The Mandalorian – SPOILERS

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Just going to create a separate thread for this, considering it won’t be available legally for a lot of users for five months.

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  • #5890

    Talking about a show that doesn’t roll out globally on the same day is a complicated profession.
    Wouldn’t you agree?

  • #5891

    I can’t believe it turned out to be Jabba in the suit all along!

    I kid, I haven’t watched it yet. I don’t even have Disney+ and im not going to pirate it.

    So, being one of the few people that has actual legal access to it, maybe one of you dirty pirates can tell me if its worth it.

    I’m looking at you, you dirty pirate. You know who you are

  • #5912

    I’m looking at you, you dirty pirate.


  • #5919

    Well I enjoyed that, if not fallen in love with it. It’s an interesting challenge they’ve set themselves with a lead with no face that barely talks but it worked well enough for the first episode.

    The ending spurred me on to see what happens next.

  • #5933

    Didn’t see THAT coming!

    (Spoilered image nicked from reddit. It’s a real humdinger. For those who want to avoid spoilers, it’s probably something that will be all over the internet in short time.)

  • #5983

    That was enjoyable enough, but if Rogue One got a bit too cute with references back to the movies, this was self-consciously declaring itself to be Star Wars for about 30 minutes in case we forgot. There were still elements of it in the back chunk too, but it felt a bit more balanced with actually telling a story. A bit more exploration of the plot, a bit less “hey, look, a Trandoshan! Like Bossk! You remember Bossk, right?” would be appreciated.

    The big positives – it looks really good. As much as I was making fun of it for self-consciously reminding us it’s Star Wars, it does look very Star Wars, and the production quality is fantastic. The story is interesting, and that last moment had a genuinely surprising thing happen that leaves me intrigued as to what’s coming next. And the production art over the closing credits was really cool.

  • #5989

    It’s ok.
    Despite the budget it doesn’t feel like anyone broke a sweat writing it. The costumes, VFX and cast all demonstrate more thought than the story itself.
    But it does feel like Star Wars, albeit another fanflick version of it.

  • #5995

    I enjoyed it, but I found quite a bit of it really… predictable I guess, right down to the dialogue and characters interactions. Can’t say it “grab me”.

    It looked nice, but some parts look clunky (there was a walking scene which I keep feeling something was really off about the Mando’s armor).

  • #6004

    Well that moment was pretty awesome. It sorta put me in touch with my inner SW fan again.

  • #6009

    36 minutes for the first episode of the new D+ service?? That’s very stingy…
    There wasn’t a whole lot in there either… it’s okay I guess, but felt like a very underwhelming opening salvo.

  • #6013

    You’re all under arrest.

  • #6030

    You’re all under arrest.

    Only if you got some handcuffs…

  • #6032

    Everyone always wants me to handcuff them


  • #6045

    I’m looking at the online reviews, there are some hipsters making a point about being too cool for it all, but most people think it’s fine and are onboard for the series.
    I do agree with the occasional comment about keeping his face hidden the whole time; why? We’ve seen Mandalorians before. We saw Jango Fett and we saw a young Boba Fett, and since Boba is a clone of Jango, we’ve really seen Boba as an adult too!
    Unless there’s a surprise reveal that he’s not what we expect, the whole “masked species” thing seems like a waste of time, and acting ability. It’s not like Pascal can’t do the job through his voice and body language, but I’m not seeing the benefit here.

  • #6055

    I got the impression it was aiming for a classic Western man-with-no-name mysterious-stranger type lead.

    Feels very in keeping with Star Wars to me.

  • #6057

    Yeah the Spaghetti Western influence is clear and the prototype of Eastwood (and other actors) even clearer, but I think masking the protagonist is excessive and counter productive.
    Clint Eastwood didn’t wear a full face mask.

  • #6063

    No-one ever became a popular Star Wars character by wearing a full face mask!

    1 user thanked author for this post.
  • #6066

    I didn’t mind the faceless protagonist… I did mind some of the side characters, like the first bounty frog dude… his “humour” was really badly written.

  • #6069

    Well I’ve discovered something today, I’m still enough of a Star Wars geek to not get dragged into discussions that don’t acknowledge the different importance of protagonists vs supporting characters.
    Hiding the face of the protagonist in an ongoing series is either;
    (a) Bold
    (b) Foolish.
    I hope it’s just (a), but I fear it’s also (b).
    We shall see.

