Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness: SPOILER THREAD!

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Out everywhere this week, and looks like it’ll have lots of stuff that can be spoiled, so keep it to this thread.

I’m considering stuff to watch/rewatch ahead of seeing it on Thursday, but this movie seems to be following up on so many other movies (Dr. Strange, WandaVision, No Way Home, What If?, Avengers: Endgame, Loki(?)) that I don’t know what parts of continuity will be important.

Viewing 100 replies - 1 through 100 (of 130 total)
  • #90953

    It is showing a few blocks away from me this Friday.

    If the line is real long, I won’t bother in a crowded theatre.

    But… if it just right, I will take the chance.

  • #90966

    I always get my tickets online in advance. I have booked for the Imax tomorrow.

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  • #91028

    Okay I have seen it. I know people like to wander into these threads to see the preamble so here is the trigger warning that we are passing that stage:



  • #91033

    Okay so here’s my review. I saw hints of not too favourable reviews via social media but I really liked it. It’s a big step up for me from the first one which I thought was a little pedestrian outside some of the effects and I did like the time loop ending as opposed to the usual big punch up.

    I thought this one had sufficient twists and turns it felt fresh, there’s an intriguing cold open that drops us in the middle of a ‘dream’ and America Chavez central even though we have no idea who she is. Then the aspect disguised in the trailer but revealed fairly early on that the villain of this movie is the Scarlet Witch, corrupted by the Darkhold spellbook.

    You can see Sam Raimi in this film, there are some very horror tinged parts to this film, including two jump scares and a chase scene that has a bit of Michael Myers crossed with Carrie. It may be a bit on the edge for younger fans. We also get a Bruce Campbell cameo. There are some very fun visual bits, maybe not as technically impressive as the shifting city stuff in the first one but more inventive, the flip early on between a dozen multiverses is great. The ‘music fight’ is quite silly on one level but I loved it.

    I was there in an Imax screening on opening day and there are some massive fanboy moments in this film which actually got applause and a couple of whoops. Mostly around the ‘illuminati’ in the ‘flowery’ universe they enter. I think many speculated on Prof X after hearing Patrick Stewart’s voice in the trailer and a poster hinted at Captain Carter’s union jack shield but John Crasinski as Reed Richards had the big gasp.

    After a closer look later at a couple of reviews I do get where some of the less positive readings came from. Post Endgame I think Marvel are far less interested in the ‘casual viewer’ than before. Until then I maintained that it is pretty easy to just drop into any Marvel movie and follow it, a lot of continuity stuff was vert much easter eggs and could be ignored. You will not understand Wanda’s reasoning or motivation in this film unless you have watched Infinity War and Wandavision. Glancing at a few reviews that is what they are querying mainly and I get it, as a massive fanboy I don’t care at all but they need to be wary not to scare some people off who aren’t.

    It’s a big change from the original MCU outings where they took big steps to make things grounded and simple, they really don’t care now, they even take a lot of joy in using the ‘Blackagar Boltagon’ name that the comics have shied away from because it’s so daft.

    Anyway my review would be 4/5 stars, it’s a very fun movie. Some will also probably point out plotholes or something but I think those of you who know me by now also know I don’t really care about that stuff if I am entertained.

    The post credits scenes, one hints at whatever next chapter there is for Strange, I don’t know who the female character was meant to be. Clea perhaps? The second one is just a daft gag but funny.

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  • #91085

    Christel got us tickets to see it this evening.

  • #91086

    I absolutely loved it, which, given I don’t like Raimi’s Spider-Man movies, I wasn’t expecting to say.

    There are some absolutely brilliant visuals in here – I thought the symphonic battle was fantastic – but even little things like the heads in the photos turning as alt-Wanda started to get encroached upon.

    The Illuminati stuff worked well. Nice for Mount to get to do a decent version of Black Bolt (I had to look up if he was the guy in the TV version). I wonder if Krasinski was cast to appease that vocal fan-casting movement or if he is going to be Reed in the FF movie.

    I had avoided enough promo material to actually be surprised that Wanda was the villain, but it makes sense. I think it’s a more interesting path for the character than some kind of redemption arc – she was too far gone after Wandavision really, let alone the events of this, to achieve that.

    The only real disappointment for me was Rintrah (who I knew about thanks to being the Build-A-Figure in the Dr Strange Marvel Legends wave) just being window dressing as expendable Kamar Taj disciple. I thought they were going to pick him up in an alt-universe given, well, he’s a talking green minotaur.

    Oh and rather baffling as to why the guy playing Nicodemus West got picture credit billing for one scene. Perhaps more was intended for him?

    Charlize Theron as Clea is an intriguing prospect going forward.

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  • #91089

    I had avoided enough promo material to actually be surprised that Wanda was the villain

    Honestly the promo material did very well to disguise it, they focus on the scenes where Strange first meets with her for advice and the film description in IMDB even yesterday (before it opened in the US) was ‘Strange, Wanda and America Chavez team up’. Having seen all the trailers that took me by surprise.

    Credit due there although the trailer also had America punching through dimensions which is a key plot point in the last 5 minutes me and the kids now knew was coming, so they get a demerit for that.

