Carlos Pacheco RIP

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I just heard that Carlos Pacheco has died. Sad news.

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  • #102977


    I loved Carlos’ work. It had a great energy and style that was pretty revolutionary but soon became almost the house style at Marvel. His runs on X-Men, Fantastic Four, Avengers Forever were amazing.

    His few issues of Green Lantern even got me to overlook Johns’ unhealthy Hal Jordan obsession for a while. His Superman run with Busiek is one of my favourite runs on the character.

    And, Arrowsmith …

    So many memories!

    Knew this was coming, based on his own health update a few weeks ago. But, this quickly?


    May he R.I.P.

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  • #102978

    Between Carlos Pacheco and Kevin O’Neill, it’s been a tough week for comic book fans and professionals.

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  • #102979


    A fantastic artist with a flowing style.

    He will be missed.

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  • #102983

    Yeah, this was way too fucking fast.

    Such sad news.

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  • #102984

    Sad news.

    There has been some confusion today over whether he has or has not passed on resulting in a few retractions.

    A post from Spain explained his situation is terminal and he was being sedated in preparation for organ donation when the inevitable happens. Very tragic at just 59.

    I read a quite moving post from Carlos Fraille, formerly of this parish, who was tasked with looking after Pacheco at the Dublin Comic Con because of his ability to speak English and Spanish fluently. As soon as they met he’d already made him a Superman sketch to keep and gave it as a gift. Carlos F then took him at his request to see the Phil Lynott statues there as Carlos P loved Thin Lizzy’s music.

    I mainly read his FF run with Claremont which has been surprisingly influential when not that trumpeted at the time. Valeria is a co-creation of theirs that has stuck around and become a major character.



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  • #102985


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  • #102988

    That FF run was Claremont and Salvador Larroca, Gar. Understandable mistake though. Before he took on his current style, Larroca drew very much in the same style as Carlos.

    Pacheco’s run was a year or two afterwards, with Jeph Loeb coming on to script it.

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  • #102992

    Ah, dammit.


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  • #103012

    There has been some confusion today over whether he has or has not passed on resulting in a few retractions. A post from Spain explained his situation is terminal and he was being sedated in preparation for organ donation when the inevitable happens. Very tragic at just 59.

    Yes, the news was initially announced very slightly prematurely, as at that point he was being kept alive but sedated for organ donation. It was later confirmed that he died yesterday.

    It is one of the slightly unfortunate side-effects of social media that you can end up having a running commentary even on sad events like the end of someone’s life, with all of the misinformation and confusion that real-time updates can bring. I hope his family wasn’t upset by the premature announcements, especially as organ donation is such a laudable cause.

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  • #103015

    I’m actually a bit surprised how hard this one hit me. I literally choked up talking about it yesterday. He was one of the few comic book related names that my wife recognises just from my having spoken about him so much over the years. She wouldn’t be able to tell you anything about his art, but she knew he was one of my favourites.

    I guess it’s that nostalgia factor that we’ve spoken about beforehand. His big breakthrough coincided with my golden years of fandom during the late 1990’s. That made him one of “my” artists in ways that other (equally fantastic) artists from earlier or later generations never were. Weird how we build those connections to people we never meet or rarely even interact with in person.

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  • #103020

    Kurt Busiek posted this on Facebook:

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