  • #6070

    I liked it a lot. I felt less like it was “reminding us it’s Star Wars” and more, “it’s in a universe with a lot of weird stuff, with a lot of it being Star Wars stuff.” I feel like somewhere – not sure if it was EU or NuCanon – it’s been made clear the Fetts are not Mandalorian, and I recall Mandalorians spending a lot of time in their masks if they weren’t clan leader families in both Clone Wars and Rebels, so the masked thing is no bother to me. They’re obviously not going to keep him in the mask for the whole show. And that ending! I’m intrigued. I think it’s the best new onscreen Star Wars thing we’ve gotten since Disney took over, and I’m not someone who’s been crapping all over the previous output.

  • #6080

    Saw this on Facebook

  • #6085

    I do agree with the occasional comment about keeping his face hidden the whole time; why? We’ve seen Mandalorians before. We saw Jango Fett and we saw a young Boba Fett, and since Boba is a clone of Jango, we’ve really seen Boba as an adult too!

    Boba and Jango aren’t Mandalorians; Jango just stole some Mandalorian armour.

    I thought it was fairly underwhelming. Looked nice, but the jokey bits with the Horatio Sanz character didn’t work for me. None of the characters aside from the lead got anything to do; half the announced cast hasn’t been seen yet, so hopefully the remaining characters are more interesting than what we got here.

    I wish they’d put out more than one episode at first so we got a better idea of the tone of the series going forward.

  • #6105

    Or at least a longer episode… 36 minutes, what a fuckin joke… u_u

  • #6119

    Boba and Jango aren’t Mandalorians; Jango just stole some Mandalorian armour.

    Ok, so I went digging. Now that I’ve got my nerd on I’m primed to get into the details.
    This may be spoilers? If the show is following this biography?
    His history has been retconned multiple times.
    Is this show going to try and clear all this up? I’ve removed the quoted “information” from this post in case it’s spoilers?
    Good luck!

  • #6121

    I like Todd’s half-man, half-Delorean explanation better.

  • #6122

    The way I see it, if you’re going to join half a man with half a car, why not do it with some style?

  • #6154

    I hope it’s just (a), but I fear it’s also (b).

    Or they keep the mystery up for like two or three episodes and then reveal his face and go on to keep showing it half the time. Probably the most likely scenario.

  • #6161

    They’re clearly building up to him taking his mask off for the big reveal:


  • #6329

    That second episode was a whole load of fun. Still no real plot or character work, but very enjoyable. Much better than the premiere for me.

    Love the Jawas and the Jawa-killing, love the action scenes, and love the baby.

    “The Egg! The Egg!” was a great moment too.

  • #6341

    Oh wait shit, the first episode was indeed longer… this one was 26 minutes!!! Are you frickin kidding me???

    Wow I would’ve felt robbed if I’d paid the D+ service just for this… u_u

  • #6358

    There were some fun bits but this is like looking at someone playing a video game. The sand crawler bit was a platform game, Donkey Kong with Jawas.
    The production values are amazing but this is meh so far.

  • #6393

    Christ that’s a boring episode.
    He’s a moron, with no common sense or tactical skill.
    I feel like I should wait for someone to do a trimmed down cut of the series in the new year. Right now I’d put money on there being about 2 hours of actual story in the whole season.
    As everyone says; the show looks great.
    But it’s got no brains at all so far.

  • #6434

    This show is the best Star Wars since ROTJ and it’s not close. I’m loving everything about it. Wish it’d been a movie.

  • #6470

    For some reason, it makes me happy when @Jim likes something. He just gets so enthusiastic.

  • #6512

    Wish it’d been a movie.

    TBH, kinda feels like it was originally intended to be a movie… they just padded it into an 8-episode series…

  • #6521

    I do find myself wondering if The Mandalorian isn’t using the plot of the abandoned Boba Fett movie.

    I could see Fett escaping from the Sarlaac to find Slave I gutted by Jawas, disintegrating a few, and the ensuing chase scene with the Sandcrawler.

    Just seemed kind of weird to see Jawas on the planet Mandalorian was on; I was under the impression they were native to Tatooine.