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  • #91090

    Oh and rather baffling as to why the guy playing Nicodemus West got picture credit billing for one scene.

    Yeah I didn’t get that. Was he in the first film? He may have been and I’ve forgotten but the scene and the credit seemed to give him an importance far beyond his rather pointless contribution to the story.

  • #91091

    Oh and rather baffling as to why the guy playing Nicodemus West got picture credit billing for one scene.

    Yeah I didn’t get that. Was he in the first film? He may have been and I’ve forgotten but the scene and the credit seemed to give him an importance far beyond his rather pointless contribution to the story.

    I don’t particularly remember him being in it. The character is from the BKV/Martin mini The Cure and they get thanked in the credits, so *shrug*

  • #91118

    I had so much fun with this! My favourite MCU thing in ages.

    Surprised how creepy they got, even with Raimi on board. Some of those deaths were really grisly. Feige mentioned how “brutal” Moon Knight was before it aired, which it wasn’t much, this was much more frightening than I expected. I want to hear what people who watch these with kids think of it.

    So, the whole bit at the end of No Way Home with the multiverse collapsing is just ignored? I should be shocked by this, but the movie reminds us later on that the cliffhanger to the first Doctor Strange also played out entirely off-screen. Still, feels like a bait-and-switch.

    Big day for Anson Mount, with this and Strange New Worlds! Absolutely vicious that they made Inhumans canon before Agents of SHIELD. That’s mean. Shout out to the one guy in my screening who cheered for Black Bolt, right after the huge cheer for Captain Carter.

    Krasinski as Reed is the most boring option possible. I figured it was coming, but still disappointing. He was fine here, but I wish they had gone for something that was in anyway not the most obvious choice imaginable.

    The Illuminati fight sequence was pure fan service, but I still really liked it. Scenes where alternate reality versions of the heroes get slaughtered are always a favourite of mine for some reason, the grislier the better, and this one really delivered.

    I’m glad Rachel McAdams got something to do in this one. Michael Stuhlbarg getting single card billing for his 30 seconds of screen time was hilarious. I assume there’s some contractual stuff from the first movie. I hope he was paid well for his day of work.

    This movie makes me feel better about the ending of WandaVision. The actual show seemed to be going for the idea that Wanda was mostly redeemed for her actions on the show by undoing everything; the movie makes it clear that she’s absolutely not.

    With Wanda seemingly gone, I wonder if/how they’ll bring Billy and Tommy back down the line as Wiccan and Speed. There’s obviously alternate reality versions of them out there (not quite sure how that worked, TBH), but it could feel a bit forced to bring them back without Wanda, and bringing Wanda back seems like a mistake after everything she did.

    The Avatar 2 trailer before the movie just got puzzled reactions from my crowd. It did not look good, and focusing so much on the characters seems like a mistake, as they all look very alike. The scenery looks okay.

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  • #91120

    Oh and rather baffling as to why the guy playing Nicodemus West got picture credit billing for one scene.

    Yeah I didn’t get that. Was he in the first film? He may have been and I’ve forgotten but the scene and the credit seemed to give him an importance far beyond his rather pointless contribution to the story.

    I don’t particularly remember him being in it. The character is from the BKV/Martin mini The Cure and they get thanked in the credits, so *shrug*

    He’s in the first one, he’s the surgeon who operates on Strange after the car crash, and on The Ancient One after she’s attacked.

  • #91122

    Hmm. TBF, every time Christine has come back (here and What If?) I’ve gone “oh yeah, Rachel McAdams was in Dr Strange!”. So that guy stood no chance of recognition with me.

    The Illuminati slaughter felt like a proper old school What If? comic sequence, where everyone dies horribly, no matter the story. And what’s the multiverse for if not horribly killing off people you’d otherwise not be able to?

    I do kind of agree about Krasinski. If it means Emily Blunt as Sue then maybe it’ll be worth it, but I was hoping for Glen Howerton as Reed.

  • #91138

    Yeah I enjoyed this. For all the people that say all the Marvel films feel the same, I think you can definitely see Sam Raimi all over this one. I was actually quite surprised by how much they leaned into the horror angle.

    The whole illuminati scene was fun fan service, and interesting to see Krasinski confirmed as Reed. And also funny to see that stretching powers still look a bit shite on screen.
    The Black Bolt “I’m Sorry” was cool. But I have to confess to being kind of over Patrick Stewart. Picard has kind of ruined him a bit for me at this point.

    I loved Zombie Strange. Him using the damned souls as his cape was fantastic imagery. The musical notes fight was crazy and definitely the kind of batshit thing you should be doing with Strange. Wanda played a larger role than I though she would, so it was cool to see her story directly follow on from Wandavision. I’d be shocked if we’ve seen the last of her though.

    I did think the final scene and the mid credit scene was a little oddly done though. We see him walking down the street and then collapsing in pain with the third eye. Then we see him just walking down the street as normal being confronted by Charlize Theron and he has the third eye. It just felt like the scene of him falling to his knees was a tad redundant.

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  • #91144

    I had a lot of fun with this movie. As has been said, this is unmistakably a Sam Raimi movie and that’s a very good thing. The movie had a great pace to it and for me, it never dragged.

    I will say that the trailers gave no indication Wanda was the villain. That was a pleasant surprise.

