I’m not seeing a thread for this, and it’s premiering next week (already out in a lot of places, including the high seas) so we might as well have one.
So yeah, I found a copy, not the greatest quality, but eh, I was too curious not to, I’ll catch it again on a cleaner copy to enjoy the visuals more. I think the visuals are probably the highlight here, and probably worth a trip to the cinema for whomever dares (from what I could see at least). The soundtrack is pretty good too, so it might be a full experience.
That said, I won’t go into too many details right now, but I was a bit disapointed with it… I need to watch it in full glorious ultra HD to get a better sense of the visual quality, but some stuff I can judge as is, which is:
The designs… some stuff is great (like the ornithopters, amazing job) and some other stuff was rather disapointing… I gotta say, for all its flaws, the Lynch version had a very unique aesthetic, and I’m not even comparing here, but it’s just that some stuff feels a bit too flat and pedestrian. And I’m sorry but I just don’t like the design of the worms… that is the one thing which is inescapable not to compare it with the Lynch design, because it has been used in soooo many things by now (the Lynch movie might’ve taken it from somewhere else, now that I think about it), it’s kind of iconic… but more than that, these new ones are kinda crap… I get what they were going for, but nah, it looks like something else.
The second thing that is quite disapointing is the writing/plot, because I was kind of expecting them to explore the story a bit more, given how they have A LOT more time with a 2-parter, and yet, the completely skip over many things that I would consider, maybe not vital, but important in terms of character development specially. Some characters are also badly written, as in that’s not how they are in the books, but more importantly, they kind of do them a diservice by these changes, I’m talking specifically about Lady Jessica, but others too. The world-building is also rather lackluster, surprisingly, since you’d expect more of it with a longer run-time.
It’s a bit of a shame, I was expecting a more deep dive into the complexities of the plot, and yet they focus a lot more in the spectacle (which is good for sure). I know you porbably can’t do a very complete adaptation of the story, even with two movies, but I dunno, I was hoping for a better effort. This feels very truncated too, so I’m hoping there’s a 3 hours+ director’s cut of this in the pipeline (we know they filmed quite a lot, so here’s hoping).
That said, it’s Dennis Villeneuve on visuals and Zimmer on music, so it’s not bad, obviously… this is all coming from a long-time fan, so it’s obviously different for me. I do wonder how the casuals will react to it. It IS a lot more digestable, for sure, so it won’t hit the same walls the Lynch one did at least.