  • #6537


  • #6606

    Just seemed kind of weird to see Jawas on the planet Mandalorian was on; I was under the impression they were native to Tatooine.

    I probably would have assumed the same, but then again, there’s really no reason to. They’re part of a spacefaring civilisation and there’s scrap robots all over the galaxy, I’m sure.

  • #7131

    So yeah, I’m not really feeling this show.  It feels so incredibly padded, which is an accomplishment when your episodes are clocking in under 40 minutes each, and if this wasn’t Star Wars related, nobody would be giving it the time of day.

    There’s nothing particularly bad about it aside from the pacing, but there’s nothing especially good about it either.

  • #7194

    This may be relevant

  • #7203

    These seem relevant:

  • #7216

    Almost all the social media on the show is positive. It looks like it’s struck a chord rather than a nerve. Has Disney announced a second season? If not, I expect they will shortly.

  • #7218


  • #7219

    Almost all the social media on the show is positive. It looks like it’s struck a chord rather than a nerve. Has Disney announced a second season? If not, I expect they will shortly.

    Shortly before or just after episode 1 went up, IIRC

  • #7220

    Yes, they’re filming now;



  • #7356

    So I didn’t see the latest episodes but baby Yoda is already using the force? That seems to indicate their whole species is just naturally force sensitive, yuck.

  • #7361

    So I didn’t see the latest episodes but baby Yoda is already using the force? That seems to indicate their whole species is just naturally force sensitive, yuck.

    That was always true in Legends canon, and the only two others we’ve seen in canon were on the Jedi council, so yeah, not a stretch.

  • #7368

    So I didn’t see the latest episodes but baby Yoda is already using the force? That seems to indicate their whole species is just naturally force sensitive, yuck.

    He’s also 50 years old. We don’t know anything about him or his background or what training he might have done.

  • #7384

    He could even be a lady baby yoda

  • #7386

    As a non-SW fan… this is… quite mediocre tbh… Costumes are great, but can’t say very much about the rest of it. Feels like a cartoon, but live action, and not in a good way.

  • #7455

    I finally watched the first three episodes of this. LEGALLY I might add.

    *stares at certain people in this thread*

    (I would have signed up earlier, but there were reports of accounts being stolen and i was put off).

    Anyway, I liked it.  It’s relatively brainless, but it’s certainly an entertaining show and Mando is surprisingly endearing and relatable (which is contrary to the adage that an actor needs to show his face to be emotive).

    I sort of disagree that it feels like a movie.  The set pieces and costumes are AAA but each episode ends with a cliff-hanger and it feels more like comic-book serialised story-telling then anything.  Watching the three episodes together really felt like three episodes chained together.

    Baby Yoda is obviously the star, and I’m less interested in the Mandalorian culture than the little green cuddlemonster.

    I did note in the latest episode they mention that “not letting someone else take off the helmet” is against the code.  I’m sort of expecting this foreshadows something.  Maybe we’ll see an episode where Mando’s helmet is crushed somehow (perhaps a darkside user?) and B.Y tries to remove it, but Mando stops him … and then lets him.  Thus breaking the code but maintaining his nobility! And Baby Yoda is involved!

    I should write this show. You would all love it then. Especially Jon.

    EDITED TO ADD: I really like Taika Waititi’s IG droid in the first episode.  I hope we see more of him (or him, but as a different but similar droid).

  • #7460

    I sort of disagree that it feels like a movie.

    Doesn’t feel like a movie, it feels like it was a movie script originally, that they turned into a mini-series… with padding, lots of padding… =P

  • #7468

    It’s a minor point and I have no intention to argue with you over it, but I don’t agree.

  • #7502

    We’re not even half way through the season, so any assessment on the overall structure of the story is still a guess.

    But the damaged hero who finds his conscience through protecting a child is a well established premise and it’s been used in more than one film.

    And the show is insanely padded, whatever it’s development process was.

    But it’s a hit, so the padding is obviously comfortable for many.

  • #7504

    But it’s a hit, so the padding is obviously comfortable for many.

    It’s Star Wars… it’s not like it was ever in danger of failing or anything like that… u_u

  • #7511

    And the show is insanely padded, whatever it’s development process was.