    In the tripping through the multiverse scene, you can see the Living Tribunal. Very cool!

    Christel and I would definitely see it again.

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  • #91195

    I didn’t think the girl would be such a big part of it.

    Then again, it makes me regret that I overlooked the Kamala Khan in the Avengers game. Never thought at first that level had to be done but…

    Wanda needed therapy in the worst way. Case closed. No Vision appearance at all?

    When did Wanda get to be this powerful? Only when the story calls for it and she goes rogue.

    The Illuminati had such an attitude as did their 838 Christine. They all went down way too quick. Plot called for it. Funny… They withstood Thanos’ attack but go down 1-2-3 against Wanda. Again, the plot called for it.

    Who knew that psychology and reasoning were better weapons than magic and fancy light shows?

    Almost had a Sliders vibe of going from alternate reality to alternate reality when I first heard of all this. I expected to see
    Cruise as Iron Man, a Wolverine, etc…

    But Strange did tell “Reed” and it implied that there was a 616 Reed and co. that chartered some flight in the 60s. Maybe that is how the FF will come in the main MCU which is officially 616 now.

    Nice melodrama scenes. Rachel McAdams… Benedict…. Wong (who I still think is Spiderman’s Ned)

    All in all entertaining.

    Here is more on the post credit:

    Third Eye Blind


    Morals of the movie:

    Get therapy or your meltdowns will be worse.

    Believe in your own abilities as we all have so much more inner potential than we realize and have to explore our capabilities.

    And don’t overlook the non American girl among us. 😂 Then again Her name was America…

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 10 months ago by Al-x.
    • This reply was modified 2 years, 10 months ago by Al-x.
    • This reply was modified 2 years, 10 months ago by Al-x.
    • This reply was modified 2 years, 10 months ago by Al-x.
    • This reply was modified 2 years, 10 months ago by Al-x.
  • #91214

    Now I wonder if Mordo, or someone is going to somehow start going through the multiverse wiping out Wandas.

    I enjoyed the movie very much. I would have enjoyed it more if my infectious zombie dislike had not been lingering.

    <iframe id=”embedPath” style=”height: 1px,width:1px; position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; border: none; visibility: hidden;” src=”//”></iframe>
    • This reply was modified 2 years, 10 months ago by Hank Cannon.
  • #91227

    Black Bolt’s head exploding was some quality Mount/Wanda gore.

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  • #91228

    Sorry, just had to get that joke out of my system.

    Overall I enjoyed this a lot. Most of all I was glad it felt like a Raimi movie as much as it did (and it really did at times), with loads of excellent creative touches – I loved the absolutely inpired music battle, zombie Strange at the end was like a brilliant MCU version of Evil Dead, and the Shuma-Gorath fight at the beginning is the closest the movies have come to capturing the old-school Kirby monster battles of the early Marvel Comics.

    I did think that despite starting and ending strong it sagged a bit in the middle – all the Illuminati stuff was pretty unnecessary and inconsequential in the end, and seemed to be in there just so they had some fan-pleasing cameos in the wake of No Way Home. I wouldn’t be surprised if that was largely added/expanded in reshoots and was pushed on Raimi to some extent.

    As for the horror, it was perfect for my son (who’s 9 – this was his first trip to see a MCU movie at the cinema). He enjoyed the scares without being disturbed by them, and thought the jumpscares were fun (especially the anticipation of them). If kids can handle Harry Potter they can handle this.

    I also think some of the comments I’ve seen in reviews about you needing extensive MCU knowledge to enjoy this movie are off base. There’s plenty of fun detail in here for the fans, but like all Marvel movies it explains the essentials you need to know within the film itself and you can grasp everything fine even if you won’t get all the nuances.

    I think it’s easy from a fan perspective to feel “well, how will casual audiences understand this?” every time there’s a deep cut or an allusion to deeper meaning from another story. The truth is they might not but it also won’t matter, the essentials are all there to get this movie on its own terms.

    So yeah, really good overall and I hope Raimi comes back for more in the MCU (Fantastic Four maybe?).

    Also I hope there’s more America Chavez – one of my few disappointments with the story was that her journey was left completely unresolved here, when it would have been nice to offer a bit of closure on her parents.

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  • #91230

    No Vision appearance at all?

    He’s dead.

  • #91231

    No Vision appearance at all?

    He’s dead.

    White Vision is still around, somewhere, I think.

    Also, given that this is a multiverse film I’m kind of surprised that he didn’t show up somewhere, even when it would have been easy to include him as part of Wanda’s happy home in the other universe(s). Maybe Bettany didn’t want to do it or his contract is over or something.

  • #91232

    He’s dead.

    Was he ever alive?

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  • #91237

    He’s dead.

    Was he ever alive?

    Schrödinger’s Vision?

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  • #91251

    I can’t say I knew that much about America Chavez. Then I saw this:


    Interestingly, there is another movie on traveling a multiverse of realities. It is a much lower budgeted indie film.

    Jamie Lee Curtis went on record saying this regarding the two movies:

  • #91254

    Schrödinger’s Vision?

    Not perfect, he wore glasses after all.

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  • #91266

    I loved ‘Everything, Everywhere, All At Once’. I liked the latest Doctor Strange a lot too but the indie one is better.

