team. Definitely picking this up.

    3 users thanked author for this post.
  • #74431

    DC Announces 4 New Series – ComicBook.com

    Batgirls, World of Krypton, One-Star Squadron, and Swamp Thing

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  • #74571

    Justice League vs. The Legion of Super-Heroes is coming to DC in 2022 – Newsarama/GamesRadar link

    Plus Wonder Woman returns to the Justice League while OMAC returns to the DCU

    Despite being only a brief paragraph, DC’s solicitation for December’s Justice League 2021 Annual #1 packs a lot of information, including the promise of a face-off between two of the publisher’s most iconic teams.

    First off, the 48-page special, written by Justice League ongoing series Brian Michael Bendis with art and a main cover by Sanford Greene, features the return of Wonder Woman to the team.

    Since the Infinite Frontier #0 special early this year, Diana has been away from her teammates as she found herself in the Norse afterlife after declining an invitation to ascend to a cosmic god-like being and to join the Quintessence (good thing too, as they were murdered by Darkseid in the very same issue).

    Her place on the Justice League has been filled by her mother Hippolyta, but now Wonder Woman seems like she’s back and ready to take her place on the roster.

    The issue also features the return of OMAC, Jack Kirby’s One-Man Army Corps, who’ll team up with the reunited Justice League to stop “secret forces of evil from gathering.”

    And finally, if there weren’t enough, according to DC, Greene “brings the legacy of the League to life” leading into Justice League vs. the Legion of Super-Heroes!

    That’s “vs.” not “and.”

    The publisher doesn’t provide any additional details but given Bendis’ history as the writer of the last incarnation of the Legion, it’s probably a safe bet he’ll be doing the deed. Whether Justice League vs. the Legion of Super-Heroes will be its own title or a Justice League ongoing series story arc remains to be seen.

    And by the looks of the cover, whether it’s to match the size of the Legion and/or to combat the aforementioned “secret forces of evil,” it seems like the team may be calling in some new/reserve members.

    Speaking of covers, December 14’s Justice League 2021 Annual #1 also features a variant cover by Felipe Massafera.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 5 months ago by Sean Robinson.
  • #74624

    DC Solicitations for December – CBR link

    DC Solicitations for December – Newsarama/GamesRadar link

    DC Solicitations for December – FCN link

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  • #74647

    Post Tynion, it’s neat to see Corona get the Batgirls gig – his Middlewest work was excellent.

    Also like the sound of Tamaki and Reis’ weekly ‘Tec event 12 parter.

    Chiang’s Catwoman: Lonely City might be worth a look.

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