    Your face is insanely padded

  • #7513

    I can’t argue with that.

    Brown rice, mixed veg and Quorn for lunch though. Hopefully it’ll help.

  • #7514

    But it’s a hit, so the padding is obviously comfortable for many.

    It’s Star Wars… it’s not like it was ever in danger of failing or anything like that… u_u


  • #7515

    Emilia Clarke was amazing in that movie.

    I don’t remember what her name was but holy hell was she appealing.

  • #7526

    I think her name was Turncoat McTurnface.

  • #7527

  • #7529

    Emilia Clarke is her from Silent Witness isn’t it? I don’t remember her in Solo. Was she a Wookie?

  • #7532

    Solo did very well… all things considered. Had it not been a SW movie, I dunno if it would’ve made half of that… but a failure, it was not.

  • #7535

    It was such a non-failure that Disney stopped making Star Wars movies to take the time to properly celebrate.

  • #7541

    It did $393m.

    We live in a world where that can be a genuine flop. The cost of making and selling movies is ridiculous sometimes.

  • #7546

    It did $393m.

    We live in a world where that can be a genuine flop. The cost of making and selling movies is ridiculous sometimes.

    And it’s estimated budget was $275m. It was a flop.

  • #7547

    Yeah, I think that’s the point Steve is making.

  • #7562

    It was such a non-failure that Disney stopped making Star Wars movies to take the time to properly celebrate.

    Oh yeah they stopped it so much there’s one next month and an Obi Wan Kenobi one next year… =/

  • #7563

    Emilia Clarke is her from Silent Witness isn’t it? I don’t remember her in Solo. Was she a Wookie?

    Yes, she was the sexy wookie

  • #7564

    sexy wookie

    That’s another tautology.

    I may have said too much.

  • #7565

    It was such a non-failure that Disney stopped making Star Wars movies to take the time to properly celebrate.

    Oh yeah they stopped it so much there’s one next month and an Obi Wan Kenobi one next year… =/

    They were already well into production on Episode IX when Solo came out. That final episode was never not going to happen.

    But there isn’t an Obi-Wan movie coming out. It got bumped down to a TV show, which kind of makes my point. Seems like some of the ideas for the Boba Fett and Yoda spinoff movies could have been cannibalised by The Mandalorian too.

    It makes sense to me to spend a bit less money on these things and have them as an exclusive draw to Disney+ for the Star Wars fanbase, rather than gambling on whether an Obi-Wan Kenobi movie could make a billion dollars.

  • #7567

    sexy wookie

    That’s another tautology.

    I may have said too much.

    All this talk about tautology is getting quite repetitive.

    Shouldn’t we be talking about tauntauns instead?

  • #7570

    They were already well into production on Episode IX when Solo came out. That final episode was never not going to happen.

    What’s crazy is that the new management is acting like they have to reinvent the wheel with every new project like there haven’t literally been thousands of novels, comics and video game stories already generated by Star Wars to use as source material.

  • #7590

    With Kevin Feige now onboard I imagine he’ll bring his approach over from Marvel, which includes going back to the published stories and characters.

  • #7601

    They’ve already been doing that, with elements of the EU showing up in the new novels, Rebels, Rogue One, Solo and The Mandalorian.

  • #7723

    If they’re going back to the source, everything needs more Bothans.

  • #7740

    Emilia Clarke was amazing in that movie.

    Gah. She was the one thing I didn’t like about it. No real chemistry between the two leads, and Clarke still is a thoroughly average actor.

  • #7750

    So… The Magnificent… 2? 2.5?

  • #7757

  • #7783

    Emilia Clarke was amazing in that movie.

    Gah. She was the one thing I didn’t like about it. No real chemistry between the two leads, and Clarke still is a thoroughly average actor.

    You shut your damn face

  • #7822

    Didn’t like her in that Terminator movie, either.

  • #7830


  • #7841

    Christians stupid damn German face notwithstanding the new episode was fun.  Bryce Dallas Howard as director is interesting…

    Baby Yoda is marketing genius

  • #7944

    This show is really not good. They didn’t even bother to try an put a twist on the story. How may times have we seen that training montage?

    I did like the At-St walter as T-rex though, that was fun. Otherewise, meh.