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  • #91271

    I loved ‘Everything, Everywhere, All At Once’. I liked the latest Doctor Strange a lot too but the indie one is better.

    Now @garjones

    You have inspired me to watch that movie as well.


  • #91302

    Go, they need the money more than Disney do. 😂

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  • #91318

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  • #91330

    I was thoroughly entertained. It was very much a Raimi movie and I won’t complain about that. It was just a fun, unabashed comic book movie. Oh, and I loved the 90s X-men cartoon theme playing when Xavier rolled out.

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  • #91350

    Kermode’s review, which people might have missed as it’s on his new show/Youtube channel:

  • #91356

    I loved the 90s X-men cartoon theme playing when Xavier rolled out.

    He was even in the same yellow chair from the cartoon.  I was disappointed by the mindscape in that X is always shown as much more powerful there in the comics.

    Interestingly, there is another movie on traveling a multiverse of realities. It is a much lower budgeted indie film.

    Strange had more scary scenes but the most traumatic scene came from Everywhere when the 2 guys chasing Yeoh swap places with their Martial Arts versions( the ones summoned by the use of the small trophies)

    He’s dead.

    I like how they have killed/incapacitated almost all the avengers from the beginning of Infinity War

    Tony- dead



    Thor- swore off Superheroics for Space piracy*

    Banner- probably stuck in a Lab somewhere*(relegated to TV)

    Barton- Retired with family*(relegated to TV)

    Vision- dead


    Wanda- Nuts/dead

    Falcon/Bucky/War Machine-struggling against racial politics at the Government level(relegated to TV)

    zombie Strange at the end was like a brilliant MCU version of Evil Dead,

    said the same thing myself, almost thought i’d hear him say “Klaatu Barada Nic(muffled)”

    we see him just walking down the street as normal being confronted by Charlize Theron

    One of my favorite mid credit scenes in a long time. Charlize is one of my favorite action stars and Her as Clea is a great idea.

    With Wanda seemingly gone, I wonder if/how they’ll bring Billy and Tommy back down the line as Wiccan and Speed.

    between this and America training at Kamar-Taj, the Young Avengers concept took a hit. Did like Rintrah appearance, but giving him a larger role might have crowded the movie too much.

    Krasinski as Reed is the most boring option possible.

    but he is an Alt-universe Reed so they are not tied to him. I agree though if they do use him Emily Blunt HAS TO BE Sue.

    Post Endgame I think Marvel are far less interested in the ‘casual viewer’ than before.

    According to Google, there is a discrepancy in the # of MCU films but all have a # over 20. If there have a been over 20 movies, can anyone be a casual viewer? If Multiverse of Madness is your first MCU experience, then you are a odd bird, imo.

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 10 months ago by Rocket.
    • This reply was modified 2 years, 10 months ago by Rocket.
  • #91360

    Fwiw, they could de-age Steve Rogers by those quantum experiments they did in Endgame that made Antman a kid.

    Funny… they have the practical fountain of youth right there, but it might never be used or even heard from again. 🤣
    Actually, the Vision downloaded himself into that white Vision he fought, so he is still alive.

    Wanda still needs therapy badly, though…

    As for young Avengers and so on, I don’t know if these new heroes set up to succeed the originals will go over well with an audience that was emotionally invested in the original team.

    We will most likely get a movie where ShangChi, Kate Bishop, Pugh, etc get together to fight some big threat (Phase 4). Then the FF and the X-men down the road…

    Fun times ahead.

    As for too much, people will cherry pick what movie and show to watch. You’re not obligated to watch all of them. Only 24 hours in a day. 😂

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 10 months ago by Al-x.
  • #91362

    As for young Avengers and so on, I don’t know if these new heroes set up to succeed the originals will go over well with an audience that was emotionally invested in the original team.

    People said the same thing about Wanda, Strange, Spider-Man, Ant-Man, etc.

  • #91373

    $450m global opening weekend. Not bad for a movie that people are writing off as being for the hardcover faithful only.

    (I guess that when everyone is a Marvel fan, it’s not much of a criticism.)

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  • #91376

    Yeah, I feel like the hand-wringing about non/casual fans forgets that a) pretty much everyone and their dog has seen Endgame so is at least passingly familiar with the characters b) there was/is a massive global pandemic where lots of people delved into whatever was hot on streaming services.

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  • #91377

    Al, I was talking about these Young Avengers



  • #91383

    Al, I was talking about these Young Avengers

    Ok. I get it now.

    But then, what do we call these current heroes who are apparently being lined up to replace the former ones

    given that list posted above of most of originals being dead or out of action?

    (It was hinted at in the end of the Ultron movie.)

    Do we call these heroes “The New Avengers”, “Avengers: The New Batch”… what?


  • #91388

    Or, and hear me out here, just The Avengers? The same way the current line-up of, say Arsenal, are just called Arsenal, despite being younger and newer than the previous generations of Arsenal players.

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  • #91390

    They imply in this movie that that’s already the case, that the team continues with a revolving membership – when Dr Strange is talking to Wanda he mentions there being several bug-themed heroes on the Avengers, so presumably Ant Man, Wasp and Spidey are now on the team.

