Home » Forums » Creative Central » Are we ever doing Write-Offs again?
They were a good writing exercise back in the MW days.
Screw those! Let’s do the Superhero Fantasy League instead!
THAT was fun!
Anonymous wrote: Screw those! Let’s do the Superhero Fantasy League instead! THAT was fun!
I don’t think there’s enough of us left to do an SFL.
I think that was just a special moment in time. Cherish the memories.
Todd wrote: I think that was just a special moment in time
I think that was just a special moment in time
You mean like five or six (counting the march madness miniseries) consecutive special moments in time? :)
JR, hit me up if you want to organize a small write-off challenge!
Anders#8575 on discord if you do that sort of thing!
Would be nice – probably could use more strict limitations on length, format, etc. so they can be read quickly and easily compared.
Anonymous wrote: strict limitations
strict limitations
I love how strict limitations can put my creativity into overdrive sometimes.
It is true, unlimited creativity is often unimaginative. Gilliam would say that not having the budget he wanted for a film forced him to get more creative.
I don’t want to make a film with an unlimited budget. The limitations make me creative. Just to spite the producer.
If you have 60 pages of a story, but are forced to get it down to six pages, that’s a challenge that will force you to get creative.
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