  • #8364

    So looks like it’s my turn to be the guy yelling about how bad a show is instead of not watching it.


    This show is bullshit.

    I am properly irked by how little effort is put into the plot.

  • #8365

    I doubt I’ll keep watching past series 1, to be honest.  This week spent like a third of its run time basically yelling HEY REMEMBER STAR WARS, HERE’S SOMETHING FROM STAR WARS!  And when you have Ming-Na Wen in your cast, and her fight scene isn’t even as impressive as a standard setup in Agents of SHIELD despite having a crazy high budget, something is going wrong.

  • #8370


  • #8621

    I want to see how the season ends, but I’m fast-forwarding a lot right now.

    But I also wont pretend that it’s not cool to re-visit the cool and familiar. I just want the rest to be better too.

  • #8633

    I liked it.


    I think maybe you guys are a bunch of dumb jerkfaces?

  • #9041

    Ok, I’m done.

    I’ll skim the rest of the episodes. It’s as bad as bad Dr Who and I don’t have the same level of nostalgia for a Star Wars spin-off.

  • #9068

    I don’t think there’s any way that Star Wars fans will ever be able to reach a consensus.

    It seems as if every individual Star Wars fan has their own strong opinions as to what the franchise needs to be and needs to do and there is no common ground.

    I’m not sure there’s any way to overcome this.

  • #9069

    I’m jot a Star Wars fan and I’m the only person in the board that seems too be enj cloying it.




    That tells you … something …

  • #9070

    I’m jot a Star Wars fan and I’m the only person in the board that seems too be enj cloying it.




    That tells you … something …

    It tells me you’re having another stroke…

  • #9073

    Not really, I ain’t a SW fan either, and I’m not really enjoying it… I mean, it’s something to watch I guess, but it’s super mediocre. It’s kinda sad this is what D+ came up with, very underwhelming… doesn’t inspire confidence for the MCU shows… =/
    I do love the helmet desgins though, dunno who’s in charge of those, but every SW movie has some super fuckin neat helmet designs.

  • #9076

    It’s not missing any “Star Wars” though.

    It’s got Stormtroopers and Tattooine and the Cantina, it’s got Baby Yoda and the Force, it’s got all the aliens you’ve ever seen, it’s got an AT-ST and X-Wings! It’s stuffed full of Star Wars!

    Fans are being serviced here.

    What I’m disappointed in is the basic bones of the show. I think it’s badly written. Slack, predictable most of the time and only surprising when it’s inconsistent. I even think that a lot of the very expensive action scenes are badly paced boring.

    This isn’t annoying me the way the newer movies are, my issues are not the creative choices with how they’ve changed things, because nothing here has changed, this is old school Star Wars, through and through. It’s just being made into very dull TV.

    The phrase “all style and no substance” has never been truer.

  • #9077

    Indeed… it’s dull, but it’s the most SW-thing I’ve seen… ever… xD
    That’s probably why the hardcore fans are so all over this.

  • #9078

    Well, youre all stealing it anyway so maybe its thievers remorse

  • #9080

    That was a joke by the way.

    (I know thieves are incapable of remorse and).

    I don’t know. My expectations were non existent and I’m enjoying it as a midless romp with good production values. Ill take this over the 10 minutes of 6 Underground I just watched.  Or, lots of things, frankly.

  • #9085

    I don’t think there’s any way that Star Wars fans will ever be able to reach a consensus.

    It seems as if every individual Star Wars fan has their own strong opinions as to what the franchise needs to be and needs to do and there is no common ground.

    I’m not sure there’s any way to overcome this.

    Why do they need to overcome that, though?




  • #9086

    I don’t understand how a show can make people so jaded after six episodes.

    I watched the recent one with Steve’s comment about no bones in mind and I’m still baffled. The episode set up a prison heist crew,  heist, double cross, and resolution in 40 minutes. That’s about the same bones you’d see in most other television shows of that length.

    I also liked seeing Bill Burr, Clancy Brown,  Natalie Tena and Richard Aayode as the crew.  That’s not a flaw for me.


    Look, I’m not head over heels for the show – I’m checking in every week – but, Martin made this comment in another thread “‘Star Wars’ does funny things to people” and I think thats true.  I.dont understand all your hate-i-ness.

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