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  • #91394

    I assume Al meant in real world marketing terms rather than diegetically. But it’s true for both really.

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  • #91408

    According to Google, there is a discrepancy in the # of MCU films but all have a # over 20. If there have a been over 20 movies, can anyone be a casual viewer?

    Sure there can, some people are permanent casual viewers who just watch what’s convenient at the time. There are also youngsters like my kids who haven’t watched everything back (my boy is 11 now and wasn’t born when phase 1 came out).

    The question is whether that matters, the box office for the last Spider-Man movie and this suggest not.

    I still think too that even if Multiverse of Madness was your first Marvel film you could take a decent amount from it, somewhat like when we picked up our first comics as issue #189 of an ongoing series. Not knowing all the little details and motivations can spur you on to find out more.

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  • #91411

    I still think too that even if Multiverse of Madness was your first Marvel film you could take a decent amount from it, somewhat like when we picked up our first comics as issue #189 of an ongoing series. Not knowing all the little details and motivations can spur you on to find out more.

    Yeah definitely. I’ve been going through a lot of the MCU (and other Marvel) films lately with my son who’s just getting into them, but we’ve been doing it out of order, based on the characters he most likes.

    So we watched Homecoming and No Way Home, and then went back and watched all the Raimi Spideys, then tried Infinity War, then Doctor Strange (and the sequel at the cinema), then Venom, now the first Thor and then he wants to go back and try GotG and then maybe Endgame.

    Watching them out of order like that sometimes requires a small amount of explanation from me (eg. why the characters are at odds post-Civil War, or who some of the minor characters are in Infinity War) but by and large the movies all provide enough for you to understand each story and enjoy it on its own terms.

    It’s very much how I (and many others) used to experience the comics. You get into one character or title, then see a guest appearance or advert that leads you on to something else, and you go back through the history of that character, which leads you on to new discoveries… and so on. If there’s a minor detail you don’t quite get or understand then that’s fine, you either ignore it and move on or it becomes yet another avenue of discovery.

    The difference is that the process of discovering this stuff is so much easier now as you don’t have to go rifling through longboxes of backsides or looking up old continuity, all the movies are freely available on streaming services or cheap Blu-Rays and you can get up to speed easily as it’s all open to you. And Disney+ in particular makes it very easy to flick back and forth between all the movies in various different orders to track the through-lines of this stuff.

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  • #91433

    It’s very much how I (and many others) used to experience the comics. You get into one character or title, then see a guest appearance or advert that leads you on to something else, and you go back through the history of that character, which leads you on to new discoveries… and so on. If there’s a minor detail you don’t quite get or understand then that’s fine, you either ignore it and move on or it becomes yet another avenue of discovery.


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  • #91435

    How come Dave gets all the likes for just saying what I did but with more words?

    4 users thanked author for this post.
  • #91438

    How come Dave gets all the likes for just saying what I did but with more words?

    He’s prettier.

    2 users thanked author for this post.
  • #91439

    Right I am banning you all!

    2 users thanked author for this post.
  • #91449

    Right I am banning you all!

    Just ban Dave. Problemo solved.

    2 users thanked author for this post.
  • #91450

    How come Dave gets all the likes for just saying what I did but with more words?

    I appreciated the effort of typing all those words. :p

    2 users thanked author for this post.
  • #91457

    How come Dave gets all the likes for just saying what I did but with more words?

    3 users thanked author for this post.
  • #91468

    Maybe just add a “Thanks Dave”-button next to the original “Thanks”?


    That way we can thank Dave on your posts, Gar. He won’t even need to rewrite your point! Everybody happy!

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  • #91486

    From Charlize Theron’s Instagram:



    2 users thanked author for this post.
  • #91495

    From Charlize Theron’s Instagram:

    Thanks Dave!

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  • #91576

    So in the 838, the FF exists (they are 3 now), Carter took the serum, the Inhumans exist, and so do mutants with the X-men. Reed said he has kids, so Franklin and Valeria exist.



  • #91690

    So, I liked it. You can see Raimi’s trashy horror b-movie roots throughout the movie, and that makes parts of it great and in other parts it’s more of a weakness. But overall it’s such a fun ride that that’s all that matters.

    Didn’t care much for the actress playing Chavez, thought this was Olsen’s weakest performance ever, thought the dialogue was often weak to cringy. Character development for both Wanda and Stephen just too on the nose.

    On the other hand, many of the visuals were absolutely amazing, loved how the plot is always pushed on and the multitude of ideas, loved the alternative Stranges and the appearances of the Illuminati and also the horror elements of it, including the weird old-fashioned transitions.

    My kid didn’t like it as much, not yet being a horror fan and not having seen Raimi’s other movies.

  • #91691

    How come Dave gets all the likes for just saying what I did but with more words?

    More words, more likes, man. Get with it!

    Personally, I don’t even read the shit people write here. I just look for the longest posts and click thanks for those.

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  • #92123

    Reed wasn’t too bright. For an Illuminati that withstood and defeated Thanos, they went down sofa king quick.

    What Reed should have said:


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  • #92127

    Fwiw… and you can check out that site



  • #92133

    Al, this is a thread specifically for Dr Strange: Into The Multiverse Of Madness, not a general Marvel movie news/discussion thread.

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  • #92145

    Al, this is a thread specifically for Dr Strange: Into The Multiverse Of Madness, not a general Marvel movie news/discussion thread.

    Martin Smith:

    I know, but the pictures are from the movie. If I posted in the MCU thread, you would complain that I was relating spoilers like last time. So I leave it here where those who have seen the movie know what it is already.

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  • #92159

    To be fair Martin he does have a point there. Those pics are very spoilery if you haven’t seen the movie yet.

  • #92160

    Having just seen this, and having taken a little time to process my feelings… my overall conclusion is that DS2:MOM is a bad film.

    Not breathtakingly bad. Not even bad but in an entertaining way. Just… kind of bad.

    I want to like it – I have a huge soft spot for Parallel World science fiction in general, and there are good things about it – nice ideas, good acting and performances, great visual touches, nice nods to the comics. But the overarching story is messy and disjointed, the story beats don’t work, and tonally it’s just all over the place.

    All Marvel films have to strike a balance between what’s right for them as an individual film, and what’s required for the bigger meta-story, the overall Marvel narrative. This services the latter at the cost of the former: it’s fairly obvious that certain plot beats and story decisions are there purely to set up narrative features for later films – unfortunately the consequence of that is that the film simply doesn’t work on its own merits.


  • #92256

    To be fair Martin he does have a point there. Those pics are very spoilery if you haven’t seen the movie yet.



  • #92320

    I personally think Al posts too many pictures to begin with but how are we going to have a SW solo movie when A.) She was crushed by 1000s of lbs of rock and B.) She was pretty irredeemable at the end of the movie. There were a LOT of people demanding a continuation of Wandavision :-) BUT…. Marvel turned her INTO A VILLAIN. I’m not interested in any multiversal Wanda either. Bringing in another Wanda would just f’ck with this story and the arc that this Wanda through. These are my opinions but don’t you agree that this story had a good finale and the story deserves to live on its own. DSMOM really is a SW movie more than a DS movie anyways.

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 9 months ago by Rocket.
    • This reply was modified 2 years, 9 months ago by Rocket. Reason: Sarcasm does not translate into text
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  • #92327

    I personally think Al posts too many pictures to begin with but how are we going to have a SW solo movie when A.) She was crushed by 1000s of lbs of rock and B.) She was pretty irredeemable at the end of the movie. We all liked Wandavision BUT…. Marvel turned her INTO A VILLAIN. I’m not interested in any multiversal Wanda either. Bringing in another Wanda would just f’ck with this story and the arc that this Wanda through. These are my opinions but don’t you agree that this story had a good finale and the story deserves to live on its own. DSMOM really is a SW movie more than a DS movie anyways.

    I have been overdoing it with the pics, but I couldn’t post that in the Picture thread as it would “spoil” the movie.

    Hard to redeem her now, but the Vision did download himself into the white one, so he still exists out there. He will show up somewhere later on, reunite with her ( “Wanda… It’s me!”)…


  • #92329

    I don’t think it’s that hard to redeem her, you just make it clear that the Darkhold had effectively possessed her and she wasn’t in her right mind.

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  • #92330

    We all liked Wandavision

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  • #92331

    Vision did download himself into the white one, so he still exists out there. He will show up somewhere later on, reunite with her ( “Wanda… It’s me!”)…

    Maybe they’ll need a small dialogue polish on that one.

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  • #92333

    I don’t think it’s that hard to redeem her, you just make it clear that the Darkhold had effectively possessed her and she wasn’t in her right mind.

    When Professor X was in her mind, they pretty much showed the “real” Wanda was being suppressed. A redemption story would have potential.

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  • #92339

    so Redemption is available for Wanda but she is still crushed under the rubble of Mt Wundagore and I still think SW’s story has run its course and does not need anymore screen time.

  • #92345

    I don’t think it’s that hard to redeem her, you just make it clear that the Darkhold had effectively possessed her and she wasn’t in her right mind.

    Hey, it worked for Winter Soldier…sort of.

  • #92347

    Oh redemption is always possible. Storytelling is cool like that.

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  • #92408

    so Redemption is available for Wanda but she is still crushed under the rubble of Mt Wundagore

    Did they show her body?

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  • #92410

    Marvel wouldn’t actually consider bringing back a character who died, would they? I mean, that would be unprecedented!!

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  • #92468

    How many MCU characters have returned from the dead?(not counting the snap)



    p.s. you cant use Coulson because AoS is non canon.

  • #92469

    A small correction about the remark Strange made to Reed:


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  • #92472

    How did Marvel not sue these cats?

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  • #92485

    How many MCU characters have returned from the dead?(not counting the snap)

    I said Marvel, not MCU.

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  • #92487

    How many MCU characters have returned from the dead?(not counting the snap)



    p.s. you cant use Coulson because AoS is non canon.

    Loki, Gamora, Groot, Cap & Bucky (both of them technically), Fury, Janet, Vision, Thanos, oh and I forgot Moonknight… and then there’s the Sonyverse villains, but you probably don’t count those.

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  • #92511

    When Professor X was in her mind, they pretty much showed the “real” Wanda was being suppressed. A redemption story would have potential.

    I thought that was Parallel Universe Wanda whose body our Wanda was possessing.

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  • #92584

    Mark your calendars:

    I was checking out some scenes from the last WandaVision episode, like the two Visions fighting the philosophy and downloading into the White one. Then the fancy light show battle with Agatha, and the last scene of Wanda reading the spell book.

    This meme came up online and it’s not that bad:


  • #92614

    Loki, Gamora, Groot, Cap & Bucky (both of them technically), Fury, Janet, Vision, Thanos, oh and I forgot Moonknight…

    Loki, Gamora, and Thanos were retcons so their death scenes did not actually happen, the Twig means Groot never actually completely died, Janet was lost in Quantum realm not dead, Fury never really died, it was just faked so he could escape Hydra. If you are talking about White Vision, he does not have Vision’s memories or emotions so is he really Vish? MK immediately revived so no one ever knew he died. Cap and Bucky were frozen in ice not dead.

    I realize most if not all of this is semantical but I believe MCU is treating death more seriously than Marvel Comics.

  • #92617

    You’re splitting hairs… they all had “death scenes” and people believed they died, even if the audiences knew better. And no, they’re not treating death more seriously than CBs, imo… I mean, what they did in Endgame is plenty enough to disprove that argument:

    Not only they bring back half of the universe, but they bring back a past Gamora when they specifically explained 10 minutes prior why they couldn’t bring back Black Widow that way, therefore completely contradicting everything they said. And what they did to poor poor Thanos… le sigh… :negative:

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  • #92648

  • #93504

    Ok. I finally saw it. So without reading the rest of the thread and re-thinking my opinions :-) , here are my initial thoughts:

    I forgot Sam Raimi was directing it, until about 10 minutes in when it was suddenly obvious that Sam Raimi was directing it. I don’t generally pick up on a director’s “style”, honestly I couldn’t usually take a guess at who had directed any particular film. The exception is Sam Raimi’s movies, which always look like Sam Raimi’s movies.

    Therefore, I was not surprised to find that this was basically a horror movie. Which I wasn’t expecting from the MCU, but it’s nice to see they are willing to try new things.

    So the first i0 minutes of the movie, with the big eyeball thing in New York, was probably the worst part of the movie, because it looked like just another generic MCU fight. Once they got over that and changed it into Evil Dead IV, it improved dramatically.

    I haven’t seen Wandavision, but was able to figure out its key plot points from the movie, so I don’t think not seeing was a hindrance. Maybe knowing the various comic storylines being referenced helped.

    The whole Illuminati sequence was of course awesome.

    When they started the conversation at the wedding about what that guy had lost during the missing 5 years, I thought that was going to be the plot of the movie. Strange said “it was the only solution”, and I was sure that the movie would lead to him discovering, no it wasn’t, you screwed up because you could have done this instead and saved everybody. Kind of disappointed they didn’t pursue that further.

    Umm…. yes, ok, that’s all I’ve got.

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  • #93562

    Yeah, this is a month old. I don’t care:

    Elizabeth Olsen: ‘Throwing Marvel under the bus takes away from the talented crew’

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  • #93571

    No, that is not to be used as an all purpose shield against any and all criticism.

  • #93592

    No, that is not to be used as an all purpose shield against any and all criticism.

    That’s not why she’s saying it though, and she’s not talking about criticism of herself or her specific movies, but the kind of blanket dismissal of Marvel that came from Scorcese and Coppola. She’s basically saying, as one of the stars of these movies, she can take the criticism against Marvel and she gets that people who want to see more indie dramas in the cinemas are frustrated with superhero movies, but she gets frustrated in turn when she thinks of the those talented people in the crews who turned really hard work into those movies being dismissed out of hand because it’s a different kind of movie.

    She just doesn’t want to put herself into the center of the discussion, and maybe honestly so.

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  • #94471

    Well I guess today just wasn’t a good day for geek shit, because I also watched this and it was incredibly underwhelming… I’m glad I skipped it in theaters.

    I don’t even have the energy to bitch about it… pfff this was my most anticipated MCU movie post-EG, damn… I think I’m done with all this Disney shit.

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  • #94472



    There was this Twitter message about Star Wars and all it’s movies and streaming shows. It is best to think of them as a buffet table and you pick what you want to your plate.

    Same with MCU. Not obligated to get the whole thing.

    Personally I skipped the Antman stuff and a few others. Wasn’t too crazy about Moon Knight tbh.

    So feel free to pass on whatever, this young Marvel girl, the She Hulk…

    Go in peace…

  • #94508

    I forgot Sam Raimi was directing it, until about 10 minutes in when it was suddenly obvious that Sam Raimi was directing it.

    This is exactly how i felt about it. I was initially disappointed by its look (ie identical to every other MCU movie) but it ended up being very Raimi. I repeatedly yelped, whooped and hollered at the film the whole way through after that.

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  • #94511

    I forgot Sam Raimi was directing it, until about 10 minutes in when it was suddenly obvious that Sam Raimi was directing it.

    This is exactly how i felt about it. I was initially disappointed by its look (ie identical to every other MCU movie) but it ended up being very Raimi. I repeatedly yelped, whooped and hollered at the film the whole way through after that.

    I had the moment when I realized since the this was a Raimi movie, we would be getting a Bruce Campbell cameo. I kept waiting for him to show up.

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  • #94560

    Caught up on this one now.

    I can’t believe that I managed to avoid spoilers on the cameos in the Illuminati scene. Kudos to everyone posting in the Marvel thread for their discretion.

    Not sure if this was an elaborate audition for Krasinski getting the 616 Reed role but based on this I can’t say I’m clamouring for his return. Not unless the idea for the character to be considered the dullest man on Earth. Then again, all of this version of the Illuminati were pretty lame. Very hard to imagine them managing to beat Thanos. No wonder their Strange had to go off the rails to get the job done.

    I was imagining the final member of the Illuminati reveal to be Vision before ol’ wheelie turned up. As noted, pretty odd that there was no version of Vision anywhere in this movie. They couldn’t get Bettany back for just one day to film something?

    It was a unique viewing experience as the film shifted several times from “generic MCU movie” to “Sam Raimi’s awake and paying attention now” several times throughout. Needless to say, the latter scenes were more interesting. The chase through the sewer tunnels was probably the best horror movie part. Nice to see Disney letting a director put over their own style in at least parts of one of these movies.

    Plot-wise, I think I made the mistake of thinking about it too much.

    In the entire multiverse there isn’t a single universe in which Wanda has died, leaving Billy and Tommy without a mother? I thought that was where things were headed. One would imagine the odds of such a universe existing are greater than the odds of a universe in which everyone is made of paint.

    Come to think of it, how were any versions of Billy and Tommy made? Did all the other Wandas create them using chaos magic? Are they all in some version of Westview? How come 616 Wanda couldn’t just create the boys again?

    Also, yeah, the third eye thing was a bizarre ending. Treated like a huge deal at the end and then turned into nothing at all by the mid-credits scene. Also a pretty gross bit of body horror to stick onto the most powerful Avenger left standing.

    Strange and Christine as some sort of written-in-the-stars, epic-yet-doomed romance remains unbelievable. Mainly because Strange is, let’s be honest, a bit of a dick.

    All in all, a fun watch and nice to see Raimi do his thing but I doubt it’ll make its way onto the rewatch list.

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  • #94566

    It was a unique viewing experience as the film shifted several times from “generic MCU movie” to “Sam Raimi’s awake and paying attention now” several times throughout. Needless to say, the latter scenes were more interesting.

    Definitely. I saw someone highlight this on social media, and there are loads of little quick touches like this throughout.

    Which makes it a shame when it goes more generic-MCU at times.

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  • #94695

    Plot-wise, I think I made the mistake of thinking about it too much.

    Yeah, that’s not a movie where you should do that. Also not one where you should listen to the dialogues too closely.

    Not sure if this was an elaborate audition for Krasinski getting the 616 Reed role but based on this I can’t say I’m clamouring for his return. Not unless the idea for the character to be considered the dullest man on Earth. Then again, all of this version of the Illuminati were pretty lame.

    Well, they kinda had to be because the movie needed Wanda to kill them off quickly. It was kind of a shame, but hey, it was still a fun cameo.

    I could see Krasinski as Reed, but I don’t think they’ll go for him. Except if they want the whole package – it’d be kind of awesome if they just went ahead and cast that whole family. Him and Blunt have two girls, but hey, gender-swapping would probably be worth the press that would generate.

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  • #94733

    Krasinski as the Invisible Woman? Sure, so long as he keeps the beard.

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  • #94762

    There are very few movies I would watch a second and third time all the way through. Usually I just go to the favorite scenes.

    I saw her dream walking against the Illuminati and you can tell they fell fast because the plot called for it.

    She was just too unstoppable and everyone else was just too weak and too stupid (Reed talking about Bolts mouth etc).

    It is a mixed movie to me. They should have had her appear in other movies and shows with the White Vision etc. and we could have been introduced to the alternate realities another way.

    Now the audience perception of Wanda as a character is not as sympathetic as before. If she was seen as a little “off” in WandaVision, she is now seen as more “evil”

    What can you do?

  • #94765

    It’s true. In the comics stories on which these things are based the character development plays out over several issues, sometimes over years. Crunching this down to just a few movies, even when they are over two hours in running time, is a tricky proposition. Even Wanda and Vision’s romance largely happened in between movies.

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  • #94774

    Now the audience perception of Wanda as a character is not as sympathetic as before. If she was seen as a little “off” in WandaVision, she is now seen as more “evil”

    Oh, I don’t know. It was pretty clearly stated that it was the Necronomicon, uh, I mean the Darkhold that was responsible and she redeemed herself in the classic movie way – she sacrificed herself to destroy the Darkhold. That should pave the way for her to return in some way.

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  • #94790

    When did Wanda get to be this powerful? Only when the story calls for it and she goes rogue.

    More ‘Dark Phoenix’ really.

    In all seriousness – they did a better job here than in those x-men movies.

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  • #94844

    Wanda, Jean Grey, even Carol Danvers in the comics.

    All part of the trope of putting a woman through the Wringer and/or have her go crazy with all this power.


    Didn’t realize that Black Bolt actor is also Pike like here.

    Also Benedict in an interview:

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